Lockdown 2011: The Aftermath

Compared to other TNA PPVs, this was not too bad. I was disappointed most of the time, but it was an okay show.

-X-Division Escape Match **1/4

Just a bunch of spots, nothing really suspenseful for a match. I lost a lot of interest after Chris Sabin and Amazing Red was eliminated. Brian Kendrick is a bit of joke if you ask me, same goes for Robbie E obviously. And the Bucks suck as singles, and when Max Buck won, I rolled my eyes. All those two did were crappy strikes in the match, and barely any spots. Sloppy match overall.

-Ink Inc. vs. Crimson and Scott Steiner vs. The British Invasion vs. Eric Young and Orlando Jordan Four way tornado tag team steel cage match *3/4

The match was boring for the most part. They had one or two suspense moments, but otherwise it was silly. Eric Young was funny, but Orlando Jordan is ridiculous. I was cheering for the only good tag team in the match, British Invasion, but they seemed to suffer the Mooregasm. Garbage match overall.

-Mickie James vs Madison Rayne for Knockouts Champion *DUD*

Short match, nothing to be disappointed about. It was nice to see Mickie James win though.

-Samoa Joe vs. D'Angelo Dinero ***1/2

Excellent match, I was impressed with Pope more than usual. Samoa Joe did his usual athletic awesome moves with each getting close pinfalls on each other. I'm glad Samoa Joe won, and I hope for a world title match from him soon. Overall, good match.

-Matt Morgan defeated Hernandez *

Stupid and boring. Matt Morgan and Hernandez have never impressed me. And that thought still runs through my mind. Basically, all I saw in this match was both wrestlers throwing each other into the cage, with a one move for the finish. The match hasn't even been built up by then. Boring shit overall.

-Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett ****1/4

-Wonderful match. The beginning started off great, with awesome submissions being applied.
-The second bout was not as good, but it was nice to see Kurt Angle do his moves, while it sucked to watch Jarrett doing nothing.
-The third match was so good, watching each other try to escape the cage. The ending was classic, the moonsault was sick. Suspenseful ending, great ending! Overall, I was disappointed with the winnder, but you can't deny the match was fantastic.

-Sting vs Rob Van Dam and Mr. Anderson TNA World Champion **1/2

Very sloppy match, I blame the poor wrestling from Sting for the most part. I found the ending to be very stupid, and I'm sick of Sting. Sting is an old man who shouldn't wrestle anymore, and he should ask Edge for some pointers. Hulk Hogan's involvement was ridiculous, but Mr. Anderson talking back to him was awesome. The ending was stupid, Sting is overrated these days. But there was some good moves applied, and more suspense than I thought. Sloppy match overall.

-Fortune vs Immortal Lethal Lockdown **3/4

Nicely brutal match, but very cluttered. There was a lot of nice moves there, and the wrestlers were really good. But my problem with it, it got confusing and over the top. Christopher Daniels match with Matt Hardy on top the streel cage was botch filled, but his cross body from the top of the cage was crazy. There was some suspense, but not enough. The match was overall predictable, and obvious, but not without it's spot. It's great to see AJ Styles back again though, and I loved that BME by Christopher Daniels. Overall, better than most Lethal Lockdown matches, but that's not saying much.

PPV Score 5.5/10
This show was awful!

I missed the first match and could care less. I hate spotfest and it probably was one.

Every Tag cage match was a complete mess. The Lethal Lockdown was so boring and had no flow at all. It was just people doing stuff.

Screw Kurt Angle.

I sure as hell hope for the love of God they don't have Sting vs. Hogan. Do these guy's still think the match will draw? Becuase I know it won't.

Overall, bad show. And I'm not surprised, it's TNA.

I have no clue how anybody can say this PPV was atleast decent. It was one of the worst show's I have ever seen. Period. Weird booking, matches were a mess, Angle is a lying peice of shit, and the main-event was in more or less a borefest.
This show was awful!

I missed the first match and could care less. I hate spotfest and it probably was one.

Every Tag cage match was a complete mess. The Lethal Lockdown was so boring and had no flow at all. It was just people doing stuff.

Screw Kurt Angle.

I sure as hell hope for the love of God they don't have Sting vs. Hogan. Do these guy's still think the match will draw? Becuase I know it won't.

Overall, bad show. And I'm not surprised, it's TNA.

I have no clue how anybody can say this PPV was atleast decent. It was one of the worst show's I have ever seen. Period. Weird booking, matches were a mess, Angle is a lying peice of shit, and the main-event was in more or less a borefest.

I'll admit, TNA producing a lot of garbage, but Lockdown was descent this year. But what's with the unnecessary shots on Kurt Angle? The man made a great match in an overall, lackluster show.
TNA Lockdown 2011
April 17th, 2011
US Bank Arena, Cincinnati, Ohio
Attendance: 6000 +/-?

Tonight's a big night for TNA, as for once a PPV has had a decent build to it and on paper this looks to be one of the stronger TNA PPVs in quite a few months. Tonight Sting defends the TNA World title in a triple threat match against Rob Van Dam and Mr. Anderson, while Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle square off in a 2/3 Falls match in the steel cage in what has to be the most anticipated match of the night. We've also got the annual Lethal Lockdown as well as a few other matches, so let's jump right into the show.

We get your usual opening promo focusing on all kinds of scary things like cages, blood, and fire. This entire opening promo seems to revolve around blood. We get it TNA, you let your guys blade, WWE doesn't. Now stop blading every damn week on TV and it might actually mean something when someone does it on PPV.

Your hosts are Mike Tenay and Taz

TNA X Division Title Number One Contender's Xscape Match
Chris Sabin vs. Robbie E vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck vs. Amazing Red vs. Jay Lethal vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Suicide

Elimination rules here to start by pinfall or submission until it gets down to the final two, when it becomes an Xscape the cage match. What's with using X's instead of an "ES"? What is this, a mid 90s hip-hop album? The role of Suicide will be played by Okada tonight I do believe. Tag rules apply here, which should help keep the match from being a clusterfuck. The heels team up on Suicide to start. Lethal and Jeremy Buck trade armdrags and Lethal delivers a pair of backbreakers. Robbie E delivers an STO variation to Suicide and the masked man is the first eliminated at 2:47. Sabin and Lethal double-team Robbie for a bit, slamming him into the cage. Lethal and Sabin do a PHENOMENAL exchange of counter flips and armdrags that gets a nice pop from the crowd. Red tags in blocks a handspring back elbow attempt from Lethal. Red hits the Canadian Destroyer and Lethal is gone at 4:56 Red leaps off the ropes to Sabin but eats a nasty Michinoku Driver and a huge lariat and Red is gone at 5:54. Max Buck and Sabin square off and Buck hits a big springboard ace crusher to surprisingly eliminate Sabin at 7:22. Kendrick hops in and blocks a moonsault attempt from Max with his knees, and Jeremy tags in so it's brother vs. brother. Jeremy slams Max into the cage a few times and then hits a sick roundhouse kick right to Max's temple. Max rolls up Jeremy though and Jeremy is gone at 9:47. Max and Robbie, being the heels, team up on Kendrick now, launching him into the cage like a lawn dart. Kendrick fights back for a bit and then nails both men with a series of stiff kicks, the last of which is enough for Kendrick to eliminate Robbie E (thank God) at 11:30. It's down to Max Buck and Brian Kendrick as now the only way to win is to escape the cage. Kendrick tries running out quickly but gets taken down. Max Buck goes for a big powerbomb into the turnbuckle, but he sort of botches it and Kendrick misses the turnbuckle completely, slamming his head into the bottom of the mat in a nasty spot. Both men jockey for position back on top of the cage until Max sends the ref into the ropes, knocking Kendrick down and giving Max enough time to climb out for the win at 13:34. Decent enough opener, but for an X-Division opener you expect alot more excitement than what this match brought. There was a decent flow to the thing, and Max winning is a good thing because of the X-Division's desperate need for heels, but this was a bit disappointing considering who was in there. **¾

Eric Bischoff comes out to the ring to cut a promo and rile up the crowd a bit. Camera scans over the crowd and this truly is one of the biggest crowds TNA has ever had, somewhere in the 6000 person range from preliminary reports, which looks great here and really makes this seem like a big show. I've never been a fan of promos on PPV though, so this didn't do much for me. Doesn't do much for the crowd either as they really should be alot more fired up by this point then they are, and Bischoff sure as shit isn't going to help them.

Backstage Christy Hemme catches up with Scott Steiner and Crimson. Steiner lets us know he's going to kick some ass tonight. Whatever you say Big Booty Daddy.

TNA Tag Team Title #1 Contender's Four-way Match
Shannon Moore/Jesse Neal vs. Doug Williams/Brutus Magnus vs. Eric Young/Orlando Jordan vs. Scott Steiner/Crimson

Eric Young and Orlando Jordan on PPV makes me a very sad panda. Tag rules apply here. Eric Young tries escaping the cage to start, but it's pinfall and submission only. One lonely guy in the crowd chants "Super Eric!" while all of his friends pretend they don't know him. Jesse Neal and EY trade a ton of armdrags to start, too many armdrags quite frankly. Moore tags in and hits a spinning headscissors on Young before slapping on an armbar. Crowd is pretty dead here and they have been for the first 30 minutes of this show so far, not a great sign. The British Invasion trade quick tags and work over Neal with lariats and elbows. The crowd is getting restless now, chanting for Steiner. Neal fights off the British Invasion and gets the tag to Crimson, who lays in some big knees and a neckbreaker on Magnus for a two count. Steiner finally tags in and cleans house on the British Invasion with back body drops and belly-to-belly suplexes. Eric Young flies off the top rope right into another belly-to-belly from Steiner. Double-underhook suplex off the top from Steiner on Magnus, which Taz incorrectly calls a "belly to belly suplex". Moore tags Steiner for some heat, but half of the people in the ring aren't legal anyways right now so nobody really cares. Quebrada from Moore gets a two on Young but OJ breaks it up with a nasty reverse DDT variation that might just be the most impressive thing I've ever seen Jordan do in his entire career. Match totally breaks down from here with everyone coming in and hitting their big moves on each-other with no regard for tags. Young climbs out of the cage like a goof while Moore totally botches his springboard neckbreaker finisher (called the "Mooregasm", which is a candidate for stupidest finisher name ever) but somehow that's still enough for Ink Inc to get the win at 8:53. This was just a total mess of a match that honestly did not belong on PPV in the first place. Total Impact match here, and there was no regards for the tag rules and a few ugly botches. Not pretty. *

Backstage Madison Rayne tells off Christy Hemme and Tara, as her match with Mickie is next.

TNA Knockouts Title Hair vs. Title Match
Madison Rayne © vs. Mickie James

It's the feud that never ends, hopefully ending tonight. Rayne has really improved on the mic but unfortunately she's just so godawful in the ring that all of this great hype for this match is going to be for nothing most likely. She does have awesome theme music though. Mickie is BRUTAL to start, just flinging Madison into the steel cage a few times in a very hard fashion. Big DDT from Mickie despite the injured shoulder, and yep, that's enough for the pin at 0:36. Well, atleast this feud is FINALLY over now. You'd think you would give more offense to Madison though considering she's squashed pretty much the entire Knockouts roster aside from Mickie on Impact over the last few months, so Mickie squashing her in 30 seconds just makes the ENTIRE division look like complete and utter shit besides her. Whatever, no one really cares do they? DUD

Backstage Christy Hemme interviews Matt Morgan before his match with Hernandez.

Samoa Joe vs. Pope D'Angelo Dinero

Let's see if these two can pick up the slack from that mediocre first hour. Pope tries to climb out to start but Joe drags him down and lays in some right hands. Pope taunts the crowd and gets a mudhole stomped in him for his troubles. Nice spinning enziguri kick from Joe in the corner. Pope lays in open-palm slaps to Joe's stomach, which can't be very good strategy because all he's hitting is fat. Pope tries to climb the cage again but gets knocked off. Joe gives him the facewash boots in the corner but Pope throws the ref in the way before the final blow. Chinlock from Pope, that'll get the crowd fired up. As if God is mocking me, the crowd actually does start to rally behind Joe, who then locks in a chinlock of his own. Pope fights it off and hits a lariat for a two count. Snap powerslam from Joe. Slapfest ensues and Joe hits an inverted atomic drop and a back senton for a near fall. Big leg lariat off the second rope from Joe for another near fall, which is damn impressive for a man Joe's size. Joe hits the Muscle Buster and goes for the pin, but Pope gets his foot on the rope at two. Pope gets his trunks pulled down a bit, because goodness knows what this match needs is obviously homoerotic comedy! Big elbow drop off the top only gets a ONE count on Joe though as Joe is fired up now. Codebreaker from Pope gets another close two count. Joe catches Pope and just slams him into the cage and then gives him a second Muscle Buster before locking in the Coquina Clutch and submitting Pope at 10:20. Now this is more like it, pretty good match between these two and probably the best they've had together yet. It could have definitely used a few more minutes, but this was a fine way to (hopefully) blow off this feud. **¾

Backstage Mexican America or whatever their silly name is bickers in Spanish with Christy Hemme. I guess this is your pre-match interview for Hernandez's match with Morgan.

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

Hopefully this will be better than that atrocious First Blood match they had last month. Just to remind us of how silly this whole feud is, the pre-match video package shows footage of heel Morgan last year breaking Hernandez' neck and insulting him. Well that certainly makes me want to cheer for him! Total brawl to start with nothing but punches and kicks. Anarquia holds Morgan's foot through one of the holes in the cage designed for the cameras and Hernandez splashes him into the cage. Hernandez locks on the dreaded NERVE HOLD! Uh oh, this is getting serious guys, can you FEEL the hatred?! Hernandez chokes Morgan with his towel for a bit and I'm not sure Morgan has gotten a single offensive move in here since the opening bell. We get out 347th wide shot of the arena, just to remind us yet again that there's actually a decent crowd here for a TNA show for once. Literally as soon as I type that, they go to ANOTHER wide shot roughly 5 seconds later. Wow, we get it guys, you got a good turnout tonight. Morgan hits a clothesline and he starts to either fire himself or he's in the midst of some serious constipation, I really can't tell from the look on Matt's face. Morgan tosses Hernandez into the cage a few times while the rest of Mexican America bickers on the outside. Back suplex from Morgan gets a two count. Holy shit, a WRESTLING move in a wrestling match? Who would of thunk it? "USA" chant starts up, even though Hernandez is from Texas. Hernandez comes off the top rope and eats the Carbon Footprint to give Morgan the win at 8:14. Well, it was better than their DUD last month, but only just barely. Hopefully this feud is over now and these two can move on to something, ANYTHING else. ¼*

After the match Sarita and Rosita get in the ring and cut a typical anti-USA heel promo, getting some decent heat. God damn Sarita is fine, I must say. I do like me some fiery Latinas. Velvet Sky makes the run-in though and all is right in Amerikah!

2/3 Falls "Ultra-Male Rules" Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

First Fall: Submission Only

Here we go, now THIS is the match that most of us have been waiting for. Angle stole the show last year at Lockdown with his incredible match against Mr. Anderson, so let's see if he can top last year's efforts tonight (doubtful). Huge pop for Angle, biggest of the night by far. Karen is ejected before the match starts, thankfully. Side headlock from Angle to start, and he follows it up with a snap suplex. Jarrett goes for the Figure Four early but Angle quickly gets to the ropes. Beautiful T-Bone suplex from Angle and he tries for the ankle lock, but Jeff fights it off. Jarrett tries a headlock but he gets locked into the ankle lock again, and again he fights it off. Enziguri from Jarrett and he applies the juji gatame armbar, but Angle counters back into the ankle lock and Jarrett taps out to give Angle the first fall at 4:54.

Second Fall: Pinfall Only

Jarrett is limping now from the ankle lock. Angle rolls through a cross-body block off the top and gets a near fall. The ref starts the count while both men are on the mat, again forgetting the stipulations of the match. Pace picks up here with some quick clotheslines and a big overhead belly-to-belly from Kurt for another near fall. Angle hits a pair of German suplexes but Jeff breaks up the third one. Angle avoids the Stroke and delivers the Angle Slam to Jarrett, but Jeff gets the shoulder up just barely at the count of two. Angle nearly botches the overhead belly to belly throw off the top, but quickly regains his composure and hits it for another near fall. Nasty ace crusher from Angle, but again Jarrett kicks out at two. Tenay tries to claim it's a new move, which is baffling considering all the years that he spent in WCW, commentating DDP matches. Jarrett rolls up Angle and hooks the tights for the pinfall and the second fall at 11:29.

Third Fall: Escape the Cage

Lot of confusion as to whether Jarrett actually got the pin or not. Doesn't help that it takes Borash forever to announce the second fall is over. Jarrett takes the upper hand here, catapulting Angle right into the cage, but Angle quickly comes back and hits the hat trick of Germans this time. He goes to walk out the front door, but thinks better of it and decides to come back for some more punishment for Jarrett, dropping the key into his trunks. Angle scrapes Jarrett's head across the cage and Jeff is busted open now. Both men climb to the top of the cage and Jarrett gives Angle a powerbomb off the top rope, where Angle lands NASTILY on his neck. That looked almost botched and Taz practically screamed, obviously legitimately concerned with Angle. That was a VICIOUS bump. Jarrett goes to climb to the top of the cage, but Angle runs up and gives him the Angle Slam off the top rope! Angle goes to climb out now (did you lose the key amongst your ball sweat?) but Gunner from Immortal runs out with a steel chair, holding Angle off from dropping down to the floor. Angle, being fucking insane, decides to relive last year and delivers the HUGE MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE! Just as crazy of a bump as the moonsault he did last year, and you knew he was going to bust that out at some point. Suddenly Scott Steiner runs down to ringside and runs off Gunner, which is awfully nice of him. Angle finds the key now apparently and unlocks the front door to walk out, but Karen Jarrett runs down to ringside and sprays something into Kurt's eyes. Nothing I hate more than run-ins in a blow-off feud-ending cage match. Kurt, being blinded, clotheslines the referee. Uh oh, I smell a fishy ending coming. Jarrett tries to crawl out, but Kurt grabs him by the ankle and locks in the ankle lock! Karen slides a guitar into the ring though and Jeff smashes it over Kurt's head! Jeff takes far too long to try and escape though, and by the time he tries Angle locks on the Ankle lock again. Karen smashes the steel cage door into Angle's face though, and Jarrett crawls out to win the third fall and the match at 22:37. Well, that certainly wasn't the finish anyone was expecting. This was thought to be the blow-off match in the feud so you'd think Angle would triumphantly win, but I guess not. It was obvious they were trying to replicate the Angle-Anderson match from last year's show, and they did borrow one of the big spots from that match, but it was well executed and by far the best thing on this show so far. Questionable ending aside, this was a great match. ****

TNA World Title Match
Sting © vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam

Strange that this would go on before the Lethal Lockdown match, but I'm guessing that means we're going to end the show on some crazy spot in that match. Anderson talks trash to both RVD and Sting to start and gets knocked around a bit between the two. Seriously, HOW IS THIS GUY SUPPOSED TO BE A FACE? This is pure heel shtick here. Sting goes for the Scorpion Death Lock but RVD breaks it up with a roundhouse kick. Standing moonsault gets a quick near fall for Van Dam. Anderson goes for the Mic Check on Sting but it's blocked. Sting manages to apply the Scorpion Death Lock to BOTH RVD and Anderson at the same time, which is quite the nifty visual and something I don't think I've ever seen out of the Stinger. This match is already longer than the Victory Road main event by the way. Not to be outdone, Anderson gives both Sting and RVD a double Mic Check, but he can't get the three count on either man. RVD hits the Five Star on Anderson, but Sting breaks the cover up before it even begins. Suddenly Immortal's music hits and Hulk Hogan walks down to ringside with the most clearly gimmicked steel pipe I've ever seen. Hogan even stupidly bangs it against the stairs to "show how real it is" and it barely makes a sound. He hands the pipe through one of the camera holes in the cage to RVD. Oh great, the heel turn everyone was expecting is about to happen for someone. RVD acts like he's going to use the pipe but just throws it away defiantly (or stupidly), so Anderson grabs the pipe and takes out RVD, saying to Hogan "That wasn't for you, it was for me!". Sting hits him with the Scorpion Death Lock though and gets the anti-climactic pin to retain at 7:57. I know Sting is limited with what he can do, but you couldn't have cut out that useless 8 man tag earlier in the show to add a few minutes to this? There was some decent stuff in here with some unique three-man variations on finishers, but Hogan coming out accomplished absolutely nothing, especially since no one took his help and turned. Just another case of Hogan stealing the spotlight from the actual workers for no particular reason whatsoever. **

Lethal Lockdown Match
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian/Robert Roode/James Storm vs. Ric Flair/Matt Hardy/Abyss/Bully Ray

This has been a bit of a mess of a show apart from the 2/3 falls match, so hopefully this will cap the night off in a positive manner. All the fans are expecting here is a fun hardcore match, so let's see if they can deliver it. I'll go ahead and make a pre-match prediction that Daniels will do some insane spot to finish the match. Kaz and Abyss start us off. Kaz avoids an early choke slam attempt but eats a big boot instead. Big hurricanrana from Kaz and he dropkicks Abyss into the cage. Matt Hardy is the next man in, but he eats a series of kicks and a springboard legdrop from Kaz immediately. He goes for the Omori Driver but Hardy escapes and locks his new guillotine submission finisher (called the "Ice Pick") onto Kaz while Abyss stomps away at his back. Side Effect from Matt and Kaz is just dead here. Daniels is the next man in and he cleans house on Immortal. Daniels hits the Best Moonsault Ever and stomps away on Abyss, looking fired up in his return to TNA PPV. Next man in is the Nature Boy, and the countdown to his inevitable bladejob begins. He slaps away at Daniels in the corner and then cheap shots him with a low blow. Hardy hits a nice bulldog on Daniels while Flair and Abyss double-team Kaz, mocking Beer Money on the outside while they do it. James Storm is the next man in and he spits beer into the face of Abyss and then gives him a Codebreaker. He hits a lung-blower on Hardy and then smashes his beer bottle over the head of Ric Flair! And the Ric Flair bladejob countdown is over, ending somewhere along 2-3 minutes after he entered the match. Perhaps a new record? Storm goes to town on Flair in the corner with chops and punches. Flair does the Flair Flop and gets his pants pulled down and spanked, just to cement how far one of the greatest wrestlers ever has fallen. Bully Ray is the next in and he cleans house on the Fortune members, being the fresh man. Immortal spends the rest of the period beating down on Fortune until the final man Robert Roode enters the cage. Beer Money hit a double suplex on Ray as the weapons-filled cage top is lowered as Lethal Lockdown "officially" begins. Everyone immediately grabs weapons, which consists entirely of trash cans and kendo sticks, and starts beating the piss out of each other with them for a bit. Daniels and Matt Hardy both make their way out of the cage and climb up to the top of the cage as the Cincinnati crowd rises to see what happens next. Daniels sets up for the Angel's Wings but Hardy backdrops him and Daniels nearly falls off the top of the cage by accident. Twist of Hate from Matt on the top of the cage lays Daniels out while below the chaotic weapons-smashing continues. Ray hits a big sideslam on Storm for a two count while Hardy get's dropkicked off the side of the cage. Flair completely botches a spinebuster attempt from Roode while Daniels flies off the top of the cage with a cross-body, wiping out Abyss and Matt Hardy! Cool spot and all, but we saw the same thing for free on Impact when Daniels made his return. Back inside the ring Roode locks Flair into the Figure Four, but Ray breaks it up with a phoenix splash! Just kidding, he smashes a trash can over his head. Ray goes to town with the kendo stick, hitting everything around him that moves. Ray goes to smash the kendo stick over Daniels saying "This is for AJ!" and as soon as he says that AJ Styles music hits and this arena EXPLODES! AJ Styles makes his return, running down to the ring and totally destroying Bully Ray while the crowd eats it all up. Flair gets put into a Fujiwara Armbar from Storm and that's enough for Storm to submit and give Fortune the win at 22:51! This was about as good as could be expected out of this type of match. It was sloppy at times and very chaotic, but it was never boring and guys like Daniels worked very hard out there to try and make this better than it probably should have been. Styles return was a great moment as well, and the right team went over, so all in all a quality main event here to end the show. ***¼

Bottom Line: This was a rather disappointing show. For some reason or another, a lot of us expected this to be one of the better TNA PPVs in awhile, and while Jarrett vs. Angle did end up delivering, not much else here did. Morgan and Hernandez had another painfully horrid match, Mickie James inadvertantly single-handedly buried the entire Knockouts division in 30 seconds, and the four-way tag match really had no business being on PPV. Still, not everything was bad here. Jarrett and Angle had probably the best TNA match of the year thus far, the opener Xscape match wasn't half bad, Pope and Joe had a fairly good match, and the Lethal Lockdown was about as good as could have been expected. Two decent matches, one good one, and one great one is enough to outweigh the bad here though, so we'll still go with the Thumbs Up despite being a bit of a letdown overall as a show.

Score: 6/10

REMEMBER! You can find ALL of my reviews and match ratings at my blog:
X's Wrestling Review
I'll admit, TNA producing a lot of garbage, but Lockdown was descent this year. But what's with the unnecessary shots on Kurt Angle? The man made a great match in an overall, lackluster show.

Because Angle openly did Randy Orton's RKO. He had the whole set-up and everything.

Remember when he had the bullshit tweet's about how Randy is stealing his Angle slam? Than he said his Twitter was hacked, than it was a family member?

He's just openly admitted he was lying by doing the RKO for no reason other than be a douchebag.

And, great match? The match was awful.
This show was awful!

I missed the first match and could care less. I hate spotfest and it probably was one.

Every Tag cage match was a complete mess. The Lethal Lockdown was so boring and had no flow at all. It was just people doing stuff.

Screw Kurt Angle.

I sure as hell hope for the love of God they don't have Sting vs. Hogan. Do these guy's still think the match will draw? Becuase I know it won't.

Overall, bad show. And I'm not surprised, it's TNA.

I have no clue how anybody can say this PPV was atleast decent. It was one of the worst show's I have ever seen. Period. Weird booking, matches were a mess, Angle is a lying peice of shit, and the main-event was in more or less a borefest.

YOU'RE full of crap,

Angle was awesome...did anyone catch the RKO he game Jarrett? Priceless.

BTW, How could Edge teach Sting anything? c'mon you're full of it.

Loved the Mickie James squash match....

the first match was a mess but Angle/Jarrett was pure kick ass. had good storytelling and same thing with JOE/DINERO---great match in general and WAY better than last months JEFF mess.
TNA Lockdown 2011
April 17th, 2011
US Bank Arena, Cincinnati, Ohio
Attendance: 6000 +/-?

Tonight's a big night for TNA, as for once a PPV has had a decent build to it and on paper this looks to be one of the stronger TNA PPVs in quite a few months. Tonight Sting defends the TNA World title in a triple threat match against Rob Van Dam and Mr. Anderson, while Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle square off in a 2/3 Falls match in the steel cage in what has to be the most anticipated match of the night. We've also got the annual Lethal Lockdown as well as a few other matches, so let's jump right into the show.

We get your usual opening promo focusing on all kinds of scary things like cages, blood, and fire. This entire opening promo seems to revolve around blood. We get it TNA, you let your guys blade, WWE doesn't. Now stop blading every damn week on TV and it might actually mean something when someone does it on PPV.

Your hosts are Mike Tenay and Taz

TNA X Division Title Number One Contender's Xscape Match
Chris Sabin vs. Robbie E vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck vs. Amazing Red vs. Jay Lethal vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Suicide

Elimination rules here to start by pinfall or submission until it gets down to the final two, when it becomes an Xscape the cage match. What's with using X's instead of an "ES"? What is this, a mid 90s hip-hop album? The role of Suicide will be played by Okada tonight I do believe. Tag rules apply here, which should help keep the match from being a clusterfuck. The heels team up on Suicide to start. Lethal and Jeremy Buck trade armdrags and Lethal delivers a pair of backbreakers. Robbie E delivers an STO variation to Suicide and the masked man is the first eliminated at 2:47. Sabin and Lethal double-team Robbie for a bit, slamming him into the cage. Lethal and Sabin do a PHENOMENAL exchange of counter flips and armdrags that gets a nice pop from the crowd. Red tags in blocks a handspring back elbow attempt from Lethal. Red hits the Canadian Destroyer and Lethal is gone at 4:56 Red leaps off the ropes to Sabin but eats a nasty Michinoku Driver and a huge lariat and Red is gone at 5:54. Max Buck and Sabin square off and Buck hits a big springboard ace crusher to surprisingly eliminate Sabin at 7:22. Kendrick hops in and blocks a moonsault attempt from Max with his knees, and Jeremy tags in so it's brother vs. brother. Jeremy slams Max into the cage a few times and then hits a sick roundhouse kick right to Max's temple. Max rolls up Jeremy though and Jeremy is gone at 9:47. Max and Robbie, being the heels, team up on Kendrick now, launching him into the cage like a lawn dart. Kendrick fights back for a bit and then nails both men with a series of stiff kicks, the last of which is enough for Kendrick to eliminate Robbie E (thank God) at 11:30. It's down to Max Buck and Brian Kendrick as now the only way to win is to escape the cage. Kendrick tries running out quickly but gets taken down. Max Buck goes for a big powerbomb into the turnbuckle, but he sort of botches it and Kendrick misses the turnbuckle completely, slamming his head into the bottom of the mat in a nasty spot. Both men jockey for position back on top of the cage until Max sends the ref into the ropes, knocking Kendrick down and giving Max enough time to climb out for the win at 13:34. Decent enough opener, but for an X-Division opener you expect alot more excitement than what this match brought. There was a decent flow to the thing, and Max winning is a good thing because of the X-Division's desperate need for heels, but this was a bit disappointing considering who was in there. **¾

Eric Bischoff comes out to the ring to cut a promo and rile up the crowd a bit. Camera scans over the crowd and this truly is one of the biggest crowds TNA has ever had, somewhere in the 6000 person range from preliminary reports, which looks great here and really makes this seem like a big show. I've never been a fan of promos on PPV though, so this didn't do much for me. Doesn't do much for the crowd either as they really should be alot more fired up by this point then they are, and Bischoff sure as shit isn't going to help them.

Backstage Christy Hemme catches up with Scott Steiner and Crimson. Steiner lets us know he's going to kick some ass tonight. Whatever you say Big Booty Daddy.

TNA Tag Team Title #1 Contender's Four-way Match
Shannon Moore/Jesse Neal vs. Doug Williams/Brutus Magnus vs. Eric Young/Orlando Jordan vs. Scott Steiner/Crimson

Eric Young and Orlando Jordan on PPV makes me a very sad panda. Tag rules apply here. Eric Young tries escaping the cage to start, but it's pinfall and submission only. One lonely guy in the crowd chants "Super Eric!" while all of his friends pretend they don't know him. Jesse Neal and EY trade a ton of armdrags to start, too many armdrags quite frankly. Moore tags in and hits a spinning headscissors on Young before slapping on an armbar. Crowd is pretty dead here and they have been for the first 30 minutes of this show so far, not a great sign. The British Invasion trade quick tags and work over Neal with lariats and elbows. The crowd is getting restless now, chanting for Steiner. Neal fights off the British Invasion and gets the tag to Crimson, who lays in some big knees and a neckbreaker on Magnus for a two count. Steiner finally tags in and cleans house on the British Invasion with back body drops and belly-to-belly suplexes. Eric Young flies off the top rope right into another belly-to-belly from Steiner. Double-underhook suplex off the top from Steiner on Magnus, which Taz incorrectly calls a "belly to belly suplex". Moore tags Steiner for some heat, but half of the people in the ring aren't legal anyways right now so nobody really cares. Quebrada from Moore gets a two on Young but OJ breaks it up with a nasty reverse DDT variation that might just be the most impressive thing I've ever seen Jordan do in his entire career. Match totally breaks down from here with everyone coming in and hitting their big moves on each-other with no regard for tags. Young climbs out of the cage like a goof while Moore totally botches his springboard neckbreaker finisher (called the "Mooregasm", which is a candidate for stupidest finisher name ever) but somehow that's still enough for Ink Inc to get the win at 8:53. This was just a total mess of a match that honestly did not belong on PPV in the first place. Total Impact match here, and there was no regards for the tag rules and a few ugly botches. Not pretty. *

Backstage Madison Rayne tells off Christy Hemme and Tara, as her match with Mickie is next.

TNA Knockouts Title Hair vs. Title Match
Madison Rayne © vs. Mickie James

It's the feud that never ends, hopefully ending tonight. Rayne has really improved on the mic but unfortunately she's just so godawful in the ring that all of this great hype for this match is going to be for nothing most likely. She does have awesome theme music though. Mickie is BRUTAL to start, just flinging Madison into the steel cage a few times in a very hard fashion. Big DDT from Mickie despite the injured shoulder, and yep, that's enough for the pin at 0:36. Well, atleast this feud is FINALLY over now. You'd think you would give more offense to Madison though considering she's squashed pretty much the entire Knockouts roster aside from Mickie on Impact over the last few months, so Mickie squashing her in 30 seconds just makes the ENTIRE division look like complete and utter shit besides her. Whatever, no one really cares do they? DUD

Backstage Christy Hemme interviews Matt Morgan before his match with Hernandez.

Samoa Joe vs. Pope D'Angelo Dinero

Let's see if these two can pick up the slack from that mediocre first hour. Pope tries to climb out to start but Joe drags him down and lays in some right hands. Pope taunts the crowd and gets a mudhole stomped in him for his troubles. Nice spinning enziguri kick from Joe in the corner. Pope lays in open-palm slaps to Joe's stomach, which can't be very good strategy because all he's hitting is fat. Pope tries to climb the cage again but gets knocked off. Joe gives him the facewash boots in the corner but Pope throws the ref in the way before the final blow. Chinlock from Pope, that'll get the crowd fired up. As if God is mocking me, the crowd actually does start to rally behind Joe, who then locks in a chinlock of his own. Pope fights it off and hits a lariat for a two count. Snap powerslam from Joe. Slapfest ensues and Joe hits an inverted atomic drop and a back senton for a near fall. Big leg lariat off the second rope from Joe for another near fall, which is damn impressive for a man Joe's size. Joe hits the Muscle Buster and goes for the pin, but Pope gets his foot on the rope at two. Pope gets his trunks pulled down a bit, because goodness knows what this match needs is obviously homoerotic comedy! Big elbow drop off the top only gets a ONE count on Joe though as Joe is fired up now. Codebreaker from Pope gets another close two count. Joe catches Pope and just slams him into the cage and then gives him a second Muscle Buster before locking in the Coquina Clutch and submitting Pope at 10:20. Now this is more like it, pretty good match between these two and probably the best they've had together yet. It could have definitely used a few more minutes, but this was a fine way to (hopefully) blow off this feud. **¾

Backstage Mexican America or whatever their silly name is bickers in Spanish with Christy Hemme. I guess this is your pre-match interview for Hernandez's match with Morgan.

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

Hopefully this will be better than that atrocious First Blood match they had last month. Just to remind us of how silly this whole feud is, the pre-match video package shows footage of heel Morgan last year breaking Hernandez' neck and insulting him. Well that certainly makes me want to cheer for him! Total brawl to start with nothing but punches and kicks. Anarquia holds Morgan's foot through one of the holes in the cage designed for the cameras and Hernandez splashes him into the cage. Hernandez locks on the dreaded NERVE HOLD! Uh oh, this is getting serious guys, can you FEEL the hatred?! Hernandez chokes Morgan with his towel for a bit and I'm not sure Morgan has gotten a single offensive move in here since the opening bell. We get out 347th wide shot of the arena, just to remind us yet again that there's actually a decent crowd here for a TNA show for once. Literally as soon as I type that, they go to ANOTHER wide shot roughly 5 seconds later. Wow, we get it guys, you got a good turnout tonight. Morgan hits a clothesline and he starts to either fire himself or he's in the midst of some serious constipation, I really can't tell from the look on Matt's face. Morgan tosses Hernandez into the cage a few times while the rest of Mexican America bickers on the outside. Back suplex from Morgan gets a two count. Holy shit, a WRESTLING move in a wrestling match? Who would of thunk it? "USA" chant starts up, even though Hernandez is from Texas. Hernandez comes off the top rope and eats the Carbon Footprint to give Morgan the win at 8:14. Well, it was better than their DUD last month, but only just barely. Hopefully this feud is over now and these two can move on to something, ANYTHING else. ¼*

After the match Sarita and Rosita get in the ring and cut a typical anti-USA heel promo, getting some decent heat. God damn Sarita is fine, I must say. I do like me some fiery Latinas. Velvet Sky makes the run-in though and all is right in Amerikah!

2/3 Falls "Ultra-Male Rules" Match
Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

First Fall: Submission Only

Here we go, now THIS is the match that most of us have been waiting for. Angle stole the show last year at Lockdown with his incredible match against Mr. Anderson, so let's see if he can top last year's efforts tonight (doubtful). Huge pop for Angle, biggest of the night by far. Karen is ejected before the match starts, thankfully. Side headlock from Angle to start, and he follows it up with a snap suplex. Jarrett goes for the Figure Four early but Angle quickly gets to the ropes. Beautiful T-Bone suplex from Angle and he tries for the ankle lock, but Jeff fights it off. Jarrett tries a headlock but he gets locked into the ankle lock again, and again he fights it off. Enziguri from Jarrett and he applies the juji gatame armbar, but Angle counters back into the ankle lock and Jarrett taps out to give Angle the first fall at 4:54.

Second Fall: Pinfall Only

Jarrett is limping now from the ankle lock. Angle rolls through a cross-body block off the top and gets a near fall. The ref starts the count while both men are on the mat, again forgetting the stipulations of the match. Pace picks up here with some quick clotheslines and a big overhead belly-to-belly from Kurt for another near fall. Angle hits a pair of German suplexes but Jeff breaks up the third one. Angle avoids the Stroke and delivers the Angle Slam to Jarrett, but Jeff gets the shoulder up just barely at the count of two. Angle nearly botches the overhead belly to belly throw off the top, but quickly regains his composure and hits it for another near fall. Nasty ace crusher from Angle, but again Jarrett kicks out at two. Tenay tries to claim it's a new move, which is baffling considering all the years that he spent in WCW, commentating DDP matches. Jarrett rolls up Angle and hooks the tights for the pinfall and the second fall at 11:29.

Third Fall: Escape the Cage

Lot of confusion as to whether Jarrett actually got the pin or not. Doesn't help that it takes Borash forever to announce the second fall is over. Jarrett takes the upper hand here, catapulting Angle right into the cage, but Angle quickly comes back and hits the hat trick of Germans this time. He goes to walk out the front door, but thinks better of it and decides to come back for some more punishment for Jarrett, dropping the key into his trunks. Angle scrapes Jarrett's head across the cage and Jeff is busted open now. Both men climb to the top of the cage and Jarrett gives Angle a powerbomb off the top rope, where Angle lands NASTILY on his neck. That looked almost botched and Taz practically screamed, obviously legitimately concerned with Angle. That was a VICIOUS bump. Jarrett goes to climb to the top of the cage, but Angle runs up and gives him the Angle Slam off the top rope! Angle goes to climb out now (did you lose the key amongst your ball sweat?) but Gunner from Immortal runs out with a steel chair, holding Angle off from dropping down to the floor. Angle, being fucking insane, decides to relive last year and delivers the HUGE MOONSAULT OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE! Just as crazy of a bump as the moonsault he did last year, and you knew he was going to bust that out at some point. Suddenly Scott Steiner runs down to ringside and runs off Gunner, which is awfully nice of him. Angle finds the key now apparently and unlocks the front door to walk out, but Karen Jarrett runs down to ringside and sprays something into Kurt's eyes. Nothing I hate more than run-ins in a blow-off feud-ending cage match. Kurt, being blinded, clotheslines the referee. Uh oh, I smell a fishy ending coming. Jarrett tries to crawl out, but Kurt grabs him by the ankle and locks in the ankle lock! Karen slides a guitar into the ring though and Jeff smashes it over Kurt's head! Jeff takes far too long to try and escape though, and by the time he tries Angle locks on the Ankle lock again. Karen smashes the steel cage door into Angle's face though, and Jarrett crawls out to win the third fall and the match at 22:37. Well, that certainly wasn't the finish anyone was expecting. This was thought to be the blow-off match in the feud so you'd think Angle would triumphantly win, but I guess not. It was obvious they were trying to replicate the Angle-Anderson match from last year's show, and they did borrow one of the big spots from that match, but it was well executed and by far the best thing on this show so far. Questionable ending aside, this was a great match. ****

TNA World Title Match
Sting © vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Rob Van Dam

Strange that this would go on before the Lethal Lockdown match, but I'm guessing that means we're going to end the show on some crazy spot in that match. Anderson talks trash to both RVD and Sting to start and gets knocked around a bit between the two. Seriously, HOW IS THIS GUY SUPPOSED TO BE A FACE? This is pure heel shtick here. Sting goes for the Scorpion Death Lock but RVD breaks it up with a roundhouse kick. Standing moonsault gets a quick near fall for Van Dam. Anderson goes for the Mic Check on Sting but it's blocked. Sting manages to apply the Scorpion Death Lock to BOTH RVD and Anderson at the same time, which is quite the nifty visual and something I don't think I've ever seen out of the Stinger. This match is already longer than the Victory Road main event by the way. Not to be outdone, Anderson gives both Sting and RVD a double Mic Check, but he can't get the three count on either man. RVD hits the Five Star on Anderson, but Sting breaks the cover up before it even begins. Suddenly Immortal's music hits and Hulk Hogan walks down to ringside with the most clearly gimmicked steel pipe I've ever seen. Hogan even stupidly bangs it against the stairs to "show how real it is" and it barely makes a sound. He hands the pipe through one of the camera holes in the cage to RVD. Oh great, the heel turn everyone was expecting is about to happen for someone. RVD acts like he's going to use the pipe but just throws it away defiantly (or stupidly), so Anderson grabs the pipe and takes out RVD, saying to Hogan "That wasn't for you, it was for me!". Sting hits him with the Scorpion Death Lock though and gets the anti-climactic pin to retain at 7:57. I know Sting is limited with what he can do, but you couldn't have cut out that useless 8 man tag earlier in the show to add a few minutes to this? There was some decent stuff in here with some unique three-man variations on finishers, but Hogan coming out accomplished absolutely nothing, especially since no one took his help and turned. Just another case of Hogan stealing the spotlight from the actual workers for no particular reason whatsoever. **

Lethal Lockdown Match
Christopher Daniels/Kazarian/Robert Roode/James Storm vs. Ric Flair/Matt Hardy/Abyss/Bully Ray

This has been a bit of a mess of a show apart from the 2/3 falls match, so hopefully this will cap the night off in a positive manner. All the fans are expecting here is a fun hardcore match, so let's see if they can deliver it. I'll go ahead and make a pre-match prediction that Daniels will do some insane spot to finish the match. Kaz and Abyss start us off. Kaz avoids an early choke slam attempt but eats a big boot instead. Big hurricanrana from Kaz and he dropkicks Abyss into the cage. Matt Hardy is the next man in, but he eats a series of kicks and a springboard legdrop from Kaz immediately. He goes for the Omori Driver but Hardy escapes and locks his new guillotine submission finisher (called the "Ice Pick") onto Kaz while Abyss stomps away at his back. Side Effect from Matt and Kaz is just dead here. Daniels is the next man in and he cleans house on Immortal. Daniels hits the Best Moonsault Ever and stomps away on Abyss, looking fired up in his return to TNA PPV. Next man in is the Nature Boy, and the countdown to his inevitable bladejob begins. He slaps away at Daniels in the corner and then cheap shots him with a low blow. Hardy hits a nice bulldog on Daniels while Flair and Abyss double-team Kaz, mocking Beer Money on the outside while they do it. James Storm is the next man in and he spits beer into the face of Abyss and then gives him a Codebreaker. He hits a lung-blower on Hardy and then smashes his beer bottle over the head of Ric Flair! And the Ric Flair bladejob countdown is over, ending somewhere along 2-3 minutes after he entered the match. Perhaps a new record? Storm goes to town on Flair in the corner with chops and punches. Flair does the Flair Flop and gets his pants pulled down and spanked, just to cement how far one of the greatest wrestlers ever has fallen. Bully Ray is the next in and he cleans house on the Fortune members, being the fresh man. Immortal spends the rest of the period beating down on Fortune until the final man Robert Roode enters the cage. Beer Money hit a double suplex on Ray as the weapons-filled cage top is lowered as Lethal Lockdown "officially" begins. Everyone immediately grabs weapons, which consists entirely of trash cans and kendo sticks, and starts beating the piss out of each other with them for a bit. Daniels and Matt Hardy both make their way out of the cage and climb up to the top of the cage as the Cincinnati crowd rises to see what happens next. Daniels sets up for the Angel's Wings but Hardy backdrops him and Daniels nearly falls off the top of the cage by accident. Twist of Hate from Matt on the top of the cage lays Daniels out while below the chaotic weapons-smashing continues. Ray hits a big sideslam on Storm for a two count while Hardy get's dropkicked off the side of the cage. Flair completely botches a spinebuster attempt from Roode while Daniels flies off the top of the cage with a cross-body, wiping out Abyss and Matt Hardy! Cool spot and all, but we saw the same thing for free on Impact when Daniels made his return. Back inside the ring Roode locks Flair into the Figure Four, but Ray breaks it up with a phoenix splash! Just kidding, he smashes a trash can over his head. Ray goes to town with the kendo stick, hitting everything around him that moves. Ray goes to smash the kendo stick over Daniels saying "This is for AJ!" and as soon as he says that AJ Styles music hits and this arena EXPLODES! AJ Styles makes his return, running down to the ring and totally destroying Bully Ray while the crowd eats it all up. Flair gets put into a Fujiwara Armbar from Storm and that's enough for Storm to submit and give Fortune the win at 22:51! This was about as good as could be expected out of this type of match. It was sloppy at times and very chaotic, but it was never boring and guys like Daniels worked very hard out there to try and make this better than it probably should have been. Styles return was a great moment as well, and the right team went over, so all in all a quality main event here to end the show. ***¼

Bottom Line: This was a rather disappointing show. For some reason or another, a lot of us expected this to be one of the better TNA PPVs in awhile, and while Jarrett vs. Angle did end up delivering, not much else here did. Morgan and Hernandez had another painfully horrid match, Mickie James inadvertantly single-handedly buried the entire Knockouts division in 30 seconds, and the four-way tag match really had no business being on PPV. Still, not everything was bad here. Jarrett and Angle had probably the best TNA match of the year thus far, the opener Xscape match wasn't half bad, Pope and Joe had a fairly good match, and the Lethal Lockdown was about as good as could have been expected. Two decent matches, one good one, and one great one is enough to outweigh the bad here though, so we'll still go with the Thumbs Up despite being a bit of a letdown overall as a show.

Score: 6/10

REMEMBER! You can find ALL of my reviews and match ratings at my blog:
X's Wrestling Review

I basically overall agree with you, but Samoa Joe vs Pope was definitely better than what you gave it. The match was excellent, even though their feud has sucked for the past months.
Because Angle openly did Randy Orton's RKO. He had the whole set-up and everything.

Remember when he had the bullshit tweet's about how Randy is stealing his Angle slam? Than he said his Twitter was hacked, than it was a family member?

He's just openly admitted he was lying by doing the RKO for no reason other than be a douchebag.

And, great match? The match was awful.

LOL, I agree with the whole Kurt Angle copying the RKO thing. That was funny. And I do consider Kurt Angle a big hypocrite right now.

But the match I thought was great. I know you have a biased opinion on Kurt Angle, and biased opinions usually result in blasting everything they do. But the match was excellent, great moves, great submissions, and great suspense. But the show sucked...
The angle vs jarrett match was good but the wrong guy one. TNA has some horrible booking and alot of it showed on the PPV tonight.

This storyline has been going on for a while now and tonight it should have ended, but it didnt. Angle was the one with the huge spots and almost killed himself twice, yet still loses.
This show was awful!

I missed the first match and could care less. I hate spotfest and it probably was one.

Every Tag cage match was a complete mess. The Lethal Lockdown was so boring and had no flow at all. It was just people doing stuff.

Screw Kurt Angle.

I sure as hell hope for the love of God they don't have Sting vs. Hogan. Do these guy's still think the match will draw? Becuase I know it won't.

Overall, bad show. And I'm not surprised, it's TNA.

I have no clue how anybody can say this PPV was atleast decent. It was one of the worst show's I have ever seen. Period. Weird booking, matches were a mess, Angle is a lying peice of shit, and the main-event was in more or less a borefest.

no offense, but how can you call it borefest? the return of Styles alone blew the place up! add in Daniels jumping off the cage to the OUTSIDE, which is even lower than the ring. that's F'n crazy! opposite of boring!

it had it's bad moments, but still a good show.
This was a disappointment to me overall. After last's month debacle at Victory Road, this was supposed to be like Summerslam for them and at best the show is ok. Nothing of note really happened as we're almost right back where we were before the PPV. Fourtune didn't win anything in the main event, Sting is still champion, Sting still wants to fight Hogan, Anderson can still complain about not getting a rematch, Angle vs. Jarrett has room to continue and Immortal still has the power. Nothing really happened here and for the second biggest show of the year, that's not a good thing at all.
The PPV was absolute shit up to Angle-Jarret. Then it got better. Some of the finishes were too clean for my taste or just didn't work well, and the hype didn't match the intensity of the matches.

Other than that it was a solid PPV, but nothing special. Clean booking, two matches that were off the hook. Not nearly as big as hyped, but that's wrestling for ya.

Good night for TNA.
ok where do i start with this ppv wow ok hmmm absolute garbage period i gave tna a chance this was the ppv that was soppose to blow everyones minds this was a chance to take a lil away from wwe who had a horrible raw on monday and this is what they give us jj n angle with jj winning again cause of karen wtf then we got a 7 min main event by sting rvd n andersen match sucked u saw what was gonna happen right after rvd through the pipe back at hogan then after the match hogan and sting can someone please make sure we have all emts and wheelchairs in the back before the match so hogan and sting can be wheeled out r u f****** KIDDING ME COME ON MAN WTF THEN WE LETHAL LOCKDOWN OH WOW like u couldnt see aj coming back in this match at all the best part was daniels jumping off the cage overall i gave the show a D+ and i think thats more credit for what this ppv was and that was chance to capitalize on wwe fail on monday and what do they do FAIL THEMSELVES BUT BIGGER THEN WWE CAN TNA PLEASEGET RID OF RUSSO BISHOFF N HOGAN ALL READY BEFORE THE SHIP SINKS SINCE TNA IS ALL READY ON BORROWED TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
Asides from Daniels' jump from the top of the cage, Ric Flair made Lethal Lockdown.

Some people seem to dislike him the more he does this kind of stuff, I personally love it, and I even began laughing until my stomach was sore after he wiped the blood away from his eye... With part of his torn pants!

Poor PPV, but had its odd moment.
This was a disappointment to me overall. After last's month debacle at Victory Road, this was supposed to be like Summerslam for them and at best the show is ok. Nothing of note really happened as we're almost right back where we were before the PPV. Fourtune didn't win anything in the main event, Sting is still champion, Sting still wants to fight Hogan, Anderson can still complain about not getting a rematch, Angle vs. Jarrett has room to continue and Immortal still has the power. Nothing really happened here and for the second biggest show of the year, that's not a good thing at all.

I couldn't agree more once again KB. I watched Lockdown from start to finish and really nothing of importance really happend. It was decent but nothing anyone will remember 5 years from now. Fortune winning does what? Continue the Feud with Immortal? Why not make it if Immortal loses they disband or something. Sting Retains his Title and now may fight Hogan? OMG please don't let Hogan anywhere near the Ring again,he CANNOT move anymore. Angle/Jarrett was probably the Best Match and that is saying something however why did Jeff have to win? He had the advantage going into the PPV and you would think Kurt would win but he doesn't,why? So for TNA's 2nd biggest PPV of the year it wasn't really that great.
I just want to know how Angle is still alive after getting dumped on his head from the top rope. that was scary as hell. i have no idea how his neck didn't snap like a twig!
Asides from Daniels' jump from the top of the cage, Ric Flair made Lethal Lockdown.

Some people seem to dislike him the more he does this kind of stuff, I personally love it, and I even began laughing until my stomach was sore after he wiped the blood away from his eye... With part of his torn pants!

Poor PPV, but had its odd moment.

In my opinion, it's very hard to watch him today. He really remind's me of The Wrestler.

The is a old bagy man, with blood on his face and torn pant's stumbling around the ring.

Very sad to watch what he's become. Out of the ring, he's entertaining. In the ring, it's hard to watch.
"Angle sucks" "No you're wrong Orton sucks"

You're both Moron's. Orton is over rated, and Angle is a shell of his former potential (past injuries are a part of that).

I had some high hopes for this PPV, to try and make us forget about that as bad as, if not worse than, finger poke of doom finish of the last PPV. For us to forget about Hardy, we needed a damn good show. Did we get it? Not really. It was ok.. Maybe a June.. or December style.. You know, the months where no one cares as much, just do it to fill time. Double J gained nothing by winning this match. It made no sense what so ever, and unless they give a good reason within the next few weeks, then the finish was pointless. This should have been a CLEAN win, and end this story. For the love of god can we have a GOOD title match? When every other match on the card is better than your world title match (and yes, I am counting MJ's 30 sec win), 2 PPV's in a row!!? Then you have some issues. Just for once, a good title match, with a clean finish. (Edge/ADR anyone?)
This was soooooo much better then any other ppv i seen this year.

First Half

X Division Match
Chris Sabin vs. Robbie E vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Max Buck vs. Amazing Red vs. Jay Lethal vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Suicide

This was alrite apart from using most off the moves that i have already seen. I wanted Brian Kendrick too win this.
Max Buck Win.

Four Way Tag Team Ink Inc. vs. Crimson and Scott Steiner vs. The British Invasion vs. Eric Young and Orlando Jordan Four way tornado tag team steel cage match

This was a really crappy match didnt enjoy it coz it was just sooo damn boring this is a sleeping match.
Inc Inc Win

Mickie James VS Madison Rayne

Short And Sweet just the way i love it i wanted to see a short match with a good result...... not i wanted more knockouts in this match.
too short
Mickie James Is The New Champion

Samoa Joe Vs The Pope

This was ok i guess.
Samoa Joe Wins

Matt Morgan Vs Hernandez

Boring as match, wot i sore of it anyway.
Matt Morgan Wins
The best part was when we got too see that fine as velvet sky that was awesome.

First Half Rating: 3/10

Kurt Angle Vs Jeff Jarrett
This was another epic match i loved it when angle had jarrett in the angle lock. The worst moment was when that ugly karen angle got envolved with the match i thort that kurt was reali reali badly injured during this match i hope hes ok. That might have been his last ever big time match in Pro Wrestling. KURT ANGLE WAS SCREWED AGAIN.
Jeff Jarrett picks Up The Win
9/10 Match

Sting Vs RVD VS Mr Anderson

Another match that was too short i was suprised too see hulk hogan come and hand RVD the Pipe...... not IT was so obvious that hogan was gonna have some part in this match.
It was good too see RVD throw the pipe away. I wanted too see Mr Anderson win this one with a clean victory didnt happen. Stupid TNA still dosent know how too put on a good long title match. But typical TNA dont give the fans want
Winner And Still Champion Sting
After match it was Hogan Teasing a match With Sting. Hope to see this next year and i see what TNA are trying too do. theyre gonna book Hogan Vs Sting next Year at lockdown so obvious. Cant think of any original ideas TNA Typical.

Fortune vs Immortal Lethal lockdown
My fave match was this one. The highlight too me was the return of AJ Styles. When Christopher Daniels done the BME From the top of the cage it was insane. Ric Flair was screwed all the way thru except for when Bully Ray had the kendo stick. This match was an awesome coz they had a good long match and it was a perfect close too an overall good ppv much much better then this years Wrestlemania.Wanted More Of This match.
Great 10/10 Match
Winner Fortune

Second Half Rating 9/10
Overall PPV Rating 7/10

''This ppv was bad period I gave TNA chance ant it blew of this was its chance to tak awy from wwe and tehy failed.''

- Non-sense.

Better built ppv. Glad no one turned heel in the World title match. Despite the final result which may indicate that the feud may still continue, Jeff vs Angle was great! AJ returned. It wasn't unexpected but if u get what u expect is there a reason to be mad? Matt Morgan declaring he's going after the World Title was nice. That's an end of a feud. One match was SUPPOSED to be a short one and they did it with Mickey James vs whoever that other girl is. Poor choice bcoz it was a great build amounting to a bad match. Overall, decent show.
PPV had some fantastic action but it got overbooked so it came out looking like a cluster. Besides the Lethal Lockdown and some moments in the Angle/Jarrett Match, the PPV was pretty boring.

I had high hopes for the X-Division Match to open the show, but it was rather lame. I guess I was hoping for the old days when the X Division openers were incredible.

Bichoff comes out and cuts a terrible promo that kills an already dull crowd.

The 4 Way Tag Team Match was another dud but I was surprised to see Ink Inc win the match. I cannot take this team seriously and they don't have my interest at all.

Knockouts Title Match was a squash. Mickie and Madison both looked great and I think the way it was done was pretty cool. Instead of having a long, drawn out match with a predictable outcome just have a real quick aggressive squash. Normally I hate these, but it worked for me.

Pope vs Joe was a decent match, but the feud has been rather meaningless. Win or lose, this match really accomplishes nothing for either besides getting the on the card. I hope this feud is over because Pope is too good to keep getting wasted like this.

Morgan vs Hernandez was meh at best. This "Mexican America" stable is kind of silly, and seems like they are shoving it down our throats, which in turn makes me like it even less. The Carbon Footprint was pretty sweet at the end, but that was really all the match was worth.

Angle vs Jarrett had some awesome action. That counter by Angle into the Ankle lock was really well done. The second fall ended in a flash and no one seemed to know it was over.

After the second fall, the match became one giant cluster. Angle has the match won but goes back into the cage. Then it gets real messy. A Top Rope powerbomb is botched terribly and I am shocked Angle got up from that. After some back and forth Angle goes for a Moonsault from the top of the cage but I believe missed. Match ending was cheesy and I am very surprised they let Jarrett win here. I guess this feud is not over yet.

TNA World Title Match seemed like it was just filler. A little bit of action with some decent double spots, then Hogan comes out and ruins it. I would have loved for RVD to grab that pipe and start swinging, but instead Anderson grabs it, hits RVD then gets drop by Sting for the Pin. Good thing this was not the Main Event.

Lethal Lockdown was a very fun match. The Blade Job by Flair was so blatant I just laughed at it. AJ comes out to a huge pop to help Fortune win and Flair taps to an arm bar from Roode. Kind of odd the Faces needed a 5th to win against four heels.

A disappointing PPV overall. The first half of the PPV was pretty awful, and the second half was good, but should have been great. They tried to build it up to be huge but nothing happened. Overall I give this PPV a 5/10, but it should have been a 7 or 8 out of 10 easily.
I thought it was a solid PPV. With the X division match, I see people calling it a spot fest, but isn't that what you want from an X division match? At least from one that has 8 guys in a cage. I mean, you really don't want a bunch of chin locks & drop toe holds in a match like that. They needed a heel to win, so it really had to be Max Buck or Robbie E, & I'd much rather see Buck get a push than Robbie. Also, it was good to see Lethal & Sabin back, and both looked pretty good.

The tag match was somewhat entertaining, though I don't get why Ink Inc won. They've had their chance, & it's not working for them. Would've made much more sense for British Invasion to win & have them turn heel. The women's match was nothing (literally). Morgan/Hernandez was kind of what you'd expect from them. I would've rather seen Hernandez win, & I wouldn't mind seeing him get a main event push. Pope/Joe was a good match, & hopefully these guys will now move on to other things.

Jarrett/Angle-good match, very intense, I really thought Angle was hurt when Jarrett dropped him on his head. The ending was well performed, but I don't get the thought behind it. Is this feud continuing? Hasn't it run its course? How much more can these 2 do to each other?

Sting/RVD/Anderson-it was decent, & that's the best I can say. These guys just don't work well together, & I wonder if the problem is Anderson. Let's face it-he's great on the mic, but not that great in the ring. His best match was at last year's Lockdown against Angle, but a lot of guys look good working with Angle. Sting needs a new challenger, which I'll get to in a minute.

Lethal Lockdown-what you want from this kind of match-bloody, violent, big spots. And great to see AJ back, likely to finish his feud with Bully Ray.

As for the future, clearly Immortal needs a new member to challenge Sting for the title. But who would be available? As far as heels, you have Pope & Hernandez. Not sure they're up to it. So then you'd have to turn someone heel. The candidates would have to be Morgan & Samoa Joe. You could have one of them turn & take the title, have a month or 2 feud with Sting, then have him feud with AJ after he's done with Bully Ray. What I would love to see, but it's not going to happen, is for Robert Roode to turn & get the main event singles run he deserves. But I'm not holding my breath.

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