He's undoubtedly a cool guy, used to drop me a line when he made a wrestling thread and I'd always try to make time to post because dude is just that cool about things.
I agree. I always love reading his stuff. He seems to enjoy some of my posts as well. We also have a common psychology background so maybe that helps. It's a shame that he's been in whomever's crosshairs lately for whatever could be the case. Always a decent guy to post with. I'm sure his reputation will make whatever it is blow over sooner rather than later.
Wow, I didnt even know this freaking thread existed. Im honored and humbled by the things all of you have said about me. I havent been in other sections as much because of the SDL and Dave's song game, both of which Ive enjoyed immensely. But I appreciate everything all of you have said about me, truly. Ill post in any thread you ask me to, and respond to any PM, whether youre bashing me or not. Let me return the favor, because I have an affinity for all of you as well.

Dave: Maybe you can explain to me the Power Trip name, because you're anything but brother. I can't say enough about how much Ive enjoyed doing the "Two Song" game with you everyday. You're a phenomenal mod and very humble as well, and your posts in my threads are always top notch. You remind me of a younger me in alot of ways, minus the fact that I was a total a-hole part.

JGlass: Like I said above, I havent been as active as Id like to be in other sections because of my involvement in the SDL(and marriage), and I miss our late night B.S. in the GSD. Life has caughten up with me, but hopefully I'll find some time soon and you can school me again in wrestling knowledge. Im unashamed to acknowledge your handed me my arse in the Ziggler-Edge discussion, and value your contributions to my threads as well. If anyone was deserving of a mod spot, its you, even if its temporary. Im honored to be one of your favorite posters.

X: wasn't even aware you were aware of me, to be honest. Circle back 3 years ago and we'ld have alot to talk about in "other" areas. You and KB are the two posters I respect the most in terms of wrestling knowledge and writing, so the compliment from you is a phenomenal one. Thank you.

Xemnas: You were the first person Ive truly debated on this site and it's one of my favorites. You're one of my brothers in the CLS and even though we agree on virtually nothing, I respect your opinion on things when you really bring it, and love how you stand your ground. I don't get the hate for you, honestly, as I know you're a good dude from our conversations.

Stormtrooper: Ill always have love for any of my PA boys, even if we agree on nothing due to our love of different teams. Your knowledge of sports is quite evident in the times we've debated in the Sports Stadium, and you're always an informative read there. Id go to a game with you anytime even though our rooting interests would likely differ. You're a good guy as well.

Doc: I don't believe you think much of me, and Im fine with that. You've become more opiniated lately, and as Ive noted in your "a-hole" thread, don't stop. Just because people challenge you on it doesn't mean you shouldn't express how you feel, and I respect you for that, and hope you keep being the guy you've been lately, whether you like me or not. There's no denying you're a great graphics mod.

Buffalo Dave: The scores in the SDL are a bit misleading because Big Sexy and I were in seperate divisions. The only difference is he was running away with his, and mine was a little closer, because I had excellent competition in GD, Habs, and Megatron, among others. You're a great read in the Sports Stadium, and some of my favorite posts of yours have been in the Sports Bar. I need to post in both more often. Id love to debate you sometime, even though you'ld likely school me. Heres hoping the SDL makes a return next year and you're in it.

Serious Jones: You're funny as heck, and a solid poster as well. Go post in my "defining moment" series. You piqued my interest in Gogol Bordello as well, who despite an acquired taste, Ive come to enjoy. Youre phenomenal in the LD's from what I read. We haven't interacted much, and hope we do at some point, because you seem like a kicka$$ dude.

Sparky: I love your sense of humor, as evidenced by your post. I know you started a thread awhile back about me, but I don't take things seriously. If you hate me, or think Im a c*nt, no big deal.;) I try not to take myself too seriously, other then my posts. And no, you won't get me to flame you, and if I had something to say about you. Id just say it, as Im not shy whatsoever. Im just not the "flaming" type brother.

SSC: Youre one of my internet homies and if I was still into that stuff, Id smoke one with you anytime. Youre a phenomenal mod and one laid bacxk mofo who I haven't had any negative experience with. I always read and enjoy your posts in the CL and in wrestling as you're one of the clear, most imformative posters on the site.

KB:What can I say dude? Thanks for starting the SDL, and I hope you bring it back next week, as Ive had a freaking blast in it. Youre easily my favorite writer on the site, and I enjoy reading your WordPress reviews as well. You do a phenomenal job as an adminsistrator of the site, which I couldn't imagine doing. If anyone here deserves a paying jon writing wrestling reviews(if you dont have one already), it's you. I always read your weekly wrestling reviews as well as your PPV reviews. I thought I had watched alot of wrestling until I read your reviews. You bringh excellence in everything you do on this site.

Milenko: You don't deserve half the flack you get from people, as you're one of the most solid human beings on this site. I liked you before, and do so even more after your comments on Coco, and ppreciate your kind words. And yes, I was the first he targeted in the CLS, as Crock more just hated on the entire group. Although in the case of Coco, I think he abhores us all equally. ;) I try to post in most of your threads, and your "Got you into" threads are a great thing.

Youre a phenomenal CL debator, and Im sure in other sections as well. You always bring your "A Game" to every debate. Somehow we haven't debated yet, and I look forward to the day we do, because I know it will be good stuff. You never fail to make me laugh with some of your comments in the GSD and the Cage.

Lenguy: Youre a darn nice guy who makes quality threads in the Cigar Lounge consistently. You're passionate about what you're talking about, which makes it even better. I feel badly I havent gotten to post in yours as much as id like, as real life with the wife gets in the way sometimes. :shrug:

Habs: You're easily one of my favorite people on this site, and Im thankful to have made an e-friend in you thanks to the SDL. I still plan on destroying you in the finals, but youre good friend who i never tire of exchanging PM's with. I really enjoy your style of posting as you mix the right amount of imformation with humor that your posts always stand out to me. Your intelligence has shown even moreso in the SDL, and again, Im thankful to call you an "e-friend."

TLC: Or whatever Sully has you calling yourself these days. You must have lost some bet of some sort. Not sure when Ive acted like an arse, but Im sure I have. ;) It's always good to hear from you, as you're a solid poster wh has a similar taste in music as myself.

HHHeartbreakkid: Undoubtably one of my best friends on here, and you're a great guy as well. If people can't get along with you, they have serious problems, as you're a great dude and a better friend. Just because football season is over doesnt mean we have to stop the PM's, because i enjoy talking to you immensely. Another poster that undeservedly flies under the radar, at least when he posts in my threads.

Funkay: Your name change made me laugh hysterically and I always enjoy reading your stuff. A deserving member of ICE, even if you have to be Batista. :disappointed: Another solid poster and solid human being who I need to interact with more.

Alex Waters: Outside of your rediculous name change, you seem like a great guy. I know a sticklefish is some sort of ladies man in mythical lore, but still dude.(Unless thats your real name, then I really am an a$$!) Count down the days til you can change it back! And go post in my Undertaker "defining moment" thread, as I forgot to shoot you a PM about it. You've improved immensely since you started here, and your attitude has as well.

Hitman: Other then being from West Virginia, you're an awesome dude. We should interact more often as it seems we have quite a bit in common as we dont live that far apart, have similar psychology backgrounds, and you really know your stuff. Im completely envious that you met Christian and Kofi at the same Bragging Rights PPV I was at. Your posts in the CL are always of high quality and a good read.

We haven't interacted much, but youre a quality wrestling poster that I enjoy reading. You've made a few solid CL posts that have been very good as well, if I recall.

Sound of Madness: Thank you for that. Im not looking for nominations as such, but they're never something I would turn down! Youre a great poster in all forums, and despite being married, I second your love for Madison Rayne and would leave my wife(no offense love) in a second for her. Id never leave the bedroom or log onto Wrestlezone if I was her husband, lover, or whatever else she wanted me to be!

I sincerely appreciate all the compliments from everyone. This truly made a great day even better. Thank you.
I'm messing with you man.

Most new posters don't come down to the cage unless there an alt so some one was gonna say it.
Milenkos right. I didnt venture into the Cage until after almost a year of being here.

And thanks Stinger. You're a great poster, fantastic sig maker, and a great dude on top of it.
LSN, my brother.

Cannot believe I did not see this thread until now. You know I got love for you bro, and I do think you are one of the best posters in this forum.

You know shit loads about most stuff, always post quality messages. I have yet to see a bad post from you.

And most of all you are a cool guy, and someone I would certainly chill with IRL
Oh and I forgot to say that LSN is very respectful of all people in here, I have yet to see him get into a war of words with anyone, and he does a hell of a lot for the Cigar Lounge, breathing some life int a very under-utilised area of the forum.

Keep up the good work bruh
LSN, my brother.

Cannot believe I did not see this thread until now. You know I got love for you bro, and I do think you are one of the best posters in this forum.

You know shit loads about most stuff, always post quality messages. I have yet to see a bad post from you.

And most of all you are a cool guy, and someone I would certainly chill with IRL

Natural! My boy! Thanks for weighing in my friend.

This here is a guy that I would spend money to travel across the pond to meet. One of the most laid, back, friendly guys here. You know i have nothing but respect for you brotha! Youre an excellent poster in both the wrestling sections and could teach me a thing or two about music, without a doubt. Id hit up a week full of festivals with bands just rocking out with you and we'ld have a phenomenal time. This guys is also a deserving member of ICE, and of the HHH moniker. One of my absolute favorite people on this site.
Dude, I appreciate the kind words!

Almost brought a tear to my eye haha :p

And yeah, if you are ever around my parts in the UK, hit me up and we will go and see some bands and get drunk!
Dude, I appreciate the kind words!

No problem dude. Kind words are easy to come by when directed at the right people.

Almost brought a tear to my eye haha :p

But toughen up some, you p*sssy!

And yeah, if you are ever around my parts in the UK, hit me up and we will go and see some bands and get drunk!

And Ill gladly see some bands with you someday, and drive your drunk a** around. Sadly, I havent drank in 3 years.

Id just have to get used to that driving on the other side again! Next time Im in Machester(been there twice), we most certainly will have to make this thing happen!
LSN is one of the few people here I want to meet no to "have a drink" but to actually talk to about politics, society etc. I love LSN, sold poster with alot of knowledge (besides wrestling).
LSN is one of the few people here I want to meet no to "have a drink" but to actually talk to about politics, society etc.
Don't have enough of those lovely people in your life already? Or maybe you haven't had enough of those conversations to appreciate how much alcohol enhances the experience?

As for Milenko, he's just saying those nice things about me so he can pretend the masses who despise him jumped on my bandwagon. They didn't. I'm not special enough to have a bandwagon. They really dislike you, Milenko. Although perhaps a little less now that you have a laptop.

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