Let's Begin With..The Road To Wrestlemania


Occasional Pre-Show

John Cena
Randy Orton
John Morrison
Dolph Ziggler

Kofi Kingston
Wade Barrett
Rey Mysterio
Evan Bourne

Jack Swagger
CM Punk
AJ Styles
Kurt Angle
The Rock

Triple H
DH Smith

Tyson Kidd
R Truth
Ted Dibiase Jr.
Shelton Benjamin

The Miz
Chris Jericho
Big Show
Brock Lesnar

William Regal
Alberto Del Rio
Jeff Hardy

HBK Shawn Michaels


WWE Champ
John Cena

World Heavyweight Champ
Randy Orton

Intercontinental Champ

United States Champ
John Morrison

WWE World Tag Team Champs

Hardcore Champ
CM Punk
Royal Rumble:

US Champ vs Intercontinental Champ
John Morrison vs Batista

Morrison's entrance hits and the crowd stands for the clear underdog. Morrison walks out with a new swagger, after recently being personally trained by the newly hired commissioner, Shawn Michaels. Batista comes out to a tremendous roar of boo's. The animal is ready for a fight and you can see it in his eyes. He comes running down the ramp and spears Morrison as he's smiling for the crowd and the crowd boo's even louder to the viscious attack. Jim Ross and Paul Heyman show replays and sell the action of the dirty attack by the animal. As the replay shows, you see Morrison's neck snap as his body is jerked down and Morrison is out, cold. Trainer's run to the ring and check on Morrison but Batista refuses to listen. He drags JoMo to the middle of the ring and demands the referee to ring the bell. The crowd is in shock..The ref has no choice and orders that the bell ring. Batista snatches up Morrison off the ground, and pulls John to him and quickly, but powerfully, delivers a HUGE batista bomb. The ring thumps loudly and the animal covers..1..2..3..Batista stands over Morrison. The crowd is in silence and the ref gives the animal, both, the US Title and the Intercontinental Title.

NEW US Champ
Promo: The camera goes backstage as the Commissioner HBK is allowing the superstars to choose their number. The superstars are all in line, one by one, inserting their hand into the canister and pulling out a baseball-sized plastic ball which held their number on a piece of paper.
WWE World Tag Team Championship
DH Smith & Tyson Kidd
Shelton Benjamin & Kofi Kingston
Kurt Angle & Jack Swagger
Rey Mysterio & Evan Bourne

After the promo, all 4 teams are already in the ring. Tyson Kidd and Kurt Angle start the match off. They lock up and Angle turns him around and nearly suplexes him completely across the ring. Kidd slides up into the turnbuckle and looks shocked as the crowd pops. He stands up and looks as if he's going to go back to Angle and suddenly Benjamin tags himself in. Kidd looks upset but goes back to his corner. Shelton runs to Angle quickly and looks as if he's going for a clothesline and Angle moves out of the way and Benjamin hits the ropes chest first, and as he's rebounding, Angle rolls him up for a pin. The ref quickly hits the mat..1...2...3..! Shelton & Kofi have been eliminated!! Without wasting any time, Rey jumps in, literally, and west coast pop's Angle..1..2..kick out! Angle gets up quickly and goes to clothesline Mysterio, but he runs under him, hits the ropes and drop kicks Kurt's ankle out from under him. The crowd pops as Mysterio gets up quickly and Angle scoots to the turnbuckle to tag in his partner, Jack Swagger. Swagger, after chasing Rey, finally catches him and he grounds the much smaller, Mysterio. He squeezes him with a bear hug and the crowd helps cheer Mysterio out of it. Mysterio gets up and pushes off back to the ropes and as he goes to cross body onto Jack, he catches Mysterio and somehow maneuvers Rey into position for a Gut-wrench powerbomb. Jack lifts him up but suddenly, out of nowhere, comes Evan Bourne. He missile dropkicks Swagger and Rey land on top of Jack for a pin. Angle attempts to get in but as he does, Bourne delivers a running crossbody and takes both of them to the outside of the ring. Inside the ring, the ref counts as Mysterio has rolled up Swagger. 1...2...3! Swagger & Angle are now eliminated. Tyson Kidd quickly gets in the ring. Kurt gets back into the ring, also, and as the ref tells him that he's eliminated, he goes into a craze. He turns to the Hart Dynasty. Swagger grabs DH Smith and slams him hard off the apron. As Tyson kidd turns around to acknowledge what just happened, Angle grabs Kidd and Angle hits his famous Angle Slam. After leaving them motionless, the recently eliminated tag team, leaves to an applaud of boos from the crowd. The camera goes back to the ring, and Kidd lies in the middle, motionless on his back. Suddenly, Evan Bourne appears and goes to the top rope. The crowd stands up and Bourne soars. He delivers a beautiful Shooting Star Press onto Tyson Kidd and gets the 3 count.

The Winner and the NEW WWE World Tag Team Champions,
Mysterio & Evan Bourne
A promo clip is shown for the upcoming, Wrestlemania XXX

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Randy Orton(c) vs Brock Lesnar

Months of anticipation, and finally, the match is here. Lesnar's return match. Orton comes out first, to a crowd of boos, and he raises the prestigious, World Title that has meant so much for so many years. Orton walks to the ring as his slow, viper-like swagger silences the crowd. His facial hair coming through his sadistic smile and his teeth show off his venom-like features. He gets into the ring and shows the belt for everyone as he holds it high as he stands on the turn buckle. The music dies down and the crowd is in a sea of silence. The champ looks upon the titan tron, waiting....and waiting..
Suddenly, Triple H comes the screen. He laughs as he holds his sledge hammer close to his face. The hammer, covered in blood, looked to be used. The crowd is in silence as Triple H talks.

HHH: (laughter) You see Orton, I've been waiting for this moment right here, since about 2004. You remember what happened to me..in 2004? No. Nobody does. While I was on Raw dominating anyone in my way, it always seemed to be “one-upped” by this guy, that went by Brock Lesnar. You see Orton, when someone claims to have done it all and then leave in the midst of his prime, it kind of pisses me off. Especially, seeing that he never even stepped foot into the ring with the King of Kings. I'm sorry Orton, but your not fighting tonight. Nor is your opponent...

(Screen goes blank)

HBK makes his way to the ring and confirms that Randy will indeed, not fight..at least not tonight

Orton smiles as the announcer announces Orton as the winner, and the crowd fills him with boos as Orton just poses with a sadistic smile, and leaves the arena.

Screen shows “The Champ” John Cena suiting up for his title defense. Then, The Rock comes walking in with a smile. He looks at Cena....

“Finally, it's almost time...Champ! It's time for all these candy asses to watch the best match of ALL TIME! Just a few months away, Cena. Are you ready?”

“Rock, I've never backed down before and I’m damn sure not backing down now.” (with a smurk)

“I like that..I really do. I remember hearing that in middle school too..” (the crowd laughs as Cena's face suddenly turns, then he calmly gets up)

“Rock, I know your plan. You want me to get frustrated and lose my match tonight. Well, I got news, I don't lose.”

The camera moves and goes to Lilian Garcia as she announces what's in store next on the lineup
Okay, so here are my tips for you, newcomer. First thing you would want to do, is start formatting. Use colors, quotes and spoiler tags, different types of texts and fonts, etc. No one wants to read a big block of black text, it's boring and people will get distracted and/or lost easily.

Next, hype the shows up a bit. Without any warning what-so-ever, this thread just pops up with a big pay-per-view event. Give people some notice this new show is coming so more people will be excited to read it.

Also, no back story at all is just a bad start. No story on why you are doing this. There are a bunch of new names on the roster, no mention of why they were signed or why they returned. We don't know who is a good guy or bad guy, and why they are. We don't even know what year it is. You should probably start a website thread in the Lounge section where you post your roster, year, back story, and maybe even a little bio for each star and a recap of what is currently going on in the company. It would do wonders.

Finally, either get your show done at once and post it all together, or wait until you're done to post it. I get some show's are long and may take 2-3 posts to put up, but you can't just post one match or segment per post. Not only is it a cheap way to rise your post count, but it's hard to follow and you could potentially get in trouble for spam.

I know there is a lot of criticism there, but those are just the generals of a good show here. It's hard for people to get interested if things are formatted decently and they don't have a story to follow. There is no truly right way to do one of these, but no one will be interested if those small but important things aren't included. To be fair, these are things I just noticed and I haven't really started reading the show yet, but I'll get back to you with a full review once the full show is posted. nIf you want any more tips just shoot me a PM or visit the help or general discussion thread in the Lounge section where more of the regulars are.

To leave you with a positive note, your roster, even without knowing who is face and heel, looks good at this point.

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