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Let's talk 3MB


Getting Noticed By Management
Now there is a thread title I bet you never thought you would see, ;)

Yes I know they are a joke I understand that but besides wasting some good talent something has always bothered me: why Jinder? Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre I can see in a Boy band gimmick but not Jinder. One day he went from Middle East aristocrat to wannbe rocker.It made no sense. Yes I know "it's wrestling" so suspend disbelief and roll with it and I can do that. But who do you think would have made a better more realistic choice to be the 3rd guy in this gimmick? Justin maybe? Tyson?
I think someone like Curt Hawkins would've been better suited to 3mb instead of Jinder. He has a better look and is more talented in the ring,
I do hope that Drew and Slater have some success though, two very talented wrestlers
I can't tell if you're serious or not, Geoff, but it stands for "3 Man Band".

Jinder really doesn't fit with the gimmick, and to be honest, I'd rather see McIntyre in a UK stable as "The Chosen One" rather than a jobber stable. *shrug*
I have no idea why it double-posted, so I'm just going to elaborate on how I feel towards 3MB.

Jinder Mahal isn't exactly someone you would think would be in a trio of rock and roll comedy dudes, but several men have went into stables that nobody would really expect them in. Owen Hart in Nation of Domination, Stone Cold in The Corporation, etc. It's different and thus a bit more interesting than the norm.
Now there is a thread title I bet you never thought you would see, ;)

Yes I know they are a joke I understand that but besides wasting some good talent something has always bothered me: why Jinder? Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre I can see in a Boy band gimmick but not Jinder. One day he went from Middle East aristocrat to wannbe rocker.It made no sense. Yes I know "it's wrestling" so suspend disbelief and roll with it and I can do that. But who do you think would have made a better more realistic choice to be the 3rd guy in this gimmick? Justin maybe? Tyson?

They're probably buddies backstage. It's not something that really needed to be explained on TV. They have no story, they're just 3 friends who go to the ring and job to the top guys.

I'm hoping for Drew to break out on his own and be a top guy himself. He should have been World Champion a long time ago.

I think Heath can be the next Shawn Michaels. NO, NOT IN THE RING. I mean in terms of gimmick. He can be a rocker with a big bad bodyguard behind him and tackle the midcard. I doubt he'll ever break out and be a top guy like Shawn did as Shawn has 10,000x the talent he has, but Heath could be a solid mainstay in the midcard.

As for Jinder, put him with Khali again. I don't know why they ever split them up in the first place. I wouldn't have minded seeing them as tag champs. I always like seeing international presence on the roster.
All three of them are great wrestlers. Heath Slater can sell and is very funny and charismatic. Drew is similar to Randy Orton, he was just made for this, although I think his accent does limit him in the WWE and to the WWE audience.

Now to Jinder. Jinder Mahal gets a lot of hate and I don't understand why. He is a good wrestler, with a fairly decent move set and a vicious streak. I know most don't watch NXT, but if you can find his matches and promos from the NXT Championship tournament, you would be impressed. He gets heat, he is talented and sells, not much more you can ask for.

Don't hinder Jinder, don't screw Drew, don't be a Slater hater!
I think they wanted wrestlers of different nationalities just because of how it could be perceived as sounding funny when they sing. I also think they wanted the team to have a decent look. we know in the eyes of wwe brass, decent = bigger. they wouldn't want folks like Justin Gabriel because then they look like a smaller team that wouldn't be taken as seriously in ring. mahal with his size at least looks intimidating.
Jinder Mahal is a pretty good wrestler, but I agree that he doesn't, and never really did fit in with 3MB. I agree with the poster that said that Curt Hawkins would have fit in with them. He has more of a rock star look than Jinder. Jinder really doesn't make much sense to be in the group, other than creative not having anything else for him. Heath and Drew both have a decent Rock Star look for the group. I honestly wish they weren't perceived as such a joke because all three of them are solid performers with a good upside.
I'm with the guys who said Curt Hawkins.
He has the look and he can be really arrogant.
He's not a bad wrestler either.

I have nothing against Jinder. I actually like the guy but I agree that he seems out of place in the group.
I actually wish he was a ruthless heel. He doesn't even have to do the whole anti American cliche. I just want to see him beat people up and be kind of a silent assassin.

That being said if it takes him being part of 3MB to get television time then that's fine. At least I get to see him on my screen.
I really love the idea of a rock band and have supported 3MB from the beginning but I have always felt like it was built more to give Slater something to do more than anything else. I say this because I do feel as if both Jinder and Drew could do their own thing. Both have the looks and both can speak relatively well. If you wanted to replace one of them though? Curt Hawkins would work perfectly and I'm surprised they didn't use him in the first place. I haven't seen him on Raw or Smackdown forever and I always feel bad for the guys that get that kind of treatment. That doesn't Gabriel or Kidd couldn't work either though. Or even Alex Riley. I know he's found a place on commentary but I'd love to see him back in the ring in one way or another. Maybe it is just me?
they created a jobber team with 3 jobber guys. jinder mahal used for future marketing projects in india. Maybe he work as an agent in india. After splitting with tiffany drew goes downside. Now he is not a choosen one. Accordind to Slater when his contract expires he get released with drew and jinder played solo jobber heel.
If Jinder looks out of place its because hes supposed to!!! The idea behind 3MB is that its three guys who we all THINK have some talent, but its not showed because they are jobbed out and/or cant get a reaction on their own. Lets be real, McIntyre was boring as shit before 3MB and now everyone wants him to be the Chosen One again...Id like to see him kind of in that role like he was on SD where he was bullying Teddy Long, i thought he was good back then. For Jinder, hes a guy that couldnt get over on his own..decent in the ring, and more marketable than a Curt Hawkins. Not to mention it looks comedic to have Jinder there than some plain run of the mill white guy like Hawkins..The group isnt supposed to be serious...whats more comedic than an Indian pretending to be a rock star? And with Slater the guys pretty good in the ring and hes a damn good seller..I would like for Drew to take this experience and show more personality if hes the Chosen One again...for Slater try him out in the midcard as a face..and for Jinder, well, Dont Hinder Jinder lol
Funny thing was Drew finally had a great performance in 2011 elimination chambers just before he was placed in the jobber squad. The Chosen One gimmick is more dumb than 3 wannabe rockers who are meant to be silly.

I think it would be funny if one of them keeps winning matches while the other two keep losing. But they shouldn't break up but be this kumbaya singing trio that believe they help each other to win while obviously only one person of the trio is winning.
These guys really have grown on me, all three members that is. They're all the comic relief, there's no serious member of their group. My sources tell me that they all absolutely love the gimmick and are constantly brainstorming more creative ways in which they can make complete asses out of themselves.

I want to see these guys have a more active role on tv, instead of just always being jobbers. I've always wanted to see the Three Man Championship come back. It doesn't have to be a big deal, it can just be Heath cutting a promo on how his band is the best three man group of all time. He can put down classic teams like The Freebirds and The Von Erichs, and announce that through his own trouble he's created belts for the new World Three Man Champions. This could give The Shield something to break up over if they're unable to overcome the blind luck of 3MB. This doesn't have to be a title that the writers have to sweat over, it just has to be something for them to "WOOO!" over while they're parading their goofiness to the fans.
To me the odd one out is Drew. Everyone agrees he is better than 3MB but I am guessing he has been serving some kind of "pennance" or been put there in a no pressure spot while his mother was sick. It's certainly time for him to "go solo".

His accent shouldn't be an issue, he's Scottish, so is Gerard Butler, Sean Connery or Craig Ferguson and people get their accents just fine. To be honest the answer was so obvious it's embarrasing but clearly isn't gonna happen... Piper as his manager making Drew the new "Rowdy Scot" would be his ticket to the big time.

Jinder is clearly there "nothing else to do with him so we'll stick him here. He's done ok with it, that "Don't Hinder Jinder" has gotten over at all is pretty good going.

Slater is a bit of a misnomer, he is the new Zack Ryder in that the internet love him and Slater's Gonna Slate etc... but he's just not that exciting or interesting to watch in reality. He reminds me of Rick Martel a bit, good skills, should be far more over than he is but just isn't... you look at him and he fades into the background of WWE compared to other guys.

As a group their time has come, it's probably time to change Drew out for someone else but even if they don't being a Freebirds parody means they will probably stay employed as long as Michael Hayes does.
I think the main objective behind 3MB was a bunch of guys that would be a joke. They would lose to other tag teams and help get them over. In that a aspect, Jinder fits well because his transition from an Indian maharaja to a (wannabe) rockstar is a joke too. I believe the main reason to bring him in was to team him up with Khali as heel team, but that plan didn't work out after Khali left for a couple of months. Then he started feuding with Ted Dibiase on Superstars, but the fans weren't interested. Same with Drew, once the 'Chosen One' schtick failed, there wasn't any good idea left. So creative likely thought that okay, lets put these three guys together and have them serve a purpose (which is to lose to other teams), without it taking a major negative toll on their singles careers.
I do not agree with the notion that Justin Gabriel and Curt Hawkins would have been better for the job. I would want to see Justin (with 450° splash as finisher) in a better role than as a part of a joke team. Him and Ryder are a good pair and I hope they get TV time when Los Matadores get scrapped for the love of god. And Curt Hawkins is an IWC legend like Cassius Ohno, who just hasn't delivered on the big stage.
I'm actually fine with Jinder in the group as long as they're going to be jobbers. I don't see Jinder becoming much more than a jobber really, but Slater and Drew can be more than jobbers in my opinion. Drew Should have never been put in a jobber group. A tag team in contention for the titles would have fit him much more. Heath could use this as a starting point but he has more ability than that, not a main event guy but certainly a mid-carder. But as far as a better fit for the group than Jinder… I'd say 3 guys could fit it. Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, or Justin Gabriel. Adding one of them in the group besides Jinder adds so much credibility and could actually put them in contention as a tag team title tier tag team rather than just jobber tier. Any of these three guys could really help boost their stock by being in a successful group, if the wwe would ever let 3MB be semi-successful.

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