Making your dream WrestleMania card from past WrestleMania's?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Mod note: Be sure to give reasons as to why you choose the matches you do, or you risk receiving a warning or infraction.

ok guys like the title says if you could make your dream Wrestlemania card from every past Wrestlemania that has happened but..........

you cant use the same person twice!

you must include a ladder match!

you must have a IC title, WWE title or World title and a Streak Match doesnt matter how meny wwe or world Title matches you have!

your only allowed up to 12 matches if you want!

the Show must end with a legendary moment!

9) Randy Savage vs Ultimate Warrior WM 7
proberly Warriors best match in the WWE one of the best matches at WM a true credit to Randy Savage and his ability

8) Catus Jack/Terry Funk vs New Age Outlaws WM14
the first dumpster match and what a match it was all 4 men put on a clinic proberly the 2nd best match on the card at WM14

7) Mr T vs Roddy Piper Boxing match WM 2
for some reason i really enjoyed this match watch it and judge for youe self

6) Brock Lesner vs Kurt Angle WM 19
2 of the best pure wrestlers ever and they didnt let us down did they, back and forth action through out and kept the fans interested through out worth a watch

5) Randy orton vs Triple H vs John Cena WM 24
great triple threat match and a great ending know 1 expected Orton to win the match

4) The Rock vs Hulk Hogan WM 18
the only really dream match to happen which got built up as one and will live in our memories forever

3) Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker WM 25
without a doubt the best match ever at WM

2) Edge and Christan vs Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz TLC 2 WM 17
proberly the best TLC ever great spots and to have Rhyno, Lita and Spike involved added to the match

1) Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin WM 13
to me the greatest WM moment ever and the Match which saved the WWE from going Bankurpt because it rocketed Austin to the main event scene and made him a star which saved the WWE
Main Event
9: Hogan vs Andre WM 3
The most memorable match in Wrestlemania history. The classic moment of Hogan slamming Andre and dropping the leg for the 3 count. Also the call by Jesse Ventura and Gorilla Monsoon even makes this match even more memorable.

8: Savage vs Steamboat WM 3
In my opinion THE best match in Wrestlemania history. Stole the show in an iconic PPV that people still rave about today. Pushed Savage to the upper limits of the WWE and finally rewarded Steamboat for his ability. Too bad it didn't last for The Dragon.

7: Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude WM 5
To me Warrior's best match. Rude really made him work. Plus Rude finally captures the gold and becomes one of the best IC Champs in WWE history.

6: Bret Hart vs Steve Austin WM 13
Match that kickstarted the Austin 3:16 era and the Anti-USA Bret Hart era. Even today this match holds up and was the seed for the "Attitude" Era.
Triple Threat Ladder Match
5: Dudleyz vs Hardyz vs E&C WM 2000
Iconic match filled with great spots. At the time these three teams were the best in the world and was the peak of when the WWE Tag Titles meant something.

4: Undertaker vs Jake Roberts WM 8
Jake Roberts' last match in WWE until the mid 1990's. First time you saw someone kick out of Roberts DDT and elevated Taker into the "face" role.

Ladder Match
3: Razor Ramon vs HBK WM 10
The match that started it all. That elevated the Ladder Match into the atmosphere. Reason I have it 3rd on the card is you don't want to burn out the crowd.

2: Roddy Piper vs Adrian Adonis WM 3
Good story and good psychology in the match. Plus was supposed to be Piper's swan song. Also ending helped solidify a new face in Beefcake.

Opening Match:
1: Honky Tonk Man vs Brutus Beefcake WM 4
Was a solid match and was supposed to be the start of the push for Brutus to take IC belt...but injury forced him out of SummerSlam and Ultimate Warrior gets belt instead.
(1) CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio (WM26): This was a quick but exciting match that culminated one of last year's best feuds. I feel like it would make a great opener for a Mania hybrid.

(2) Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart (WM10)

(3) Edge/Christian vs. The Hardyz vs. The Dudleys (WM2000)

(4) Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage (WM3)

(5) The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton (WM21): Difficult decision when it comes to a Streak match. I really liked this one though because while Orton was the "Legend Killer" he was at the top of his game and he could have been the one to conceivably defeat the Undertaker.

(6) Triple H vs. John Cena (WM22): Arguably the best Cena match at Wrestlemania, and his defeated Triple H really brought him over the edge as the face of the WWE.

(7) Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho (WM19): My personal favorite Mania match, with my personal favorite two wrestlers. Enough said.

(8) Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar (WM19): Such an amazing rivalry.

(9) The Rock vs. Steve Austin (WM19): Do we really have to ask why? It's Rock and Austin at Wrestlemania.

So...I didn't really mean to make the 3 main events all from the same PPV, but 19 really was one of the all time greats, probably the best in terms of main event quality matches (the under card is what really held it back). Also, you may recogize that outside of the Steamboat/Savage classic, there really are no older Mania bouts. The oldest you get is the Hart rivalry from Mania 10. I could have easily thrown in Hogan/Andre from III but I didn't because I thought it would upset the flow of the event. That match was a classic moment in wrestling history, but after recently re-watching all the old Wrestlemania events, I realized that the style of wrestling has dramatically changed, and that match would probably kill the momentum of my "perfect Wrestlemania" card. All the matches I have listed are there because they were either quick-paced, brilliantly wrestled match-ups, or they are methodical and leave a story in the ring. Hogan vs. Andre may be a "vintage" moment in history, but it isn't that exciting and to be honest, it's really slow and clumsy. A good fifth of the match is Andre putting Hogan in a bear hug. So, there's my reasoning. I hope you all enjoyed my choices. Also, sorry to the Batista, Flair, Guerrero, and Benoit fans out there. Unfortunately, all of their matches had a guy that I wanted to use already, so they got left behind. They are greats, but they just didn't fit.
Opener: Bret Hart v. Owen Hart WM10 Will forever be the best WM opener ever
2: Shawn Michaels v. Chris Jericho WM19 This and HBK/Taker/25 are the two greatest matches Ive ever seen, but I took this one. A wrestling clinic.
3: Eddie Guerrero v. Rey Mysterio WM21 Cant think of a reason why not
4: Kurt Angle v. Chris Benoit WM17 Another clinic. Amazing mid card!
5: Roddy Piper v. Goldust (Backlot Brawl) WM12 Had to get Piper in somewhere. One of a kind
6: MITB 2: Flair,M Hardy,Shelton,Finlay,Lashley,RVD WM22 Great, random talent and I love Flair climbing that ladder, and falling off..
7: Edge v. Foley (Hardcore) WM22 Mania in its most brutal form
8: Randy Savage v. Ricky Steamboat (ICT) WM3 Vintage Classic
9: Triple H v. Undertaker (NHB) WM17 (or maybe 27) Still Trips best WM match
10: Batista v. John Cena (WM26) Face it, neither had a classic Mania match and its still a classic on paper
11: Stone Cold v. The Rock (WM17/19) Of course
12: Hulk Hogan v. Ultimate Warrior (WM6) (WWE T) The Immortal hulk Hogan loses his strap for the first time in a non-contreversial fashion one on one. Thats classic
Opener: Kurt Angle v Chris Jericho v Chris Beniot (WM 2000) A really good wrestling match, and one of the most underratted 3 way matches. (only one fall and for the European championship)
2: CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio (WM 26) a good match and one that I think would fit in the card
3: Hulk Hogan Vs Ultimate Warrior (WM 6) had to have Hogan on the card and I would say this is probably his best Wrestlemania match with the people I had left
4: Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat (WM3) next to shawn vs taker at 25 the greatest match in the history of Wrestlemania (ICT)
5:Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie vs New Age Outlaws (WM14) had to find a way to get mick foley in as he just is awesome.
6: Triple H vs Randy Orton (WM 25) the build up to the mach was amazing even if the match was not but I would change it so that Orton either wins or has more of an offense.
7: Hardyz vs Dudleys vs Edge and Christian (WM X-Seven) the second TLC match and in my opion the best match that they had (Tag Team)
8: Vince McMahon vs Shane McMahon (WM X-Seven) A good street fight that had a great build and a brilliant blow off with Llinda coming out of her coma and Trish turning Face. Just a shame this match led to the invasion angle
9: Undertaker vs Ric Flair (WM X8) a great match and one that I still re watch to this day. (streak match)
10. Austin vs Rock (WM19) the nly match that they had at wrestlemania that is not for the world title because you have to have Austin and Rock at Wrestlemania
11: Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart (WM 12) this match was just amazing and kept you on the edge of your seat till the end (WWE champ)
This was a hard one, because there are so many great matches with Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart that picking just one of theirs is not easy.

1) British Bulldogs vs. The Dream Team (WM 2) - A lot of people overlook that WrestleMania, possibly because of having too many guest stars and taking place in 3 cities, but this was still a good old-school tag team match.

2) Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat (WM 3) - Hogan and Andre may have topped the bill, but this stole the show and considered one of the greatest I-C title matches ever.

3) Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (WM 13) - Bret had a lot of matches that could have been used, but this match was my favorite of his. This match also MADE Austin's career in the WWF.

4) Edge & Christian vs. Hardys vs. Dudleys (TLC 2 - WM 17) I thought the first match at WM 16 was great, but they managed to top themselves a year later. True, they needed to add Rhyno, Spike and Lita, but they did it.

5) The Rock vs. Hollywood Hogan (WM 18) - Icon vs. Icon. The two biggest personalities in wrestling history square off, and they did not disappoint.

6) Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar (WM 19) - What happens when an Olympic gold medalist and an NCAA heavyweight champion square off? One of the greatest matches ever in WrestleMania history.

7) Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James (WM 22) - Gotta have a women's match. This one had a great story leading up to it and it was voted Greatest WWE Women's Championship Match by

8) Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (WM 25/26) - This was the hardest part, picking WHICH Shawn Michaels match to include. There's a reason he earned the nickname "Mr. WrestleMania" - he's had so many great matches on the big stage. In the end, I decided to go with either of his matches against the Undertaker. "Mr. WrestleMania" vs. "The man who has never lost at WrestleMania". A clash of the titans and the perfect way to end the show.
Ok Wrestlemania Dream Card Matches

1. Opening Match Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit from Wrestlemania 17 Great techinical battle loved watching this match personally.

2. Money in the Bank Match Wrestlemania 26 Jack Swagger Dolph Ziggler Shelton Benjamin Drew Mcintyre Christian MVP Matt Hardy Evan Bourne Kofi Kingston and Kane Winner Jack Swagger

3. Edge vs Mick Foley Hardcore Match from Wrestlemania 22. Was defining moment of Edge as breakout as Rated R Superstar had lot of great bumps.

4. Intercontinental Title Match Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Wrestlemania 8. Great wrestling match between two WWE Legends was Roddy Pipers Best wrestling Match Ever and was the Great start to the best there was the best there is and the best there ever will be!

5. Retirement Match Randy Savage vs The Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 7 In my thoughts best Retirement Match in WWE.

6. Hulk Hogan vs Vince McMahon Street Fight Wrestlemania 19 Great match a bloodbath between 2 Icons

7. Triple H vs John Cena Wrestlemania 22 Great Title Match This Match made Cena be Put over as new face of WWE

8. Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker Best Wrestling Match Ive seen to date Two Icons making each other the best at what they do.

9.Lawerence Taylor vs Bam Bam Bigelow Wrestlemania 11

10. Stev Austin vs The Rock Wrestlemania 15 Great Match The Two Biggest Stars in WWE.
11. DIVA BATTLE ROYAL!!!!!!!!!-.....Relax, I am only kidding.

10. Randy savage vs. Ricky steamboat- Intercontinental championship- Wrestlemania 3- I don't care if it's for nostalgic reasons or not, but it's one of the greatest matches in WM history, not many people will aruge with that....

9. Goldust vs roddy piper- Parking lot brawl- Wrestlemania 12- Kind of a weird choice, but I really love this match :)

8. Batista vs. The Undertaker- World heavyweight Championship- Wrestlemania 23- One of my favorite all-time Undertaker matches, this was also the match that made me respect batista a lot more than I already did.

7. The Rock vs. Hulk hogan- Wrestlemania 18- In no means a wrestling clinic, but an all-time classic nonetheless.

6. Triple H vs. John cena vs. Randy orton-WWE Championship- Wrestlemania 24- A classic triple Threat match that is sadly overlooked by many.

5. Stone cold vs. Bret hart- Wrestlemania 13- This is the best match of the night at WM 13, and deservedly so.

4. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt angle- Wrestlemania 21- One of my favorite Wrestlemania matches from two of my favorites all-time competitors!

3. Kane vs. The Big show vs. Raven Hardcore match- Wrestlemania 17- A kick-ass hardcore match that went all around the arena!

2. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie guerrero- Wrestlemania 21- A very underrated match by 2 extremely talented individuals.

1. Edge and Christian vs. The Hardys vs. The Dudleys- TLC match Wrestlemania 17- Fanastic TLC match that truly is one of the greatest Wrestlemania matches of all-time
1. Opening Match Wrestlemania 17 Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Great Technical Match between two of the best in the industry at time.

2. Wrestlemania 8 Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper Intercontinental Title Match My Favortie Intercontinental Title Match. Was Roddy Piper's Best Wrestling Match and Last Wrestlemania Wrestling Match till Wrestlemania 12.

3. Wrestlemania 2000/16 Triple Threat Ladder Match for WWE Tag Team Championship Edge and Christian vs Matt and Jeff Hardy vs The Dudley Boys This began the 3 of the epic ladder matches between these three great tag teams.

4. Wrestlemania 7 Retirement Match The Ultimate Warrior vs The Macho Man Randy Savage. Was an epic match best career ending match up till Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels and was great having Miss Elizabeth reunite with Randy Savage at the end

5. Wrestlemania 17 Street Fight Vince McMahon vs Shane McMahon. The Mcmahons were great thru this whole storyline. Great Match between father and son. Very Entertaining

6. Wrestlemania 19 Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels. A great match between two of the best in the industry. Both put on an amazing match and brought out best in one another like Steamboat vs Macho Man at WM3.

7. Wrestlemania 2 The British Bulldogs vs The Dream Team (Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake). In my opinion best Tag Match at Wrestlemania next to The Hart Foundation vs The Nasty Boys and the Triple Threat Tag Matches between Edge Christian/ The Hardy Boys/ and The Dudleys

8. Wrestlemania 23 The Undertaker vs Batista World Heavyweight Title. Was Great Match and Streak Match for Undertaker. Undertaker 15-0

9. Wrestlemania 22 John Cena vs Triple H WWE Championship Match. Great Match Put over John Cena as the new man to carry WWE's shoulder for future.

10. Wrestlemania 15 Steve Austin vs The Rock for WWE Championship First Great Match between 2 icons of Attitude Era.

11. Wrestlemania 3 Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The Match that drew biggest crowd to date and two historical icons one breaking out and Andre giving up title for Hogan. Hulkamania runs Wild
Money in the Bank, Wrestlemania XXIII
Mr. Kennedy vs King Booker vs Finlay vs Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy vs CM Punk vs Randy Orton vs Edge
Reason: Personally my favorite MITB match. Even though Kennedy never really got to use it, it was awesome seeing him win. On top of that all the Spots in this match were insane, plain and simple.

Inter-promotional Match, Wrestlemania XXI
Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle
Reason: Plain and simple, this is the best match I've ever seen. Spots, near falls, submissions, high flying, technical, etc. It literally had EVERYTHING.

Singles Match, Wrestlemania XIV
Undertaker vs Kane
Reason: Finally seeing Undertaker and Kane go at it after months of teasing and Kane running wild on the whole roster. How many Tombstones was it, 3? Awesome WM moment between two of the best big men in history.

Singles Match, Wrestlemania X
Owen Hart vs Bret Hart
Reason: This, in my opinion, was the best opening WM match ever. These two performers' ring psychology and pure knowledge of each other made it a remarkable match.

Singles Match, Wrestlmania III
Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant
Reason: Defining moment in WWE history. One of the most important moments in wrestling history and really made Wrestlemania, Wrestlemania.

Undisputed Championship, Wrestlemania XVIII
Chris Jericho vs Triple H
Reason: I think this is one of the better matches these two have had. It gets lost because of Rock vs Hogan, but this match was great. Not to mention you add Stephanie to the mix.

Main Event:
WWE Championship Match, Wrestlemania XV
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock
Reason: Pitting the two biggest stars ever in the main event. It was a great match with lots of twists,turns, and ups and downs. Simply put: Rock vs Austin IS WM.
1. Interpromotional Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle - I guess it was a little overrated at the time, but it was a very good match with two great talent.

2. World Heavyweight Championship Match: Batista vs. The Undertaker - I don't like Batista that much, but Undertaker and him worked a very good match, and I was very pleased with it.

3. WWE Championship Match: The Rock vs. Steve Austin - This match was great. Pure genious by the three men involved. I couldn't believe it when I saw the double turn happen, just great match and great environment. And I will never forget Jim Ross on the commentary, pure gold.

4. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant - The match itself was very bad. But it changed the landscape of the WWF/WWE forever.

5. TLC - I'm not a big fan of spotmonkeys per say (Jeff Hardy as an example) but I was very pleased with this match, I'm afraid that was the last time the tag team championships were made to look so good...

6. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero - Not a fan of Rey Mysterio lately, but it was very good to see two tag team champions facing each other, and it was the start of a nice feud between these two, unfortunately there were some pieces of the story that weren't that good (Dominic)

7. Mick Foley vs. Edge - What can I say? I don't like ECW's style of matches, I don't like hardcore wrestling but this was very good storytelling, and Mick Foley is just great. This match made Edge.

8. Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker II - I just couldn't let this match out of the card. Undertaker and HBK would work two matches at this Wrestlemania, but I'm sure they could work that off, eheh.
"ok guys like the title says if you could make your dream Wrestlemania card from every past Wrestlemania that has happened but..........

you cant use the same person twice!

you must include a ladder match!

you must have a IC title, WWE title or World title and a Streak Match doesnt matter how meny wwe or world Title matches you have!

your only allowed up to 12 matches if you want!

the Show must end with a legendary moment!"

#11 E&C vs. Hardy's vs. Dudley's- TLC Part 2 WM 17

#10 Chris Benoit vs. MVP US Title Mania 23- Benoit's last Mania.

#9 Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle- Wrestlemania 20- WWE Title- Eddie's shining moment.

#8 Rey Mysterio vs. JBL- Wrestlemania 25 IC Title- 21 seconds baby

#7 John Cena vs. The Big Show- U.S. Title- Wrestlemania 20 Remember when Cena was cool? I do. He was so awesome here.

#6 The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock IC Title WM 14

#5 Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan- WM 6- IC Title vs. WWF Title- The Ultimate Challenge- what a moment.

#4 Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage- IC Title- Wrestlemania 3- One of the greatest WM matches, IMO a top five in Mania history. Yes I said it.

#3 Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart- Wrestlemania X- CLASSIC

#2 The Undertaker vs. The Big Bossman- Hell in a Cell- Wrestlemania XV- People always say this match sucks and I don't know why.

#1 Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels WWF Championship- Austin wins and then J.R. with the classic call: "TYSON!! TYSON!!! TYSON!!! WITH THE RIGHT HAND!!!"
i can't believe NO ONE has even considered what I think IMO the greatest Wrestlemania match of all time.. the 60-minute ironman match for the WWF Championship at WM XXII between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart..

IMOHO, this match of Shawn surpasses the 2 undertaker matches.. well this is just me.. and this will be the MAIN EVENT.. the last match to end the greatest spectacle in sports entertainment..
just to be different. Its my fav mitb

IC Title Match:
Bret Hart vs Pipper WM 8
really solidified that bret was ready to take the next step forward. Also the only match I can remember (correct me if I'm wrong) where bret is busted open.

Streak Match:
Undertaker vs Deisel WM 12

Celebrity Involved Match... thing.
Hair vs Hair WM 23
let's be honest. the look on vince's face after getting his head shaved is legendary status, and an amazing WM moment.

The Rock vs Hollywood Hogan
really don't have to explain this.

WWE Championship:
Eddie Guerrerro vs Kurt Angle WMXX

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit vs HHH
greatest wrestlemania moment that never happened... but won't be forgotten.
SO I'm going to make 3 Dream wrestlemanias for me by dividing Wrestlemanias as I take matches from 1 to 10 then 11 to 18 and last 19 to 26

So Dream Wrestlemania 1 (WM matched from 1-10)

Opening Match
1. From Wrestlemania 10 Owen Hart vs Bret Hart probably both the best opening match ever for Wrestlemania and the Best Techincal Wrestling Match that put over many superstars from today. An Epic Wrestling Match.

2. From Wrestlemania 2 WWE Team Champonship The British Bulldogs with Ozzy Osbourne and Lou Albano vs The Dream Team ( Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake) with Johnny Valiant. A Great Match in Tag Team Wrestling. Is a Forgotten Match that i feel was maybe greatest Tag Team Championship Match.

3. From Wrestlemania 7 The Undertaker vs Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. And so the Streak Begins . Love The Old School Undertaker theres nothing better. Undertaker goes 1-0. Love Commentary from Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby " The Brain" Heenan.

4. From Wrestlemania 10 Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title Razor Ramon vs The HeartBreak Kid Shawn Michaels. Best One on One Ladder Match and Debut of Ladder within Wrestlemania. Shawn and Razor right next to Bret and Owen owned the show this night

5. From Wrestlemania 6 Demolition vs The Colossal Connection (Andre the Giant and Haku) with Mr Fuji WWE Tag Team Championship. Love Demolition fav WWE Tag Team and you can not have wrestlemania without Andre Love the Gentle Dominating Giant. Get to see face turn for Andre credit to Bobby the Brain Heenan

6. From Wrestlemania 3 The Honky Tonk Man with Jimmy Hart vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts with Alice Cooper. Really awesome match Great Wrestling Match. Very Entertaining Damien is unleashed on Jimmy Hart by Cooper and Roberts.

7. From Wrestlemania 2 Mr T vs Roddy Piper in Boxing Match. Talk about your Brawl for All. Great Match very entertaining between Piper and T.

8. From Wrestlemania 9 Lex Luger vs Mr Perfect. Has my fav wrestler Mr Perfect in his best Wrestlemania Match. Lex Luger and Mr Perfect Wrestlle Great Match which sees Luger getting win and leads to Elbow Shot after fall.

9. From Wrestlemania 3 Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat vs The Macho Man Randy Savage for Intercontinental Title. Nothing said but best Wrestlemania match considered by most wrestlers and fans

10. From Wrestlemania 6 The Ultimate Warrior vs Hulk Hogan Was Sad to see Hulk Hogan lose the Title being a Hulkamaniac but def was biggest match between fans of both superstars at time. Ultimate Warrior defeats Hogan and is only World Heavyweight Title Loss for Hogan at Wrestlemania
Dream Wrestlemania 2 Matches From Wrestlemania 11 to 18

Opening Match
1. From Wrestlemania 14 The New Age Outlaws vs Cactus Jack and Terry Funk Dumpster Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Awesome Tag Match Classic Hardcore Spots Between Both Tag Teams. Really put over The New Age Outlaws with the storyline leading up to the event.

2. From Wrestlemania 17 Raven vs Kane vs The Big Show Triple Threat Hardcore Championship Match Was Best Hardcore Match in WWE and Wrestlemania History. Very Entertaining Great To See Kane win match.

3. From Wrestlemania 11 Bam Bam Bigelow vs Lawerence Taylor. Loved the match even though Diesel vs Shawn should have been Main Event. However Both Men Fought a well rounded match. Also the NFL vs The Million Dollar Corporation theres nothing better.

4. From Wrestlemania 18 Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Scott Hall WWE vs NWO(WCW) Very entertaining match with Scott Hall and Austin. Austin dominates and diminishes NWO

5. From Wrestlemania 16/2000 Edge/Christian vs Matt/Jeff Hardy vs The Dudley Boyz Triangle Ladder Match for WWE Tag Team Championship. This started the TLC which ensued 2 other classic matches between the three great tag teams. I feel that this was the best cause it had only the three teams and no outside interference.

6. From Wrestlemania 17 Vince McMahon vs Shane McMahon Father vs Son Street Fight. I felt this match stole the show as far as entertainment purposes. Theres no better entertatinment then the McMahon's at Battle with one another. Great storyline and buildup to match.

7. From Wrestlemania 16 Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle Two Falls Triple Threat Match for The Intercontinental Title and European Title. Great Match involving 3 best Technicians of there area def was best wrestling match of night. My favorite Intercontinetal Title Match of this period.

8. From Wrestlemania 17 Triple H vs The Undertaker The first meeting between two icons before Wrestlemania 27. Great match with sick spots all over The Astrodome. Undertaker win improves him to 10-0.

9. From Wrestelmania 18 The Rock vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan Icon vs Icon. Great Match that put two biggest Icons of there Era shine upon one another. Turns Hogan over to Face but doesn't matter to true Hogan fans. Hulkamania or NWO Hogan is almighty especially with Wrestlemania

10. From Wrestlemania 12 Bret Hart vs HBK Shawn Michaels Iron Man Match for WWE Championship. What can i say best two wrestlers in business/only Iron Match ever to take place at Wrestlemania and my favorite Wrestlemania Match all time
John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H (Wrestlemania XXIV)
You need to have Cena in there to warm up the crowd and this was a fantastic match. Throw in Orton and Triple H as well, it's a dandy.

Edge vs. Mick Foley — Hardcore Match (Wrestlemania XXII)
One of the best ones I've ever seen. Edge is quite underrated in these match types and Foley is a nut.

TLC 2 (Wrestlemania 17)
Just too many spots to mention in this match. The crowd was crazy behind it.

Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat (Wrestlemania III)
One of the greatest matches in Wrestlemania history. Can't say enough about this one.

The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan (Wrestlemania X8)
Wrestlemania needs to have one of those Icon vs. Icon matches and this was it. The crowd was way behind them and I could only imagine what it would do for the rest of the card.

Co-Main Event — Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker (Wrestlmania XXV)
Better than the one a year later, IMO. This was far more more unpredictable and it seemed like they gave more of themselves to 'Wow' the crowd. It would warm up the crowd so much for the main event.

Main Event — Stone Cold vs. Bret Hart (Wrestlemania XIII)
Just an iconic moment with Stone Cold bleeding out at the end. That's the moment that sticks out in my mind and I'm sure many other people's.
Dream Wrestlemania 3 Matches from WM 19 to 26

Opening Match
1. From Wrestlemania 22 Edge vs Mick Foley in Hardcore Match. Def is the best and last hardcore match seen at Wrestlemania and it deserves to be because it is the best. Def brings Edge over as Rated R Superstar and credit to Mick Foley who did just that for Edge.

2. From Wrestlemania 24 Money in the Bank Ladder Match (CM Punk vs Shelton Benjamin vs Chris Jericho vs Carlito vs MVP vs Mr Kennedy vs John Morrison) Was favorite Money in the Bank next to the first match. Def loved seeing Cm Punk get the win. Everybody in match brought there A-game.

3. From Wrestlemania Wrestelemania 19 Trish Stratus vs Victoria vs Jazz Triple Threat Match for WWE Women's Championship. Def was best Women's Wrestling Match in my view. All of the talent did great job in match.

4. From Wrestlemania Wrestlemania 25 Rey Mysterio vs JBL Intercontinental Title Match One is the only Intercontinental Title Match at the PPV in 9 years. JBL makes his Wrestlemania moment buy quitting after the match.

5. From Wrestlemania XX/20 John Cena vs The Big Show United States Championship Match Def Was Marquee Match that would propel Cena forward has the new star and leader of company. Big Show did great job putting over Cena with the match. Feel was Big Show's Best Wrestlemania Match even comparing to Wrestlemania 25 Triple Threat Match for World Heavyweight Championship.

6. From Wrestlemania 26 Randy Orton vs Ted Dibiase vs Cody Rhodes Triple Threat Match. the Battle that ends legacy but will bring forward top talent
in WWE today with Orton Dibiase and Rhodes.

7. From Wrestlemania 19 Hulk Hogan vs Vince McMahon Street Fight Best Street Fight at Wrestlemania Two Icons who Started it All unleash a Bloodbath upon one another. Love Vince and Hogan very entertaining.

8. From Wrestlemania 21 Triple H vs Batista World Heavyweight Championship Match Great Wrestling Match having the two Power Men in wrestling going at one another. Triple H was sick with the bloodloss in the match. Batista wins heavyweight Title unleashing the animal on WWE.

9. From Wrestlemania 19 The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. Don't Have to say nothing more but is Austin's Last Wrestling Match at Wrestlemania and Who better to have your last with then The Rock. The Rock gets his first win against Austin and last win at Wrestlemania.

10. From Wrestlemania Wrestlemania 19 Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar WWE Championship. Def the best overall Championship Match with Pure Wrestling from two of greatest amateur turned professional Wrstlers. Probably the match that will not be discussed or shown again within WWE but It was what it is for the time.

11. From Wrestlemania 26 Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker Streak vs Carrer Match Both matches are hard to choose form as one. Wrestlemania 25 was the better match between both icons i feel but Wrestlemania 26 had more value to it being Shawn's last wrestlemania and being Mr. Wrestlemania so special to all wrestling fans.

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