Love Triangles and Love Angles in WWE


Vipère Mortelle
There's been several Love Triangles and Love Angles in the WWE have been interesting, memorable, and successful in the WWE. Some of these being Trish Stratus/Chris Jericho/Christian. Matt/Lita - Kane/Lita/Edge - Matt/Lita/Edge - Lita/Edge. Triple H/Stephanie McMahon, and other various angles.

However in recent memory, there has not been a memorable or serious love angle in the WWE. These love angles that include the more top tier superstars and divas has helped them gain spotlight or infamy, or both. Trish Stratus' love angle and heel turn at WrestleMania XX helped her acquire new levels of intensity and charisma to her character. Lita's love triangle kept her on involved in almost every major storyline in the WWE along with Edge for a year and a half. She and Edge gained many successes, while it may have cost her fan base, as her storylines stemmed from real life issues. Stephanie McMahon and Triple H were a power couple on television, and now a power couple behind the curtains, but they're quarrels were something we looked forward to.

The reason the love angles these days are more silly or just a pair of people such as Maryse and Ted, could simply be the intensity of storylines and topics of sex/affairs/or even the concept of love is not fit for WWE-PG. Does the formula not work anymore?

My questions are:

1. What was your past favorite love angle/story in the WWE.
2. Do you miss serious love angles?
3. How would you book a serious love angle in today's WWE environment?
4. What would be the concept and who would be the superstars/divas involved?
Well as everyone know's the best love triangle was HHH/Stephanie/Test, well that's my fav love story back i the Attitude Era, my other fav ones are kurt angle/ stephanie/HHH , Christian/ Trish/ Y2J. Spike / Molly. O wait that wasn't one a well it still was a good storyline.

Who would I but together today. emmm well Eve Torres & John Morrison would be good to see. I wouldn't mind seeing Maryse and Ted getting married haven't seen any wrestler's getting married in awhile now.
It would still work today, but in all the succesful angles like this in the past all involved have been people the audience cares about. Maryse/Ted could go this way, but they would need to build Ted into a character that people actually had an interest in. Also its the type of angle that needs a long slow build of 6 months or more to really work well.
1. What was your past favorite love angle/story in the WWE.
Mine has to be the HHH/Stephanie/Kurt Angle love story....i loved it i mean at every rock in there marriage seemed like Kurt was there to Kurt kissing her it was classic...and it involved two heels which surprised me because when i was watching that I was 8 so I'm like wait these are too bad guys who am i suppose to cheer for? And to add there matches were great as well. It was just a fun angle.

2. Do you miss serious love angles?
It depends on who is involved...I mean I hate the Maryse/Ted one it just seems to forced at least from what i a more recent one like Edge/vickie/Big Show i loved cause it made me cry of if the love angle involves bigger superstars yes i do miss them.

3. How would you book a serious love angle in today's WWE environment?
I'd have The Miz right now and wasnt so long ago that The Miz was trying so hard for Maryse to be with him...Have Maryse dump Ted and tell him I'm leaving you for a guy who can win Titles...which would in turn fuel Ted to do something with his career...Then Miz being Miz can just flaught it....Saying he got the fame, got the girl, got the Title which makes him AWESOMMME!!...It would just add to the Heel Miz Character....Then Have Ted wrestle Miz to show Maryse he isn't a career loser.
Most of the triangles are great. I remember one of the best ones I saw was in WWE a couple of years back. It included Kurt/Booker T/ Sharmell. It was great due to how Kurt's character was and Booker's reactions. The most memorable part I remember was when Kurt admitted that he was attracted to Sharmell. It was also not just any type of attraction, it was a wild animal type of attraction and how Kurt wanted to have wild animal sex with her. It was one of those moment's that made me care about a character (Booker T., wasn't to into him for a while after he came to smackdown) when they were so bland.
I thought Trish Stratus/Mickie James love angle was really cool. It was like unrequited love/stalker angle but was cool and different. It really got Mickie over to.
The coolest angle ever had to be the Edge/Lita/Matt Hardy thing cause it was playing out in real life and had that whole shoot feel to it where you didnt really know what was real and what was being played up. One of my favourite angles ever.
I would like to see another love angle again and one done properly not just valets and arm candy but a proper love angle where you could believe that two are actually in love. Maybe another wrestling wedding, that would be cool. It adds another element of drama to Sports Entertainment and could be another reason to tune in each week. Everybody loves a good love story.
I agree, the Lita/Matt/Edge was good. But I was most into the Lita/Trish/Y2J/Christian four way that ended up being a Y2J/Trish/Christian triangle. I was completely :wtf: when it came to WM20, and saw Trish just backstab Y2J. It all turned out great when you saw Lita and Y2J team up against Christian and Trish. I think those 4 had the best chemistry out of anyone in the whole Love angle bit. I mean, I'm not downplaying the substance behind the Matt/Lita/Edge thing, that was pretty intense too, but for me, that was a little TOO real if ya ask me, bringing personal things like that to light for a public forum, seems a bit Jerry Springer if you ask me. But, the Canadian Dollar Bet is what spawned the best angle. I'm not so sure the Love Angles is what WWE would go for now, especially with them trying to stay SO PG, and family friendly. Sure we may see a nice flirt here, or there, and a gaze across the room, but bear in mind that they've radically changed what can be said, what can't be said, and the types of storylines that can or can't be done on today's viewing. I don't think they are trying to neglect it on purpose, but also, with some of the storylines going on right now, it may also be hard to try to fit in a love angle somewhere and to try to keep it within the guidelines that they are trying to abide to now. As much as I'd want to see it happen, I may just have to go ahead and keep wishing, or just enjoy the youtube clips of the old days.
I do not think the angles are necessarily needed. But in a lot of cases, they helped. It does add an amount of intensity as well as realism.

Also, whether it is the lover scorned, or the lady is forced to choose one or the other OR the guy that always lands the chick. Everyone can identify with one angle or another as far as a love story goes.

I do have many favorites over the years, but my personal favorite is probably the Hulk Hogan/Randy Savage/Elizabeth storyline.

Though Savage had been a very HATED Heel before this. He was truly beloved by the fans and captured the WWE Title in the process of turning Face in the couple years before he and Hogan had their big feud.

Savage and Elizabeth were together and Hogan became Savage's tag partner. They were a "team" for about a year. Savage became insanely jealous at the attention and concern Liz would show Hogan and Vice Versa.

This was a slowly building angle and culminated Wrestlemania 5. I was 8 years old and was absolutely into this story almost more than any other storyline EVER. So that will get my vote!
1. What was your past favorite love angle/story in the WWE.

I'd have to say my favorite, and definitely the best would have to be Triple H / Stephanie. It really more or less set the bar for future love angles. Triple H and Stephanie not only managed to get Triple H pushed, but it also made for a great storyline filled with drama and some pretty good feuds between Triple H and various others like Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho.

2. Do you miss serious love angles?

Not really no. I mean we don't necessarily need it for the sake of having a good product in WWE. We got Dolph / Vickie right now, which is doing just fine. But I don't really think that it's necessarily something we "need" to see, and it's not something I'm missing seeing around. Because there's so many other great storylines, both now as well as in the past that has functioned extremely well without the need to introduce love into it.

3. How would you book a serious love angle in today's WWE environment?

I'm not really sure. But like I mentioned above, Triple H and Stephanie set the bar for the love angles. So I'd say that obviously I would try to book something like that. And I get that it will be tough as hell to book due to the fact that Stephanie was the daughter of the boss Vince McMahon. But I definitely think it could be done to some extend once again. It just needs to be worked out extremely well and carefully.

4. What would be the concept and who would be the superstars/divas involved?

I must admit I don't really care who, or what the concept would be. Because I believe that the concept would end up being the same anyway. And I think that if there really was needed for a superstar / diva to be in there, it needs to be two that fits the mold of a power couple. As well as it needs to be either a superstar that needs a push alongside a diva that needs something to do, or just a superstar that needs a push in general.

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