Lethal Lottery: The DevilSpawns v. Mystery Opponents:


[This Space for Rent]
Tag Team Challenge: The DevilSpawns v. Mystery Opponents:

During the Meltdown Roulette special, during a Handicap match involving the DevilSpawns, a female fan at ringside was accidentally struck by one of the Spawns. As a result, on the recent edition of Meltdown Female Right's Activists protested around the arena, including ringside costing the Spawns their Tag Team Championships to the Washoe Valley Crew.

The leader of the Female Right's Activists proclaimed that they would not stand for such actions within any business, wrestling or otherwise, and she issued a challenge to the DevilSpawns for Lethal Lottery. A Tag Team Grudge Match in which the Spawns will face off against two hand selective opponents picked by the Female Right's leader.

Fuming from the loss of their Tag Team Championships, the Spawns quickly agreed to the match. Who are the two mystery opponents the Women's Right's Activists have hand selected? Are they currently members of the W.Z.C.W. roster? Perhaps it could end up being the W.V.C.? Maybe another Tag Team on the W.Z.C.W. roster? Could it be a debuting Tag Team set to make a statement against one of the current best in the company?

What statement are the DevilSpawns looking to make after being cost the Tag Team Championships? What torment, pain & suffering could they be thinking in their warped and twisted minds? Find out how everything unfolds at Lethal Lottery!

Please Keep ALL RPs in here. You're only allowed ONE RP each. RPs are due by April 24th, 2008!
We fade in to a video showing the interference from the Female's Rights Activist which led to the DevilSpawns losing their tag team titles. Then we fast forward to when the woman challenges the DevilSpawns to a match and the DevilSpawns accepting. We fade out from the replay clip, and fade into a shot of a church that looks like it has been closed down for some time. The door has been kicked in, and the two-by-four that was nailed to the back of the door had been broken. As the cameras make their way through the wreckage they see wall which looks like it was recently painted black, and a door which was also recently painted. However, instead of black it was blood red. The door handles were new and had not been painted. The cameraman opens the door and walks in. There is a single spotlight pointed to the position at which the cameraman was to stand. Through the lens of the camera we see that, except for the lone spotlight, the rundown cathedral was bathed in darkness. Once the cameraman had gotten to his appointed spot the spotlight went dead. A moment later a red spot light hit the stage and under it was a beautiful young woman known to the fans of the WCZW as Cammy Carnage. Her black, gothic dress shimmered under the red spotlight. She, however, was not happy whatsoever.

"The Angel of Lust"
<{Cammy Carnage}>
This is a sad day in the world of professional wrestling. Today, we mourn for those who while still physically living now. Will be dead, or they will be near death, by the time Leathal Lottery goes off of the air. The fact that this woman had the nerve to interfere in our match and cost us our titles is reason enough to want to hurt her. Then, she has the absolute gaul to challenge the greatest tag team to ever grace an WCZW wrestling ring to a match. I don't know if that bitch is on drugs or if that bitch needs to be on some drugs. Either way, whoever decides to walk out of that curtain to face the DevilSpawns at Lethal Lottery. They will not be walking back through those curtains when we are finished with them. THEY WILL BE STRETCHERED OUT!! Whatever, team...male or female, human or GOD! It doesn't matter who that upity bitch sends out. They will be humbled, they will be humiliated, and they will know what blood, fire, and death means.

After she finished she pulled a hood over her head which covered her face in darkness. She slowly moved backwards until the darkness had completely enveloped her. The spotlight shut off and then a few moments later turned on again only to show a taller figure with a similar hood covering his or her face. The figure slowly pulled back the hood to reveal the black hair and painted white face of Disasterpiece. He did not seem angry. Atleast, not at that very moment anyway.

I have been hearing a lot about our loss last week. I've been told a number of things from "It was a fluke." to "You got what you had coming." I, however, choose to believe both of those previous statements. The WVC got a fluke win over what will eventually go down as the greatest tag team in wrestling history. They did so by some crazy bitch who interfered in our match, and we got a little taste of our own medicine. Am I mad? No, I'm not mad at all. I think it is okay to get a wake up call every now and then. You need that to keep you level, to keep you on your toes so to speak. We needed to get back to expecting the unexpected. In truth, we should have forseen the use of outside interference from the WVC to counteract the way we had been winning our matches. That, however, is in the past. The real question is, "Where do we go from here?". The answer is simple. WE MAKE THE BITCH PAY!

The suddeness of Disasterpiece's change in attitude was shocking enough to make the cameraman jump. This could be seen by the viewing audience due to the camera shaking at the time of the taping. The camerman stilled himself alomst instantly as Disasterpiece continued. Unlike when he first started though, Disasterpiece now had a sadistic looking grin on his face and his eyes had narrowed.

My proposal is this: We find that ****, drag her femonist ass by her heels from her house to the arena, hoist her upside down outside the ring by tieing the rope around the ring ropes, add one barbed wired covered bat, and there ya go! HUMAN PINIATA! However, instead of candy, there would be blood and guts. Not as edible, but just as FUN!

Just as Disasterpiece starts getting warmed up a hand comes from the darkness and cracks Disasterpiece across the back of the head.

We're supposed to be serious remember?

Disasterpiece looks back in the direction from where the disembodied hand came from. he makes a gesture where he put a little space between his pointer finger and his thumb as if to say..."Can I have a little fun?" Another voice is then heard, it is unmistakably Cammy's.

"The Angel of Lust"
<{Cammy Carnage}>
NO! Just do it how we talked about, ok?

Disasterpiece, who now looks a bit defeated, nods. He straightens up and resumes the serious look that he had at the beginning of his statement.

We have done a lot of things that we are very proud of. We have achieved many goals that we have set for ourselves, and I feel that if we give it our all. No one could beat us. It won't matter if they have help from the fans, the mafia, the CIA, or from Osama Bin Ladin! If we are at our best then no one can touch us. We our above and beyond the best combonation of wrestlers in this business. We will not be shown up by some rag-tag group brought in by some angry, cock-starved, attention seeking ****e, who pretends to care about the rights of women. It's just not going to happen. We won't let it. A little advice for whomever comes after us at Lethal Lottery. If you want some of the DevilSpawns you come and get it. However, when you two are lying on your back like the ****e that brought you into this match does every night on the street corner. You'll know that as of the second you stepped into that ring your fates were sealed, and there wasn't a damn thing either of you could have done about it.

Just as Cammy before him. Disasterpiece slips the hood back over his head covering his features. He too slips backwards into the darkness. The spotlight once again turns off and then a moment later turns on once more to reveal another figure which looks to be the same as the one prior. When this figure reveals himself he does so just as slowly. He reveals a bald head and the smirking face of the Reaper. he looks over the darkness as if looking at a filled arena.

"The Innovator of Pain"
A great wrestler once said "Enough is enough, and it's time for a change!" The statement rings true for this moment as well. I have had enough of the WVC, I have had enough of their whining and bitching and moaning about the wat the DevilSpawns do things. How we do things is fine. We opperate flawlessly as a team. We are the epitome of tag team wrestling in this company. We are the first WZCW tag team champions and we will have our titles back. It's only a matter of time before the WVC have to face the fact that what happened last week was a present from God. It was a miracle, one that will NEVER be duplicated. We have shown that we are the better team on two separate ocassions. One of those times you even had a 3 on 2 advantage. You know who is better, we know who is better, and the fans know who is better. They may not like it, in fact, they may hate that we are the best tag team in this company. However, the fact is that the DevilSpawns will not bow down to anyone. Not to the Washoe Valley ****s and definitely not to two nameless *****s who think that can waltz right in and own the fuckin' place. We are going to show this "mystery" team what the WZCW is all about. We will show the world that belts or no belts we are the standard as far as tag team wrestling is concerned. Hell, by just having the belts, we made the tag division important. Hell, before we entered the scene there WAS NO TAG DIVISION! We have a fight coming up against two *****es, and I may end up meaning that litteraly, at the upcoming pay-per-view. We are going to make an example out of them and then we are going to make that ****e pay for wasting our time. For wasting Dynasty's time...when we had bigger fish to fry. We are going to let her and her two nobody lackeys know that when you mess with Dynasty, that you mess with the DevilSpawns...that when it's all said and done. The only thing you will hear is Hell's Calling!!!

his statement sent loud and clear to his potential opponents. Reaper slips backwards, as Cammy and Disasterpiece did before him, into the darkness. The scene ends as the red spotlight shut off one last time plunging us back into the darkness.
It is early morning, around 8:00 a.m. We see two women seated on the patio of a restaurant, conserving with one another over breakfast. One woman, dressed in a suit, is shuffling through documents in a folder, has she discusses her upcoming plans with the tall brunette seated across from her. The two women speak firmly to each other, masking their conversation in Russian to ensure their privacy.

“So what did the doctors say, will she be ready?”….. “I spoke to her doctors, she has made progress, it has been weeks since her last episode. But with that being said I didn’t get a clear answer from them on whether or not she would be cleared to compete.” … “But that is what this visit is for, to see where she’s at mentally, if she’s stable enough, we’ll use her”… “but what if she’s not, I don’t want to be responsible for innocent people getting hurt”…” Nobody is going to get hurt –“…. “You don’t know that, pro wrestling is scripted, the storylines aren’t real, and if she can’t tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not, then there is going to be a major problem”… “but we discussed this with the officials in WZCW, they are agreeing to let her come back for one match, only if she’s in the right state of mind”… “well I don’t want to get sued by WZCW, if we do bring her back and she breaks down again”… “Please, I’m a lawyer and blah blah blah – “

The tall brunette leaded back in her chair as she tuned out the voice of the woman sitting across from her, she thought of her tag partner, her best friend, sitting in a mental hospital, being Tormented by a broken mind, her inner demon taunting her, tempting her, trying to take over her mind and body. Her friend had seemingly lost it several months ago, she transformed into a hazard, a danger to herself and even more to those around her. Her friend seemingly lost her ability to tell the difference between the realm of reality and the realm of make believe. The world of pro wrestling confused her, and with the added pressure from her home life, as well of the rigors of constantly traveling eventually took its toll. She went from a stable minded human being to a raging, psychotic, antisocial basket case within a matter of months. It was in WZCW’s best interests to release her friend from her contract, and when her friend left, she left as well.

(The tall brunette suddenly snapped back into reality as the sound of snapping figures got her attention.)

“Did you even listen to anything that just said?”….. “I figured you didn’t” said the woman in the suit as her comrade shook her head back and forth. The lady in the suit asked the waiter to bring the check, as the two girls planned their next move

A young woman with long blonde hair, sat alone on her hospital bed, as she stared up at the ceiling of the bare white room. The blonde is lost in though, oblivious to the world around her. The new medication that the doctors had given her had worked wonders for her, but the uneasiness and the paranoia that plagued her several weeks ago still remained. She found herself talking to herself, but instead of talking obscenities like she normally did, she addressed herself using whole words and phases. She knew why she had snapped, her inner demon, who had been tormenting her for weeks, using the tension between her and her husband, her tag partner, and the struggles of being a pro wrestler, turned her fear against her. She began to believe the paranoia; she started to become disillusioned as she hallucinated. Her biggest mistake came when she gave into the maddening thoughts as she let her alter ego take control of her mind and her body, a weapon in itself. Her formable martial art skill made her already intimidating enough when she was thinking clearly. When she found that she had lost control and went completely off her rocker, she found that other people did indeed go out of their way to avoid her. After a falling out with her tag partner, she found herself back in the hospital, the psyche ward. After weeks of therapy in attempt to repair the damage that had been done, her doctors had started her one a new experimental medication that did get rid of her paranoia, but in return it left her in a semi vegetative state, which she didn’t care for. She opted for her old medication, unbeknownst to her husband and her best friend, as the paranoia began to resume little by little, day after day as a result of the affect that the drug had on her body. She could here the demon begin to call her again, tormenting her …

…she could here the demon while she was awake, in the form of piercing static screaming into her ears., begging her to join it again, to surrender her mind to the demons bidding.

….and when she went to sleep, she could she the monstrosity looking at her, glaring at her with it’s cold dead icy blue eye. She could hardly stand to look at it’s completion, when her own image stared back at her, except half of the demons torso was withered and torn, consumed by the house fire that she was unlucky enough to be trapped in as a child. Its right eye burned out of its socket, she could see the maggots form as they moved about inside that hollow socket.

She shook her head, grasping her skull as she writhed, desperate to find some shelter from the thoughts that plagued her. She forcefully removed the thoughts from her head, as she focused on the fact that her friend and her older cousin would be seeing her shortly.

(The two women walked through the double doors of the institution, and down the long hallway leading to the secretary, who let them know that the doctors would see them shortly.)

The tall Brunette began to think about her situation and the upcoming match that was going to take place within a few days. She was recruited by the female fan that was assaulted by the Devilspawns after case was taken up by her friend’s older cousin. She had watched the Devilspawns over the course of the last few weeks. She listened to them ramble on and on about Pain and suffering and whatnot. She scoffed when she thought about being threatened by pain and suffering. She reminisced through the painful memories of her childhood. Through her lifetime, she had personally seen the edge of hell, she had traveled to the ninth circle and back, stared the Devil straight in eye, and forced her way out of the pit of darkness. There was nothing that the Devilspawns could do to her, no amount of pain or suffering could they inflict that would rival the horrors that she went through growing up. She though about her partner, who was tortured and stalked by her own doppelganger each day as she struggled to maintain her sanity. The tall brunette was far more worried about the mental health of her partner than she was about the Devilspawns.

(The doctor called for her and her associate as they got up and followed the man back the living quarters to see her friend.)

The blonde smiled as she saw the two women walking towards her. The three women embraced as they began to talk about business. After an hour of conversing, the tall brunette had asked the blonde her opinion on the upcoming match with the Devilspawns

“The Devilwho? Never heard of them, but let me guess, they're one of those shit tag teams that can’t stop preaching out of their asses as they go on and on about pain, suffering, misery and all that other useless crap. I bet they’ve never encountered a team that could be considered more fucked up than they are.”… “So, does that mean you’ve decided to do the match, your not going to lose your mind again, are you? Asked the tall brunette

(The Blond reaches for a bottle of pills and shakes it, as she signifies that she has everything currently under control)

"Glad to have you back”, said the woman in the suit, as the three women proceed to leave.

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