Listen Up Please!!!


Melon Farmer

Listen guys,

I want to make this thread because I want to talk about a few things.

I want this to be the thread where there is no arguments and other disgusting stuff.

The first thing is that I want this to end.

The 2nd thing i want to apologize to EVERYONE that thinks I made a racist gesture to El G...on Saturday Night. If you think that, then it wasn't my intention to...and i still don't think I said something racist to Aerandir.

I will also be adressing people in this thread starting now:

Lee: Alrighty, here we go. Over the past few days, I felt so much anger at you. You back-stabbed me. You made fun of me in such a way that I can't even explain. It hurt me. You were sneaking around and talking shit about me. Basically, you were talking behind my back. Friends don't do that to friends. People SHOULDN'T do that at all. You hurt me dude. And it wasn't just the fact that you were mocking the homiez was more. When I had enough of AE, I was calling him out to a match, which he didn't accept, you got involved and that pissed me off. There was NO reason for you to get involved, none what so ever. But the reason you did was because you and AE had some kind of "team work game thing" against me which also caused me to hate you.

Anyways, you apologized to me on MSN...and I accept your apology. BUT that doesn't mean i am your friend. I will be your friend when I start to trust you again. But I have hardly any hate for you anymore. I guess when i took time to think about all of this, I guess I realized it was stupid. I still had a right to be angry with you, whether you think it was justified or not, i still didn't like you, but now i do...hardly...but it will take time before we can be friends again...I hope you can deal with that. I mean we BOTH said harsh words and I know that I said it out of anger...hopefully you did the same. So basically, I forgive you if your apology is still you forgive me?

RatedR_HBK11: Look, we may have started on the wrong foot. I have nothing against African Americans, Jews (Obviously), Muslims, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and all the other religions. Ok, again, I am sorry if u think i did or said something wrong. You and others might think I belong in the prison, but Jake (and I am not speaking for him) thinks otherwise...or else i would have been in here or banned. But i was neither, thankfully, and again i am just sorry. Ok...i will say this a thousand times if i have to...I am NOT a racist and i didn't say anything bad to AE...but either way I am sorry and just want this to end...simple as that. I don't care if you like me or if you hate me. But at least have the courage to PM me or IM me and tell me how u truly feel. Because Flaming doesn't get anyone fact it gets u (not u but im just sayng someone who flames) banned. And it takes away from other ppl to read your fantastic posting abilities. So I am offering you an apology...and hopefully we can start fresh.

David Jeter: I don't quite know who you are just yet lol, but you post a lot in these subjects here in the prison, and you are right...we all should get along...hence this thread. If u think i was racist then i apologize to you. And I don't want you to think my character is there bc i hate mulims...because i don't!! Just when I made my character, I made it because I was pissed that Hassan was pulled off of WWE...and now Hasheem is in WZCW...and that's basically it...that and because i wanted to make a heel character lol. So if i offended you in any way i am sorry.

Will: You have been a great pal and an amazing friend. You have stuck with me through out everything!! When I was in doubt of hacking into someone's account, you said that you believed me that i didnt (u had a lil doubt in u...i know u lol but i showed u i was telling the truth). I have no reason to lie to u. Someone may think...oh he is a mod...he will screw u over. Maybe a different mod...but not you. I know whenever I have a problem...i can come to u...and if u dont like it or if i did something wrong u would tell me...leore, next time i see u do this u r getting an infraction or something like that. I trust in you Will, you have never screwed me over and I have never screwed u over, I am very lucky to have a friend like you on the forums. And sorry for using the word "I" which is And just like the hacking thing, you are defending me and know that I didn't do anything wrong. But again, If u are going to give Will an infraction for the thing (which he didnt do anything wrong) then give me double!!! Anyways, I thank you Will....P.S. i FINALLY GOT MY 2ND BAR LOL!!!

Aerandir: Allright buddy, let's take it from the top shall we. This whole thing started during the Draft. I PM'ed u saying "come on move ur ass...i was acting bossy and I am sorry. But you still shouldnt have harrassed me all the time. Anyways, when I was in prison, you were harassing me like usual, and wtvr i didn't care...i deserved it. It was the occasional things u would say to get under my skin and i overreacted. Then during the Kevin Kelly things, I asked a Q, and then you go saying that he shouldn't mind me bc im young and i make those stuipd mistakes. WHy? Why do u feel the necessety to do that? Then I figued out that you put me on ur ignore list which didnt surprise me. I even PM'ed u at least twice apologizing and trying to bury the hatchett...which i will try once more with this post.

Saturday Happened --> and things went a little crazy. I may have said something bad about the hispanics...but that was to El G...that wasn't meant to you. I didn't even know u were hispanic...but that isnt the point...i shouldnt have sed anything either way. And I was wrong for that. So I apologize for that rude comment from me. But u reely ticked me off on saturday, up until the point where i wanted to be in a match with u one on one just so i can get my RP's on u...little childish but what u did was way more.

I realized that u didn't have the courage to answer the posts or the PM's i sent u of apologizations...and u didnt build the courage to answer me. Why? I am 14. I am a 14 year old teenager who is in the 10th grade...aren't u like 16 or 17...and u cnt even tell me what u have to say one on one? This is a isnt like im gonna do somehting. But if there is anything u have to say...then just say it!! Don't have other ppl say it for u. I mean come on dude.

Then it really crossed the line when you sed: Fucken Jew ***. I don't even know what the stars sed...i remember it was like 3 stars. anyways, I told 2 mods about it...they checked the post...both sed WOW and i told them I was quitting WZCW. for like 10 minutes i was done with it. But then I was still fuming but didnt want to go out of WZCW. But I certainly didn't want the both of us in it...i think that is when i challenged u or something. Anyways, what you said was un called for.

And I want EVERYONE to know that I have apologized to AE like 4 times for all the bad stuff i did...before the thing i said and the thing he sed...but not ONE (1) apology did he send me or tell me regarding the Jew comment or anything for that matter. Apparently it was all SARCASM. Maybe the fact that when I came back from my holiday and i asked: "Did anyone miss me?" And your reply was nope....maybe that is sarcasm...but not like that. I don't want there to be any hatred between us. There shoulldn't be!! There really shouldn't. I ain't asking for us to be friends...but I don;t like the fact that u dont like me. But you know what...I learnt this from my parents...and in school...and some people on this site...who gives 2 shits if someone hates u or likes u...does it mean ur life is over? No. So if u still hate me...then i dont care then. Fuck it...we can just continue to go on and not talk to each other again...or we can feel comfortable when one of us posts and not have to check if the other one was talking about the other.

Look...there is more i wanna say...but i cn't...i dont know why...

I wanna apologize to everyone.

and to someone who i left out...if i did...then I still wanna apologize...I want this whole thing to be over with ur punishments and hopefully u will be out.

I still am beefed up at AE and Lee...but not as much.

I hope you read this whole thing...i wrote a lot and put my real thoughts into this...i hope u like it...bc this is how i feel.
Fair play to you man Leo, fair play. I understand it :)
thank u...but i didnt do it to get applauds...i did it to get respect and i mostly did it bc i dont want this shit anymore...ppl r gonna get banned bc of this...and i am sick of it...lee...u can unblock me now...bc i wont be swearing at u anymore

i dont know if AE will...but that is his choice. I won't swear at him either...i wanna have a decent conv with him to finally set the record straight...up to him tho.

I wanna see if he is gonna post in this thread and i wonder what he is gonna say.
seriously I'd rep you but I doubt I'd help at all!
SC. That took a lot of guts to even consider posting something. I rep you for that good job man :)
lol...i dont think all the rep in the world can save u jk

thank u a7xoff...i am proud i posted it and dont regret it a bit!!
SC. Seriously dude it takes a lot when someone actually hurts u to go out and say stuff like that, espically for your age. Hell I'd still be freaking out if I was 14 and that happened to me. I got a lot of respect for ya now Senior :)
Agreed. It's ok to speak your mind out, even if this is just an Internet Board.

It's ok coconut, no worries on the "remark" as I expect you to accept my apologies. i said it in my thread, let's this thing cool off, if you are going on with the fed, go on kid, sincerely, I hope you have the patience I lost.

Fair enough SC, I congratulate you for that post, it was very mature of you.

I just want to give you an advise (which may sound odd, but it's DAMN REAL) Try to relax a little more, you are in a Internet Board, nothing else (I said this NOT because of the "remarks", but you usually get mad at the very first sign of something "not quite good" happening). I lost my temper and the advise purpose went to garbage. But I know Recycling... ;)

Well, Have a good one SC.

Good luck with all :)
thank u...and i will taske ur adivce very seriously and keep that in mind.

so ur sorry and i am sorry and everyone is forgiving...good i am happy now lol.

and a7xoff...i really thank u for the took a while to convince myself to post it. But im like u know what...i dont like that there r tense moments in his hopefully my post will be the Treaty of Wrestlezone...

I am the first to sign it lol.
Well like I said it takes a lot of guts to stand up like that and be willing to forgive and forget and move on. Yes it's a message board and yes things are bound to be said, but Hell there are tense moments and arguments in any social group... chat rooms, message boards, parties, anything in life really. It just shows that from what I can tell that you take the e-fed pretty seriously and really enjoy being apart of it, and even though sometimes people can be assholes (no offense meant to AE or Lee AT ALL) your willing to look beyond that and be like. Hell is it really worth fighting or am I here to have some fun?
ur 100 % right...this is the site i mainly go on the internent. if i would ever to get banned or something...i reely dont know what i would do joke. I love this site...i reely reely do!!!

I luv taking part on the E-fed...i help out in the Book This thread...i like the bar room and the live discussion...i think of this as one of my homes...and ill prolly be called names from someone or anyone...but thats how i think of it...i can escape the troubles of my actual life and be free here...not judged and wetvr.

i luv this site!!
Couldn't agree with you more. Hell I may not post all that much compared to some, but I'm on here for well over two hours a day. If I'm not posting I'm reading something. I love the live discussion. Never got into the E-Fed, but I often read it. I mean if I were to get banned sure it wouldn't be the end of the world, but I sure as Hell wouldn't be on the cpu as much. It's just fun to talk and debate things happening in wrestling with people who actually watch it, cause around here there are very few.

On a side note... If Jake or Johnny read this I was wondering if it would be at all possible to make like a sub forum for arguments or something that should something like this happen again the same argument wont be in three or so threads? I dunno I could be just talking stupid, but it's a thought =/
^^^ actually...a sub-forum for like heated arguments...that will prolly cause flaming (nothing racist lol) won't build a distraction from the original thing.

like the discussion thread of WZCW or anything else.

someone can make a thread...u write ur username and the person whom u wanna debate with and u just argue then...1 thread per 2 ppl.

that is a very good idea...but where to put it?
Well if the problem really offends people that bad I don't see why a little flaming... within reason... wouldn't be allowed... meh it's a thought
if Jake or Johnny were to make a sub-forum for that...then flaming is allowed to a certain degree i guess.
Coco man this is good shit when you made those first posts that really made me mad the whole time I was hoping that this would end with you coming out and setting it all straight Im glad you did. this is respectable shit man you stepped up like I was hoping you would and I respect the shit out of you now. excuse my swearing but Im talking real here this is how I talk son major respect man

green rep for yo pimp cup
thanks freedom...that means a lot to does what Lee and AE and a7xoff said...i repped him and now im repping u lol...thanks man

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