
Dark Blaze

Say what I want, when I want.
Who uses them? A dude just came to ask me what lines I'd use on a girl I'm trying to get...then I noticed that I really don't use them. Don't think it's necessary. I just talk normally to a girl, try to make them laugh and compliment them when needed.

How bout ya?
Who uses them? A dude just came to ask me what lines I'd use on a girl I'm trying to get...then I noticed that I really don't use them. Don't think it's necessary. I just talk normally to a girl, try to make them laugh and compliment them when needed.

How bout ya?

I'm like you in that sense, If your a nice funny personl, you don't need chat up line's
Come up to the side of a girl and give her this old line

"If you were a pirate would you keep your parrot on this sholder... *puts hand on closest shoulder*, or would you put it on this one? *puts hand around girl onto other shoulder"

That should do the trick.
The line I used on my ex:

"what the FUCK are you looking at????"

cuz she was staring at me.

:lmao: that has to be one of my favorite lines ive ever read XD

ok on topic: pick up lines are for losers who dont no how to strike up a conversation. idk how some guys dont no how to me its so simple. usually i just talk to her like a normal person about my interests,and hers. im the type of dude who girls love talking to because im funny and make them laugh non-stop but yea honostly i think pick up lines are for losers
Maybe it's that i drunk a lot of water...but I may have vomited a little.

Seriously? Cliche!

And for the record, I don't
Nah in all seriousness I dont use lines, I just act like myself and it works strangly enough.

I'll only use a chat up line if its seriously funny, and using that logic I have never used one
Pick up lines are pathetic, Date Rape drugs work so much better....Probibly shouldnt have said that....gotta remember this is wrestlezone not /b/ on 4chan

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