Lockdown: Team Cage vs. Team Tomko


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Lethal Lockdown: Team Cage v. Team Tomko

Since turning his back on Christian Cage, Tomko has went in his own direction siding with Kurt Angle. Christian Cage hasn't had the opportunity to properly give his revenge back to Tomko. Both men will get the chance to pick their own team of 4, and square off at Lockdown.

Please express your own opinion on this match. Who do you feel each man will select for their teammates? Discuss...

I don't honestly like the 4 man team of Tomko, A.J. Styles and Team 3D. The reason I don't like that team, is because I'd rather see it be a combination of 4 single's Superstars. I'd rather of seen Robert Roode and James Storm each get nods at being the 3rd and 4th spot.

Which would also make sense in having Booker T. and Rhino add with Christian Cage and Kevin Nash. It'd add several elements of feuds into one violent structure. However I'm sure T.N.A. would rather milk each feud by themselves. Which means Christian Cage and Kevin Nash are almost a lock.. but Booker T. will likely face Robert Roode to end their feud inside the cage.

I'm not sure, but could the Motor City MachineGuns possibly be Christian's 3rd and 4th partner? They have been feuding with Team 3D. I honestly hope, like you KB, that its NOT Sharkboy. I doubt seriously it would be though. Hes used as a comic act.

I think it could be a return..

Abyss: We haven't seen him in a while. While I think upon his return, he'd still feud with Judas, it is possible that he makes his return inside the Lethal Lockdown structure.

Sting: Hes on their fricken roster, yet hasn't done shit in endless amounts of monthes now. This is a Main Event type match, and Sting has been in the previous L.L. matches.. seems like an almost perfect fit to bring him back yet again. There just isn't a logical storyline for Sting to return, because he doesn't have any set-up to be against Tomko, or Styles.. or Team 3D for that matter.

I'd like to see it be either of the above mentioned two, but if Team 3D is in.. then chances are they'll even it out with another Tag Team to match them. The Guns seem logical.. OR, L.A.X. since they won the Tag Team #1. contender match.
Well based on what happened on impact, tomko's team is pretty clear: 3d, tomko and AJ. AJ makes sense as he's Tomko's partner, but I don't get 3d. They've been in tag team feuds and now all of a sudden they're in the 2nd biggest match on the card? Something about that just screams tna to me. A team that has been in the mid card being thrown into the middle of the main event.

Now comes the difficult team. On Cage's team, the only two that seem clear are Cage himself and Nash. These two were pretty much made clear on impact. Rhyno has been hinted at a lot so i'd say he's #3. The fourth man is tricky as there isn't really anyone left. There really isn't a big face left to be on this team. Booker is still feuding with Roode I guess and Kaz is with Black Reign and Rellik. Dear God tell me it couldn't be shark boy. The only people I can think of might be a returning sting or abyss. They've been gone for awhile and maybe TNA will hold off on the "mystery" partner or soemthing like that. Abyss would be totally random so I'll put my money on him.
My opinion is based on tonights impact and the spoilers i read for next week, so if you havent read them and dont want to hear... well, dont read the following paragraph. Although I am not really giving anything away...=]


I agree with not understanding 3D on Team Tomko. But I dont understand a lot of things TNA does. I am only saying this because I read the spoilers for the end of next weeks impact. It mentions that Sting's music played although he was not there, hinting a return. Maybe he will join team Cage? It also says that 2 people that came out to help Cage were Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley. Although I think they should be used in the Xcape match, I think putting them in this match along with Cage and Nash would be a good push for them. Eh, thats just my opinion. I just happen to be a huge fan of the team. Also since tonight in Cornette's office, 3D started going on about the Guns, I think putting them with Cage and putting 3D with Tomko would be a good match, in my opinion. =]
I'd like to see LAX or the guns as either of them could put on a good cage match i think. I'm really not seeing the guns in it as their feud with 3d has been finished, but Bubba did mention them in his promo on impact. Maybe just one of the guns as the last man? Or maybe just homicide or hernandez? I can't imagine it being Shark boy either. He'll more than likely be thrown into the Xscape match. I have to go with Sting here. Like you said he's been gone forever and this is a big match. Jarrett came back for last year's match so why not Sting, the biggest name on the roster (arguably) return this year.
Sting lost the Tag for the Title at Genesis because of Tomko and Styles' suprise run-in. That was the last time we saw him in TNA. His return for Lethal Lockdown would make the most sense, returning against The Angle Alliance. He's really gonna help draw a few more fans to these outside arenas. Remember his response at BFG in Detroit, and BFG in Atlanta. Just awesome.

I think it should be 4 man teams. 10 men kind of clutter the ring. But maybe the could do Tomko Styles Ray Devon Devine vs Cage Nash Sting Shelley Sabin

I bet the probable babyface team will be Cage Nash Sting Rhino Douchebag from Survivor
man i would rather aj then tomko captain but aj probaly is gonna be in match same with 3d. now for team cage nash porbaly and what i read on spolers sting is comming back as for the last one maybe a machaine gun or shark boy( let's hope not) overall i think this will be a good match
hmm who id like 2 be in the match..........

team cage
booker t
scott steiner

team tomko
aj styles
bobby roode
jeff jerret (back as a heel)

these are big super stars in tna and really know how 2 work the crowd and are entertaining......and popular!!!
but tna will most likely fill it with less popular people like shark boy who no one cares about anyway....but hey thats tna at the minute lol

and i left nash out on purpose coz he used 2 be good but now he can like bearly walk neva mind wrestle...hes poo nowadays
Did anybody notice the subtle story telling of Cage not asking Nash to be his parter on Impact last night? Nash's knees are in bad shape, and his enemies are targeting them in every match. Cage knows this, and only accepted Nash out of pity. We might see Nash's final match at Lethal Lockdown. If it gets him behind the announce table i'll be happy.
I actually know who's onvolved, as I've read the spoilers. All I can say is that the teams suck.

I like the match though. The past few years Lockdown has been a highlight of the card. It's a shame though that it goes on last. By the time the match come around you're usually sick of cage matches.

I still think this should be the one and only cage match on the card. That way they can keep the name, and each year fans will know what they're getting.
I actually know who's onvolved, as I've read the spoilers. All I can say is that the teams suck.

I've read two different spoilers, so in complete honesty I don't know which is true. One seems kinda stupid though, because I swear Cornette told Tomko and Cage they were to assemble two teams of 4. Whereas one of the spoilers suggests that they'd actually pick up 4 extra people, making the match 5 on 5. Therefore, you get to possible situations to follow with who joins.

I like the match though. The past few years Lockdown has been a highlight of the card. It's a shame though that it goes on last. By the time the match come around you're usually sick of cage matches.

I still think this should be the one and only cage match on the card. That way they can keep the name, and each year fans will know what they're getting.

I don't think you'll have to worry about Lethal Lockdown going on last this year. It looks like Samoa Joe's Championship victory will be the highlight of this night. However I'm sure that means the Lethal Lockdown match will go on prior, which also means they likely won't make it worth anything to overshadow the Main Event.

If they somehow f*ck up this match, simply to add another type of excitment element to Joe/Angle, I'm going to be pissed off.
I don't think you'll have to worry about Lethal Lockdown going on last this year. It looks like Samoa Joe's Championship victory will be the highlight of this night. However I'm sure that means the Lethal Lockdown match will go on prior, which also means they likely won't make it worth anything to overshadow the Main Event.

I mean in previous years. The Lethal Lockdown has been the best match on the card. But it really doesn't come across as the best as it's at the tail end of an over-gimmicked card.

Not that it matters this year. I've seen the teams. Or the supposed teams. And I doubt very much this will live up to the past two ones.
Well looks like Tomko, AJ, Team 3D versus Christian, Kevin Nash, Sting and Rhino. Rhino is back and is hot and i think they will try to somehow get him back to main-event level, he is good in a steel cage type environment and i believe he's been in every Lethal Lockdown right? I also believe we'll see interference from Devine (obviously) and Truck Anderson. They wouldnt have Team 3D attack him and then just leave it. I thought he'd be the fourth member but i'm glad it's Sting instead.

I don't see why they teased The Guns/Sharkboy etc because it's only a 4-man team and at least 2 members have been confirmed, unless we're getting a mass run-in. I would like to see the Guns in a huge main-event level match like this because it appears they are being buried after their push due to Shelley not wanting to blade and their worries about the IWC which is a real shame, they're one of the best teams going. I hoped they'd go over LAX at Destination-X but oh well.
I think they are going to add a stipulation like the winner gets a TNA title shot and with it looking like Joe going over we are going to need a heel to pick up the win and if that is the case i really do see AJ or Tomko getting the win over cage or rhino. Sting won't get pinned and Nash never seems to so i see some sort of interference and AJ showing his phenomenal side and hitting some move like a 450 or spinal tap off the top of the cage.

O wait nevermind Sting's returning and its TNA so auto face victory
I haven't seen iMPACT yet. But from TNA.com Team 3D and Rhino have been confirmed. Only one spot left. I think I've guessed right as to who it is.

The Tomko team is poor. It's pretty much up to Styles to carry his end of the match. It's a good job he's all kinds of awesome.

Nash so far is the only week link in that match. I honestly hope he's the last to enter. If he comes out last then he'll miss the match. He won't be able to get to the ring in less than 30 minutes anyway.
This match will be okay, nothing special, just okay. I mean Team Christian has some big time player's, Christian and Sting are main eventers and the return of Sting is a big deal, I guess. Nash is old, so hopefully he can just stay out of the way, and like you said Rhino is on fire right now.

Team Tomko is pretty much worthless in my opinion. I mean AJ is the only star in this match. Many believe Tomko is a rising star, but I dont really see it. Team 3D is no okay, they have some good moments, but overall they are no big deal.

I really dont see any way that Team Tomko wins. So far they have gone over Team Cage on Impact, which usually is not a good sign for the team that is going over. And the fact that Sting is returning makes a lock for Team Cage to win, Sting isn't coming back to lose.

All in all, this match will be an okay match on an okay PPV.
The only reason team 3d is involved is because TNA is trying to build them as main eventers like they were in ECW. Next to the Angle alliance, and roode in a feud with booker t, 3d are the biggest heels in TNA so it would make sense that they are in this match. Sting is going to win this match for team cage setting up sting-joe feud
3D are going to be fantastic in this match. Think about it. Once that ceiling lowers, its a full out weapons brawl. That screams 3d. They are awesome workers! How can anyone deny it? I guess people are a little sick of them, i cant blame them for feeling that way i guess.

This is a perfect match for Kevin Nash, too. What better way to mask his imperfections than in a multi man cage match?

Sting has to be the last entrant! That will blow the roof off the arena. I cant wait to see the Cage-Sting dynamic. Tomko, AJ, Ray, and Devon are gonna be a great unit. Just badass heels that can work. Im pumped. I really want Tomko to get the pinfall and get a title shot at Sacrifice. And if Tomko vs Joe doesnt draw, then we'll know they are smart for keeping the veterans in the main event.
I actually like the idea of Team 3D up there in main event, but thats because im a Team 3D mark! But anyways, so yeah Tomko, AJ and Team 3D not a bad team I dont think I just hope Team 3d can turn serious in this one and be bit more of a creditable tag team and I think TNA had to put them this high up because making them loose last month to Skary Boy and Curry Man just destroyed any credibility they had. Christians team, I dont really undersdtand why Rhino is in it, but im a fan of Rhino so im not complaing, Nash im not to concerned about, and obviously the 4th member will be Sting which will be awesome. These matches usually deliver and I dont think this one will be an exception, I think though that AJ and Tomko may get the upper hand and the win in this one!
Cage's team actually makes sense because of the history. Sting has teamed up with both Cage and Nash at one pont. When Cage turned on Sting, Rhino is the one that stood up to Cage and Cage and Rhino are really goodfriends again. Tomko's team was thrown together as the heels that didn't have a match yet that's all.
Anyone who watched iMPACT! would see how honestly stupid these teams have come together. For those who don't (and I know there are a lot of you) lets recap.

Rhino: So Christian last week tried talking to Rhino, and he completely blew Christian off. This week, they have a sit-down interview, in which Rhino rambles on about explaining that his ex Wife had to explain to their daughter why "uncle Christian" was beating up Daddy.

First, how OLD is his daughter? There is no way she can be this stupid if shes above the age of 6. She should know exactly why Christian and her Father are "fighting." Thereby making this storyline ******ed. Unless Rhino neglects to inform his daughter that wrestling is staged. If thats the case, I can only imagine what his little girl must have thought when watching him wrestle in E.C.W.. cause that, would've been awesome. I can picture it now.

"Daddy, why'd you gore and piledrive that Woman through several tables? Why'd you swear with every other word you said? Why'd you bloody everyone you came in contact with?"

SO, the interview ends with Rhino telling Christian that he has to make it up to his little girl, not him. Then, Rhino gets jumped by Team Tomko later and Christian makes the save.. suddenly, ALL IS FORGIVEN! Kinda sudden for someone who was very strong in his words for the previous two segments between the two.

Now, you look on the flip side...

Team 3D: They're starting to go back to a form of the E.C.W. heels they once were. If T.N.A. would truly let them run with that, they'd be great again. Unfortunately, T.N.A. can only allow it to hit a certain level, which means it'll never get good, much less great.

Now then. Tomko asked Team 3D to join them. The part thats funny in all of this, is A.J. Styles is uncomfortable with Team 3D and even his own partner, Tomko. What exactly are they doing with Styles anymore? Because hes not a face, yet hes too much of a "pussy" to continue being a heel with this group. Its like hes the stupid heel in a group full of badasses.

All in all, I like the team of 3D with Tomko and Styles if they'd play it off as they could all work together, but clearly 3D aren't fans of Styles.. and vise versa.
First, how OLD is his daughter? There is no way she can be this stupid if shes above the age of 6. She should know exactly why Christian and her Father are "fighting." Thereby making this storyline ******ed. Unless Rhino neglects to inform his daughter that wrestling is staged. If thats the case, I can only imagine what his little girl must have thought when watching him wrestle in E.C.W.. cause that, would've been awesome. I can picture it now.

No offence but that makes no sense, you are talking as if it was a real interview and not a staged one. This was in character, as in the wrestling is meant to be real so his daughter knowing about kayfabe is redundant. As for the whole cage recruiting Rhino angle i think it has been handled well and love the fact it ties with a past angle, giving the characters a greater backstory.
No offence but that makes no sense, you are talking as if it was a real interview and not a staged one. This was in character, as in the wrestling is meant to be real so his daughter knowing about kayfabe is redundant. As for the whole cage recruiting Rhino angle i think it has been handled well and love the fact it ties with a past angle, giving the characters a greater backstory.

I'm not dull enough to understand wrestling isn't staged. I'm merely saying, they were trying to play off the storyline that Rhino and Christian's friendship really did desolve from their feuding.

And he brought his daughter into the storyline, claiming the ex Wife had to explain to her why Christian was hurting her Father. Short of you being a moron, the only way that'll work as being believeable is if you truly do think everything in Professional Wrestling is real.

If they wanted to make the storyline work, they shouldn't of added the little girl. They're trying to play off his daughter doesn't understand it isn't a "work." Which, I'm sorry, but that hurts Rhino as an athlete. All if you're willing to believe it, that is.

Look, the fact is. They WANT you to buy into the story. But in doing so, they want me to believe Rhino hasn't explained to his daughter that its a business, that its his job, and that they weren't really "fighting."
Mike Tenay held the interview suprisingly well, it was very serious. I particularly enjoyed the part where he said ''Now Christian, if you embarass Rhino in any way I will have you removed from my interview segments''

But the whole thing about family is something that sounds very familiar in TNA, bringing his young daughter into the fray sounds very clichéd now, and the part about Uncle Christian was hardly something anyone could take seriously. They hadn't exactly made out that they used to be best friends either, so it seemed a bit of a rushed line.

One part I did enjoy was that they actually took the time to backtrack Rhino and Christian having worked together in the past, to add a sense of betrayal and also help the handshake seem like more of a memorable moment.
Personally I thought it should have been stretched out a week further, or at least have Rhino save Christian at the end of the program instead, would have been less predictable than Nash making his way to the ring slowly with a chair. Anyways, being outnumbered would have helped us sympthasise with Christians team.
And he brought his daughter into the storyline, claiming the ex Wife had to explain to her why Christian was hurting her Father. Short of you being a moron, the only way that'll work as being believeable is if you truly do think everything in Professional Wrestling is real.

But that is how you are meant to view wrestling!

Yes we all know the ins and outs of wrestling and know its fake but the whole point is it is meant to be real, we are meant to believe what they are saying is true. Thats like saying you dont like heroes because someone can fly and that isnt real! I can understand if it was something stupid like Big show falling off a building and being unharmed or HHH falling in the car and being fine but all this was is Rhino talking about his and Christians previous friendship and how their feud affected the people who knew them in their personal life.

What is so unbelievable of Rhino's daughter not understanding them fighting when all she has known them as being close friends. To say the only way it will work is if you are a Moron or believe that everything is real are quite frankly offensive and stupid, to think you might have to believe that something is real in wrestling, what a shocker!

I just really cant see what the problem with this is, i liked the angle, it brought together previous feuds to bring more depth to the characters stories and their history which is what helps people care about the wrestlers, of course you need the talent in the ring but tbh the main reason people will want to watch a feud is because of the story and as long as TNA are trying to create rich backgrounds for their wrestlers (if done well) people are more likely to care about the feud and want to watch what happens next which of course is what the whole point of a show is.
I guess they shouldve held out on Rhino and Cage shaking hands for atleast one more week, but i can see why they took care of it with this last episode. They couldnt have it all over Sting's debut for this weeks live edition of impact. Atleast they aknowledged Rhino and Cage's past, and it really is good to see Rhino stay on tv, and be over with the audience. He's a founding father of TNA when you think about it. He deserves this spot on team cage.

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