Making the WWE exciting again

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Dark Match Jobber
As we all know, the WWE used to be one of the most exciting things to watch on television. The Programming was creative and entertaining and the ppv's were truly worth every single penny. Nowadays, the E has become a former shell of itself. I used to mtfo on mondays just because there was raw at 9. Now i can barley sit through it and only watch it because im a die hard fan. :worship: So what can the wwe do to make things interesting again???

1. Stop having ppv's every 3 weeks
I really think that if the wwe had a ppv every month, more people would buy the ppv's. I mean fueds would have a week more of tv time and people could digest the last ppv and look foward to the next one. Too many ppvs makes matches easily forgetable. The e should stick with just 12 ppvs.

2. Limit the Comedy
Everyone knows that having comedy in the wwe is needed. It gives a break from all the action and i have no problem with a segment of santino making me laugh. :lmao: But the WWE has to know when to stop. For ex. last night we had 20min of dx in a comedy segment with macman. hahah great 2 old guys making fun of another old guys age. Then we had a comedy match with the miz vs Santino. Then we had another match with hornsowgle and chavo. Then we had the jillian segement. Then we had the dx plug ins. Enough is Enough. :wtf: And we wonder y theres no time for Kofi to wrestle. Have one or two segement so theres enough time for some people like the fn us champ to wrestle......

3. Too many belts
There are 8 belts across about 3 brands, if u count the unified tag titles as a championship. Too many belts = belts losing prestige. I say get a unified divas championship and let the divas fight over 1 title across all 3 brands. That way we see less diva matches and less belts. :boobies:

4. Bring back the King of the Ring
One concept of the wwe that i really miss is the king of the ring. Back in the day, for all of u who dont know, there was a ppv tournament to decide who was the king of the ring, and i beleive the winner got a future title shot, i dont really remember. Anyway, i think that the king of the ring should return yearly on a 3 hour raw, and maybe instead of the winner getting a title shot, the winner gets to choose which number they come out in the royal rumble. I think that would be exciting to watch. :blush:

ANYWAY i know this thread probably has been done a million times but im too lazy to find it. SO do u guys agree with me or do u have better ideas? :shrug:
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