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Luke Gallows: To Be Or Not To Be?

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Simple hypothetical question when the time rolls around... Do you think Luke Gallows has what it takes to make it on his own and ascend the WWE roster? Why or why not?

Ever since his inception into the WWE, I have been nothing short of impressed with his work and his presentation. No matter what gimmick he has been slapped with, he has been able to draw the desired reaction from the live audiences. While I will admit him as Imposter Kane was pretty bad, it wasn't entirely his fault for sucking so bad. You try working on stilts and performing at your peak... anywho, his last stint as someone with a mental condition was done well considering how ridiculous said condition maybe. He was the backbone of the tag team known as Jesse and Festus, making him responsible for making the team a face. I'm not doubting Jesse's abilities here, but people tuned in to watch a big behemoth decimate like no other. For a style that awkward he was able to get the fans really into their segments.

After the team split and give about a few months, he came back as Luke Gallows, a person CM Punk has saved and befriended in exchange for his services. From the gimmick transition, Gallows has developed quite significantly in all areas. He has been given the chance to show his charisma which comes quite natural and smooth on the mic, as well as toning his body from that awful one he had as Festus. He seems to be a predominately safe worker from his ring work and has able to do everything that's been desired so far without fail in terms of acting.

With all this going for him, I do believe he will be able to make it once he disbands from the Straight-Edge Society. He's got a lot of potential and considering his size, I'm pretty sure the WWE officials won't be worried on a push in the future. All he would need is a new gimmick or persona (something easily done considering his past success rate).
I havent watched Smackdown in a while and have only seen Gallows a little. With that said, I think he has what it takes to do good things in his future. From what I have seen, he is good in the ring, especially for his size. Also, he is pretty decent on the mic. Nothing great, but good enough. The gimmick he has right now suits him very well. His look, combined with the gimmick, are making pretty successful right now.

However, once the SES is done, what will he do? Could he be put into a feud with Punk or is Punk too far up the ladder for him? I would think that he would find his way into the Intercontinental scene, but with Kofi, McIntyre, Hardy, Rhodes, Ziggler and others, its already a bit crowded. I suppose he could feud with any of the guys I just listed, but it seems that they are all in front of him in the chase for the belt.

So I think he could be successful. But he needs to be given the opportunity. If he gets a chance at the intercontinental championship, I think he will do fine. But with plenty of people ahead of him right now, I think it might be difficult for him to get that opportunity.
Well right off the bat, I can easily say that he wont be Main-Event talent right away. That will take some time. However, he can easily be a very sold mid-carder or even another tag-team superstar. The reason he wont be in the main-event right way is due to the fact that he needs to get better reaction alone than he does now. If you see his one on one matches, you will see that he barely gets enough boos to hear them on television. However, if the mid-card or tag-team division ever needs help again, Luke Gallows can definitely be your "Go-To Guy."
If Luke Gallows was to actually be a contender as a singles star, he would need A LOT of work, but it's never impossible. He may never be the best in the business or anything but it's always possible to get better, and they can always continue pushing him despite our reaction to his main event status.

But, in my opinion, it's never going to happen. Once CM Punk stops needing him around, he's done unless they can find a gimmick or stable to put him in. It's hard to notice because Punk is always the guy in the spotlight (and rightfully so!), but Gallows doesn't really have anything going for him. He looks completely ridiculous, and stands out as somebody who doesn't belong. He's rarely ever had mic time apart from "yeah!" and "that's right Punk!" and "Ahhhhhhhh!". I honestly think this guy had more charisma as Festus, but that may be a bit extreme... Like I said, it's always possible to push somebody until they have forced themselves into the spotlight, and it's also possible they could actually find a gimmick that works for him. But my opinion of Luke Gallows is that he currently does NOT have what it takes to do anything of relevance in professional wrestling.
He's a midcarder for life. He has decent mic skills, is a pretty good actor, and is solid in the ring. With that said, there really isn't anything about him that screams "main eventer." He will always be employed because he is very solid, but he will never rise about maybe a US/IC title and/or a tag title run.
I can't see Luke Gallows becoming anything more than a henchman/Tag Team wrestler. He hasn't impressed me one bit since his debut. His gimmicks tend to dry out fast. His current one is decent at best, but until he starts winning more matches, I just can't seem him as anything more than a mid-card enhancement talent. He has the build, the look and potential to be a better mid-card player that could be in the same box as A-Train, but that's it. Until he's booked to be a plausible threat, I can't even see him winning a US/IC title at this stage. Also, his moveset is boring. He needs something different.
Luke Gallows, is an interesting subject of discussion. So let's talk about him previously to the Straightedge follower he is today. His career started when he portrayed the "Fake Kane". It was ridiculous and for the most part that story line was doomed to fail anyway. So I am glad that they decided to end it as early as they did as well.

Then the tag team of Jesse and Festus debuted. i thought these two were a great tag team and a great addition to the tag team division. I was also upset on how the WWE basically just let them go to waste. As a team they were amongst the 3rd most over tag team the WWE had during that point in time along with other very over tag teams such as Miz and Morrison, and Cryme Tyme. They never won a tag title but they could very well have been able too. If they remained a team they could very well been a very good babyface addition to the tag team scene.

Now he is Luke Gallows the first disciple of the Straight Edge Society. I'm not so sure he can really break out as a singles star. The man has always come off to me as a wrestler who really shines as a tag team competitor. I'm sure the WWE could pair him up with the "masked" member of the SES and they could compete in the tag team division which would be very beneficial for Gallows since his best work to date in my mind was when he was Festus in a tag team with Jesse. Other than that I don't see him doing much as he doesn't seem that talented to get over as a singles star. Most singles stars have something about them that make them shine. Gallows doesn't have any of that. He should stick to tag team wrestling as I don't even see him becoming an IC champion if he were to start a singles career.
I've got to agree with Thriller on this one. I actually love the Luke Gallows character, and feel it is giving him a solid chance to show the skills that he does have. His personality would have to grow a little bit more for me to even consider him a possibility as a Heavyweight Title contender. However, an upper midcard guy, who loses to the Main Event contenders wouldn't be a bad job either. He could maybe stand to gain a little more muscle mass, just maybe, but a guy his size I think could work well in that putting over talent job that is always essential to future success. A few tag title reigns would work, as well as a few US or IC Title reigns.
Sure Luke Gallows has what it takes to make it on his own. He's a decent talent both in the ring as well as on the microphone. He has made it work as the enforcer of the Straight Edge Society.

Gallows probably will never reach the main event scene. But even with that there's a possibility for it. He could be one of those talents that grace it once. Just to be bumped down to an upper mid-carder. Which would be perfectly fine both for me but I could as well imagine Gallows being perfectly fine with it.

Why would I assume Gallows is perfectly fine with this you ask? Because you can still build one hell of a career on mid-card championships. As well as a single world championship.

But I still think he could go incredibly far as a singles competitor. He has the ability to wrestle good matches, as well as to put talent over. He could make some of the mid-carders look strong. Perhaps serving a bit like a Kane position. Without the constant loosing that is.
hes nothing but a joke in my eyes what gimmick will he have once this is done? hes just gonna be the big bald guy and i believe just turn into another mike noxx... after that time that miz/morrison did the thing in the ring with the bell screwing with him as festus im sorry i cant take the guy serious no matter what role hes in..

do i ever see him has a WHC? heck no to many big up and coming guys has so much more talent/charisma i mean honestly can you ever seen luke gallows headlining WM? haha no
This guy is pretty decent on the mic and I can easily see him on his own, however I would think he would need a bit of lift off..but hey why else is Punk there...

Gallows is a good wrestler...we've seen it when he was the fake Kane, and we saw it whilst he was in the tag team...and even now we see him in the ring and I think he is good...

His character would have to change a bit...but I think i can see him catch the IC title when/if Punk ever gets his hands on the world title...that is the only thing the stable needs...titles..if Gallows(I know he is like a bodyguard type character) can get his hands on a title with SES...then when he leaves or is on his own, he can easily make it...
People think there is something wrong with being a midcard performer. There have been guys like Perfect, DiBiase, Piper and others that have never won a world title in the WWE. Now, I'm definitely not comparing Gallows with any of those names by any means. My point should be clear though. He is good at what he is currently doing: playing second fiddle to a better performer. He doesn't have the look nor the charisma to venture out on his own and be successful outside of the midcard. There's nothing wrong that. He would still have a job and still be performing. Not everyone was meant to be world champions and he is one of them. The WWE and wrestling in general needs to have a supporting cast or there is no perspective for the skills of the main event guys. He's a lackey and an enforcer, no more and no less. He should be happy with that.
I think Gallows plays his role perfectly as the enforcer in a heel stable. I don't think anything about his look, promos or wrestling stands out enough for him to get to the main event, but you never know how much someone may progress and improve, especially in pro wrestling.
hes nothing but a joke in my eyes what gimmick will he have once this is done? hes just gonna be the big bald guy and i believe just turn into another mike noxx... after that time that miz/morrison did the thing in the ring with the bell screwing with him as festus im sorry i cant take the guy serious no matter what role hes in..

do i ever see him has a WHC? heck no to many big up and coming guys has so much more talent/charisma i mean honestly can you ever seen luke gallows headlining WM? haha no

You must not remember his match with Undertaker as Festus. If the powers that be backstage didn't think he could hack it as a singles competitor they would have never booked him to go in there with the likes of Taker and Kozlov(who was in the middle of his later-stalled superpush). Not to mention that Luke's character is a complete 180 from the Festus character. I see him having the ability to do well in the midcard, maybe upper midcard.

He's got talking ability, he can get it done in the ring, his finisher is strong and devastating, and he's got good agility for his size. You do make one point: Luke Gallows probably never will headline WM. That doesn't mean that he's done for after SES. Let's see how it goes.
Well I dont think that he will ever be a main eventer but I see him being a very solid mid carder who may get the odd title shot like Kane and will be used to fill out Elimination Chamber and Championship Scrambles. Anyway there is one problem with this at the moment he isnt wrestling enough he is lucky too get a match per month he isnt terrible in the ring either so let him have more ring time also let him talk more during SES promos let him show his full potential in the ring and on the mic he is decent at both maybe let him fued with Kofi over the IC title, the SES needs some titles at the moment.
Luke Gallows, if nothing else, has a future. His reasonable in all aspects as a wrestler. I presonally have loved his work with CM Punk, and hope they keep him in the SES for a good long while. With luck, Mic skills will devolop, and he can become a high midcard guy for Smackdown.
Definately never a man event guy, and I actually cant see him being a US/IC level champion either, I think Gallows will end up as a solid tag team, enforcer type role. He doesnt have the look/physique or in ring ability to be anything special. He is the epitome of average imo
You guys seem something I truly can't find in Luke Gallows. He can wrestle, but 95% of the WWE Roster can wrestle when given the freedom to do so. He's playing an enforcer and he's adequate. I personally think he's boring on the mic and boring in the ring unless he's got really good competition that can help make him look good.

I could be wrong, but I think once the SES comes to it's ultimate conclusion, so too, will the career of one Luke Gallows. He may stick around for a few weeks, jobbing and such, but he will be gone soon after the demise of the Straight Edge Society.
Luke Gallows isn't a main event competitor. Heck i can't even see him competing for the IC or US championship. WEll Gallows was the Festus character i found him to be more entertaining then the serious character he plays now. In my mind Gallows is a better competitor in a tag team and his success in Jesse and Festus proves it.

Luke Gallows i believe will continue wrestling after the S.E.S split up and if that even happens. I think when the S.E.S does split up Gallows will be nothing more than a mid card jobber.
He has what it takes to make it on his own,
But he'll never be more than a mid-carder or a second hand man,
Simply because I don't see him garnering enough fans or attention by himself
I am going to have to say no he is not going to be a big time main event guy not even on SD. Now this isn't to say its impossible, the little i have seen of him i cant even tell what his character is other then a a under card guy following the leader. That may be a little bit of a misinformed answer since i dont keep up with him much. But from what i have seen and heard of him he is really nothing special. Possibly with a little freshening up of character he could be built into a decent star though. This is one of those things only time will tell the tale.
I think he sucks to be honest I'm kinda hope the ses will end soon so I get to see Serena Wrestle she the only reason I even like the group well besides punk and he surly don't need the group to get over.
Yes. He could make it inddivisually. Since the SES now has Joey Mercury, Gallows could quit since hes been getting pissed at the SES for the past weeks. He could become a tag team with Shad, worst case scenario

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