List It: Top 3 Potential WWE Superstars


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In this thread, I am looking for your thoughts on who will be the biggest names in the WWE in the not so distant future. We all have our favourites, including Vince McMahon. But I am constantly thinking about who will step into the same role as John Cena in, say, 5 years time. So, I want to know, who has the potential to be the Man around the WWE halls?

Heres my list...

1. Seth Rollins

Rollins is, undoubtedly, going to be the man in the WWE. He might have gone through a tough time with injuries over the last couple of years. But there is no doubt that the WWE have a lot of faith in him. If you ask me, he is the most complete superstar on the roster at the moment. He can talk, he's both a great heel and face, and he can totally pull it off inside the ropes. He's already a multi-time WWE Champion and that's not going to end any time soon. For me, he had everything going for him plus he has the faith of the WWE upper management behind him to give him the push that it needs.

2. Rusev

Not going to be a popular choice in this thread, given that he seems to be locked in the mid card for the last few months and hasn't really had a sniff of the main event scene as of late. But as his initial run on the main roster showed, Rusev is a great superstar. He is undoubtedly a better heel but he is so malleable that he can do anything. He's great inside the ring and looks the part. His feud with Cena a few years ago was spectacular and actually pushed John Cena to a new level that we hadn't seen in a while. The WWE seemed lose interest in him after the US Championship reign but it can be remedied. He's young enough and has the drive about him to get back to the top.

3. Baron Corbin

Probably another one who won't get a lot of mentions in this tread but I think he deserves it. Corbin has been really good over the last few months. His gimmick is the same gimmick that should have been used for Roman Reigns. But actually, it has worked a charm for Corbin. Truth be told, I wasn't all that high on Corbin when he made his debut but he has impressed me since. He seems like he is learning a lot and he is already pushing into the main event scene on Smackdown. He's got a lot going for him and if he keeps pushing the way he has and keeps learning, he'll go very far in the WWE.

There's a few reasons that I didn't include certain people. First of all, I reckon Owens will have a short shelf life. He seems a lot like CM Punk to me and he'll likely get bored over the next few years and want to do something else. AJ Styles is the best in the company at the moment but, as I recall, he's older than Cena who is on his way out. If Styles gets 5 years out of the WWE, he'll be over the moon but he won't be the face of the company in 5 years.

But how about you guys?
1. Sasha Banks - She's already been very successful and is popular....and she has just barely scratched the surface of what she's capable of. Great athlete, worker, and very charismatic, and still only 24 years old. She has the ability to go down as the best woman wrestler ever, and to become the best wrestler in the company period.

2. Kevin Owens - he's a great heel and has been very successful, and like Sasha I feel like he's barely scratched the surface so far(on the main roster). His heel run has a ton of gas left in the tank in my opinion. But eventually there's going to become a point where he's impossible to boo because he's so good. When that happens, he'll have a great face run too and it will feel very fresh since he's been heel for so long.

3. Finn Balor - He's going to be so over once he finally gets a healthy run on the roster. His age, in ring ability, and overall likeableness should have him as a major star that is still at his peak in 5 years.
Bray Wyatt

Man, there is so much money in Bray Wyatt and there has been basically since his debut. He really should have been booked as something special from the beginning; had that happened, he likely would have been viewed as this generation's Undertaker. I know some people probably do look at him that way, but Taker's character was always protected and that's one of the reasons it has been so successful for the past 25 years. Bray has dealt with a lot of shit over the years and has still come through looking like a bonafide star. When they eventually turn him, I think if they just give him free reign the sky is going to be the limit. He's still young enough to make a huge impact on WWE's future.

Seth Rollins

I mean, depending on how his knee holds up he's obviously going to be a big player in WWE for many years to come. However, I think some have cooled off on him since his face turn, and while that's not entirely his fault, before he turned he seemed like the obvious choice to take on that Cena role. There really was a ton of potential there for his turn and a lot of people seemed to be expecting him to explode out of the pack as a face. That hasn't happened. Still, he's already established himself as one of WWE's top stars and there's likely many World title reigns in his future. Will he reach Cena levels? That's going to be extremely tough.

Roman Reigns

Simply because it's going to happen. His last 2 Mania opponents have been Brock Lesnar and HHH, and now it's all but guaranteed he's going to face Taker this year. He gets a huge reaction and apparently (at least this is what people say) he sells a good deal of merchandise. Roman Reigns will be around for a long time and honestly, I think people will eventually begin to respect him. If he were to get put on the shelf for a year, I feel like he would get a huge ovation upon his return kind of like HHH circa 2002. Whether we like it or not, Vince obviously sees money in Reigns and he'll likely always be around or at the top of the card.

Obvious picks, but most likely in my opinion.
I'm not saying i'm correct, but these are my 3 prospects:

1.- Seth Rollins, Like everyone else is saying, he has a lot of potential, he did
really well as a Heel, as a Face unfortunately he is dealing with Knee
injuries, but once he is healthy he will do amazing things, he is good on
the mic, and he is an awesome athlete, he basically has it al.

2.- Big Cass, I know that at this moment he is Mid Card and going for the Tag
Team Titles, i agree with some comments that i have heard, sooner or later
he has to get a singles run, he is loved by the Fans, and he is a good
Athlete, he has proven that he can be dominant, he could either get
multiple title runs or a long one, and Marketing wise, he is also loved by
Kids like Cena, so who knows.

3.- Bray Wyat, I think that he can definitely be the Undertaker's replacement
once he retires, he has the it factor, he can play either heel or face, he
Has the ability to make the crowd either love him or hate him, he has
tremendous amount of talent in the ring, he is very fast for someone his

This is a great thread, it definitely gives us something to really think about, there are a few others that i considered, like Cesaro, Reigns, Ambrose, Baron Corbin, Kevin Owens, it was very hard to choose, but i went with these 3, again, i'm not saying i'm correct, it is just my opinion.....
1. Roman Reigns. As much as smarks hate him he has that ability to have people cheer or boo him. It doesnt mater if you are good or not as long as you get the reaction. And his reaction is off the roof. That is of course if he ups his promo work which is decent now considering that he started with "suffering succotash" but needs to be better.

2. Finn Balor. He is just great and you can see that WWE has lot of trust in him. He was allowed to beat Reigns clean and to win first WWE Championship in his first month on main roster. If he doesnt get injured and they didnt lose trust in him(and think they didnt) can see great things for him in future.

3. Charlotte. Ok, maybe not in Cena role but she is even now the face of women division. Really cant see Sasha or even Bayley would be better feat for that top role then Charlotte is right now.
I don't see the point in naming people like Roman or Seth. They're clearly the top two guys at the moment. They're both multiple time World Champions. They have both won in the main event of a WrestleMania. The company has been building around them for about two years now. They're made men already.

Baron Corbin. This is already in the process of happening. If he remains on Smackdown through the year he'll be World Champion by the end of it. He still has a little bit to go, his mic work is still a bit green, but he's fantastic on Talking Smack so maybe it's just an issue of being nervous speaking in front of crowds, but once he fixes that, he's good to go.

That's really the only "clear cut" one I have and I put quotes around that because even with him, I'm not too sure if it's clear cut. I can see Baron Corbin having a great future and becoming World Champion, but you're asking for the next John Cena and that's a bit of a stretch for him, and as I've already said... I think that Cena spot is already occupied.

There's guys like Nakamura, Joe, AJ, and MAYBE Roode who I'm sure will have bursts of brilliance up on the main roster but they're all in their late 30's, approaching 40... Roode already is 40. I don't know if I really see them being there for 5 years, maybe that but certainly not much longer. We're living in an era in wrestling right now where the "young guys" are getting older. I don't know if we're ever gonna see another Randy Orton or John Cena who enter in the company in their early to mid 20's and stay on top for a decade plus. (Although I think these tournaments in other countries could change that).

I think Strowman has a pretty big future ahead of him. You always need a monster. Big Show, Mark Henry and Kane are clearly nearing the end of their careers and they've failed in past years to make that next monster. Strowman has easily had the most success and considering the rumors of Strowman/Undertaker all the way back for last years WrestleMania, the company has been high on him for quite a while. He's improved greatly in the past year, he's actually pretty over and barring some pretty significant fuck up, I have no reason to believe he won't play the role of WWE's top monster for at least the next half decade to come and maybe get a few World Championships along the way.

And I guess 3rd would be Big Cass. He's big, he has long blonde hair, those qualities alone are enough to get you pretty damn far in the WWE.
1) Reigns (the chosen one)
2) Kevin Owens (been steady & solid since call up)
3) Bray Wyatt (character could be face or heel and crowd is very engaged)
1 - Kevin Owens - Best on the mic and great in the ring. Also has a great look. Owens just gets 'it'.

2 - Bray Wyatt - Great on the mic and in the ring. Also has the most interesting character.

3 - Dean Ambrose - Currently, he's the best of the Shield. Very entertaining. Would make a great heel.
I'm going to name according to what I feel.


1. Bray Wyatt
2. Seth Rollins
3. Baron Corbin
Honourable Mentions: Rusev (Give him decent booking atleast :shrug:), Roman Reigns (If he can make a good heel run), Finn Balor (Demon persona is marketable enough), Kevin Owens (maybe) & Dean Ambrose (maybe).

Bray Wyatt is an unique character which has even more potential than what The Undertaker had. Characters like Bray rarely come up and I hope that WWE doesn't ruin it. Seth Rollins is already a star but his lackluster face turn has hurt him and then this injury and the lame feud with Triple H. If he remains healthy, he could be the star. Baron Corbin's lone Wolf persona has quite a potential to become the ultimate heel. A badass heel. Just like a heel Goldberg.


1. Alexa Bliss
2. Sasha Banks
Honourable Mentions: Bayley (Damage is repairable as of now), Charlotte (Get her off title picture for God's sake), Asuka (maybe) & Ember Moon(maybe)

Alexa Bliss is already the current best heel in the world. Even before a year after her main roster call-up. She's the perfect classic heel. Sasha, her heel turn will confirm her even beyond Charlotte.
For me look no further than Goldberg. The kid has a great look, a memorable entrance. He's also pretty strong, if a little green in the ring, but now he'll be main eventing as Universal Champion he has the opportunity to really improve going up against some of the more experienced roster members. WWE absolutely made the right call pushing him, he's a hell of a prospect. Just imagine him 10 years down the line!
I am doing people who are currently not main eventing. To say guys like Owens, Wyatt, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns etc is pointless because they are already there. The women at the top are going to be at the top for a long time because they are all young. Unless they decide they want to have children soon, they'll all be there for a good 10 years.

1. The Miz - The guy has "IT". He is probably the top heel in the company right now. Best on the mic and good enough in the ring. He stays healthy so he should have a good 10 years left in him and he has had a resurgence in his career. He will be main eventing on the regular by the end of the year.

2. Baron Corbin - He has the look and the attitude. He's pretty decent in ring and again, is a great heel. He needs a feud with a real top face (Cena?) to get him over and to the next level where he'll stay for years to come.

3. Sami Zayn - The fans love him. His feud with Kevin Owens was awesome, as were all the matches. Get the guy a run with the US Title soon, and then get him to the next level. I can see him, Rollins, Owens and Reigns ruling Raw for years.
ヒュー G. レックション;5662753 said:
For me look no further than Goldberg. The kid has a great look, a memorable entrance. He's also pretty strong, if a little green in the ring, but now he'll be main eventing as Universal Champion he has the opportunity to really improve going up against some of the more experienced roster members. WWE absolutely made the right call pushing him, he's a hell of a prospect. Just imagine him 10 years down the line!

He even skipped NXT, not too many young guys can claim that. He needs to work on one of his moves though, that suplex powerslam looks a little soft. All his other moves look fine though.
Going to point out guys who aren't already at or near the top of the card (Rollins as a potential? C'mon man).

On The Roster

Apollo Crews - Guy has the look and the athleticism, he just needs some seasoning to get the psychology down and he could be a major star. He has that It Factor too and reminds me of Rocky Maivia before he became The Rock. He just needs a storyline or character that people can get behind and he could be a world champion.


Kassius Ohno - Been around a long time but Chris Hero has all the tools needed to get to the top. Can work heel or babyface but I rather him as a heel. Could easily see him get on the main roster and work a programme with a babyface AJ Styles or with someone like Sami Zayn.

Not in WWE Yet

Marty Scurll - Don't know how much you guys know of Scurll but he's the best villain working on the UK circuit. He's currently with RoH in the US (don't watch, so don't know how he's doing there) but trust me when I say that this guy is destined for the big leagues. He just understands the little things it takes to be a great heel, plus he can go in the ring.
Similar to some others, I've avoided most of the names already headlining PPV's.

AOP - Not for the Cena role but I reckon these two could be up there with Dudley Boys and LOD. Big guys who can move well and look like absolute destroyers.

Drew Galloway - I think he will be back in WWE in the not too distant future. Top heel of the company one day.

Cody Rhodes - Huge statement but him and Galloway will be the next generations Rock vs HHH
Finn Balor - This one is easy - he's as over as over can be, and he can work. I know this will irritate the smarks, but he needs to put on some weight. Doing so won't hurt his work and will make him more appealing to Vince and company. He could be THE guy, in my opinion.

Seth Rollins - Maybe the best in-ring performer they have. I really want to see what he brings to the table as a babyface, but obviously he has to stay healthy.

Bray Wyatt - This guy needs to be the top heel in the company. Give him a lengthy title run and keep the mystique. He's a heel, so he doesn't need to beat everyone clean, but I would love to see him go on a winning streak, long term. With how hot he was coming in, I cannot for the life of me understand how he has only now become champion.

Honorable mentions - AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, and the internet darling himself, Roman Reigns.

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