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Man of Steel

My favourite bit was the scene where he confronted the rude patron in the bar. For my money, the film needed some proper Clark Kent.
My favourite bit was the scene where he confronted the rude patron in the bar. For my money, the film needed some proper Clark Kent.

I'm hoping we get some more of that in the second film. Then again, with Goyer writing (not great with script, better with story kind of writer) and Snyder directing, we may get more of the same. There hasn't been a single Superman film to date that has had a great story + great action. It's always one or the other. It's annoying more than anything.
I didn't hate it. I really didn't hate. I guess you could say... I liked it? A movie directed by Zack Snyder, written by David Goyer, produced by Christopher Nolan - I thought I was destined to hate it. Instead, I'd say it was comfortably Snyder's best work. I know that's not saying much, so I'll give him a much bigger compliment: it was a good film, a film I would like to watch again at some point.

Justin hit the nail on the head when he said that this is to Superman what JJ Abram's Star Trek was to Stark Trek. Sleeker, polished, more generic - there's even lense flair. In fact, there's a lot of lense flair. If there were a lense flair competition going on between Abrams and Snyder, I can only assume Abrams is curled up in a corner somewhere, sobbing and pulling at his hair.

That was a big problem I had with it - the way it was shot. Drained of colour and, well, just like someone, somehow was following all of this on a handicam. It was fine for the Earth scenes when Clark was having a nice chat with his mum, but a massive, intricate space ship deserves better than the Battlestar Galactica treatment.

The designs also bothered me. Superman's outfit seemed like it was meant to look miltary, but it ended up looking glittery to the point that it should be in a strip club instead of a battlefield. Everything else, the ships, the Kryptonian outfits, stunk of The Chronicles of Riddick. Yes, they're very fancy and intricate, but they seemed more like something an advanced space race would wear to perform at an opera rather than to wear to a fight.

I preferred the Earth scenes to the space scenes, but they weren't as far and away better as the Earth to space scenes were in, say, Thor.

The cast was great. The supporting cast went from unremarkable - Laurence Fishburne as Perry White - to actually quite good - the shaven-headed captain whose name I didn't quite catch. I thought I was going to hate Lois Lane after her first few lines ("Oh, look how spunky I am. Where's my copy of Pantsuit Digest?") but I ended up being indifferent to her, which doesn't sound like a victory but is for a love interest in a summer blockbuster. Kevin Costner was a great choice for Papa Kent, and Russel Crowe wasn't a bad one for Jor-el. Michael Shannon should get big roles more often - he knocked Zod out of the park. And the lady Kryptonian, whose name I forget, damn. I can only assume that all Kryptonians are homosexuals if they're not jumping over themselves to breed with her.

Henry Cavill was the best of all. Superman Returns was just Brandon Routh and Bryan Singer paying tribute to Christopher Reeve and Richard Donner, but Cavill has made sure that Reeve's Superman isn't dead. He had the characteristics down perfectly. He was also great as the bloke that got beer poured over him and wanted to start making heads into pink mist but just couldn't.

The best part, and I was never expecting to say this, were the fight scenes. Maybe I've been missing out, but I've never seen anything like it. They capture the power and the scale of a fight between two (or more) superpowered beings very well, while also being well choreographed and actually entertaining to watch. There's a lot of explosions and buildings crumbling, but that's not all there is. It feels like there's a fight going on within a natural disaster. What people have been saying is right - the technology exists to put a convincing Dragon Ball Z movie to film.

The last five minutes were just what I wanted. No more "Superhero flying at camera" shots please, Hollywood. Something more quiet and poignant will do nicely.

It's not a Richard Donner film, but we had one of those and then four increasingly pale imitations, so that's alright.
I loved it, all the complaints people have said didn't bother me.

What I hated was how they just bring Jenny Olsen out of nowhere and I just have to accept this is a character I should care for.

I really liked how they only said the word Superman a couple of times.
I also loved how Superman reacted to killing Zod. Superman's code is not killing and it wasn't mentioned in the movie but it was good.
I also loved how Superman reacted to killing Zod. Superman's code is not killing and it wasn't mentioned in the movie but it was good.

I think this will be the last time we see him straight up killing someone, I think with the next movie they'll touch how killing Zod effected him & as a result he's vowed to never take another life.
I also loved how Superman reacted to killing Zod. Superman's code is not killing and it wasn't mentioned in the movie but it was good.

When I talked to you privately about superman stories that influenced the film, Exile was the one I was vague about. That would have given the end away. Exile deals with the aftermath of superman killing Zod in the comics.

Tangent time. I love how people are bitching about Supes killing Zod. He killed a powerless Zod at the end of Superman 2, and he straight up executes Zod with kryptonite in the comics. Also, people are really going to the collateral damage caused by Superman argument to shit on this movie? Where was that bullshit argument after Avengers came out?
Also, people are really going to the collateral damage caused by Superman argument to shit on this movie? Where was that bullshit argument after Avengers came out?

I use the logic Avengers destruction had been built up to (the previous 5 Marvel films) Man Of Steel's wasn't. It was still good don't get me wrong, I'm just curious how they handle the action in a sequel
I use the logic Avengers destruction had been built up to (the previous 5 Marvel films) Man Of Steel's wasn't. It was still good don't get me wrong, I'm just curious how they handle the action in a sequel

Probably, as Doc said, a more cerebral battle with Luthor and okay, less destruction heavy battles with powerful henchman. The next one will likely be more rife with drama and story than bombastic action and God-like collisions...or at least that's where it probably should go. Snyder though seems like the sort of guy who'll push for more action, especially with Nolan taking a smaller role with the story next time out and the origin now told.

As for this film, I thought it did a great job balancing between the violent, unstable nature of Kal's powers and the identity crisis being suffered by Clark. I thought the opening on Krypton was a bit long and I wasn't overly impressed with the repeated devestationj inflicted upon Metropolis especially, but I had no problem with the final battle between Zod and Supes. In fact, that was my personal highliught of the film, particularly its conclusion which I felt was a genuinley powerful moment.
People hated Superman Returns because it was trying hard to be cerebral and dramatic and Superman never got to throw down with something which was an actual threat - save a giant island made out of kryptonite. They were right to: we've finally got to the point where we can depict a convincing Superman battle on screen - let's do it. I'm more than happy to have a movie where Superman and Darkseid or Doctor Doom or Thor or whatever level the entire planet.
Oh yeah I saw this last night, the fight scenes were very good. Everything else was pretty average, pretty sure Lois Lane had more lines than Henry Cavill.

Me and a friend kind of marked out when we saw the Lexcorp truck in the background. That being said though Braniac should be the next movie villain, we've seen plenty of Lex, save him for a third/JL film if that ever gets made.
Really dig the film. So much so that I've already watched it 3 times now. I'm thinking that Lex Luther will probably be the villian in the 2nd one. I'm just hoping that Doomsday will be in the 3rd. Makes me want to go back and watch Smallville again :)
I enjoyed it a lot. It's too different from the Donner films in tone and execution to fairly compare; much like Batman Begins was to Tim Burton's Batman. I still wish they'd gone a different route other than Zod for the villain, but that's just my personal hang-up. The sequel will likely rectify that, but then comes the issue of how does the sequel raise the stakes. The Chris Nolan Batman films had a crescendo-- each villain was more dangerous and more difficult for Batman to defeat; anything short of the apocalypse in Man of Steel 2 should be a breeze for Superman to manage.
Michael Shannon is phenomenal as General Zod. Its funny because the last thing I saw him in was Bad Boys 2. He played a KKK clan member by the bame of Floyd Poteet haha

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