Maddie McCann


Shawn Michaels ❤

It's been nearly a year and a half since this girl went missing, and still she is headlining the papers in Britain.

For those that haven't heard of her (Which I'll be surprised if you haven't tbh), she was an English girl who got abducted whilst on holiday in Portugal. However her disappearance is controversial, as she was abducted after her parents left her and her twin sisters in the hotel room alone. She was 3 years old, the twins younger. An official search was undergone, which led to her parents been named suspects in the case for almost a year. This has recently been changed. More sightings have been reported of the girl in Beligium recently.

The latest lead is that she was abducted for a peadophile ring in Belgium. An awful thought. It's one her parents private investigator is looking in to. I think this could be what happened to her. With blonde hair and green eyes, she was a gorgeous child. But how much more evidence is there of this?

But one thing I can't get my head around is her parents leaving her alone.And then someone randomly gets to that apartment, out of all apartments in the country, and finds Maddie. It doesn't add up to me.

What does everything happened to her? Did her parents do it? Was it a random abduction? Where is she now?

Furthermore, what does everyone think about the fact this one child gets so much media coverage, when out there, there are thousands of missing people?
I couldn't fathom that the parents had anything to do with it. I'm leaning more towards the abduction scenario. It just seems to fit better, especially if there have been sightings in Belgium. To be honest though. This makes me absolutely fucking sick. If I were her parents I would be up constantly trying to find her. Hopefully she gets found, and soon.
The girl is dead. Will have been for a year or so now. With that much press coverage, and that distinctive Eye, nobody could keep her. She might have been taken with the intention of not killing her. But having that much attention drawn to her will have left the people who kidnapped her with no other option. That was if she was kidnapped.

All this talk of a paedophile ring, would you really want to girl to be alive if that was the case?

I also think her parents should have those twins taken off them.
All this talk of a paedophile ring, would you really want to girl to be alive if that was the case?

If it was me, I'd rather be dead. She's 5 years old, no one deserves that. I think her parents would probably prefer her alive though. Meh, I don't know. On one hand, if she's alive, she's going through something awful but she has a chance to escape all that. But on the other hand, it could torment her for life, and lead her to wanting to be dead anyway.

I also think her parents should have those twins taken off them.

Agreed, Who in their right mind leaves 3 infants alone? Especially in a hotel room of a foreign country while you go out? Awful parents.
I'm going to go with Jake and say that there's at least a 90% probability that the girl is dead. Nobody would be able to travel round with her without being caught by the police. Likewise, you couldn't release her because then you'd also be caught by the police. The only way out would be to kill her, which is, rather sadly, what's most likely happened.

I can't imagine that pedophiles would be so desperate for one girl in particular that they'd risk life in prison, or worse. They'd probably be killed in prison by other inmates. Deservedly so.

Also, were those rumours that the parents had given the kids some sleeping tablets or something to calm them down true? Because I know they usually had a nanny to look after them.
All of the recent tabloid sensationalism is clutching at straws. Stevie Wonder could see that the girl on the CCTV footage released isn't her, she was never in Belgium, or Holland or anywhere. If they ever find her (and by this I mean her body, unfortuantely) it will be within 5 miles of where she went missing.

The sightings don't make any sense whatsoever if you look at the dates, unless she was abducted by someone who had a ticket for a tour of Beneux. Beveren-Bruge-Amsterdam-Brussels-Amsterdam-Beveren-Amsterdam? Really? No. People are desperate for closure, and I understand that, but stories like this will never acheive it. If there was a paedophile ring or whatever, wouldn't they have just taken a local child? Small and blonde are hardly attributes so rare that they're worth travelling 1000 miles for, even for a paedophile. Presumaby, anyway.

I don't understand why it's a dead cert she was abducted. She could have wandered off looking for her absent parents (I agree tht they are unfit. I can't even imagine leaving 3 children of 3 and under alone) and ended up being swept ut to sea or something. Is that really any less likely then her being taken accross Europe by a band of Paedophiles who regularly stop at garages for a quick CCTV sighting?
I tend to be with the majority, the girls dead, probably has been for a long time. If she was alive, and as Jake said, with that eye, someone surely would have found her by now. Death or the alternative, being raped by a bunch of sick mother fuckers, I'd probably prefer death. If the girl is alive, and is apart of this ring, then almost any chance of her ever having a "normal" life at this point is shot.

The bigger problem should be the parents. How these two pieces of shit are breathing fresh air is beyond me. As stated, you're in a foreign country, with three children that are barely toddlers, and you decide to leave them in a hotel room and go out at night. In a foreign country in a hotel where other people have keys to your room, what kind of parent would consciously leave their children in a situation like this. The parents are selfish bastards, and in a terrible way, they got what they had coming to them. Kharma is a bitch, the great sadness is that an innocent had to be used for the example.
I just find it very odd that the abductor would just happen to be in the same hotel and know that the kids were home in the first place. I think that the person who kidnapped her may have known her parents and knew that the kids were home. Also you can never rule out her parents. Do we know what their financial situation was? Maybe they sold her for money and made up this story. Another thing that may have happened was that some random stranger just happened to break into the hotel room and saw the girl. And since she was the only one who could identify him he kidnapped her? But was anything stolen? Whatever happened this is just a sick thing and people her do anything to kids deserve the worst. Her parents should have their kids taken away from them for being so irresponsible but they may have suffered enough(they have to leave with the guilt for either leaving them alone by themselves or for having something to do with it).
Well, that's a lot of speculation right there.

1) It was a friend or someone who knew them.

Hugely unlikely, just as it being someone in the same hotel is. It's most likely some random person just spotted her on the street and decided to follow her. The parents put her to bed and fuck off, perfect oppurtunity.

2) The parents sold her.

That is wild, wild speculation. You can guess that as accurately as I can guess the way you're sitting and the room you're in. Actually, less accurately than even that. This scenario is possible, as is a family of bears adopting her, but it has no basis and shouldn't be suggested.

3) Robber kidnapped her.

Unless he was stealing the Mona Lisa, I don't think the kidnapping charges would be worth it. I mean, a good long drive would have been a better option. Your watch has been stolen, you're hardly going to ask for a national search for the sick bastard that took it, are you?
2) The parents sold her.

That is wild, wild speculation. You can guess that as accurately as I can guess the way you're sitting and the room you're in. Actually, less accurately than even that. This scenario is possible, as is a family of bears adopting her, but it has no basis and shouldn't be suggested.
This is what I think happend, Either this or it had something to do with the parents. Nothing seems to add up. the parents seem like they are hiding something. If she had been Kidnapped there would of been comunication by now. She was to old to be "stolen" by somebody that wanted a kid. I think one of the parents killed her and both of them are just covering thier tracks. It wouldnt surprise me.

There has been NO new leads no evidence pointing to anything nothing, but even if they did find the body they could never pin it on the parents, its their daughter so of course there will be dna of thiers on the body. Lets just hope that if and when the body is found if one of them was just sticking up for the other they speak up.

This is low how anybody could do anything to a child is disgusting. people like this deserve to be locked away and throw away the key.
I understand what you're getting at there Sparky. It seems like there are too many coincidences for the parents to not know osmething or be involved in some way. But you still have to think they MAY just be coincidences.

I mean, a kidnapper just happens to show up in that particular hotel and in that particular room where a child has been left by her parents that particular night. Even if it was someone that saw her and decided to follow, it is a big coincidence that the parents would then choose to leave her.

I said in my first post I don't think it adds up. But if her parents did do it it there are so many things to think about. They have an alibi for around the time she went missing. How would they have got rid of the body? What about the twins?
I understand what you're getting at there Sparky. It seems like there are too many coincidences for the parents to not know osmething or be involved in some way. But you still have to think they MAY just be coincidences.
I dont beliave in Coincidences lol. Imo They did it. Can i prove it? No but i think they did it its way to suss.
I mean, a kidnapper just happens to show up in that particular hotel and in that particular room where a child has been left by her parents that particular night. Even if it was someone that saw her and decided to follow, it is a big coincidence that the parents would then choose to leave her.
Nobody but the parents saw the Kidnapper. there might not of evan been one. I doubt it. there is so many possibilitys how it could of been them. It might not of even been deliberate.
I said in my first post I don't think it adds up. But if her parents did do it it there are so many things to think about. They have an alibi for around the time she went missing.
but that dont have to be the time she went missing. who knows when she went missing. that could of been the time they said she went missing. she could of been dead and buried before they even left.
How would they have got rid of the body?
This I dont know. buried the body? Thrown it into a river or something? there is ways to do it.
What about the twins?
as i said it could of just been an accident. and they want it covered up. im not saying they murdered her in cold blood. it happens all the time people being neglicant and try to cover it up. thats why the twins are still there. wich also goes back to if she was kidnapped why not tke the twins? it would of been much easier and more "worthwhile from the kidnappers or pedo traffickers point of view.
But my point about the body is that the parents would not have had time from the time they were last seen out, to when they went out for a meal, to dispose of the body. And have you seen the amount of media coverage this has? And how long people have spent looking. I don't think there is any way they could have got rid of the body anywhere around there hotel and it not have been found yet.
I honestly believe that it was the parents who killed her. My theory is that there was some sort of accident, she ends up dead, and they did away with the body somehow.

Look at the evidence: they found her blood on the walls, and within 2 days of her going 'missing' they've already got their PR machine going.

Wasn't it under a week after her disappearance that they were having an audience with the Pope? Give me a break. It makes me sick to see their smug faces plastered all over the newspapers, especially the red-tops.

When interviewed by the police, Kate McCann refused to answer all but one of her questions: 'Do you believe that by not answering these questions, then you are indicting yourself to the crime?'

Her response was: 'If you think so'.
Would you rather see them crying all over the front of the papers. They aren't 'smug'. whether they accidentally killed her or she's missing, they will be heartbroken and it shows. For no other reason would they still have this campaign going, making sure she isn't out of peoples minds.

I'm not saying they're innocent; I have no idea what happened, but they're doing what they can to get her back. And if they were so guilty they'd want this to be left. Not hiring their own private investigators to look into every little piece of evidence.

And as for having some of her blood on a wall, that's as good evidence as "the McCanns had a piece of her hair on their clothes". I don't think ot holds up to much when it's their daughter.
I mean, a kidnapper just happens to show up in that particular hotel and in that particular room where a child has been left by her parents that particular night. Even if it was someone that saw her and decided to follow, it is a big coincidence that the parents would then choose to leave her.

You're making a massive assumption with no basis. I've said what the parents did was irresponsible but c'mon, now you're just being unfair. As for someone following her; unless they were complete and utter fucking morons, they'd notice when both parents left. They'd likely be watching them - why is that hard to believe? You're kidnapping a young girl, you're hardly just gonna pick a child off the street and run for it, are you? You're right, it's not a coincidence BECAUSE SOMEONE KNEW THEY WERE OUT.

Quote frankly I'm disgusted by the accusations being thrown around in here. If jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, you guys would clear up.
You're making a massive assumption with no basis.

Lol, Sam I've been defending the parents. I'm simply saying it is a really big coincidence if this is a random kidnapping.

I've said what the parents did was irresponsible but c'mon, now you're just being unfair. As for someone following her; unless they were complete and utter fucking morons, they'd notice when both parents left.

And my point is most parents don't leave their 3 children alone in a hotel room on holiday. It's a coincidence that the kidnappers would choose the one in what? a few thousand families where this would be done.

They'd likely be watching them - why is that hard to believe? You're kidnapping a young girl, you're hardly just gonna pick a child off the street and run for it, are you? You're right, it's not a coincidence BECAUSE SOMEONE KNEW THEY WERE OUT.

Unless they were a huge base of people who followed thousands of children until one set of parents went out, it is a coincidence. Do you not see that? The ONE child they choose to follow, she's the one whos parents leave her alone.
And my point is most parents don't leave their 3 children alone in a hotel room on holiday. It's a coincidence that the kidnappers would choose the one in what? a few thousand families where this would be done.

Winning the National Lottery is unlikely. I don't think there's been a conspiracy when someone wins. It's just bad luck and sheer incompetence.

"So sir, you say the burglars stole your television after you left the door unlocked? Yeah fucking right, you're just a crafty salesman, you."

Unless they were a huge base of people who followed thousands of children until one set of parents went out, it is a coincidence. Do you not see that? The ONE child they choose to follow, she's the one whos parents leave her alone.

I'm gonna guess that it was one or two guys who came upon the child while she was walking around the street, just like you'd meet someone on the bus, followed the family around, maybe even for a few days, and then an oppurtunity arose. That or they sold the kid on eBay. Both seem equally likely.
Winning the National Lottery is unlikely. I don't think there's been a conspiracy when someone wins. It's just bad luck and sheer incompetence.

"So sir, you say the burglars stole your television after you left the door unlocked? Yeah fucking right, you're just a crafty salesman, you."

I'm gonna guess that it was one or two guys who came upon the child while she was walking around the street, just like you'd meet someone on the bus, followed the family around, maybe even for a few days, and then an oppurtunity arose. That or they sold the kid on eBay. Both seem equally likely.

Lol, you never know. Which is really my point. Nothing in this thing makes much sense. If it was a random kidnapping, how hard would it be to find the one child that would be left alone giving you a perfect opportunity. If it was the parents, how in the world would they have got rid of the body and covered it up? Both possibilities are so unlikely.
It's coincidence. Simple as. You can read more into it, like, I dunno, maybe the chef of the restaurant was in on it, cooking delicious food to lure the parents away. The only reason you would though, would be to needlessly sensationalise it and blame someone even though there's no hard evidence, only speculation that seems to be based on some massive game on Chinese whispers.

I mean, how do you expect people to take children? No, seriously. You're a weirdo that's got his eye on this girl, has been following her around. You want to steal her, what do you do? How the else would they have kidnapped her? Grabbed her out of her mum's arms, run off and hoped for the best? No, obviously not. Which is why this is nothing more than a coincidence, sheer bad luck caused by the parent's own incompetence and I'm sure, no matter how "smug" they may appear about their daughter most likely being dead, they feel like absolutely shit about it. How many kidnappings do you hear about when the parent's watching their kid play in the garden, a masked man jumps out of the bushes, chucks them in a van and drives off?

You can read more into it but there's fuck all to support it, only circumstantial, weak evidence and quotes that an be easily misconstrued.

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