Macho Man In Todays Industry


Dark Match Winner
It's 3:51 in the morning here in Providence, Rhode Island. Due to a very messed up sleeping schedule i have decided to force myself up until late tonight to get it straight so i have been keeping myself occupied going on youtube looking up various things such as dark souls gameplay video's (i am a very big gamer) which led me to this video


(Avoid the next batch of words if you only want the questions and my personal answers. This is my story as to why i even posted this in the first place)

I am only Eighteen years old and have been back into wrestling for two years. I stopped watching in 2007 due to a lack of interest (i was 13 which is in that PG area they are trying to appeal to if i am not mistaken haha) but i had picked up a wrestlemania DVD from my cousins in 2010 to watch just for shits and giggles. It was the wrestlemania anthology numbers 6 - 10. While watching i found myself interested in what the old school style was like but not connected to any of the matches in the sixth iteration of wrestlemania. The seventh one dragged along as well until the retirement match occured. For the first time i could remember i literally was having flashbacks of all of the great moments that I had watched when i watched wrestling which sadly now i know suck but many goldberg/wwe matches and moments. I was connected again to the thing i grew up watching. Watching Macho Man battle warrior was unbelievable as it truly seemed larger than life to me. I found myself rooting for savage not even halfway through the match it was just simply amazing. When he lost i was a bit confused because on the dvd set it stated he had a WM 8 and 10 match but that is for later. The incredible thing is though the match was in a way an appetizer for what was to come. And what came was not only the face turn of The Macho Man, or the reuniting of him and his beautiful wife, but one of the greatest moments in the history of this industry. It was easily the most touching moment in wwe(f) history as you could actually see people crying in the crowd. I myself feel teared up watching it for how emotional of a moment that was. "Feel good" we call it, well it felt pretty darn good. And with that i wanted more. I was literally begging and yearning for more wrestling. So i continued to watch and found myself now very intruiged especially with bouts including the hart foundation, rowdy roddy piper, shawn michaels and jannety, big boss man, undertaker, roberts, the list goes on but there was one thing on my mind and that was the Macho Man and when will he be on my television screen again. I popped my Wrestlemania 8 dvd in and got my answer oddly halfway through the event. I felt pretty off about Randy "Macho Man" Savage going toe-for-toe with Ric Flair for the WWF championship only half way through the event. I mean you want main event caliber? Look no further. So i watched the match and by the end that was it. This burnt out flame was re-lit within me. My love and passion for wrestling was reborn and the match that lit it all was and frankly still is the Macho Man Randy Savage. He had become and forever will be by far my all-time favorite Hall of famer in this buisiness.

I know that way have sounded weird but i just though you guys would have enjoyed a bit of a read with ones backstory as to why he left and came back to his favorite topic/subject. I also apologize for any grammatical errors please point them out so i may fix them.

Now for my questions and answers.
1. Would Macho Man be as successful Today as he was in the 90's?

- My answer is yes he would. He has this vibe, this aura, this charisma that puts him above (in my humble opinion) almost every superstar in recent memory when it comes to the superstar/talker portion of what his character represented and was. I believe he was untouchable on the microphone.

2. Would Randy Savage be the same character (Intensity wise) today as he was in the "Golden age"?

- I believe not. Even though the wwf was PG in his tenure with the company i believe he would be put on limits with things he could do that would slightly hinder but overall uneffect his performance. Such changes are generally for his heel character for he wouldn't have been able to crack warrior over the head with that sceptor at the royal rumble for one. There is many more but i cannot think of them.

3. This one i feel you should answer and that is would the Macho Man have a hall of fame career today?

Please discuss and if you have any questions feel free to message me or leave them here. Thank you all for your time.
Randy Savage was a great wrestler and still would be today. However, he'd get every bit as much criticism, mostly among internet fans, as modern stars like CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler and just about every other wrestler going today would. Why? Because that's just how internet fans are.

If you were to take Randy Savage today and put him in his mid to late 20s with the same gimmick/character he had back during his career, a LOT of internet fans would call him a complete clown. They'd rag on everything from his oufits to his voice to his mannerisms to his look. A healthy portion of the IWC would probably go so far as to say that he flat out sucked inside the ring as well. I'm not saying that Savage wouldn't ultimately be as successful, but he'd get bitched about constantly every bit as much as modern stars do. He wouldn't be this exceptionally revered wrestler of near mythic status in the minds of a LOT of net fans.

Savage wouldn't be the only guy either. It'd be the same with Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair or Harley Race or Ricky Steamboat or just about anybody else. Net fans would rag on Hulk Hogan even more than John Cena because he doesn't do flippy flops all over the ring. They'd call Ric Flair unathletic & out of shape, or possibly pull out the "he's too small" argument that some still make. They'd criticize everything about Harley Race from his generally unathletic build to his style to his voice to his look. They'd probably call Ricky Steamboat a dull mid-carder and so on & so forth.

No matter how talented a pro wrestler is, the IWC is chock full of people that ultimately focus on whatever they might be lacking and, sometimes, exaggerate that weakness to a much bigger degree than it actually is.
I think that no doubt he would be. Savage had a lot of charisma as well as intensity and passion. Randy Savage was entertaining as the Macho man, and came across as a bad ass in the NWO. I think he would be able to tweak his gimmick to be a top player at any time in wrestling history. That kind of talent and charisma is very rare.
1. Would Macho Man be as successful Today as he was in the 90's?

Yes, he would. He is just to talented not to be successful. In the ring, on the mic, and his look would easily make him a top star today. That's not to say he wouldn't have his critics. Like Jack Hammer said, we would find a way to rip on him for something.

2. Would Randy Savage be the same character (Intensity wise) today as he was in the "Golden age"?

Really I don't think he would have to tone things down. His promos weren't really based on swearing so I think he could be just as intense promo wise. Some of the violent things he did such as the septor hit as the op mentioned probably wouldn't fly today, but other than that I think he could stay the same pretty much.

3. This one i feel you should answer and that is would the Macho Man have a hall of fame career today?

Easily. He would win more titles today than in the Golden Era by far, and I think he could remain a top star in today's WWE a lot longer than he did in his day.
Easily. Randy had it all, charisma, intensity, passion, and he could do it all from matches to promos. And over the years, Randy has adapted and tweaked his gimmick & ring attire to fit in with the modern day style - he went from the bright colored attired Macho Man to NWO Macho Man to an Outlaw Macho Man in TNA, where he wore an all black (American Bad Ass) Undertaker like costume. Some of the feuds he could've had today with the likes of Cena, Punk & Bryan would be unbelievable.
Yes. He was born to be a pro wrestler. Everything he did on TV got over just by his talents alone. Quite frankly, I think he might be more noticeable now, given that he would've been exposed to the Attitude Era. He would have been far more daring in every aspect of his wrestling career. Once again, yes to your question.
Yes he would be as successful now as he was back then.

Savage had that rare combination of skills which made him one of the best. He could wrestle, he could talk, he could work face or heel and he had the ability to make the crowd care and that is something that most wrestlers cannot manage.

Obviously his gimmick would be different slightly, as the multi-coloured costumes and tassles probably wouldn't be suited for the WWE today but Savage could easily adapt as we saw later in his career in WCW.

The man is one of the all-time greats and would definitely be a success in WWE if he came ont the scene today. To be honest, he would probably enjoy even MORE success and hold more Championship belts now than back then.

However, the IWC would still find thing to criticise about him, as happens with all wrestlers. Performers as great as Hogan, Rock, Punk, Triple H etc all have their flaws highlighted and criticised by the IWC, and Savage would be no different.
Savage would THRIVE today.

This is kind of a high concept so bare with me. Think back to the early 80s and heels in particular. Other than Greg Valentine and a few other guys, how many of these guys could get through a ten minute match without resulting to more than three bearhugs? Everything was based around characters and "can he beat Hogan?" it wasn't about the in ring work but rather about the idea of who can beat whom.

Enter Randy Savage.

If there is a single man that revolutionized the business not named Hulk Hogan more than Randy Savage, I don't know who it is. Savage came into the WWF and completely redefined what heels could do. No one knew what to make of him and all of a sudden he was having the best matches of the night every night. Consider someone like CM Punk or Daniel Bryan today: less on the character, WAY more on the in ring work. Savage opened the door for people that could get over by action rather than talking which is the status quo for WWE today. Savage would be looked at in awe today and if he ever got to speak, there would be a big umbrella sale, because the glass ceiling would be shattered.
1) Yes, he had an intangible about him that supercedes the wrestling "eras".

2) The interesting thing about Savage was that you didn't have to take him 100% seriously in order to enjoy his act and consider him a main eventer. He was a charicature of himself. This would fly today.

3) 100% Yes

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