New York City
The Lower East Side
The sound of thunder cracking through the night amidst the constant pattering of a heavy downpour welcomes us to this rainy scene. A young child sits by his window as he watches the rain drops seemingly fly down from the sky and crash against the glass, splattering upon impact. He's so high up in this apartment building that he streets below seem insignificant. Suddenly, a noise mother nature is not responsible for breaks the almost soothing sounds of the storm; an argument can be heard from the other room. The boy turns his attention away from the window, and towards his bedroom door. It is closed shut, but two distinct voices are clearly audible.
You're not going out in this weather, Elizabeth!
Why not!?
What do you mean "Why not!?" Look at it outside! It's rainin' cats and freakin' dogs!
Since when did a little rain hurt anybody? You always were such a bore! Just live a little sometimes. Enjoy life, won't you!? I'm going out for a drive!
A- a drive!? What are you... crazy!?
Oh! Now I'm crazy again! Every time I do something you don't agree with... I'm craaaaazy, right!?
You know what? You are crazy. You're delusional, you know that?
I must be. I had to be delusional to marry such a buzz kill like you! I'm not going to let my son grow up to be like you. He's going to enjoy life, dammit! He's going to appreciate the beauty in everything around us, unlike you! That's why I regret naming him after you. You wanted to have another little you on this earth, didn't you? The last thing this world needs is another boring little two bit thief like you... William. That's why I'm taking him with me right now.
What!? No, no you're not! Come back here-
Just then the child's mother, identified as Elizabeth, barges into the room wearing a yellow rain coat and a pair of matching rain boots. Her long blonde hair flows from beneath her hood, she looks almost like a child herself as she walks over to her son and hands him his own rain coat. It's black, a stark contrast from his mother's coat. His father, William, follows directly behind her with an angry scowl on his face.
Come on, Will. Let's go play in the rain! Would you like that? That sounds like fun, right?
As she speaks to her son, Will, in a calm and delightful tone, she is assisting him in putting his raincoat on. Just then, her husband forcefully grabs her and shoves her aside. Equally as forcefully, he begins tugging and yanking at the coat trying to take it off of him.
No, you're not going outside Will! You're staying inside, you hear me!?
Stop it, you're hurting him!
No I'm not! He's not a baby, dammit! You always baby him, he's 6 years old! He's tough! Look!
The father somewhat stiffly jabs his son in the chest. The child winces in pain for a brief moment before quickly erasing the look off his face, all while never making a sound.
That didn't hurt, right!?
Before he can even reply, his mother Elizabeth interjects.
What's wrong with you! Don't hit my son!
She flails her fists frantically at her husband as she tries to come to the defense of her son. He let's her punch him on the back and shoulder a couple of times without moving an inch.
Yeah, come on! Hit me some more, dammit!
The father looks down at his son with a sinister smile on his face as he continues to absorb all of his wife's ineffective punches.
You see this! No pain, son! Feel no pain!
Just then, one of those fists comes across the side of his face. He finally reacts. As if on instinct, he strikes his wife across the face with the back of his hand. Equally as instinctively as his father, the child fires his right foot straight into the air like a football player kicking a field goal, and hits his father square in the testicles. The father falls to a knee in pain, and look into his son's eyes. Without hesitation, he slaps the child violently across the face. Young Will's head whiplashes as his small body falls down to the ground.
His mother screams in horror as she goes to the aid of her son. He holds his face, but doesn't show any signs of pain on his face once again. She helps him up to his feet and grabs his rain coat once again. Little Will is almost emotionless.
Both of you are crazy, y'all know that!?
She frantically puts the coat on her son as he simply stares into his father's eyes... who is still down on one knee, in pain.
Come on, Will... we're going to go play now, okay sweetie?
Play!? Yeah, go ahead and play. Both of you two psychos deserve each other, dammit.
I'm not crazy, God dammit!
Get out!
Both of you, get out!
We are!
She grabs little Will and together they turn towards the door. They exit the bedroom and continue on. Their husband and father remains on his knees as he hears the sound of the front door open, and then slam shut. He's left alone, with nothing else to listen to except the sounds of the raging storm outside.
New York City
Vega's Penthouse
Present Day
We find ourselves in the familiar setting of Vega's luxurious living room where Alexis is attentively listening to him recall profound moments from his childhood. They're enjoying the Macallan 64; the world's most expensive bottle of scotch. We learned last time that Vega stole the Macallan after it was sold for $460,000 at a Sotheby's auction, simply because he was thirsty. Alexis licks her lips after a sip of the superior scotch before excitedly speaking up.
Wait! Oh my God! Did you just try to casually slip in your name?
Vega simply smiles.
Did I hear that correctly!? You were named after your father?
Vega continues to enjoy his glass of scotch on the rocks, without interjecting. This leads Alexis to believe her line of questioning is accurate.
So you're telling me... that you're name is... William?
After he's done enjoying some more of his scotch, Vega holds the glass up into the air and sarcastically toasts Alexis.
Nothing gets by you, kiddo.
I can't believe it. After 19 years, I finally get a first name. I'm in shock. I can't believe it. I honestly never thought you would ever tell me your real name... William.
My mother used to just call me 'Will.'
Interesting. Now that I've got that out of the way, there's still something I don't understand. What was it with your mom's obsession with going out and playing in the rain?
My mother was... different.
What do you mean?
I learned that she was bi-polar. I remember she could spend weeks, sometimes entire months locked inside her room, tucked away underneath her blankets, never getting out of bed. It would be as if my mother was locking herself in her own homemade mental institution. Then there would be stretches where she'd feel the world was bursting with all the colors of the rainbow no matter what, and she'd want everyone around her to experience it with her. I was a kid. I just went along for the ride my entire childhood.
He shakes his head as the memories begin racing through his mind.
I'll never forget what happened later that night...
New York City
The Lower East Side
We're taken back to that rainy night as the storm continues to rage on downtown. The dark and desolate streets are poorly lit by the street lights, but in a quick flash, lightning briefly illuminates the entire city. As quickly as the light came, the light is taken away as the flash of lightning is soon followed by the loud crackling sound of thunder. After the rumblings reverberations have calmed down, the sound of the serene rain takes over... but only for a few moments as it is once again interrupted, this time by a speeding vehicle swerving down the wet and empty street.
The camera cuts to a shot from inside the car, where we find the young Will sitting in the passengers seat of the car holding on for dear life. His mother, Elizabeth, is driving the car with both windows open and a smile on her face. Both of their faces are soaking wet, as the rain is flying into the car through the wide open windows. Will's mom is laughing as she runs through the red lights which are clearly shining through the rain.
Be careful, Mom!
Oh come on now, don't be like your father... live a little!
Mom, please!
Relax... feel the rain splash on your face, Will. It feels amazing, doesn't it!?
No, it doesn't. Please, just-
Try to catch the raindrops in your mouth! Like this!
She closes her eyes and opens her mouth as she continues to speed down the desolate street. Nobody dares to drive in this rain, at this time at night. Nobody except her.
Mom! Open your eyes, please! Just keep your eyes on the-
Just then, the sounds of tires screeching fill the scene. The car begins to swerve, hydroplaning down the street as it begins to spin around, out of control, until they crash violently into a metal street lamp. The passenger's side of the car slams into the metal pole, crunching the door and folding the car slightly.
Inside the car, there is broken glass and water everywhere. Both airbags have gone off, and both Elizabeth and Will are still in their seats with their seat belts fastened. Will is unconscious in the passenger seat. The car door is folded in, pressed up against the right side of his body. His right arm seems to be forced into an awkward position, and blood is trickling down from the right side of his head. Elizabeth is sitting there. Shards of broken glass are stuck in her hair, but there is no blood shed on her part. Her eyes begin to flicker. She is able to open them, and looks out towards the rain falling down on the street. Inexplicably, she begins to laugh.
Wow, that was amazing!
She unbuckles her seat belt, and tries to open the door. It's a little difficult, but she's able to pry it open. Elizabeth shoves the deflated airbag away from her as she struggles to exit the devastated vehicle.
Oh my, look at this, honey!
She runs out into the empty street, spreads her arms out to the side, and looks straight up into the air with her mouth wide open. The car, on the other hand, is still wrapped around a pole with smoke now beginning to exit through the cracks in the hood. A hubcap is seen just a couple of feet from her, tossed off the wheel and off to the side during the accident.
Come on, Will! Come and catch raindrops with mommy!
Back inside the car, Will is just now beginning to open his eyes. He grimaces in pain as he uses his left arm to try and pull his right arm free. He can't. Will shoves the deflated airbag to the side with his left hand, and with the same hand, unbuckles his seat belt. Again, he tries to move his right arm, but he winces in pain once again when he tries. He looks through the broken windshield and through the smoke rising from the hood of the car and see's his mother, playing in the rain, trying to catch rain drops with her tongue. He calls out to her in agony...
Mom! Help me! I can't get out!
She doesn't look towards the wreck, or her son. Instead, she continues to look up towards the sky.
It's so beautiful, Will. You're missing out, sweetie!
Will continues to look on, desperately trying to get her attention.
Mom! Please! Help!
The rain drops, sweetie! They're flying! Don't you wanna fly with me!?
Will looks on in despair, with tears in his eyes, as his mother ignores his cries and jumps into a puddle. She's smiles and ignores the mangled car as she continues playing in the rain. The sound of her joyous laughter drowns out her son's hopeless cries for help, as the rain continues to pour down.
New York City
Vega's Penthouse
Present Day
I remember that moment. I've had a life full of of moments, but that moment lives in the most vivid parts of my mind, Alexis. I swear to you, that moment was the first death in a life full of little deaths I've felt throughout my life. Have you any idea what it means to see your mother blatantly not giving a damn about your own well being... all the while, knowing in the deepest part of your heart that it isn't her fault?
My heart, it was being pulled in different directions so violently that it felt like it was ripping apart, fiber by fiber. It was full of anger and hatred for her, but it was an anger I kept inside. It tried, God knows, the anger tried to bleed out little by little, and perhaps that night it finally did... but it was as if I had to condemn the rage building up inside of me... because, I knew she wasn't well. She needed help.
Wasn't she on medication?
She was. When she met my father she was medicated. It wasn't until after I was born that she decided to stop. My father used to be real good at making sure she took her medication, I remember that. At least, he used to be. I don't know what happened, or why things changed... perhaps my young and naive mind simply couldn't comprehend the complexities of human love and emotion back then... but my father stopped taking care of her. He stopped caring whether or not she took her medication. It got to a point where it seemed like he encouraged it, so that he'd have an excuse to unload his anger and abuse onto her. He created a scapegoat... for all of his failures.
Your father... he was abusive to her?
Not at first. I remember growing up in a normal home for a while. My father was always some kind of small time thief, but I didn't know any better back then. It wasn't until he stopped medicating her that he became abusive. I never saw him hit her, not until that time I just told you about... but I heard it. Our walls were thin. I heard it... a lot.
Vega takes a sip of his scotch. After a brief moment, he takes another sip, almost as if he is relying on the alcohol to get through this part of the conversation.
What happened after that car accident?
She didn't get any better. She never did. Soon after that night, my father left. Technically, my mom was raising me, but I raised myself for the next year. I went to school on my own, came home on my own, cleaned the house, bought groceries, paid the rent, paid the bills-
Wait- how did you pay for all of that?
It was at that point in my life that I started using the few tricks my father had already taught me and put them to use. I was pick pocketing people every single day, multiple people every day. I'd come home with a dozen wallets a day. Some of them would have a couple of dollars, some would have a couple of hundred. I was doing quite well for a 7 year old kid. I didn't really care if I didn't see my father ever again. My mom was still a "free spirit"... according to her. I should have seen the writings on the wall.
What do you mean?
One night, I woke up to the sound of our front door slamming shut. I got up and walked over to my mom's room. It was empty. I remember looking out the window in her room, and that's when I realized it was raining. My mother always had an obsession with the rain... but she was going through one of her stages where she wouldn't want to leave the building at all. I remember she hadn't left the building in over 3 weeks at that point... so I figured she went up to the roof. She could enjoy the rain, and still technically not leave the building.
So, I went up to the roof.
New York City
The Lower East Side
Will comes bursting through the rooftop door and stands there in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms. His bare feet stand in a cold puddle of water as rain pours down on the entire scene. Through the falling drops of rain, he can see his mother standing there in her nightgown, with her arms stretched out to her sides and face tilted up towards the night sky. She too is barefoot as she stands on the tips of her toes and twirls around in circles like a balanced ballerina with her mouth wide open.
Mom, come inside... it's freezing outside, you're gonna get sick.
Sick!? Oh come on, live a little! Come and play with me, sweetie! Try to catch a rain drop with your tongue, like this!
She continues to spin around without a care in the world while trying to catch as many random rain drops in her mouth.
I have school in the morning, mom. I just wanna go back to sleep. You know, nice warm bed? Inside? Come on, mom... let's go.
Will is keeping a rather calm demeanor, as if he's seen all this before. His mom, on the other hand, barely pays any attention to his son's stern requests.
Look at the rain drops, son. Look at how they fly!
They're not flying, mom... they're falling.
Look how they come flying down from the sky!
That's not what flying means, mom.
Oh, could you imagine the things a rain drop see's, Will!?
Young Will furrows his eye brows in confusion.
Uh, what?
His mother continues in her upbeat tone...
It must be the most beautiful, wonderful, amazing sight in the world! Just flying down through the sky, from space and through the clouds, down to earth!
What? No, mom... rain drops come from clouds, not from space.
That's why I try to catch them! If I can catch a rain drop with my tongue, I feel like all the glorious things it's seen becomes a part of me! There's nothing in this world that is more special than catching a rain drop in flight.
Okay, mom... well, you caught a bunch today. Now let's go back inside before you catch a cold, too.
Oh what I would give to fly like the rain.
Instead of moving towards Will and the door, Elizabeth runs in the opposite direction, away from Will and towards the side of the roof. She places her hands on the ledge and looks over the side, and down to the streets. It is obvious that the building is easily at least 30 stories high, but the height doesn't frighten her in the least. She looks around at the rain as it "flies" past her, and falls far, far down to the street below.
Please, mom... let's just go inside.
Oh come on, Will... live a little!
His mother then climbs up onto the ledge. The ledge itself is no more than a foot wide as she stands on it with her bare feet. Rain drops crash down all around her as she carelessly turns around to face Will.
Don't you ever wonder what it's like to fly?
Mom! Just, come back down!
Fly, like the rain, sweetie!
She holds her arms out to the side and looks up towards the night sky once again. Will slowly begins approaching her as she looks back down towards him.
Fly with me, honey!
No! Mom! Please just-
Oh Will, please don't be such a bore. When are you going to learn that you're just as amazing as the rain? Beautiful, wonderful, and amazing. When are you going to learn that we're all meant to fly?
Will quickens the pace at which he is moving towards the ledge.
Don't you wanna fly with me?
His mother brings her hand to her mouth, and blows him a kiss. Then, with a smile on her face, she extends her arms, looks up to the sky, and leans back...
His yells are in vain. He could do nothing except stand there, with his arms stretched out as if still trying to grab her... but she disappeared from sight. Will stands there, just a couple of feet from the ledge. He doesn't take another step towards the edge of the roof. There he remains, alone... as the rain continues to pour down.
New York City
Vega's Penthouse
Present Day
I didn't move.
I couldn't move.
Vega pauses for a few seconds as he recalls that moment in his mind.
I didn't look over the ledge.
Even at that moment, I knew...
I wanted my final image of my mother to be of her...
kissing me goodbye.
Vega just shakes his head as he blankly stares at nothing in particular.
I didn't dare look over that ledge.
His face remains emotionless as he just looks off into the distance. He brings his glass of scotch up to his mouth and takes a calm sip as Alexis just looks at him with a broken heart.
I can't believe-
Vega cuts her off, as if he weren't even aware of her presence.
I always blamed my father for my mother's suicide. Perhaps it was simply a way for me to cope with her death, a way for me not to blame myself. It didn't help. As much as I blamed my father for my mother dying, I blamed myself just as much... if not, more. The burden on a person's shoulders... the feeling of responsibility you feel for the death of not just another human being, but your own mother? That's a weight that would snap any man's shoulders... and me? I was a kid. I was 7 years old.
That's when my dad came back into my life.
He heard about your mom's suicide...?
Yeah. He showed up to the funeral. That was the first time he ever spoke to me since he left. He was worried about the cost of the funeral, and the tombstone. You should have seen his face when I told him I already paid for all the arrangements in full. The sad thing is... we didn't really have any family. And with me, taking care of my mother and running schemes to make money for the past year... I didn't really have any friends either. I was naive back then, though. I assumed if you held a funeral, people would just show up.
I sat alone in the funeral home, with my mother in a closed casket.
That is, until my father showed up. Once I told him I paid for everything, and how I paid for everything, he saw dollar signs. Soon after that, he took me in and I lived with him. Part of me would have preferred to have been put into foster care, but it wasn't up to me. He was my father... and he used me and my skills in thievery to fatten his pockets. He realized that I had gotten better than him at making money the underhanded way, and started coming up with schemes that would best utilize my skills. We started getting more and more risky with our endeavors, and that's when we hit that drug dealers place I told you about earlier.
When you guys had to escape through the fire escape?
Alexis corrects herself...
Well... tried to escape?
I guess, he escaped...
Yeah. Like I said earlier... once we got to the end of the fire escape, I was supposed to drop into his arms and we'd run off with the small safe. But when I dropped down from the fire escape, my father had already started running off... and I fell down to the concrete sidewalk below, cracking my skull open. I woke up in the hospital, and like I said before... I didn't see him again...
...until I killed him.
Vega pauses momentarily, looking at Alexis carefully before continuing...
Or should I say... before we killed him.
Alexis squints, unsure of what Vega means...
"We killed him?" I'm confused... who's "we?"
Vega simply smiles.
You and me.
Alexis' face goes blank.
I never told you the whole story that day. I guess it's time I come clean.
What are you talking about?
You helped me kill my father...
I just never told you about it.
Alexis' mouth is wide open, unable to believe what Vega is saying. She is speechless, all the while Vega seems as if he is fighting back a smile. He takes a sip of his scotch on the rocks before breaking the somewhat awkward silence.
Remember that time... at the hospital?
New York City
Mount Sinai Hospital
The scene is a well lit hospital room. The only noise in the room is the rhythmic beeping of a single heart monitor. There's just one bed, and in the bed, is William... the father and husband we've become familiar with. He looks significantly older, and in poor health. He lies there underneath the sheets hooked up to an I.V. as his heart monitor continues to beep. It's interrupted by the noise of the door opening.
In walks Vega, just slightly younger as well. We can see he's actually aged pretty well throughout the years... unlike his father. With a weak and fragile voice, his father speaks.
Is that you?
Vega closes the door behind him.
No. It isn't.
His sickly father breaths laboriously before speaking up again.
I know that it is you.
Vega scoffs.
You think that you know who I am?
The ill patient cracks a smile.
A father can recognize his own son.
Vega shakes his head in disagreement.
That's just it. You don't have a son. Not anymore.
Oh, I get it. This is because I left you. Right? I admit it, I abandoned you that day at the fire escape.
Vega seems to almost hold back laughter.
You need to realize that I am not the child you once left behind. Not anymore.
His father seems to be growing a little tired, as if a simple conversation is too much for him to take in the weak state of health he is in.
So then this is about your mom? Do you blame me for it or something?
Vega shakes his head, almost pitying his own father.
I've grown up to be a person that not you, not mom, and not even myself could have ever imagined I would become. You have no idea what I've done. No idea of the things I've seen. No idea of what I'm capable of... the mayhem I'm capable of.
A look of concern comes across his father's face.
What is this... your payback?
Vega simply smiles.
You come near me, and I'll yell! Besides, doctors will be in here any minute. I'm gonna have a heart transplant surgery soon, dammit!
Don't worry. I won't lay a finger on you.
Trust me.
His father calms down a bit, but is still unsure of his son's intentions. Just then the door opens again. A female doctor walks in with her head tilted down looking at a clipboard containing the patient's file and charts. Her long dirty blonde hair covers her face as she approaches the bed.
Hello Mr. Howard. I'm your anesthesiologist, Dr. Escobar. How are you feeling today? Ready for your new heart!?
As ready as I'll ever be.
Alright, that's what I like to hear.
The doctor pulls a syringe out from her white coat and moves over to the I.V. bag hanging next to the bed. She injects it into a slot that connects to the same tube as the I.V.
What's that?
This is a steroid I'm giving you to help strengthen your already weakened immune system. It's just a precautionary procedure to ensure your health during surgery. I'll be right back in just a couple of minutes to take you to the Operating Room.
Alright, doc. Sounds good to me.
The anesthesiologist turns around, and for the first time we can finally get a clear look at her face. It's none other than Alexis. She winks at Vega as she walks on by and exits the room.
So you gonna stick around for when I wake up, or what?
Vega calmly looks down at his wrist watch.
What, you got somewhere to be?
Vega waits a couple of moments, staring intently at the second hand on his watch before finally looking up towards his father.
As much as I'd love to stick around and watch you die, I've always thought it best to leave the scene of the crime as fast as possible.
His father grows confused as an obvious look of concern comes over his face.
Die? What are yo-
Suddenly, Vega's father just stops speaking. He doesn't move at all. He just stays absolutely still. His eyes, however, remain open.
You see, that was no anesthesiologist. That was my accomplice. My partner in crime. Her name is Alexis Escobar. And that was no steroid she just injected into your system. That was Pancuronium Bromide. I'm assuming you're too simple minded to know what that is, so I'll tell you. It's a paralytic solution. That's why you can't move a single God damn muscle. Not even your tongue. Look at you... you can't even move your eye lids to blink. Can't open your mouth to spew anymore bullshit my way, huh? Do you realize that I can walk over to you right now, and simply pinch your nose... and I would stare deep into your eyes as all signs of life slowly faded away?
Vega casually walks over to the bed and sits down right next to his father. His dad's eyes are fixated on him, but he's unable to make any facial expressions. It's as if he's emotionless.
But you see... I'm not going to do that. No, no... that would be far too peaceful a death for you. Truth be told, I've already pulled the proverbial trigger. The "bullet" is arriving shortly, and it's in the shape of a heart. See, this is what this is all about... dad.
I told you, I'm not the child that you left behind. I don't go by William Howard anymore. In fact, when you left, I forged my own school records so that I could go by mom's maiden name; De La Vega. I wanted nothing to do with you. I am not the same person you left behind 12 years ago.
Vega shakes his head as he continues to pity his own father, all the while donning a sadistic smile on his face.
Heart. That's what this is all about. Your lack of a heart lead to childhood of pain and agony for mine. You have no idea how my heart felt, having to watch mom go crazy in front of my very own eyes... watching her jump off the side of a building because she wanted to "fly." You have no idea... and I think that it's about time that you do.
That's why I'm not killing you. Not just yet, at least. I'm going to leave very soon, and you're going into surgery. Alexis will be in that O.R. with you, posing as your anesthesiologist, except she won't be administering any anesthesia to you. She's just going to give you plain old oxygen, and then her job is done. She'll quietly make her exit from the room, never to be seen or heard from again.
The smile on Vega's face grows bigger.
See, that means you'll be wide awake during the entire surgery. You'll feel the knife as it cuts down the center of your chest. You'll feel the surgeons cut and sever your body open, pulling it apart. Then you'll feel every single second of them reaching inside of you and pulling your heart right out of your God damn chest. You're going to finally feel what it's like to have your heart ripped out... and you're not going to be able to do a God damn thing about it.
Oh, and then comes that "heart shaped bullet" I was talking about? I personally injected a dose of cyanide into the heart that is scheduled to be transplanted into your body. That means, you will feel every single second of the surgery... every cut, every incision, every pull, every rip, every tear... and then the moment it's over, the moment you're brand new heart beats for the first time... that lethal dosage of cyanide will instantly be pumped throughout your blood system, painfully poisoning every organ in your body as you die, in agony, within minutes.
By that time, Alexis and I will be on our way to Las Vegas in a private jet for a much needed vacation.
Vega gets up off the bed and leans in close. His face is a mere inch or two away from his paralyzed father's face. Their eyes are locked.
I told you, dad...
Vega stands up straight as he gently places his finger tips over his fathers eye lids, and closes them shut for him.
You have no idea of the mayhem I'm capable of.
New York City
Vega's Penthouse
Present Day
De La Vega...
My mother's maiden name.
Alexis nods, finally understanding where Vega gets his alias from. She looks absolutely stunned at the entire revelation she just had, and is trying to take it all in.
I can't believe that was your father. I thought that was just another random enemy from your past.
He's the first enemy I ever had. He's the reason I've been able to eliminate every single enemy I've ever had since then. He's the reason my hearts gone cold, the reason I'm able to do the sinister things that I do. On that day, I decided to show him the mayhem I'm capable of... and now, it's time I finally show WZCW, by eliminating the entire roster, except one. Then I'll finally get my rightfully deserved World Title shot.
A smile creeps up onto Vega's face.
Sunday Night...
I unleash hell.