Magic 8 Ball

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Last year I used a Magic 8 ball to make decisions because of the belief I had in it. Reflecting back I realize that it was nothing more then some dye in a ball that changed based on shaking. However I think everyone at some point uses something that they believe will direct them in what they should do. I also believe in times of struggle these items are used more to try to give reason to people's lives.

So the question is what is your belief in the 8 ball and what have or are using to give you answers in your life.
Nah. I knew it was fake the moment I asked it if "I should go to the movies tomorrow" and it answered "not today". I know you know, but it is just a gag toy. Some people actually use some from a more mystical source, but at the end of the day, it's still just a ball with pre-written responses. It ain't Jumanji.
I agree with Killjoy. I dont see how someone can believe in the 8-Ball when some of the answers it gives do not make sense when put in context with the question you were asking.

If it gave only YES and NO answers, then I could understand why some people could start to be convinced with it, but it never appealled to me. I prefer to make my own judgements and decisions, rather than relying on a toy that has no mystical powers.
I took a class that had online multiple choice tests a few times a semester. The tests were actually quite difficult and annoying. I got a 70 or 75 on the first one. For the second one I had been sick and had no patience so I just used the magic 8-ball to fill in most of the test. I got an 80.
It's all luck and a coincidence. The magic 8 ball is nothing more than a toy with somewhat randomly generated results to answer questions. It is not omnipotent, it's just an object that happens to act in a way that answers what you ask it. I remember doing silly things when I was little such as asking magic 8 balls if certain girls I liked would like me back, or if wrestlers I liked would win their PPV match.... I prefer flipping a coin or using random number generators to help me with decisions. Such as the dice roller app on my phone, if I have (insert number here) of things to pick from, I will roll a (same number as decisions) sided dice on the dice roller app on my phone, which is just a random number generator when it comes down to it. It's all random and luck. However I do believe in fate to the extent that if you are meant to make a certain decision at a certain moment and you use randomly generated results to reach that decision, then it would still come to what was meant to be because it was destined. Higher powers can use anything to move you in the right path; even things like magic 8 balls, number generators, or coin flipping.
Magic 8 ball has never been my thing. I guess if I don't have a quarter or I really don't care about the decision being yes or no.

I'm a quarter flipper. If I don't feel strongly enough one way or the other, I always flip a quarter. Let God decide which side lands face up. My warning is, however... don't screw with the quarter. If you ask it, don't argue once it makes the decision. It could be the worst decision of your life.

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