Make up your own theme music and entrance (Non-Spam Version)

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(First off, please note that this is a non-spam thread. If the rules are not properly followed, disciplinary action will be taken. If you are unsure of what our definition of spam is, read that section in our rulebook before posting.)

If you choose your own theme music and entrance for top-promotion wrestling events, what would your theme song be and how would you stage your entrance?

Here are the rules:
You could use all the pyro you want and any props that you choose but you must be television-friendly. In other words, you don't have to be 100% PG-Era but you must not break rules of anything that would be shown on the USA Network during Raw in today's product. (i.e. no naked women, blatant sexual acts, direct references to drugs, etc.)

Feel free to either use a singles entrance theme, a tag team with another poster on Wrestlezone, or a stable entrance with multiple members!! Just make sure we can see what you're describing!

Follow this criteria and create your own entrance. If we stick to the rules, this should be lots of fun. The more creative and descriptive, the better. AND NO AUTO-PLAYS ON ANY YOUTUBE VIDEOS USED IN THIS THREAD!!

My entrance theme song would be:

I would enter the arena all hyped up and play to the crowd a bit. Then, I'd turn around, face the Titantron, kneel down and raise two heavy metal devil horns in the air as pyro shoots from behind me in the shape of the devil horns I made with my hands. After the pyro goes off, I'd stroll into the ring and stand on each second turnbuckle with my devil horns in the air.

Your turn... Go!
My entrance theme:

My ring name: Mr. Perfect Powers. (or something not so lame...)

My action: I would be placed on a King's chair (ala King Bookah) with a few beautiful ladies (borderline PG clothing) and I would have a crown on. As this happens i'd raise my hands (Kane style) and summon my two bodyguards (who do all my dirty work for me). They would take me to the ring whilst i were still on my chair. Behind me, the pyro would be like Alberto del Rio's with the sparks pouring down on to the ground a gold colour and gold sparkles also on the ring posts like Kane's. They'd leave me at the steps leading to the ring and I would walk up. Whilst on the turnbuckle, I'd make a gesture to my bodyguards to either sit down or to attack someone or whatever. But, the main gist of it is to get people to think that I am God. Which, would be my gimmick. I would be a heel and people would love to embarrass me like the Miz.
The announcer would yell:

"From Stephenville Texas.... DAGGER DIAS!!!!"


The song would be Hard Rock Hallelujah by Lordi. The arena would be dark at first other than a red spotlight on me, I would rise up from a platform (similar to Angle's TNA entrance) as the organ plays in the intro. The song would then get edited to skip to the 2:19 mark, for the chorus. I strike a pose, tons of pyro goes off, the lights are on now. then I walk silently to the ring slowly as the song plays, clad in a trenchcoat and sunglasses, as a lighting effect with many colors (similar to Trips' entrance) is going on. Tons of pyro again once I hit the ring.

I've put a lot of thought into it because entrances are one of my favorite parts of wrestling events and have come up with several I would want to do if I was a wrestler but this is my personal favorite out of my many entrance ideas.
Entrance theme:


Ring Name: Seth Hunter

Hunter would have a cool and calm demeanor. He would be the silent rebel who stands alone, and he wouldn't trust just anyone. His delivery on the mic would be slow, and he would only show intense rage if he's pushed to the limit.

I would stroll to the ring as my music plays, and as I near the ring, I would stop and glare at the crowd. Once I enter the ring, I would look around at the entire audience, and a slight cocky smirk would come across my face. Oh, and if I had a title belt of any kind, I would make sure to wear it over my shoulder, because Seth Hunter doesn't want to look like a common champion.
Entrance theme:


This song has lots of energy and that's perfect for the type of wrestler I'd imagine myself to be. I haven't really thought of a name but lets go with Kappa Chaos for ease. Anyway, I'd spend the first 40 seconds or so slowly walking out on the entrance ramp and standing there, looking down at my feet, looking composed and focus. Then at the 40 second mark, where the first "IT'S MY LIFE!" blares out, that's when I burst with energy, sort of step or jump forward and sing along with the line. I took inspiration from Punk's entrance for this part, as in the way he kneels down, checks his pretend watch before making his way to the ring. I can just imagine an entire arena of fans singing those three words along with me as the trademark part of my entrance.

A pyro would go off immediately after the "IT'S MY LIFE" bit. I'm thinking like the last blast of Kofi's when he does his "Boom, boom, boom" pyro thing. Except it would be black instead of green. Anyway, then I just energetically make my way to the ring, high fiving fans in the aisle as I make my way to the ring. When in the ring, I'd stand on the ring ropes in the way Matt Hardy used to, and play to the crowd.
Metallica-No Remorse


I love the way the song starts off, going right into that awesome riff. I think it would perfectly suit a wrestler. The music would hit and at first nobody would come out until the first solo begins at the 0:10 mark. Pyro would then explode everywhere and I'd come out, running full speed to the ring. In the ring, I'd get up on each turnbuckle and either taunt or pump up the crowd, depending on whether I'm heel or face.
I would use the ring name "The Natural" Nathan Reso and would be a heel, with Tara as my valet.

As the music starts, there is a short countdown on the titantron, then as the "HUHHH!" from Josey Scotts vocals comes in, and the huge riff kicks in, the word "RESO" appears on the 'tron, and the crowd explodes into a chorus of boos.

I stroll out out onto the ramp through a wall of smoke, wearing a leather jacket, cut off denim jeans with a bandanna and long blonde hair then swing my legs apart and lean down with my hands on both thighs before raising both arms up to the sky with the index, middle and little fingers up with my fist clenched (like a Matt Hardy style hand signal). At this point there is a huge pyro explosion, with flames and explosions going on.

As I arrogantly walk down the ramp way I shout abuse at some of the fans and act like a total jerk before circling the ring once and then jumping up to the apron and posing with my arms outstretched in the Raven crucifix pose, smirking.

I would then climb through the ropes, and get onto the turnbuckle, again posing in the crucifix taunt before pointing at my chest with my thumbs and nodding my head, telling the fans that I am the man. If I was not the champion I would make the belt gesture around my waist.

Then in the ring, Tara would lean over the ropes like her TNA entrance, showing her cleavage and I would be stood behind her, again doing the crucifix pose with my head tilted back.
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