Locked in a bathroom for three days


Championship Contender
Pretend you live in the middle of nowhere in a house by yourself. You have no family, or any neighbors around. You go take a dumpski and the door jams and locks you in. You have no food or a phone. Could you live in there for three days untill someone finds you? You have your regular bathroom things, toothpaste, tp, soap, etc... How would you live in there for three days? What would you eat?

I know completely random and no point at all. Just wanted to see what you guys would say.
Why can't I just try to kick open the door? Does my bathroom have a window? What happens after day 3 that enables me to leave my bathroom?

These are the questions I need answered before I provide you with a serious answer.
How would someone find me in three days? It's not like after three days someone will go "Oh my lets check Lee in case he's locked himself in the bathroom"

Also moved to the cage so we can flame you
Why can't I just try to kick open the door? Does my bathroom have a window? What happens after day 3 that enables me to leave my bathroom?

These are the questions I need answered before I provide you with a serious answer.

You can try and kick open the door but pretend you couldn't and there is no windows. I just picked three days randomly.
Why the hell would you shut the door if you lived alone anyways?
As stated in my earlier post, if reading your abysmal thread did not render me unconscious, i would phone a friend and probably *********e to pass the time until he got to my house to let me out.
I'd never get locked in a bathroom that I couldn't get out of by force. I like the concept behind your thread (what we'd do in an inescapable, confined space for three days with nothing to do), but think a bit more about what kind of space that'd be.
You can try and kick open the door but pretend you couldn't and there is no windows. I just picked three days randomly.

So this situation only exists in your mind? Fuck that, I'd blow a whole in your brains and crawl out your ear, thus ending my bathroom isolation.
This is of course a spam zone but what in god's name. Are you worried this might actually happen to you and your trying to weigh up your chances?!
Just goes to show that even when someone is posting spam, they can say something that's that damn stupid. You've been convicted.
I cannot forget what has already been ingrained in my mind, i shall lock myself in my bathroom just now, will report back in 72 hours.
Yeah but it's a situation THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN

Drink tap water. You can survive for weeks with no food. /thread

Now please, don't post another stupid thread like this. EVER.
I love how Doug's in the stupid thread police, it's so cute
One of my best friends went to the bathroom in our local pub and after finishing up, he couldn't find his way back out of the bathroom again. It wasn't that the door was jammed shut. He couldn't find the door. And this pub was not big... the bathroom has two urinals, one toilet and a sink and he managed to get lost.

To make things better, he felt the need to ring one of us to come to the bathroom to let him out. The other friend walked into the bathroom to find him scratching at a wood panelled wall, thinking that was the door.

And no, he hadn't even finished his first drink.

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