Lita And the whole Womans Division SUCKS


King Of The Ring
I just watched Lita win the world Womans Title and she absolutely sucks, She wrecked a dozen spots in that match no to mention looks like she cant even compete anymore im glad she is leaving she looked stale and old. She probably knew her time was up, That match was shockingly bad and i blame her for it.
No i think the womans division is dead and they need to drop the womans title and yeah its in a bad way that match was the worst womans match i seen in awhile UGLY in every way. Your thoughts
I agree, the match yesterday wasn't the best but, it wasn't the worst either. Lita's lost the same fire she used to have in the ring, and I'll say that she isn't the great wrestler that she was back in the day. But, to say she is horrible well, that'd be taking it overboard. Of course, now a days the Women's Division does suck so bad, and will never compare to the old.

Flames Out
I dont mean any offence to you flammie cause i like ya, But i think lita has gone completely down the toilet as far as wrestling skills and wat no is concerned it was terrible IMO i must stress it was my opinion, I just couldnt believe it was her in the match she was very stiff and almost Green it was a sad sad day
I know, drat her stupid injuries!!! I think Lita's had her time at the top of the Women's Division in the past, and rightfully so but, she doesn't really deserve the womens title right now. But, I guess it's because she's leaving. It is sad to see her now, and than see her five years ago.

Flames Out
I sort of feel bad for her, because she seems like a person that really does seem to love wrestling. And now more people will remember her like this, instead of how great she used to be. Like Jerry Lawler said yesterday "I'd forgotten how good she used to wrestle."

Flames Out
The entire concept of the DIVAS is a gigantic joke. They hire chicks based on their looks, and not their talent. The only solid female wrestlers of the last ten years are nowhere to be found in the majors, or their too old. Madusa, Luna, Jazz, Chyna. They could actually keep a match going and were able to sell and take bumps as well as some of the guys. Vince and his gang of ******s need to hold much more scrutiny as to what women wrestlers they allow on the show, because most times, they just stink the place up and piss away airtime that could be used for a good men's match. They'd also do good to start importing Japanese women wrestlers like WCW did when they brought Akira Hokuto to the states in '96.
yeah i would also love if they would take an outside interest and import some bigger name players from japan and what not it would be a weelcome addition to the wwe stable i miss medusa she could wreslte molly holly was an awesome wrestler ;p she rules
I hate Lita's gimmick with Edge.... I'd like to see her turn face again and then maybe defend her title in a fued of her own, instead of just being with Edge against Cena... looks like she could have a good fued with Mickie. But I agree, her wrestling has gone downhill... she could have at least worn some ring attire that made her look like a wrestler last night! I want the old Lita back!
Wome wrestlers do not suck, Mickie vs Lita was not the best womens match every, but Lita has not been in the ring probally for over a year. Of course Lita is going to have ring rust. All she needs is time for her to get back into the swing of things.
I've been watching wrestling since Summerslamm 2004 and most of my merories of Lita aren't of her wrestling in great women's championship matches, it's of her standing on the outside of the ring watching others wrestle.... It's bullshit! I swear I have seen Candice Michelle and Torrie Wilson wrestle in more matches than I seen Lita..

i think becuase lita is bad they have her matches be that way like she can't defend herself and edge need to help her remember they had trish beating up lita like she couldn't do anything like she really needed edge help to do the hurricana she done it million times. that why i think the wwe need to turn her good again.
No man she botched half the spots in that match it was terrible, There is Ring Rust sure but not a whole match full of shit which is what that match was, And i dont care what anyone says with her hair and makeup like it is she is the ugliest diva EVER
I agree with the current Women's Division is just horrible, they should be using the good wrestlers, not stupid good looking hoes who can't wrestle for shit, they have good women wrestler's they are just not using them. They are wasting their time with a Diva Search filled with women who don't know anything about wrestling.
Women Wrestlers dont suck. They are just given bad roles now. I liked it sooooo much more...back in say about 2000 - 2004. That was when they actually had some good stuff going on. They were focused on more...and they had more opportunities to be out there. But now...its like ooh whos hot today? yeah she looks hottt...she should be champ.

When Mickie was champ...she didnt even act like a champ. We barely saw her with it and she defended it against people like was that bad. Maria's hot dont get me wrong...but not championship material...

and Lita does not suck...shes a veteran in the womens division and she deserves respect...can im positive there will not be one diva like her ever again in history.
womens wrestling does suck... all you that say it isnt are nuts... no offence by that.... but i mostly change the channel when it goes on... its just boring
Well it's your opinion but, if you want to see real female wrestling matches- don't watch the WWE- they haven't had one in two years.

Flames Out
Yeah the only real womans ttitle matches they had were the one when TRISH would carry her opponents through it, Like when she carried lita on the raw main event lol
Ringer said:
Wome wrestlers do not suck, Mickie vs Lita was not the best womens match every, but Lita has not been in the ring probally for over a year. Of course Lita is going to have ring rust. All she needs is time for her to get back into the swing of things.
I REALLY AGREE WITH U!! how the hell can u say womens wrestlers suck they do not suck! if ure forgetting there are many divas in ovw and dsw that are more than just pretty faces! and wen trish and lita leave we will have mickie james, Beth Pheonix, Victoria, and since lita leaving hasnt even been confirmed we might still have Lita and of course she is gonna mess up she hasnt had a proper match in a long time she is gonna have ring rust! once she has got back into the swing of things she will hopefully get better! we will have Melina! Jillian Hall! Torrie Wilson is clearly improving! Michelle Mcool was in traning twice! and we have six contracted divas in traning who are very accomplised! so the next time u say the womens division sux check ure facts! and the diva search is not all that bad some of those girls really want to wrestle look at christy! ashley! the reason it seems like its soo bad cus all these divas are given bad roles wen they cud do something really useful!
No the womans division sucks lol you are in a state of dilusion, It doesnt matter about the talent if there not being used.
Well I like Lita, but you know what does suck.... TNA! The wrestlers are shit and so are the fans of TNA.
grungy72 said:
Yeah the only real womans ttitle matches they had were the one when TRISH would carry her opponents through it, Like when she carried lita on the raw main event lol

See, that's just going into overkill. You can say what you want about Lita's match on Raw this week, but she was amazing in the Raw Main Even. Every move she did, from the crazy suicide dive, to the superplex, to moonsault was perfect. Lita didn't carry Trish and Trish didn't carry Lita- they were both amazing in that match.

Flames Out

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