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Let's do this stepping away thing properly.

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
You know, since the last time went sooo well. Also I'm writing this with the hopes of having Dayquil or Morphine IV'd directly into my bloodstream, so this may get interesting.

If you've read Revolution, you'll see I have stepped down from Creative. If you haven't read the show, go fucking do it now. No seriously. Go. I'm waiting. Why are you still here? No bad blood this time or mental breakdowns on my end, this is simply something that I have to do. The story is my wife is a tax preparation specialist for H&R Block during tax season, however it requires her to work out of town due to the manager at the local office being a bitch (I'll bite my tongue and not bore you on small town drama), however this has lead to my wife becoming a manager now. The last 4 years my daughter has gone with her and they have stayed at my in laws house, leaving me to my own devices in the winter time. However this year Skylar is staying home with me and going to daycare, essentially leaving me as a "single" father 5 days out of the week.

Anyone that has kids can tell you it's a full time job taking care of them, and my daughter is certainly no exception. I planned ahead to step down at Revolution before tax season started, but of course there was some small overlap, and I knew it was the right call. My match writing wasn't up to my standards, and I found myself with less time to write them. For Revolution I came down sick over the weekend, and I hated myself for not writing one final match for the guys. Will this be my final time on Creative? Who knows, the last two times were kind of randomly being asked when Creative members were asking for advice or my thoughts on stuff. I limited myself quite a bit on my last go around here and let the others run the show and provided booking ideas mostly while writing a match or two a round.

However! I'm not going away, you fuckers can't get rid of me that easily. I'm still going to be causing massive chaos with Ty, however I will say sadly that was indeed El Califa's final match, and I couldn't be more happy that Dorian picked up the win. I can't say it was my finest effort, but I did what I could, and I got to write one final chapter in the saga of ECD. Maybe I bring him back at some point for a one off match, who knows. I'm going to see if I can have KJ keep him on as an NPC, maybe taking the Konnan role to La Armada's Prince Puma.

The fed is slowly getting healthy again, we went on a pretty bad down swing the past year or so, and that's to be expected. People come and go, lose interest, daily life becomes more important, basically things happen. I believe the Creative team put together is a very solid mix, veteran leadership in Dave, Thriller, and Falkon who have been there, done that, and I'm proud to have served alongside them once more. Yaz has been doing fantastic work as Head of Creative, putting everyone in a good position to succeed. Killjoy has been absolutely crushing it in the graphics department, really giving us that sizzle we haven't had since Phoenix was around and putting up with me pushing him to create more. Dynamite has been kicking ass since he joined up on the team as well, and has some great ideas in mind.

So with that said, shout out time? Yes?

Yaz - My brother, man it's been great working with you for nearly a year on Creative. We've joked how I mock asked who you were when you first started, and it's been phenomenal to see how much you've grown as a writer, and now as Head of Creative you've brought a lot of fun back to the fed. Our feud going into KC was awesome, and a feud I will remember fondly. Keep up the great work sir, and my inbox is always open.

Killjoy - This last cycle has been a fucking blast man, and I'm glad we'll get to continue it on after this PPV. It's been great to watch you rise to the top, and as I said before, I don't see you as a flukey champion, you're on my level because if you weren't, we wouldn't have fought to essentially a coin flip in everyone's mind on the team. Rest assured come Meltdown I'm ramping it up again for your title once more, and I can't wait to see what you bring to the table a second time.

Falkon - You crazy bastard, couldn't believe you signed up for a second duty on Creative. Hardest working guy in the fed, bar none. And that's something I've always greatly appreciated about you Falk, your work ethic is off the fucking charts. Keep it going sir, and congrats on the Eurasian Title.

Dave - We're the old bastards around here dude. But like a fine wine we just keep getting better with age. It's been great working with you finally in the fed kayfabe wise other than one offs and side comments towards one another. I'm sorry I couldn't bring the title home convincingly setting us up right away, just....give me a little time and we can tear the house down. You've been a great friend, a comrade to the very end. Thank you sir.

Thriller - Phoenix vs Ty one day must happen. That being said, I wish we could have worked closer with the elegANT/ECD RP's, but I had a lot of fun using your character and turning him into this pimptastic suave DJ. The Midwest Connection still lives on even though CH never visits us anymore, which makes me sad. In any case, I hope I can make it down to Chicago for an ROH show one of these days, and I would want nothing less than you to join me.

Dynamite - Now to be fair, I promised him a longer shout out for covering for my virus infested carcass and writing my match for Revolution. So take into consideration this guy wrote 3 god damn matches for the PPV, and did a great job on all three. Let me make it very clear, Dynamite I see the future of the fed in your hands. I will also be very honest, that had you told me that I would say that 2 years ago, I wouldn't have believed you. That said, you proved me wrong with Krypto, I didn't think it would work but you did a fantastic job making a believer out of me. Flex has easily become one of my favorite characters in the fed now, and Cerberus is looking strong as hell after Revolution. You've been great since coming onto Creative, and I hope you keep busting your ass to make it even better. I have big expectations for you in the future, and I know you'll do great in exceeding those. You've grown a ton since you first started in the fed, and I know we made the right choice bringing you onto Creative.

So with all that being said, for everyone else, I love you guys, and now I get to join you all back on the other side, and prepare for my burial at the hands of Thriller. Who I shall kill at previously mentioned ROH show. AOTF style no less. If you ever have any questions, want some feedback or advice, hit me up. I may not be the most studious on answering immediately but I will get back to you. All Stars is coming up, and though I haven't participated much, I still see it as my baby as I was the one that brought up the idea originally. I may just have to put in a character app, we'll see how it goes.

In the eternal speaking style of Bill Belichick:

On to All Stars.
Sad that you had to step down but family and real life come first. I think you made the right choice. I'm also glad you will still be RP'ing. You're one of the best, if not the best, writers I have ever read in the fed. Thank you for all the work you put in. Also, thank you for the chance to team up with Califa in that one round. He was one of my favorite characters and I enjoyed working with you on that RP. Rep coming when it reloads. :)
I admire any caring father.

I admire your love for this place. And you helped us out a ton. And now, you put me over. So I made your eyes glow red in video form.

So rock on, Ty and teach that kid to do Consecrated Banishments.
Right on, man, take care of that little girl.

Always enjoyed reading your matches, but since we're putting everyone over in this thread, I enjoy reading all the matches. This place really has some exceptional writers and exceptional minds for fake wrestling. It's admirable how everyone on Creative continues to come up with creative (pun intended) and different ideas for the matches they're writing. So kudos to everyone for a job well done.

Ty, you've put Slaughter over in matches you've written and even in your own RPs (with both characters) and for that I am eternally grateful. I was struggling with this character when I first joined the fed, but this Elite run and working with you and having Serafina at my disposal has really allowed me to gain a stronghold over what I envisioned when I filled out my app and bring it to life each show.

Looking forward to continuing to work with you (and hopefully Dave) as The Elite hones in on that big gold belt.

Lastly, it's an honor to have battled with ECD in his last match as a full-time member of the roster. Happy to have slain the dragon, I enjoyed the fued while it lasted.

OK, now I hope you all die.
Sad to see you go man but it's great to see you do so in order to be there for your daughter and spend more time with her. I've always enjoyed everything you did for the fed and hopefully with only Ty to take care of, you can do some amazing things with the character.

Have fun on the other side, man. Take a blanket and a whiskey for the road: I hear its cold out there.
I always look at you as the guy who forced me to step up my game, both on creative and in my RPs. Our KC feud was a fun one, one of my favorites since I've been here and I'm glad you trusted me to to bring out the more human side of Ty. You have always been a good guy and I can't fault you for taking time away from staff to be a dad.

Now clean my office.
Cheers, mate. There isn't anything new for me to say that I have not already said before, but here is a reminder that I've always enjoyed your Creative work. I'll gladly reference you as the work ethic I first desired to emulate when joining the fed. Enjoy the retirement you never let Chuck Myles have.
Dude, like I said, this sucks. You're a great guy and someone that has been around since I started. Not many guys stick around for so long and be a creative member for that long. But you've managed it because of your drive, ambition and passion for this place. And I guess that's something that you and I have in common. It will be crazy without you in the back but at least you'll still be giving us an RP every fortnight. Ty is a legend around here and it would be such a terrible day when he goes.

Either way, I'm sad to see you step away from creative but I completely understand. Good luck with everything.
Not been keeping up at all, but I'm pleased you're getting to spend more time with your girl(s) as I know that's been a factor in your stepping away from WZCW the first time you were lord and master of creative. I'm also pleased to see you (and I'm assuming others) were aware of how up and down the last year or so of WZCW has been and how it apparently has turned a corner under the new creative team.

Live on Ty and enjoy your return to semi-retirement! Viva Ty Burna!

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