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Making "ECW" a whole new show!


Getting Noticed By Management
This is my first started thread on WZ forums, so please bear with me.

I would like to see ECW changed to a "under 225lbs" show. Maybe even less then 225, but obviously the weights of the wrestlers are what we are told anyway. So there is obvious le-way. I know Vince got rid of the lightweight championship for a reason, but Im not saying bring that title back. Im saying make ECW a "lightweight" show. But you still use the ECW title. Bring back the TV title as the undercard title. Then have a ECW tag-team championship introduced.

I would NEVER have anyone from RAW or Smackdown EVER come onto ECW. Treat it like its not related to either of the 2 "big shows" in any way. Even during "drafts", nobody should move. The "drafts" would only be between Raw & Smackdown from now on. ECW would be like "WWE-LITE"

The fact that Vince is finally starting to sign and push "smaller-guys" should be a sign of the times(maybe) - you just never know with Vince. But with the recent signing of Danielson & Mcguinness, along with the possibility that Vince wants more ROH guys- I think this is easily doable. I also think this would make ECW ratings sky-rocket!! Lots of actual wrestling that involves all the hi-flying aspects of the "sport". I wouldnt take proven contenders like Punk, Morrison & Kofi and move them. I would just always have to announce those guys weights as more then my 225lbs cut-off. Also: someone like Tyson Kidd would remain in The Hart Dynasty tag-team on Smackdown. Same with JTG of Cryme Tyme.

Guys that would have to leave ECW for Raw or Smackdown in my scenario:
Regal, Kozlov, E.Jackson (keeping them together is fine, just do it on another show)
Benjamin, Burchill, Sheamus, Washington, Reks, Gabriel are all still young & worth keeping IMO.
Current ECW guys that stay:
Christian- just until things really get rolling. Then a angle is run where: he misses weight and is stripped of the title and has to move on to RAW or Smackdown. Hurricane and Ryder stay also. Yoshi is a toss-up. He could go either way. I'll keep him in ECW for now.
Dreamer, Goldust, Atlas are all given thier walking papers. Offering Tommy & maybe Dustin jobs behind the scenes wouldnt be bad. I'd almost be willing to let Dreamer book ECW. But we all know Vince wont let it happen. Cuz if he did, Paul Heyman would be the guy I want running "my ECW" show. Too bad Vince's ego is too big to allow Paul to control it!

Superstars that would move to ECW from RAW or Smackdown in my scenario:
From RAW-Bourne, Chavo, Carlito, Noble, Santino & Primo
From SD- Jesse, Wang-Yang, Fu-Naki, Hawkins & Mysterio. I know Rey is proven, but he's like 150lbs! He'll be a great locker room leader in ECW

Superstars from RAW & SD that are let go to make room for the guys moving over from ECW:
Finlay- give him his behind the scenes job back. Khali, Festus, Hornswoggle & Hacksaw. I cant believe Duggan is still employed in WWE. But he can STILL get the crowd goin, as soon as he steps onto the stage! But its over for Hacksaw.

My "final roster" for the new ECW & where I would slot them(obviously- subject to change):
Main Event: Christain(for now), Mysterio, Yoshi, Ryder, Carlito, Bourne, Danielson, McGuinness. Maybe even Santino
Mid-Card TV title: Chavo, Noble, Primo, Jesse, Hawkins
OR maybe I skip the TV title and try to just put some tag-teams together
Wrestlers from other organizations that could also be brought in:
The FCW website doesnt show Bios, and I dont know the size of alot of those guys- so Im kinda winging this: Rotundos as a tag-team, Kaval- I know hes under 225. Why do I have this thought that Colt Cabana & Eric Escobar were a tag-team at one point? Not sure of thier weights tho. Or if Scotty Goldman:disappointed: would come back to WWE even.
Some possible ROH guys: Im totally winging it here- Tyler Black & Jimmy Jacobs as a tag-team. I cant find a bio on jacobs, on the ROH website. Briscoes make alot of sense, obviously. I would love to have Aries- but I would assume ROH will pay him big to stay. Roderick Strong.
Other possibilities: Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave

OK...This took alot longer then I expected it to. Sorry for the length of my 1st started thread. So what do you guys think? Good idea or do I just have too much time on my hands??
I would like to see ECW changed to a "under 225lbs" show. Maybe even less then 225, but obviously the weights of the wrestlers are what we are told anyway. So there is obvious le-way. I know Vince got rid of the lightweight championship for a reason, but Im not saying bring that title back. Im saying make ECW a "lightweight" show. But you still use the ECW title. Bring back the TV title as the undercard title. Then have a ECW tag-team championship introduced.

Lord Sidious is going to love you a lot.

I totally agree, but only if there's a fourth show for developing new stars rather than just having lighter wrestlers.

Yes, normally I argue that there's too many WWE shows but you need to remember ECW is doing fine already as its purpose of developing stars.

That being said, I hate what's happening to lighter wrestlers in the WWE at the moment just because Vince loves his big men (insert some form of sexual disturbing innuendo here).

Evan Bourne for example, is in a feud with Chavo due to Hornswoggle on RAW. This couldn't be any shitter. The same two men could be in a more serious feud which is more about their athleticism on a new platform like you've suggested here.

Therefore, I'd like your idea if either:
A. They bring in a fourth show purely for development.
B. They make this the fourth show and keep ECW the way it is.

The only problem is, if this show happened- would they then make a HEAVY GUYS show? And would this be the start of a trend of WEIGHT-CLASS shows in the same way that WWE is ****ing out the Gimmick PPVS?

Really nice thread though :)
They Should make ecw a light show and then bring back the european title to be the shoes mid card title along with the ecw tag titles
You do make a lot of great points. But with the way ECW is going right now, it's the most entertaining show consistantly each week. It even has some of the best matches every single week. Plus look at the guys that ECW has groomed into single superstars. Morrison and Punk just to name a few. It's also a ground for where superstars get re-built. Jackson and Kozlov are perfect examples of this. I hated the way Kozlov was booked from the moment he debuted. Just running over every single person, to then be destroyed by HHH, then subsequently losing like his next 4 or 5 matches (I believe one was even to Jeff Hardy). Kozlov needs to be given a gimmick where he can cut a promo or something. I'm never big on foreign stars coming in and being pushed because then their ring talent is all they have. In this business, you have to be able to cut a promo and get the fans to give you love or give you heat. Jackson will be able to do this. I look for him to become a great dominant force in the WWE in the coming years. And as we know... he's being groomed in ECW.

The only problem I have with making ECW a totally lightweight show is the same thing Planty said above. Would there have to be a show exclusive to everyone over that to develope talent? Would these sub-225 guys eventually be allowed to take part in the main shows? Sure the ECW idea you have would develop great talent under the 225 lb. mark, but how would you develop someone like Batista or Cena if they were to be a new superstar and just come into the business? From what I gather, he'd have a much harder time having to do that on a show where there's many superstars to work through on your way to the top.
What they really need to do is bring back the old Television Championship and have all the newbies duke it out over that and then when they're over enough have them run at the ECW title. Simple fix and a title that changes hands every few weeks = ratings.
I like your idea of making ECW a light-heavyweight show. I do agree that ECW does need another title. I doubt that ECW will be made into that type of show mainly because of the fact that its setting limits. A couple of people have already stated that if they make a light-heavyweight show, then they're might be a heavy guy show. Thats not good because each show needs variety otherwise it can become stale boring a repetitious. They are already starting gimmick PPV's which IMO is a bad idea. Anyways love the idea but it just won't happen, ECW is a development show, its basically used to get guys over or in some cases puts certain guys there to keep of the main shows.
Can I suggest keeping ECW as it is and using Smackdown as the light-heavyweight show? Maybe not just light heavyweight but more athletic? Keeping wrestlers like CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Morrison, Ziggler etc. but moving Undertaker etc. to Raw. Maybe even bring Michaels back down too?

Less talking, more athletic ability, and more of a showcase, maybe aimed at a slightly older audience. Here you get to keep ECW as the training ground (better than the ****e of a programme it became after WWE first raped the good name of ECW).

Also how about having a grade where a wrestler from ECW can earn a call up to Raw or Smackdown? Defend your title for 20 matches in a row and get the call up, or something there abouts? sorry to stray from the topic there though!
I do like the idea of having ecw as a lighweight brand because it will be fresh and exciting. I always liked cruiserweights because they seemed to sometimes put on really good high-flying, exciting matches. But on the other-hand, i dont think you can have a whole brand as lightweights. I just think that after awhile everyone will begin their bitching because it got "stale".

I Dont think a fourth show (actually 5 counting superstars) will be the answer at all. As so many people have stated before, the over-exposure of the product may be hurting WWE, and with 5 shows, thats a little ridiculous. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday 1-2 times a month, plus another day is just too much.

Overall I personally like the idea of a lightweight show, but just dont think it would work.
Good fucking Lord, is it 2005 all over again, when the ICW creams itself over little guys who can't catch heat with a keg of kerosene and a blowtorch?

Awful scenario. ECW needs to be a show to build talent, not put a bunch of guys who will never amount to anything together and let the show bomb. Furthermore, if you make the whole show under a certain weight, then that completely erases the ability to do that on other shows, which takes away some variety in the matches fans can watch.

Terrible idea.
You do make a lot of great points. But with the way ECW is going right now, it's the most entertaining show consistantly each week. It even has some of the best matches every single week. Plus look at the guys that ECW has groomed into single superstars. Morrison and Punk just to name a few. It's also a ground for where superstars get re-built. Jackson and Kozlov are perfect examples of this. I hated the way Kozlov was booked from the moment he debuted. Just running over every single person, to then be destroyed by HHH, then subsequently losing like his next 4 or 5 matches (I believe one was even to Jeff Hardy). Kozlov needs to be given a gimmick where he can cut a promo or something. I'm never big on foreign stars coming in and being pushed because then their ring talent is all they have. In this business, you have to be able to cut a promo and get the fans to give you love or give you heat. Jackson will be able to do this. I look for him to become a great dominant force in the WWE in the coming years. And as we know... he's being groomed in ECW.

The only problem I have with making ECW a totally lightweight show is the same thing Planty said above. Would there have to be a show exclusive to everyone over that to develope talent? Would these sub-225 guys eventually be allowed to take part in the main shows? Sure the ECW idea you have would develop great talent under the 225 lb. mark, but how would you develop someone like Batista or Cena if they were to be a new superstar and just come into the business? From what I gather, he'd have a much harder time having to do that on a show where there's many superstars to work through on your way to the top.

Very well said. ECW is definitely the most entertaining show right now (Smackdown may surpass them again b/c of Morrison being IC champ now, and Taker being back). Like I've stated before, ECW is actually a legit show now. This is one of the only successful attempts of resurgence that the WWE has had, because ECW was definitely heading to the crapper.

Keep ECW what it is now, because its being utilized properly. I definitely wouldn't be opposed to adding a second title (either the tag titles, the Euro title, the ECW TV title (which would have almost as much prestige to it as when RVD had it due to ECW not having its own PPVs), or even a Lt. Heavyweight/Cruiserweight title.

Having it just be a <225 lb show would take away the prestige of the ECW Title, that they are slowly trying to rebuild again; all the champs from now on would be Cruiserweights, and it would be too predictable/confined.
Good fucking Lord, is it 2005 all over again, when the ICW creams itself over little guys who can't catch heat with a keg of kerosene and a blowtorch?

Awful scenario. ECW needs to be a show to build talent, not put a bunch of guys who will never amount to anything together and let the show bomb. Furthermore, if you make the whole show under a certain weight, then that completely erases the ability to do that on other shows, which takes away some variety in the matches fans can watch.

Terrible idea.

The ideal way to use ECW is to put talent on a major TV network and compete in front of a big audience. It's the best thing to do right now. Putting just middle and cruiserweights on this show would not work and would cause the ratings to plummet. If the cruiserweights were one facet of the ECW, then it could work. But centering a show around it? No. That would be a terrible idea. Variety is king. Monotony and consistency will kill a company or an entity of a certain wrestling promotion.
Thanks for the responses guys! & I do agree that ECW lately has been alot more impressive then it was in the past (WWECW only, obviously) I have been hoping to post this a while back, but could never start my own threads. I realized yesterday that I could do it now. I do think it could work w/o getting too stale too fast. I think SuperStars could be used for the upcoming talent, and I would just keep the bigger guys up on RAW & SD. I do think it could work with some tweeking. But all of your responses make sense.

Honestly: im just sick of watching matches that have Hornswoggle beating Chavo or Mysterio beating Big Show. It just doesnt make sense, no matter what. Sure...we all know its staged. But not 1% of me beleives that Rey can beat Show in anything physical. So i just wanna find a place to put all these smaller guys together. That way i dont have to be forced to believe that Jamie Noble can beat Eziekel Jackson in a match. Thats all

Thanks again for the responses to my Virgin Thread
Love the idea, but it just won't happen. ECW is the up and comers show and for now and the future it will remain that way. Vince is doing a good job by letting ECW just be the "C" show and have the rookies get exposure and grow and develop with the fans there. There are some nice veterans in Christian, Tommy Dreamer, Goldust, Shelton Benjamin, and Hurricane there to help all those young talents work on their skills. I'd like to see the lightheavyweight championship be brought back, but the diva's and women's titles would have to be unified so there isn't 9 titles again.

Maybe in 5 or so years this can be able to be done, but no not anytime soon. ECW is being used the right way right now, but I'd welcome the idea of a smaller guys show and a 2nd title possibly being put on there.
I have always felt that ECW should be seperated from the two main brands RAW and SmackDown and this is a great way to do so. Making ECW a high-flying cruiserweight style show would work wonderfully. It would allow for ECW to be a unique and interesting show and i think it would help it a lot. Also, it would shut up those fans who bitch about ECW not being truly "extreme" because although it isn't filled with hardcore matches it still is extreme because of the chances all the wrestlers are takne with their high flying style. However, i do not believe any more title need to be created, simply having the ECW Championship is fine.

As for the comments which say that ECW should be sused to develop young wrestlers. What's wrong with young wrestlers developing in the midcrad of RAW and Smackdown (plus they can be featured on WWE Superstars). That's how wrestling used to work and wrestling has always been to dveelop new stars in that manner. RAW and Smackdown have larger audience then ECW right now so it can expose these new stars to more people. Also, with the high flyers wrestling on ECW, ECW's ratings will in turn benefit. Everybody wins.

In conclusion, if they want to keep with this brand split (which they obviously do) then this would help it out a lot.

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