Lord Sidious vs The Game Rage

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
I just got done reading WWE House Shows are an absolute Ripoff to the fans and those two about just ripped each other's heads off....
I have a feeling lord sidious may have found his match tho..i dont know for sure
I just got done reading WWE House Shows are an absolute Ripoff to the fans and those two about just ripped each other's heads off....
I have a feeling lord sidious may have found his match tho..i dont know for sure

Found my match? No.

He is a good poster, who was looking for respect. I do respect him for holding true to his views and the time he put into his posts. And he knows that as I've talked with him via PM about it.

However, I do NOT respect him for his "Shareholder" mentality-- "I'm grateful for whatever Vince McMahon gives me" ass-kissing attitude towards the WWE. I believe very sincerely that this approach from fans to lower expectations of the product, just so Vince can be profitable is about as ludicrous as it gets.

However, there is another very lengthy debate I have to respond to before I even think of responding to that.

Like I said, if I could clone myself so one of me can work on the spam and other problem posts/threads, while the other can work on that, I would do it. But there is only one of me, so I have to do the best I can.

But that is just as well, because otherwise, I would over-saturate the forum with my posts. So it works out, in the end.
Hey, fuel, what the heck is up with your sig?

I dont think photobucket liked it..it was a picture of vince with his pants down for the kiss my ass club and i put a tna sign behind it....i guess photobucket is a tna fan.. lol im going to try and find some other way to get it back up i just dont have time right now
Typical Sid. If there's even a hint of anyway defending the WWE, he gets all "shareholder" and "blind smark" on their ass.
Yeah, Sid is a great guy (No, really!) but that's one thing that irks me about him. Like, I posted my experience with the only house show I've been to in the House Shows Are Ripoffs thread, and in the ROTY thread he tried saying that I said every house show was like that and I was an absolute authority on house shows.

So I corrected him, and there was no harm done.
Whenever someone argues wrestling from a business point of view, and sacrifices their own personal creative enjoyment of what they would like to see out of the product, in favor of what makes "Vince profitable" in regards to McMahon's corporate goals ... then they will be referred to by me as a "WWE Shareholder".

Because that is the type of "fan" they are. These fans are willing to be spoon fed by Vince whatever he so bestows upon them, and no matter what it is, they will lap it up in the name of "profitability to the company".

I think this is the most asinine mentality I have ever seen come out of the IWC. I have about an equal amount of disdain from these fans as I do to the fans I refer to as the ROH-botz, who are fans of pure technical wrestling, with no storylines or gimmicks. The dulling down of the product has taken a huge amount of enjoyment out of the product, just so these people can feel more secure about themselves being wrestling fans in public .... like they think that will actually help the public's perception of wrestling.

Two very, very distorted viewpoints from two of the most obnoxious breeds of wrestling "fans" out there.
I debated him in some Goldberg thread like the week I got out of prison. He flamed me a fucking lot, but he made me make a post which I think is my longest ever.
The majority of his opinions I find to be absolute shit, but Game_Rage is one hell of a poster regardless.
sorry but i had to add this to the topic
Lord Sidious vs the game rage look like these two almost
The majority of his opinions I find to be absolute shit, but Game_Rage is one hell of a poster regardless.

Awwww c'mon!!!LOL!!! Seriously??? I try to come at different topics from angles others have ignored, maybe that is why you feel that way. I generally don't want to post, unless I feel I can shed light on a situation from a perspective that no one has mentioned yet. I don't want to go in to just agree with everyone or simply to disagree with everyone. I just try to find ways to add something original to the conversation.

Right now I am in the process of trying refine and define my style. I have experimented in the past, and figured out what does and doesn't work. So now I am trying to fine-tune everything. This is just a different style of writing for me because I am used to the more journalistic style. That has been my bread and butter, but I have been trying to(and I think I am doing so very well) adjust to the way people in here seem to do things, while like I said putting my own touch on it.

SavageTaker. I've got to apologize to you again for the "Flame" some months back. You kind of fell into my experiment a bit and some experiments go bad. I did apologize, but I just figured you deserved another one considering the facts now revealed around that.

I debated him in some Goldberg thread like the week I got out of prison. He flamed me a fucking lot, but he made me make a post which I think is my longest ever.

This was FizzyWink. Apparently I "Flamed' him too but I didn't remember it. So, I went back, took a look, and found the thread he was talking about. It turns out I was pretty adamant about Goldberg someday returning to the WWE being a horrible horrible idea, and noted many reasons, not my best stuff though. I could do much better now as I looked at it again, and that was also a few months ago. I did not however "Flame" Fizzywink, I just said some things questioning the intelligence of his comments and so fourth. I guess he took it as that though, and that is ok. Since he did.

(Rage cups hands to mouth and yells for Fizzy wink) YO!!!! FIZZYWINK!!!!!!!

Hey man, sorry about that. I was explaining this little experiment I was doing and so on, trying to figure out what does and doesn't work and stuff. You happened to fit the criteria for it so, you kind of became a casualty of the whole thing and I thought I would apologize for the whole Goldberg thread incident. I actually thought it was pretty tame at the time, and I wasn't really trying to "Flame" you, but since I have dialed my style down a bit I can see how it seemed pretty aggressive. Just thought I would apologize for that one.

I thank you JMT, and the others for the compliments. As Lord Sidious said, I AM out for respect. I happen to believe I have a lot to offer, and that in time if you haven't already, you will realize it.

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