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Looooongtime WWE Fan: WWE vs TNA


Dark Match Winner
I have been a fan of the WWE for about 25 years, I am 35 years old now. Over the years I have been a loyal follower of the WWE and an occasional viewer of WCW, but never TNA. The WWE was just the place to be, the brightest lights, the biggest stars and so on.

However, in the last 2 months I have watched TNA a few times, Including the last couple of PPVs, and yes, I am watching it right now. In the last couple of months I have been subjected to higher quality matches, MORE matches, less BS, outside of the ring(as well as in the ring) and have seen that younger talent is given more of a chance in TNA. I am starting to like TNA much more than I do WWE. I won't stop watching the WWE, as I like wrestling as a whole, however I am at a point where I prefer to see TNA more and more.

Maybe one day more and more "wrestling fans" will begin to see things as I do and will give TNA a reason to produce a show on more than one night a week and give us all what we want, better product on a more regular basis.

Are there any other WWE marks reading TNA boards who feel as I do and just haven't posted due to their loyalty to WWE?
I feel u, I like wrestling as a WHOLE. I watched WWE when i was just a toddler so i will never stop watching. But since wrestlmania things have gotten completly crappy in . WWE. the storylines just dont seem Organized, it looks like they dont know what to do next. ANd dont get me started with their 10 Minute Main Events.

TNA is a pure wrestling company. They are not trying to break in into hollywood they are just being a wrestling company and giving matches longer than 10 minutes on weekly shows. TNA seems organised this year and knows what they want: they want Roode vs Storm to be the BIG fued of the year.

By the way since Austin Aries is TNA champ now, Roode will get his rematch clause at BFG, while Storm wins the Series making it a triple threat match.
being from western Canada, i was never a wwf or wcw fan - I was a Stampede Wrestling fan so i do not have that wwe loyalty. but i have been watching it for almost 20 years so i understand where you are coming from. i think for a long time, wwe was the top dog and everyone wanted to be there but i do see tna improving greatly while wwe seems stale. it is not that wwe has a bad product but think of this - they are celebrating 10 years of Cena. Before this, when did you have a top guy who was there for a decade? HBK, Bret, Austin, Rock, even Hogan never had the push that Cena has gotten and they were never there on top that long, not pushed the way Cena was. Even with Hogan, he left for a while and was off tv so when he came back, it was exciting. what is the longest Cena has been gone - a few months for his neck? he has not held the title for over a year yet he is still treated as the main event. it gets boring. in tna, they both Roode and Aries have been champ for a while now but it is fresh since this is still their first runs. i said it in another thread - tna will never be a company like wwe(it just will not happen since wwe has been around for so long) but i can easily see a time where people could say that tna has the best wrestling on tv over wwe.
Just like you I am in my early 30's and love wrestling, my parents hated it and thought it was foul. Good thing is now I have a young son and I can share this with him. I was always a WWE fan and nothing else existed when I why a young kid, my brother 2 years younger loved WCW but I wouldn't watch it. as I became a Teen my favorites ( scott hall and Nash) made the jump to WCW and that pulled me in. I was there at many events for WCW and rarely made a WWE event, but Sacramento didn't have a lot of TV events. When WCW died it sucked and I heard wind of TNA.

I watch some tna but Nash had lost his steam and TNA seems like a wcw rejects program. So I only watch WWE again. ( at this time I didn't look at dirt sheets) It wasn't till a few month prior to Hogan's arrival in TNA that I found WZ. From WZ I saw Hogan going to TNA, this made me want to watch. I thought hogan was going in as a booker/co-owner, I was wrong. I went back and watched all the old TNA events from day one. It was enjoyable sometimes. Then the wwe fail outs began to come in and the talent from TNA like Abyss, AJ and Joe got pushed downward, I was ready to leave and only watch the Tag Matches they kept me around. Then came Anderson and I had hopes. Then sting/hardy...fortune, dudley break up, Aeris always winning, Tag teams were getting dumped, robbie E. I lost all interest in TNA/Impact.

Now today I am interested in Seeing the aries/rhoode match but nothing else. WZ has the spoilers I can read about to see what happens in TNA and it there are spots to watch. As for PPV's I found a website that offers them free and began to watch them there. ( since purchasing the hardy/sting scandal I swore never to buy another) However even though it is free I find myself trying to get in the matches but they are so overdone and constantly repeated I never make it though the whole PPV. Yes there is tons of wrestling the lack of believe-ability that Aj and Daniels are still fighting.

Let's look at the Current PPV.
World title...Check
X division title..Check
Tag titles..Nope
Knockout tag tiles..Nope
Knockout champ...nope
Tag Champs...1/2 but no title shot
Television champ...Nope. Wait the PPV was on TV right without the TV champ that sounds a little stupid.

Destiantion X fine it is to highlight the X division but they sunk the other divisions. Take away the tournament matches and have them on Impact leading to Destination X. Instead add this to your PPV. Devon Vs Joe for TV title and BFG series. Add stipulation to AJ match winner is 1/2 tag champ this makes the tag interesting with Kaz and Aj hating each other btu not wanting to drop the titles. The xidivision guys that fought in the final 4 way dance will be seen again, the others in the tournament you will be lucky to see in three-four weeks.
Here is a list of big talents left off the card

Bubba Ray

You will see anyone of these guys and most likely all of them on Impact every week until the next PPV. Not as much can be said about the X division losing guys. As a matter of fact the follwing is a list of those not even on the TNA roster so yeah after to night they go away.

Mason Andrews
Lars Only
Dakota Darsow
Flip Cassanova
Sonjay Dutt
Rashad Cameron
Kenny King

What does it all mean. 3 of 10 of the x division wrestlers aren't even part of TNA. 1 of 4 of the X title are actually on the TNA Rosters....So where is the surprise? Did Anyone really think there was going to be another winner?

This is why I still like ( sometimes) the WWE and TNA still lack depth. This is why I watch part of the PPV and only read about Impact tapings. TNA has wrestling....but that is all.
I've been a long time WWE Fan, i would drop everything just to make sure i was home in time to watch RAW. But now i don't really care about it as much as i did. The tag team division is a joke, and the divas division is a joke. The only reason i still watc WWE today still is because of guys like Dolph Ziggler, and Daniel Bryan. they are extremely talented and i love watching those guys. I was flicking through the channels and spotted Kurt Angle and started watching TNA and i fell in love with it. It was just straight wrestling, with all of the steel cage matches and tables matches and high flyers it reminded me of the chair swingin neck breakin maniacs in ECW. Now on both shows some o the story lines, matches, superstars and their gimmicks, and the way they all use talent (IMO) are just getting stupid. like with WWE, wa they didwith Andy Levine, he won tough enough, he was guaranteed a WWE contract, he was putin the developmental promotion to be forgotten and then te release him. Or with TNA, i think their creative writers are having brain farts left and right, they make Kurt Angle heel and suddenly he's back to being a face, then back to being a heel again, the a face again. Make up your minds.

idk, maybe i'll just stop watching pro wrestling all together for a while. who knows, maybe these creative writers will get there heads out of there asses. =-/
i completely agree, i have been a wwe fan for the best part of 20 years and the past couple of months i have been getting bored with the product, it just seems so un-organised, the championships mean less and less, it is too childish, especially when the wrestlers 'insult' each other and they seem more focused on trying to be 'a list' than putting on a good show these days. so this made me try tna and to be honest i am glad i tuned in. it is what as a wwe fan that i'v missed for so many years, a talented roster, talented womens division, championships are the focus of the show, when the wrestlers talk they're actually adults and not crap actors talking slow and acting childish and its not all about a select 2 or 3 guys, everyone gets a chance to shine therefore the mid card seems so much stronger. for me right now, tna has a far better tv product and i would highly recommend watching it.
I've noticed for a while now since TNA starting showing on Spike TV here in Canada where I could watch it ... TNA is often a better wrestling show than WWE!

I flip on TNA and I see any match and it's a fast paced match with a lot of good moves being hit. Even the rest holds don't seem to last that long. That's what gets me interestd in a match.

TNA seems to have shorter backstage and promo segments and when they do they seem to be right to-the-point.

TNA has a more logical title belt system:

1 World Title
1 TV Title
1 X Division (Cruiserweight) Title
1 Tag Team Title
(and 2 women's division titles)

Each title has a understandable purpose and prestige. WWE made sense having all the titles they had when Raw and Smackdown were separate brands with separate Superstars but now that they are basically the same it is really silly to have 2 top titles and 2 mid-card titles.

I think the reason, though, that keeps me watching WWE more than TNA oddly enough is that WWE has a good video game to go with it and thus when I don't agree with what WWE in real life are doing I can re-create it how I would like it by playing the WWE video game. Good thing is, most of the time I agree with the way TNA develops feuds and puts on matches... I find that much less the case with WWE. They seem all over the board and very wasteful in promos, segments and matches.
I like both for different reasons. Been watching WWE my whole life and been watching TNA since the very beginning when they were ppv only.

I watch RAW for CM punk, daniel bryan, ziggler, jericho and in the hopes john cena dies/gets his ass kicked. I also watch raw out of habit. The show has sucked the last few years but i watch it in hope that it gets better one day. Wish they would get rid of the family friendly crap.

I dont watch smackdown because it really sucks now. They could cancel it now for all i care.

I watch TNA for the great wrestling, more storylines(everyone gets a chance to talk), better tag team/womens/x division. And arguably a better main event division. They got roode, AA, angle, AJ styles and more who are pretty damn exciting to watch in the ring.
I am in my early 30's as well and have watched WWE since I was 5. My dad got me started. I am a wrestling fan as a whole to, but TNA has been doing really good things lately. Everything has just been meshing for them. Roode really stepped TNA up as a whole, and I think Austin Aries is really going to run with the title now. Of all the wrestling shows on now Impact is the one I look forward to the most. That's not to say I like it the best all the time, but I always want to see what they are going to do next. I really hope they keep this up. It's starting to be a good time to be a fan again.
Just like you I am in my early 30's and love wrestling, my parents hated it and thought it was foul. Good thing is now I have a young son and I can share this with him. I was always a WWE fan and nothing else existed when I why a young kid, my brother 2 years younger loved WCW but I wouldn't watch it. as I became a Teen my favorites ( scott hall and Nash) made the jump to WCW and that pulled me in. I was there at many events for WCW and rarely made a WWE event, but Sacramento didn't have a lot of TV events. When WCW died it sucked and I heard wind of TNA.

I watch some tna but Nash had lost his steam and TNA seems like a wcw rejects program. So I only watch WWE again. ( at this time I didn't look at dirt sheets) It wasn't till a few month prior to Hogan's arrival in TNA that I found WZ. From WZ I saw Hogan going to TNA, this made me want to watch. I thought hogan was going in as a booker/co-owner, I was wrong. I went back and watched all the old TNA events from day one. It was enjoyable sometimes. Then the wwe fail outs began to come in and the talent from TNA like Abyss, AJ and Joe got pushed downward, I was ready to leave and only watch the Tag Matches they kept me around. Then came Anderson and I had hopes. Then sting/hardy...fortune, dudley break up, Aeris always winning, Tag teams were getting dumped, robbie E. I lost all interest in TNA/Impact.

Now today I am interested in Seeing the aries/rhoode match but nothing else. WZ has the spoilers I can read about to see what happens in TNA and it there are spots to watch. As for PPV's I found a website that offers them free and began to watch them there. ( since purchasing the hardy/sting scandal I swore never to buy another) However even though it is free I find myself trying to get in the matches but they are so overdone and constantly repeated I never make it though the whole PPV. Yes there is tons of wrestling the lack of believe-ability that Aj and Daniels are still fighting.

Let's look at the Current PPV.
World title...Check
X division title..Check
Tag titles..Nope
Knockout tag tiles..Nope
Knockout champ...nope
Tag Champs...1/2 but no title shot
Television champ...Nope. Wait the PPV was on TV right without the TV champ that sounds a little stupid.

Destiantion X fine it is to highlight the X division but they sunk the other divisions. Take away the tournament matches and have them on Impact leading to Destination X. Instead add this to your PPV. Devon Vs Joe for TV title and BFG series. Add stipulation to AJ match winner is 1/2 tag champ this makes the tag interesting with Kaz and Aj hating each other btu not wanting to drop the titles. The xidivision guys that fought in the final 4 way dance will be seen again, the others in the tournament you will be lucky to see in three-four weeks.
Here is a list of big talents left off the card

Bubba Ray

You will see anyone of these guys and most likely all of them on Impact every week until the next PPV. Not as much can be said about the X division losing guys. As a matter of fact the follwing is a list of those not even on the TNA roster so yeah after to night they go away.

Mason Andrews
Lars Only
Dakota Darsow
Flip Cassanova
Sonjay Dutt
Rashad Cameron
Kenny King

What does it all mean. 3 of 10 of the x division wrestlers aren't even part of TNA. 1 of 4 of the X title are actually on the TNA Rosters....So where is the surprise? Did Anyone really think there was going to be another winner?

This is why I still like ( sometimes) the WWE and TNA still lack depth. This is why I watch part of the PPV and only read about Impact tapings. TNA has wrestling....but that is all.

Would like to know where you're reading Impact taping results since they've been live for quite some time now and reading the results isn't the same as watching the show's which have been pretty entertaining for the last several months.

I also wouldn't brag about watching the PPV free because it is illegal and you just announced on a public forum you STEAL PPV feeds.

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