Lockdown 2011: The Aftermath

LockDown was a 5 star ppv imo. Better than BFG 2010 and Lethal Lockdown was totally epic from flair taking the beer bottle to the face to hardy almost killing daniels on top of the cage to daniels leap of faith off the cage and AJs Phenomenal return! Angle vs Jarret was a classic the suspense was through the roof for the finish. Pope and Joe had a decent match aswell. Over all im very satisfied with the whole ppv 40$ well spent.... P.S to all you wwe marks go back to your wwe section and quit coming here to bash a great ppv by TNA for no reason!:disappointed:
this ppv was far far from a 5 star the only good match was angle n jj but ends with jaret goin over makes no sence at all so we get to see this match again next month u had a main event that lasted 7 mins total lol now we get to see hogan vs sting = fail i mean come on u might as well go get to senior citizens and let them fight and the lethal lockdown was just sloppy best part was daniels goin off the top of the cage and we all knew aj would make his triumph return here geee who couldnt see that n flair ummm how long did i sit there pleading with his hands behind his f****** back forever and then takes the beer shot wow really if u call this 5 star then u need to get ur eyes checked and head examined :wtf:tna is a sinking ship with hogan bishoff n russo period u want tna to get better get rid of the one guy who just wants the spotlight HH:banghead::wtf:
Not a great PPV overall. I would say though it was probably the best TNA PPV of the year so far. That isn't saying much considering what transpired a month ago. I think the crowd really ruined the majority of the PPV since they were dead half the show. Considering how mild the first half of the show was though I can't blame them. There was some funny members in the crowd though. Wild Chris Sabin shirtless guy, Giant Sloth guy, and girl with the sign that says women can't wrestle. Oh and Brooke Hogan blessed us with her busty presence too. She does know that pro wrestling is scripted right?

#1 Contender's match for the X Division Title:
Max Buck def. Chris Sabin, Robbie E, Jeremy Buck, Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, Brian Kendrick, and Suicide

A good opening match to start the show. The problem with most of these competitors is that we hardly see them on Impact so the crowd can hardly get behind them. When Max and Jeremy Buck are the focal point of the match, its hard to get excited about it. I wish Kendrick would have won this won and changed his horrible character. **

#1 Contender's match for the TNA Tag Team Championship:
Ink Inc. def. Crimson and Scott Steiner, The British Invasion, and Eric Young/Orlando Jordan

Basically a comedy filler match. We didn't even get to see the Frankensteiner or the chaos theory. Also, another bland tag team that is on the verge of breaking up is going to face Beer Money for the titles now? Lame. **

TNA Knockouts Championship:
Mickie James def. Madison Rayne

Well this division has gone down in a hurry. Thank God that TNA decided to scrap the Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky match. The audience was already on life support during this match. Its good the match ended early so we didn't have to sit through it, but there is no reason to have a 30 second match in any venue. At least it wasn't for the World Championship. 0 stars

Samoa Joe def. The Pope:

I guess the Pope is going for the Gladiator/early Farooq look. These two have fought so much over the last few months over nothing that I really could care less who won this match. I am glad that Joe got the W, and hopefully both guys can go on to something else. **

Matt Morgan def. Hernandez:

This is another feud that I hope we can see the end of. It was your basic big man match with Hernandez annoying Mexican stable that no one cares about. Morgan needs something better. **

Jeff Jarrett def. Kurt Angle/ Ultimate Male Match:

The first two falls went pretty quickly with Angle getting the submission and Jarrett getting the quick roll up pin. I really enjoyed the final bout and this match actually got the audience to their feet. I'm not sure why Jarrett went over here again, but it was the match of the night with some great spots. I wouldn't put it over Anderson vs. Angle last year at Lockdown, but it was still good. ***

TNA World Heavyweight Championship:
Sting def. RVD and Mr. Anderson

I'm surprised this match wasn't the main event. There was some good offense and double team moves here. The match length and Hogan's involvement was a big letdown for me. Sting retaining without anyone joining Immortal was a surprise. RVD not wanting to use the lead pipe in a NO DQ cage match was also stupid. It's a cage match at Lockdown for the championship title, use the damn thing. It doesn't matter who gives it to you. I'm not looking forward to what seems to be the inevitable Sting vs. Hogan part 87 for the TNA Championship. Ugh. **

Lethal Lockdown:
Fortune def. Immortal

This was a decent lockdown match. It is just so chaotic with 8 people in the ring that you can hardly keep track of what is going on. Daniels had some great spots. It was nice to see AJ return, even though he wasn't really injured. I wonder what is the point of a lethal lockdown match if everyone can go outside the cage? Usually there is a big spot every year at Lockdown. I remember Angle and AJ had their spot on top of the cage 2 years ago, and Jeff Hardy had his spot jumping from the ladder on to a table on top of the cage last year.

I just wonder where is the rest of Immortal? Gunner came out during the Angle vs. Jarrett match. Why wouldn't Gunner, Murphy, and Rob Terry come down to the Lethal Lockdown and beat down on Fortune before or even during the match? Immortal needs to think these things through. ***

Overall a decent PPV. It would have been better if the crowd wasn't so flat. I'm glad my buddy ordered the PPV instead and we didn't break the bank driving to Cincinnati to see it live in person. I'm sure it was a better experience, but driving 4 hours for a semi decent PPV, would be a letdown. I would probably give it a C + or 3 stars out of 5 overall. The best PPV TNA has produced in a while, but not as a good as their previous Lockdown shows.
I have no clue how anybody can say this PPV was atleast decent. It was one of the worst show's I have ever seen. Period. Weird booking, matches were a mess, Angle is a lying peice of shit, and the main-event was in more or less a borefest.

Take away the 'Taker-HHH match, how can you HONESTLY say that Wrestlemania (for example) was more entertaining than Lock Down tonight?
I got in just in time to catch the 2nd half of the Morgan\Hernandez match and the rest from there, so I won't post a review of the show since I can't fairly judge it but...

...my problem is that yet another pay-per-view has come and gone, and almost nothing has been resolved. Sting is still the champion, no one turned to join Immortal to be its Main Event player, Fourtune got A.J. back and won, which does nothing since Hogan and Bischoff are still in charge, no male belts changed hands, Jeff Jarrett cheated yet another win out of Kurt Angle, and only three feuds seemed to be resolved with The Pope\Samoa Joe, which Joe already squashed The Pope before this and had no reason to even feud with him; Hernandez\Morgan, which Morgan won even though he was the instigator by injuring him last year, and Mickie James\Madison Rayne, which had the only satisfying feud ending yet the match lasted 36 seconds according to the results.

It seems like TNA uses Impact to set up everything and end everything, which the pay-per-views are almost glorified Impacts with better matches and limited points of resolution. I'm looking for the video online to watch it entirely so I can give it a more complete review.
LockDown was a 5 star ppv imo. Better than BFG 2010 and Lethal Lockdown was totally epic from flair taking the beer bottle to the face to hardy almost killing daniels on top of the cage to daniels leap of faith off the cage and AJs Phenomenal return! Angle vs Jarret was a classic the suspense was through the roof for the finish. Pope and Joe had a decent match aswell. Over all im very satisfied with the whole ppv 40$ well spent.... P.S to all you wwe marks go back to your wwe section and quit coming here to bash a great ppv by TNA for no reason!:disappointed:

No...not even freaking close.

Jarrett vs Angle was good, but not great. There was no reason whatsoever that Jarrett should've won, period. And the finish and multiple run-ins slightly crippled it. Lethal Lockdown was also good, but it wsn't the greatest thing ever either. Just because it had some good spots doesn't mean anything in the long run. Flair shouldn't be doing this to himself in his 60s, there was 0% chance that Daniels would've fallen off the side, plus Matt apparently fractured his arm after falling off the side, and Daniel's dive, while cool, has been done before. And AJ's return was sweet, but again, it wsn't the gretest thing ever. The crowd also didn't give a shit for most of it. Also, great job explaining why every other match on the card, from the just decent multi-man matches to the what, 10 minute World Title match, to the mostly boring Hernandez vs Morgan match and so on, most of which didn't even need to be in a cage which was one of the main problems with this show, warrant this to be a "5 star" show.

Also, don't accuse people of "bashing" a show while you're here overrating it.

So...yeah, I'd rate this from about a D+ to a C-.
First I'd like to say I was at the venue live, and was satisfied with the event.

xfearbefore's review on the first page of this post was actually a quite accurate portrayal of the show- proving that it came across pretty well on television, even from the perspective of the crowd's mood.

D-von won his dark match against Anarchia. It was some real basic work for most of the match, and the finish came off a spinebuster. The highlight though was that after the match they fought out of the cage and D-von hit a suplex on the ramp... then another, in response to a "one more time" chant.

The 6000 attendance number seems pretty spot on. In the arena I was guesstimating 6000-7000 myself; so I wasn't shocked to see that number thrown around.

The crowd was dead for most of the first 90 minutes or so. Aside from a couple moments during the Xscape match and a few pops for Steiner, the crowd didn't really start to build momentum until the Joe/Pope match- and then Morgan/Hernandez tried to blow that momentum too(thank god Velvet's appearence saved that entire segment).

In the Angle/Jarrett match, what I keep hearing referred to as a botched powerbomb from the top, in the arena looked as if the plan may have been for Angle to reverse it- possibly into a Huricanrana, but they couldn't get it around... I don't now how it looked from the camera's perspective though.

The Mr.Anderson dynamic is quite intriguing. There were by far more Anderson T-shirts in the arena than any other(Sting, Jeff Hardy, and Beer Money merch being the others I most commonly noticed), yet his reaction from the crowd as a whole was somewhat subdued. He definitely seemed to be the crowd's third rooting interest in the World Title match(despite how vocal my Wisconsin-native wife was in his favor :)).

Who was the most over man in the building??
Probably Ric Flair :worship:

And who got the most heat of the night???
No doubt it was Sarita :icon_neutral:

Now... I have questions myself about how the Angle/JJ match aired on television, since i didn't get to see it from that end- anyone feel free to answer:

I don't know how the camera captured Kurt's top-cage moonsault, but in the arena it was clear that he missed it entirely, did it look like that on the PPV? Because I find it wierd that no one seems to have mentioned it. Did they play it off as a miss or a connection? Jarrett also didn't really look to be attempting to avoid it, if that was indeed his plan. It definitely looked like a pure botch live.

Also, what was the match layout? Didn't the first fall HAVE to occur BY SUBMISSION? And if so, why was the ref counting for pinfalls during the figure four?? How did Tenay/Taz address it???
First I'd like to say I was at the venue live, and was satisfied with the event.

xfearbefore's review on the first page of this post was actually a quite accurate portrayal of the show- proving that it came across pretty well on television, even from the perspective of the crowd's mood.

D-von won his dark match against Anarchia. It was some real basic work for most of the match, and the finish came off a spinebuster. The highlight though was that after the match they fought out of the cage and D-von hit a suplex on the ramp... then another, in response to a "one more time" chant.

The 6000 attendance number seems pretty spot on. In the arena I was guesstimating 6000-7000 myself; so I wasn't shocked to see that number thrown around.

The crowd was dead for most of the first 90 minutes or so. Aside from a couple moments during the Xscape match and a few pops for Steiner, the crowd didn't really start to build momentum until the Joe/Pope match- and then Morgan/Hernandez tried to blow that momentum too(thank god Velvet's appearence saved that entire segment).

In the Angle/Jarrett match, what I keep hearing referred to as a botched powerbomb from the top, in the arena looked as if the plan may have been for Angle to reverse it- possibly into a Huricanrana, but they couldn't get it around... I don't now how it looked from the camera's perspective though.

The Mr.Anderson dynamic is quite intriguing. There were by far more Anderson T-shirts in the arena than any other(Sting, Jeff Hardy, and Beer Money merch being the others I most commonly noticed), yet his reaction from the crowd as a whole was somewhat subdued. He definitely seemed to be the crowd's third rooting interest in the World Title match(despite how vocal my Wisconsin-native wife was in his favor :)).

Who was the most over man in the building??
Probably Ric Flair :worship:

And who got the most heat of the night???
No doubt it was Sarita :icon_neutral:

Now... I have a question myself about how the Angle/JJ match aired on television, since i didn't get to see it from that end- anyone feel free to answer:

I don't know how the camera captured Kurt's top-cage moonsault, but in the arena it was clear that he missed it entirely, did it look like that on the PPV? Because I find it wierd that no one seems to have mentioned it. Did they play it off as a miss or a connection? Jarrett also didn't really look to be attempting to avoid it, if that was indeed his plan. It definitely looked like a pure botch live.

I'm glad you enjoyed the show. The crowd did look pretty dead and they had stuff to be excited about. Wrong venue for the PPV maybe.

As far as Angle missing the moonsault, the shot was messy but you could see he missed it by a mile. Tazz played it off as a miss. There was just no way to say Angle hit it.

And the Angle faceplant thing ... well it looked like he landed on his neck on the first camera shot but it seems he landed on his face. I think he was going for a Hurricarana.

Overall, like I said, fine Pay-Per-View. I'm glad TNA didn't fill it with numerous swerves. First half was boring, second half was much better. Angle and Doube J was a complete carbon copy of Angle vs Anderson from last year in terms of some spots and the psychology, but it had its flashy spots and they made the match awesome. The World Title match was clean, had a few good spots, the right man won it. The Lethal Lockdown match was the match of the night for me. Absolutely perfect. It had the violence, intensity, emotion. Everything you'd want. AJ returning saved that PPV too. Good PPV. I'm looking forward to what's happening next.
A lot of the endings just seemed they came from nowhere. The tag team and X Division match both had finishes that if you blinked..you missed it. I literally opened my drink and missed the entire ending to the tag match. Had to wait for replays to see how it ended. Im watching a delayed version at the moment due to it being on while im at work and Im only up to Hernadez v Morgan at the moment so Ill reserve judgement till the end. But so far thats my major gripe.
Was a pretty decent PPV. Not fantastic, but I dont feel robbed of my money.

There werent many swerves/stupid endings like we have come to expect. Was great to see AJ Styles, can see a great fued between him and Bully Ray comming up.

I really wonder why they bothered to even have a Knockout match that lasted all of 20 seconds.

Was pretty happy to see Max Buck get the win, I thought it was either gonna be him or Jeremy so I am pretty excited to see what him and Kaz can do.
I don't get it , I like and watch WWE and TNA pay-per-views and I thought last nights was decent. Crappy in spots and great in others. I surely haven't seen anything from WWE lately that makes me go "" oooo Wrestlemania was so much better than that" seriously,...other than Taker/HHH can you honestly tell me WWE biggest night of the year was so much better than Lockdown?

If I was WWE , I be pissed I couldn't leave a small companies PPV in the dust.

Joe and Pope, Angle/Jarrett and Lethal Lockdown were fun to watch even if the rest was so-so.
I thought it was a pretty good show and was satisfied with it.

X Division XScape Match

This match was good for what it was; a PPV opener, nothing amazing, but very decent. It got me, and the crowd, warmed up for the rest of the night and delivered some very good action and the finish was perfect. Brian Kendrick and Max were both impressive, the rest of them in there weren't nothing special but all in all a decent match. Max Buck winning was the right thing to happen as well. 7/10

Four way Tornado Tag Match
This was one of the worst matches of the night. While there were some entertaining moments there were some bad botches and shambolic chemistry, the outcome made no sense and didn't accomplish anything. Like the X Division match this match was pretty random and had no solid build up whatsoever, but at least the x division match produced in-ring wise. This had no right to be on the card, and was merely on par with a TNA iMPACT match. The lack of cage use in this match insults the concept of Lockdown. Steiner and Crimson winning would of likely increased my rating on this match, but possibly TNA's worst heel characters won it, accomplishing nothing. 3.5/10

Mickie James vs Madison Rayne
Complete dud of match, but the outcome of it was perfect. Finally Madison Rayne can fuck off out of the championship seen and hopefully (fingers crossed) fuck off from my TV set. Mickie James can now, deservedly take the championship, and move onto a better feud. I'm a fan of the women's division in TNA, completely buries WWE Diva's division, so I'm hoping a better feud for Mickie will console this dud of a match. 5/10 (simply because of what I anticipate the accomplishment of this match will be)

Samoa Joe vs The Pope
A mediocre match, but like the match above, hopefully it will accomplish for the near future. This was a decent mid-card grudge match, both guys put in okay performances, expect better from Joe personally. Pointless and crap feud for both of these men, and I hope they will move onto better things and this match was the end of it all. 6.5/10

Henandez vs Matt Morgan
Another decent mid card grudge battle, this was much better than the one above though. It was back and forth action, the use of the cage was good, and the finish was the icing on the cake. Like the Joe/Pope feud it was pointless and itself accomplished very little, so hopefully this is the end and Morgan can move into the title picture and he's an athlete that's impressed me a lot. 7.5/10

Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett
This was the match of the night for me. Both of these guys put on exceptional performances and exceeded my expectations by a mile. Not only did they both deliver quality in ring action and entertainment, their intensity told summarised the whole story between them both. Angle was amazing, his moonsault was incredible, his work rate for the 20 minutes was sublime, an incredible athlete who put on the performance of the night. Jarrett get's credit also for putting up a good fight, and took advantage when needed, the brutality towards him he sold well but the spotlights on Angle for me. The only issue I have in this match was the end, I was hoping Angle would win and finish this feud - that has gone on for too long, but unfortunately Jarrett got a cheap and undeserved win. 9/10

Sting vs RVD vs Anderson
Pretty quick match, done what was needed and was an improvement from the title match at Victory Road. Like most TNA fans, I was hoping a heel/immortal turn would occur in this match, but unfortunately it didn't happen. The spotlight was on a potential Sting/Hogan match after Sting retained his championship, and the feud between them is starting to go further. The match itself was pretty boring, lack of cage use was disappointing and was hoping more for RVD considering the things I've seen him do in a cage in the past. 6/10

Lethal Lockdown Match
Very pleased this was the main event because it defined brutality and left me with a good and satisfactory taste in my mouth. A bloody battle between both stables which was one of the most anticipated matches of the night delivered brilliantly. Glad Fortune won and Styles returned, Roode made Flair tap out which was the right thing to do and everyone else played their part well. 8/10

Overall this PPV was a huge improvement from Victory Road, and was well worth the money paid for. I give it a 7.5/10 It was better than Wrestlemania, (I gave that a 7/10) which is massive for TNA as Lockdown isn't their most hyped up PPV of the year. Hopefully TNA can build on this and produce a quality PPV next month, and I look forward to the aftermath.
The dead crowd doesn't help TNA's cause at all.

I cannot believe Foley chooses to be in TNA...

The show was just bad. The ending to the main event? WTF? An armbar? Armbar?

BTW... Is the TNA ring much smaller than WWE's?
Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
After watching Lockdown last night I am left with the feeling TNA has given up. The was not an all around bad show but it made very little sense. The way the show was formated was strange. What was the point of Bisch comming out? was it just to get the crowd going? They seemed pretty dead on t.v. This may lead to something on impact but it didn't fit the show at all.
Why do a squash for the womens title? And what in Gods name went wrong in the Angle /Jarrett match?
I am a loyal TNA fan but I have no idea what is going on anymore. Maybe that's the point but the way they are going about it is all wrong. I've seen indie shows that were booked better then this. If you are going to play a town that really isn't interested in ur product don't u think u should go all out?
I want to know what poeple think is happening. Is this all part of the plan or are things truely falling aprt infront of our eyes?
Thoughts? And please no mindless TNA bashing.
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;3037091 said:
No...not even freaking close.

Jarrett vs Angle was good, but not great. There was no reason whatsoever that Jarrett should've won, period. And the finish and multiple run-ins slightly crippled it. Lethal Lockdown was also good, but it wsn't the greatest thing ever either. Just because it had some good spots doesn't mean anything in the long run. Flair shouldn't be doing this to himself in his 60s, there was 0% chance that Daniels would've fallen off the side, plus Matt apparently fractured his arm after falling off the side, and Daniel's dive, while cool, has been done before. And AJ's return was sweet, but again, it wsn't the gretest thing ever. The crowd also didn't give a shit for most of it. Also, great job explaining why every other match on the card, from the just decent multi-man matches to the what, 10 minute World Title match, to the mostly boring Hernandez vs Morgan match and so on, most of which didn't even need to be in a cage which was one of the main problems with this show, warrant this to be a "5 star" show.

Also, don't accuse people of "bashing" a show while you're here overrating it.

So...yeah, I'd rate this from about a D+ to a C-.

The Reason, I believe, storytelling wise , that Jarrett won is the thought that in the finish, Angles character CHOSE not to leave the cage when he could win , but instead chose revenge and go back to punish Jarrett. It also added more heat on Karen and Jarrett

I understand it from a storytelling thought , but on a gut level, he shoulda won.

Its the one basic problem I have with wrestling as a whole---- You look at Kurt and can see he DESTROYED Jarrett, but Im supposed to believe he lost to him.

It like when i would watch Hawk vs Flair and my Dad would walk in and say " Thats Bullshit, in real life Hawk would hit Flair once and that be it"

thats always bugs me.
Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
After watching Lockdown last night I am left with the feeling TNA has given up. The was not an all around bad show but it made very little sense. The way the show was formated was strange. What was the point of Bisch comming out? was it just to get the crowd going? They seemed pretty dead on t.v. This may lead to something on impact but it didn't fit the show at all.
Why do a squash for the womens title? And what in Gods name went wrong in the Angle /Jarrett match?
I am a loyal TNA fan but I have no idea what is going on anymore. Maybe that's the point but the way they are going about it is all wrong. I've seen indie shows that were booked better then this. If you are going to play a town that really isn't interested in ur product don't u think u should go all out?
I want to know what poeple think is happening. Is this all part of the plan or are things truely falling aprt infront of our eyes?
Thoughts? And please no mindless TNA bashing.

I'm far from a TNA guy, i think they have problems that go beyond Bischoff and Hogan, but I'll answer your questions about Lockdown in a fair manner.

Bischoff coming out was to keep the crowd guessing as to who if anyone would turn and join Immortal. It actually wraps around the recruitment of RVD and Anderson in recent weeks.

The squash for the womans title was due to Mickie's injury and the fact that she really couldnt do much.

JJ and Angle was sick and there is no way you can kill them for anything except JJ selling the obvious missed moonsault.

As far as the overall direction of the company, its a mess. It would not surprise me one bit to see Samoa Joe go heel this week, or like Robbie E go face, not cause its building or makes sense, but that is how TNA books. The problem with TNA is that is so damn hard to follow. Supposedly according to a report on the main page the world title is gonna be built around Ken Anderson's chase. However it looks like Matt Morgan is also in the mix now. Its a shame that guys who built TNA like AJ, Daniels, Roode, Storm, Abyss, even Joe aren't the guys in the title picture but instead its Sting, RVD, Anderson, and now Morgan. I have a sick feeling that at some point that belt ends up on Hogan. I'm not being funny or a TNA basher, it is a legit fear.
I'm calling it now. Sting will join Hogan by laying down for him win the title, as early as this weeks show or by the next PPV.
I dont know to tell you the truth. I actually ejoyed last week's Impact. TNA's weak spot is in PPVs and they've been plagued with bad luck in that area ever since Hogan and Bischoff took over. I sometimes question TNA's intentions with certain actions like the ones you mentioned but I guess they're juts getting used to things. The best thing is to give them the benefit of the doubt and wait till things get better. TNA definately has potential, they have seasoned veterans that are 10 times better than the current WWE roster. All TNA needs to do is learn how to organize their shows better. They seem to be pulling for an element of surprise type show were matches end abruptly. They need to do things "more by the book" and not abandon that traditional wrestling feel just yet.
I'm far from a TNA guy, i think they have problems that go beyond Bischoff and Hogan, but I'll answer your questions about Lockdown in a fair manner.

Bischoff coming out was to keep the crowd guessing as to who if anyone would turn and join Immortal. It actually wraps around the recruitment of RVD and Anderson in recent weeks.

The squash for the womans title was due to Mickie's injury and the fact that she really couldnt do much.

JJ and Angle was sick and there is no way you can kill them for anything except JJ selling the obvious missed moonsault.

As far as the overall direction of the company, its a mess. It would not surprise me one bit to see Samoa Joe go heel this week, or like Robbie E go face, not cause its building or makes sense, but that is how TNA books. The problem with TNA is that is so damn hard to follow. Supposedly according to a report on the main page the world title is gonna be built around Ken Anderson's chase. However it looks like Matt Morgan is also in the mix now. Its a shame that guys who built TNA like AJ, Daniels, Roode, Storm, Abyss, even Joe aren't the guys in the title picture but instead its Sting, RVD, Anderson, and now Morgan. I have a sick feeling that at some point that belt ends up on Hogan. I'm not being funny or a TNA basher, it is a legit fear.

Everything you stated was truth. It's really hard to follow TNA and the disrespect of the guys who are still there from NWA/TNA is why to me TNA is a joke. To me that is an underline reason why Paul Heyman won't join TNA. The man respects loyalty look at all the talent that Heyman had he made stars in ECW pretty much in age range of the guys you mentioned who built TNA before 1/4/10

1/4/10 The DEATH OF TNA
While not a regular or avid TNA fan I do hope there is significant build up for homegrowns. WCW made the mistake of building upon already established people who don't need it. For example. Stinger needs no world title to establish himself. Neither does Hogan. These are household names. The tna made stars who made tna should have more limelight. You may say they are stale but in my opinion from what ive watched it boils to the material and stars they work with.

Not bashing tna but look at hbk when he came back. My argument is two fold. One for me and one against me.

1.) Hbk had one world title reign when he returned to wwe full time. He had inserted himself fir a while in the title picture to put on classics while holding an "obligitory coming back from 5 years" world title.

2.) Argument can be made most those matches were against already established stars however, he had many moments against newcomers and while they were not all successful or huge stories he helped people along the way but also DESTROYED people too.

Spirit squad and most people got squashed by the dx machine.

People like cena, benjiman, orton, and a few others who had not yet reached their level of status got an hbk rub. Keep in mind pre 2006. However, even against established stars like taker, angle, hhh, benoit, etc those matches were WITHOUT a title but spectacles!

I think tna can build upon styles better, joe who i loved back in 05 and thought hed be way above what he is now, and daniels can make it big by getting a rub from the older guys the right way. Im not saying hand all of em the strap and let em play hot potato but rather build them to prestige in a timely manner and DONT panic if it doesnt go hot overnight.

Im hoping ken anderson gets the good treatment because frankly i KNOW wwe dropped the ball there. But in due time i hope he gets the big one the right way.

Hogan, sting as much as i love him, flair, these men dont need a title. They ARE living walking titles in and of themselves. Give them a special status like takers 19-0 streak. Good luck tna. You have the tools and stars to make a long lasting one studio promotion last years and be successful or perhaps one day go on the road. Just find a direction and stick to it. Dont give up overnight and emergency repackage.
Everything you stated was truth. It's really hard to follow TNA and the disrespect of the guys who are still there from NWA/TNA is why to me TNA is a joke. To me that is an underline reason why Paul Heyman won't join TNA. The man respects loyalty look at all the talent that Heyman had he made stars in ECW pretty much in age range of the guys you mentioned who built TNA before 1/4/10

1/4/10 The DEATH OF TNA

So guys who don't follow TNA,Are calling TNA hard to follow? Hmmm? Maybe that's because you haven't been following it! Just a observation! And I find it funny that one guy says TNA is hard to follow by reading something on wrestle zone's front page! That's crazy, How about watching the show and letting things unfold in front of you, Instead of reading about what some dirtsheet says might happen and calling the show hard to follow! Just Sayin!
1/4/10 the death of TNA... yeah... 15 months later.. everything's going business as usual. Dumba$$es.


The opener was wonderful and had me marking out at one point with just how crazy some of the action was. Sin Cara? Chris Sabin was doing the same sh!t... except he wasn't f***ing it up. Max Buck is good.. but Brian Kendrick should have won... how about Beer Money vs Generation Me for a feud?

Tag match was whatever, I don't get why people get down on stuff like this.. Tag Teams getting a chance to show themselves, it was fine action. A little entertainment from Eric Young. Just what you'd expect it to be.

I liked the fact the Knocksout Championship match was short and to the point. Mickie James grabbed Madison.. beat the fuck out of her... gave her a hellacious DDT... and thats about 3 seconds. It was just what it needed to be.

I was surprised.. I thought Joe was one of the more well received wrestlers of the night. Even in his superman trunks? But it didn't look anymore awkward than his usual stuff looks. Good match from these too... Joe's a beast... Pope doesn't have much offense, his offense is his defense. I think this match is going to put Joe on the right track now.

Btw.. I find myself laughing at Taz in just about every match..

Matt Morgan and Hernandez ... whatever... my favorite part of all that was seeing my babay Sarita. I think it's cool TNA is finding little ways to give their other wrestlers a minute or so on a PPV... Sarita.. Rosita.. Velvet Sky..

Well Kurt vs Jarrett... pretty damn good wrestling in the opening... the usual Kurt Angle classic stuff in the middle... still angers me that he keeps botching that damn moonsault... keeps overshooting it.

Oh yea.. JEFF JARRETT SHOULD RETIRE... can't even do a damn powerbomb? you just let Kurt Angle fall from the top of the cage.. put it this way.. Kurt Angle beat you into retirement.. it's all you deserve for your career anyways... your over rated.

I did enjoy the ending sequence where Kurt and Jarrett had several exchanges for the cage door, all looked legit too... Jarrett won... eh... whatever.. Karen helped him which is the main part.

The World Championship Match was fine.. this was more about starpower than the actual wrestling anyways.. but they put out an acceptable match. Sting's still the World Champ.. biggest active star in TNA.. so sure.. for now... Hogan walked down... cool.. whatever... you get to the same ending one way or another.

Lethal Lockdown
Now that is what I'm talking about...

It was just nuts.. filled with excellent wrestling... mostly from Fortune.

At one point I felt Taz was genuinely pissed with how hard Bully Ray was hitting Christopher Daniels in the FACE with that kendo stick.. it was a lil hard to watch from time to time in 720p High Definition!

Flair was enjoyable as hell..

Loved the match... you won't find more intensity anywhere else in wrestling than you'll find in Fortune... no joke... HHH/Taker... that wasn't even intense... Fortune... is.... INTENSE.

If I had to watch one groups matches for the rest of my life... it'd be Fortune...

Simply put... Fortune should be paid million dollars each and put at the top of the WWE.

That's how I feel..

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