Lethal Lottery: Cerberus (c) vs. Live Mas [Tag Team Titles]

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again

For six years, the Full House Daves set the record for the longest reigning Tag Team champions in history. Many teams would come close or tie with the FHD but nobody could surpass them... until Cerberus captured the titles for a second time. Flex Mussel & Ramparte dominated the Tag Team division for an entire year, destroying some of the best tag teams on offer in recent memory. However, only one active team remains for the champions to face; former Tag Team specialist Mikey Stormrage and former World Heavyweight Champion Matt Tastic known as Live Mas. Whilst the two teams started off with a mutual respect between the two, not so choice words grew into heated discussions and eventually into physical encounters. Seeing no other tag teams available and the eagerness for the two teams to fight, the General Managers made the decision to host these two final teams to compete for the World Tag Team championships at the Lethal Lottery.

Will Live Mas be the team to take down Cerberus and end their legendary reign or will Cerberus defeat two of the biggest stars in WZCW today to become the greatest tag team in WZCW History?

Deadline is Tuesday, August 25th at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
Click went the lock to the second suite.

Ramparte pocketed the key and gently pushed the door open.

With a growing heartbeat, he stepped inside.


Room 002: The Room We Forget

"The story of Cerberus ends here, Ramparte. There is no other tale to tell. You have done all you could, but in the end you were no closer to immortality than better men before you."

The cane stood erect on the center of the bed. Its wolf's head snarled against the fluorescent light. It continued to speak to him, patronizing him.

"Your trio dies tonight at the hands of those that have mocked you for months now. They've waited their turn but now they'll strike. Your entire legacy will be in ruins by a fast food slogan. Storybook ending."

"Storybook ending."

"Storybook ending, Ramparte."

"Storybook ending."

The tag team champion seized his cane Alice and struck against the walls of the hotel room. Whack rang like maddening bells. Whack the walls caved in, and Whack the bedside lamp fell. Ramparte said no words, but continued to destroy everything in his path. He smacked the foot of the bed so hard a corner leg collapsed; the mattress slid down and with it the sheets and pillows. Pictures descended to the carpet in a hailstorm of glass. Eyes blinded by malice, The Catalyst swung Alice like a berserker. As Flex Mussel came into the room, he was met with a blow to the ribs.


Lost in his rage, Ramparte continued to pummel his partner into a crippling, bloody mess. It wasn't until he heard the haunting laugh of Alice that he realized what he had done. Panic made him drop the cane. Regret rolled down his cheeks as he held the lifeless body of his friend.


When she didn't appear Ramparte lifted...

Aftershock 31 - First Day Together said:
Mussél lifted the 400 for support and eased Ramparte into his rep. Gripping the set confidently, The Catalyst lowered the plates a breath away from his torso and raised it back up, but midway through the weight gave out and Ramparte's arms burned and shook. The bar descended like a blunt guillotine against his skin.

Ramparte: Get it off me! GET IT NOW!!

Flex took the bar off of his chest and placed it back in place of the rack. The pissed off American leapt from the bench and looked wide eyed at The World's Healthiest Man. A red streak marking his otherwise perfect body.

Ramparte: This is absurd! Why did I let myself get talked into this pairing? I am The Catalyst of WZCW, not some low grade wrestler. I am more deserving of this! Darkness is descending, Mussél, and I'm to ride its waves. Not you, not anyone else. I answer to a higher calling-

...Flex Mussel up onto his shoulders. His back screamed with the weight, but Ramparte carried the Frenchman out one foot at a time.


Click went the cane as Ramparte sat impatiently in the waiting room.

He stared down at Alice. She still had flecks of blood painted on her handle.

"You enjoyed it. You know you did."

The literature buff ignored her. He gripped her tightly, unable to part with her after everything she has done to him. She was still a gift.

A gift from his dear friend. His dying friend.

He shut his eyes before the tears came. As a child he taught himself to do that- to keep others from watching the flow. They would laugh at him. How he hated laughter.

"Now you can focus on the Lethal Lottery. You can take the crown. Become their champion. Hell, become YOUR champion. Bring this place to its knees."

"I'll never wear their broken crown."

"And why not? Loyalty? Do you think such a thing exists anymore now that Eve Taylor, your "Third Head", abandoned Cerberus? What she did was something you wanted to do for a long time. Don't deny it."

"I'm not."

For once, Alice went quiet. A mixture of emotions swept the prim Ramparte as he stared at the television atop the wall. It was running a Live Mas promo, followed by one of their own. He bit his lip.

"But Flex Mussel never abandoned me. He needs me. I am better than that."

"You're better than Cerberus. Have you forgotten so easily?"

"I brought this upon myself."

Ascension 71 - First Time In The Fed said:

They brought me upon themselves. For every dark day they ever had in the ring, for every loss met with wrath, jealousy, and envy, for every win caked in gluttony, pride, and greed, the skies gathered the glimmers of fading hope until it couldn't. support. the weight. It poured like rain, and through the rain I came wading through, Mephisto Manifesto. I'm only a vessel carrying out a sacred task.

I am perversion incarnate. Hyada calls himself a humble fighter. I will humble him some more. It's too late for him to seek redemption. It's too late for anyone. I'm here now.

"I am not who I was before. I have learned since then."

"Oh...have you now?"

Suddenly the setting changed. Ramparte sat not in a hospital chair, but on the foot of the broken bed. All around him was laughter. It surrounded him. Engulfed him. As it dawned on him that again the hotel had played another evil trick, he laughed along with Alice. Ramparte lost complete control, letting the cane slip from his fingers. He could hear the choir in his head again...a tune he had not heard in months. How lovely they sounded.

Morley knocked on the door and was let in. As he entered, the sun came down and cloaked Ramparte in a disturbing shade.

"I'm sorry, sir. Are you well?"

"Oh I am fine, Morley. Thank you for asking."

"Good, good. Your partner just arrived. Would you like to discuss any strategy before facing Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage with him?"

"Oh I don't think that is necessary, but thank you."

Ramparte slowly licked his lips, savoring the music in his mind. The butler stood by the doorway, confused.

"But sir- you're facing Live Mas. These men have accolades almost unrivaled! Cerberus needs to continue showing their dominance if it is going to survive. Master Ramparte, you do agree, yes?"



WZCW Network

In conjunction with

Flex Fitness and Ramparte Inc.


Cerberus: Behind the Bite

The scene opens up to a small and cozy room where WZCW interviewers Stacey Madison and Johnny Klamor can be seen sitting side by side in chairs addressing the cameras place in front of them.

Madison: Welcome WZCW Universe to a very special WZCW Network exclusive entitled: “Cerberus: Behind the Bite”.

Klamor: I’m Big Johnny Klamor and next to me is Stacey Madison and we’ve been requested personally by the WZCW Tag Team Champions Cerberus to conduct a tell-all interview for the WZCW fans to witness.

Madison: You will be witnessing side by side interviews conducted separately but recorded at the same time in different rooms. I will be interviewing Flex Mussel and Johnny will be interviewing Ramparte.

Klamor: Viewer disrection is advised for the following interviews, we hope you enjoy.


Flex Mussel can be seen entering one of the cozy rooms with his title belt around his waist and proceeds to sit in a chair facing directly opposite of Stacey Madison as she goes over a list of prepared notes she has taken before beginning the interview.

Madison: Flex, welcome to WZCW studios and thank you for personally requesting me for this interview.

Flex: No problem Stacey, I thought if anybody should be asking me the tough questions I figured it should be you.

Madison: Speaking of questions I guess we should get right to it, why exactly did you go to Mr. Banks and request a tell-all interview?

Flex: Well a lot has happened over the last couple of weeks and I thought it needed to be addressed.

Madison: Would you say a lot of controversy has occurred these last couple of weeks?

Flex: I guess one could say that yes. A lot of accusations have been thrown around, a lot of low blows and cheap shots have been taken and there has been a defamation of not only my character but that of my good friends Ramparte and Eve Taylor.

Madison: Defamation of their character, or defamation of yours?

Flex: I’d like to believe when you discredit one member of Cerberus you discredit them all.

Madison: That’s actually very interesting to hear considering there has been a lot of rumblings that you and Ramparte have done a lot of discrediting to your so called “friend” Eve Taylor.

Flex: And that’s just one of the many things I plan to address in this interview Stacey.

Madison: Before we go any further let’s just make this clear for any fans who might have better things to do than waste ninety minutes listening to dodge my questions. Is this interview really about Cerberus; or this about your own ego?

Flex: If this was truly about my ego would I have even bothered having Ramparte be interviewed?


The scene then cuts to Ramparte sitting down with his title belt draped over his shoulder as Johnny Klamor attempts to shake his hand. He gets no response at the Catalyst doesn’t even attempt to look like he’s happy to be there, in fact he looks like quite annoyed before the interview even starts.

Klamor: So Ramparte, welcome to WZCW headquarters, and I’m very interested in what you may have to share with the WZCW audience today.

Ramparte: To be honest Johnny I don’t have any more to share with the WZCW universe today than I do on a regular basis. I’d honestly rather be reading a good book right now rather than waste the next ninety minutes with you.

Klamor: So I take it this “tell-all” interview wasn’t your idea?

Ramparte: I’m doing it as a favor for the good monsieur.

Klamor: Interesting you should say that, it seems throughout the partnership of Cerberus you’ve done a lot of good favors for Flex Mussel.

Ramparte: Friends and tag team partners help each other out.

Klamor: While that is true friends usually have a give and take relationship, while Flex seems to take and for some reason you have no problem with always giving.

Ramparte: So I take it this is the part of the interview where you attempt to get controversial and ask me thought provoking questions that might cause dissension within the ranks?

Klamor: Well your friend signed you up for this interview pal; I’m just doing my job. Now I’ll rephrase the question in terms that might be easier to understand: are you sick of Flex dictating the terms of your partnership or are you okay with being his piggy back ride to the top?


Madison: So you said there was controversy you wanted to address. What controversy exactly have you been accused of?

The monsieur of muscle looks down to his championship belt around his waist and then looks back up to Stacey.

Flex: Well the better part of this last year has been dedicated to what’s around my waist. I’ve trained, I’ve starved myself, I’ve sweat, and I’ve bled to hold onto one half of the tag team titles. With the combined talents of Ramparte and myself we managed to have the longest tag team title reign in company history. But in the eyes of men such as Matt Tastic and Mikey Stormrage we’re still not legitimate, in their eyes we didn’t earn this monumental reign, in their eyes we’re not even on the list of great WZCW tag teams let alone the greatest. Some people believe without the help of Eve Taylor, favoritism, and my own ego Cerberus wouldn’t be nearly as accomplished as they claim to be.

Madison: Well let’s talk about that Flex, a year ago at last year’s Lethal Lottery if it wasn’t for Eve Taylor Cerberus wouldn’t have acquired their first championship reign.

Flex: Very true Stacey, and at last year’s Lethal Lottery if it wasn’t for Mikey Stormrage, Tastic’s feet might have hit the floor and he wouldn’t have had his first World Heavyweight championship reign.

Madison: So you think there are parallels between Cerberus and Live Mas?

Flex: I just think it’s a bit hypocritical of Matt to say our reign is the result of a lack of good competition and WZCW’s best tag teams. Would I like to go to the past with Ramparte and fight Saxoteur and Full House Daves? Sure, but unfortunately the only person I know with time traveling technology is Alhazred and he’s not exactly in his right mind these days, as if he ever was.

Madison: But aside from Hard Metal Penetration can you really say you’ve beaten the best WZCW has to offer?

Flex: Aside from Ty Burna can Matt Tastic really say he’s beaten every WZCW legend?

Madison: Some would consider Ty Burna to be the greatest superstar in WZCW history.

Flex: And while that’s a completely justifiable opinion to have I’m more of a Showtime guy, and last time I checked Tastic was being beaten by that man the night he won the title. Tastic didn’t defend the World title against him, where was Chris K.O.’s title shot after he was robbed? Theron Daggershield had to wait a full year to finally earn a shot at the big belt. Why don’t we pull Barbosa out of whatever Asylum he’s in because if you haven’t beaten any popular wrestler to step foot inside a ring you’re not legitimate right? Would Tastic have even gotten a second title reign had Constantine not been taken out beforehand?

Madison: Is there a point here Flex?

Flex: Yes, that anyone can make any bullshit “what if” scenarios and any accomplishment they ever had can be made into a miniscule pile of garbage. Live Mas is trying to do this but the simple fact is that you cannot take away everything that we’ve earned based off your personal dislike for us.


Klamor: So are you going to answer the question Ramparte?

Ramparte: You know Flex and I have had our hard times. We don’t exactly have matching personalities. Has there been a time I felt he’s taken the spotlight? Sure; has there been times where I wanted to plant his head straight into the mat? Most definitely; and I’m sure Flex feels the same way. The fact is that despite all out differences we’re honest enough with ourselves to admit we’re different people who sometimes have different goals but still have each other’s backs till the end. Can Live Mas say the same?

Klamor: Well what different goals do you have?

Ramparte: As you obviously know the Lethal Lottery is coming up.

Klamor: You intend to win it?

: As fantastic as our title reign has been I do have higher aspirations then just being one of the greatest teams of all time.

Klamor: Does Flex know this?

Ramparte: I’d be shocked if he didn’t have the same intentions, after all according to you he’s the attention ****e of the group.

Klamor: While we’re on the subject of ****es and attention let’s talk about Eve Taylor.


Flex: You know it may not sound like it but I do respect Live Mas. Matt Tastic is a work horse and a veteran for this company and should Live Mas win he will be the second grand slam champion in this company. And Mikey you’re a tag team veteran and a big star and trust me I’m not just talking about your stomach. I respect everything you’ve done in this company but what I don’t respect is how you hide your jealousy for your more successful tag team partner.

Madison: You believe Mikey is jealous of Matt?

Flex: I believe things aren’t as hunky dory as Live Mas wants us to believe. Last year at the Lethal Lottery it was Matt Tastic winning the world title while Mikey cheered him on the sidelines. At Kingdom Come it was Matt Tastic ending the show in celebration while Mikey once again failed and lost to Ty Burna. There’s a pattern here that Mikey feels more comfortable with his so-called best friend leading him to success and Matt feels more comfortable having more self-conscious friend feed him the motivation he needs to win.

Madison: So basically you and Ramparte? Or is the other way around with you two and Eve?

The healthiest man alive can’t help but laugh at Stacey’s witty quip, but after a few seconds of chuckling returns to his serious demeanor.

Flex: I’m glad you brought up Eve Stacey, there’s a few things to address there as well.


The Catalyst quickly jumps out of his chair dropping his championship and immediately gets in the face of Klamor.

Ramparte: What did you say about Eve?

Klamor: Whoa there tough guy, for someone seemingly so passionate to defend her good name it doesn’t seem like you and Flex are on the best of terms with her.

Ramparte remembers that he’s on camera and slowly calms himself, picks up his belt, and sits back down in his chair.

Ramparte: Things have indeed been complicated.

Klamor: Complicated in the sense that you’re in love with a women who would rather spend her nights with your best friend?

Ramparte: In Love?!

Klamor: Don’t even try to hide it; your pining away after her is about as obvious as her jealousy over Flex and whatever thing he has on the side.

Ramparte: Not sure what you’re talking about.

Klamor: Be honest with us, whatever complicated love triangle/square you’ve got going is why Eve has seemed so distant from the rest of Cerberus. After all why isn’t she in another room being interviewed by Kensworth; besides the fact that she’d rip him to pieces.


Madison: So is this the part where you admit that Eve and you were a couple and things somehow went downhill leading to her attempting to take your tag titles? Or was it all a ploy pad your stats as champion?

Flex: Let’s get a few things clear, Eve’s decision to help us was not asked for nor was it wanted, we would have won that match either way. Why Eve has made any decision is something you’d have to ask her and since your gossip bff’s I’m sure you have. And lastly I’d like to say that Eve Taylor and I are not a couple.

Madison: Juicy…is there another woman? A Russian one perhaps?

Flex: Well I did promise to be honest, so yes there is. But quite frankly my love life isn’t why we’re having this conversation.

Madison: But it does explain the tension between you and her. Isn’t it crazy that you’ve gone from overweight toddler to talented and successful heartbreaker?


Klamor: So is Flex’s infidelity the reason for Eve’s distant nature or what?

Ramparte: You’d have to ask Flex or Eve that.

Klamor: Well I’m asking you. Or are you content with once again being the third wheel with about as much conversation skills as a rock.


Klamor is taken back a bit by the Catalyst’s sudden outburst.

Ramparte: I don’t care who is dating who, I don’t care who is jealous of whom; and I’m sick of this teenage drama. I didn’t join Cerberus to be in an episode of Dawson’s Creek I joined to up my game and become one of the best in WZCW and I’ve done just that.

: So are you saying you no longer have no use for Cerberus.

Ramparte: I’m saying there was a time where petty and childish behavior wasn’t something that we dealt with, and after the Lethal Lottery we’re going back to how things used to be.


Madison: So are you and Eve still on speaking terms now that whatever you two had is gone?

Flex: Eve is still an integral part of Cerberus and she’ll become the next Elite X champion at the Lethal Lottery just like Ramparte and I plan to retain the tag team titles against Live Mas.

Madison: But is that all you plan to do?

Flex: Are you asking if I intend to win the Lethal Lottery?

Madison: Well main eventing Kingdome Come is obviously the dream of all wrestlers.

Flex: I’ll do you one better and guarantee that one member of Cerberus will indeed win the Lethal Lottery and by the end of Kingdome Come will be a co-holder of two championships.

Madison: You have that much faith that the three of you are still that cohesive?


Klamor: How are things going to go back to normal?

Ramparte: Because Cerberus is going to beat Live Mas because unlike Mikey and Matt we can both address our differences and problems and work through them instead of hiding them under the surface. We’re going to disregard the rumors and gossip, the controversy and petty insults, and prove why we’re the absolute best team in WZCW history and I will win the Lethal Lottery.


Flex: Cerberus has been the most dominant force in WZCW the last year. After Lethal Lottery Eve will have the Elite X title, Ramparte and I will still be the longest reigning tag team champions after beating two men who are afraid to fight each other, and one of us will be on our way to winning the World title. You questioned whether Cerberus has beaten the best WZCW has to offer and after Lethal Lottery we will have beaten arguably the top two men in the company. Meaning that yes, I do have faith that Cerberus will continue to be the most cohesive stable in history despite whether some people like or not, they’re just going to have to fucking deal with it.

: But if it came down to you, Ramparte, and Eve left in that ring, who survives?


Klamor: So if the time comes for you throw out Eve and Flex, can you do it?

Flex & Ramparte: No offense to them, but they go over the top rope in a heartbeat.
"So there I was, flying to meet Matt, sailing high above the largest ocean on planet Earth. I was seated next to this man who I had tried to start conversation with, but the only words he had uttered were to order his Bloody Mary. So I was sitting there reading this really arduous magazine article about a third world country that I could barely pronounce the name of. I was feeling very bored and very despondent. Suddenly there was a huge mechanical failure and one of the engines gave out. So we start falling thirty thousand feet. The pilot comes on the microphone and he is saying 'I’m sorry, I’m sorry, oh my god… I'm sorry' and apologizing, and I look to the man next to me and I ask 'Where are we going?' And he looks at me, 'We’re going to a party. It, it’s a birthday party. It’s your birthday party, happy birthday, darling. We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much.' And then um, he starts humming this little tune, and, and uh it kinda goes like this, it's kinda one two one two three four...."

"Let me stop you right there and say I have zero interest in the rest of this dream."

The woman who was seated next to me was dressed to the nines in business clothing. She had expressed no interest in my life as a professional wrestler, nor did she care the least bit that I was technically famous. Even when I had tried to nap, I couldn't shake the feeling of her ever present judging.

"Okay whatever, I'm just trying to make conversation, be friendly."

I sat up in my seat and craned my neck back to see Matt a few rows back from me. He was sitting between two children and appeared to be having a much better time than I was. I decided to go visit him. I climbed over the witch who was sitting next to me, much to her chagrin, and walked a few rows back to where Matt was seated.


"Just hanging with the two newest members of Team Live Mas. This is Eric and this is Julian, and they may be our biggest fans on Earth."

I stuck my fist out and each of the boys bumped me. They seemed very excited that they were getting to fly with two of their favorite wrestlers.

"So guys, who is your favorite member of Live Mas, me or Mikey?"

"Matt Tastic!" They both shouted in unison.

My heart sank a bit. Sure Matt was more successful but I had hoped at least one of them would have said I was their favorite.

"I guess that proves that I am the superior member of Live Mas and that you lick butts."

Matt had a nice chuckle with the boys, who found my potential butt licking to be hilarious.

"Whatever you three, everyone knows that I'm the bomb!"

A hush suddenly fell over the plane. Matt then whispered to me.

"Dude you can't say bomb on a plane."

I spoke in my normal voice.

"Why can't I say bomb?"

"It is just something that you shouldn't do, it can get you in a lot of trouble. It is like yelling fire in a movie theater."

"Wait. You are telling me that you can't say bomb on a plane and you can't yell fire in a movie theater. What if there is a bomb on the plane?"

Suddenly a frightened yell came from the very back of the plane.

"Oh my God, there is a bomb on the plane!"

A stewardess quickly made her way over to me and asked that I calm down.

"Sir I have to ask that you quit saying bomb and scaring the passengers or we will be forced to make an emergency landing."

"I don't see what the big deal is. Why can't I say bomb? I am the bomb after all."

Suddenly an air marshal tackled me to the ground and put me in handcuffs. I tried to explain to him that there was nothing wrong, but he hit me over the head and knocked me unconscious, as the next thing I remember Matt and I were in an airport holding cell somewhere in India.

"That asshole was clearly a Cerberus fan. Why else would he act like such a prick?"

Matt shook his head and let out a deep sigh.

"You know I can honestly say that before I became your friend, not once was I ever in jail, or being harassed by TSA agents and air marshals, or any of the shit that you get us into. You are like a child. You need constant supervision or you get yourself or us into trouble."

"I just know how to have fun."

"Is your idea of fun taking illegal drugs and wrecking my grandpa's house? Is your idea of fun getting thrown in an airport jail or a Mexican jail? Is your idea of fun kissing your former best friend's wife? Because all of these things have happened since I started to hang out with you!"

"You don't have to be a dick about it."

"Look, I'm sorry. Its just that we have a big match coming up, and I don't want you to lose sight of what is on the line. If we win, not only do we end the tyranny of Cerberus' reign, but I will go down in history as a grand slam champion. And you, you will solidify yourself as the best tag team wrestler of all time. No one has ever won three tag titles, you could be the first to do it. I just want us to both achieve our goals."

Before I could speak, the guard informed us that we were being let go, as there was nothing they could charge us on. It was a relatively short ride from the airport to the Shaolin temple, where Gyatso was waiting for us.

"The two of you are late."

"We can into some trouble at the airport, we are sorry to keep you waiting."

I nodded my head.

"It's mostly my fault."

"It is all your fault, but that is beside the point. We are ready for our training."

"First, due to your upcoming match, you will fight thirty, three headed dogs."

"Bring it on!"

"He isn't serious. There are no such things as three headed dogs."

"Do not be so sure, Matthew."

Suddenly we were attacked by wolves. We did our best to fight them off as Gyatso looked on. Once we had fought off the first three wolves, more came. We fought wolves for what felt like hours, until eventually thirty dead wolves lie at our feet. We were exhausted after fighting thirty wolves hand to hand, and we bore the scars of battle.

I was breathing heavily and bleeding from the mouth as I spoke.

"Are we finished yet?"

"No, you must now fight our champion wolves."

Two monks lead two giant wolves our way. They were massive, each standing at our shoulders, each weighing at least two hundred pounds, they were massive.

"Once you defeat these wolves, you can defeat any challenge."

The two monks holding the wolves back let them go and they charged at us. Exhausted we fought on. The wolves had the upper hand, until Matt and I started to work together. We used combo moves and called out to each other when we were about to be attacked. Eventually we had the wolves on the ropes and were ready to finish them off when Gyatso called us off.

"That is enough. You have proven to me that you are ready for the next part of your training."

Both Matt and I fell to the ground, spent.

"What do you mean next part? We just kicked the ass of every wolf you have in the sanctuary."

"None of them had three heads though."

"That didn't prevent that one from biting you in the ass."

"You have proven to me that you can handle almost anything that I throw at you, but there is one more trial you must complete."

Matt sat up, but I was too tired to move.

"What is it master?"

"You must prove your ability to work together. I have watched the two of you for many days while you have trained with us. Matt, you are worried that Mikey may not be strong enough to carry you to the promised land that you so desire. And Mikey, you fear that no matter what you do, Matt will leave you like all of your past friends have...."

I cut Gyatso off.

"How do you know that just from watching us train?"

"I have picked up on the vibes that the two of you give off, it is not unlike many of the other young monks who came here in pairs, always afraid to let the other down. So I will task you with one final test, but first I shall allow the two of you to rest and collect your strength, it shall be needed. Meet be back here at this time tomorrow, and your final trial shall begin.'

Gyatso walked off and left Matt and I alone.

"Dude we delivered kick assery to those wolves, there is nothing that can stop us. This win is our destiny."

"Don't use the word destiny."

"Why not? This win will be ours. Finally someone will topple Cerberus. It is our destiny Mikey."

I sat up, using what little strength I had left.

"I want to tell you a story, about the first time I ever felt abandoned by someone close to me."

I took a deep breath.

"This is on a bus back from camp. I'm thirteen, and so was she. Before I left for camp I imagined it would be me and three or four other dudes I hadn’t met yet, running around all summer, getting into trouble. It turned out it would be me and just one girl. we’re still at camp as long as we’re on the bus and not at the pickup point where our parents would be waiting for us. We’re still wearing our orange camp t-shirts. We still smell like pine needles. I like her and she likes me and I more than like her, but I don't know if she does or doesn't more than like me. She never said. So I haven’t been saying anything all summer, content to enjoy the small miracle of a girl choosing to talk to me and choosing to do so again the next day and so on. A girl who’s smart and funny and who, if I say something dumb for a laugh, is willing to say something two or three times as dumb to make me laugh, but who also gets weird and wise sometimes in a way I could never be. A girl who reads books that no one’s assigned to her, whose curly brown hair has a line running through it from where she put a tie to hold it up while it was still wet."

I shift my weight and pull a bottle of water from my bag and take a sip.

"Back in the real world we didn't go to the same school, and unless one of our families moves to a drastically new neighborhood, we won't go to the same high school. So that was kind of it for us, unless I say something, and it might be especially it for us if I did say something. The sun had gone down and a lot of kids were asleep on the bus. We were talking in whispers about this tree we saw at a rest stop that looked like one of the other kids. And then I’m like, 'Can I tell you something?' Then all of a sudden I'm telling her. And I keep telling her and it all comes out of me and it keeps coming and her face is there and gone and there and gone as we pass underneath the orange lamps that line the sides of the highway. And there’s no expression on it. And I think just after a point I’m just talking to lengthen the time where we live in a world where she hasn't said 'yes' or 'no' yet. And regrettably I end up using the word “destiny.” I don’t remember in what context. Doesn’t matter. Before long I’m out of stuff to say and she smiles and says 'okay.' I don’t know exactly what she meant by it, but it seemed vaguely positive and I would have left in order not to spoil the moment, but there’s nowhere to go because we were on a bus. So I pretended like I was asleep and before long, I really was."

I took another sip of water.

"When I woke up, the bus wasn't moving anymore. The domed lights that line the center aisle were all on. I turned and she was not there, then again a lot of kids weren't there anymore. We were parked at the pick up point, which was the parking lot of a Methodist church. The bus is half empty, she might have been in her dad's car by then, her bags and things piled in the trunk. The girls in the back of the bus were shrieking and laughing and taking their sweet time disembarking as I swung my legs out into the aisle to get up off the bus, just as one of them reached my row. It used to be our row, on our way off. It’s Michelle, a girl who got suspended from third grade for a week after throwing rocks at my head. Adolescence is doing her a ton of favors body-wise. She stopped and looked down at me. And her head was blasted from behind by the dome light, so I couldn't really see her face, but I could see her smile. And she said one word, 'destiny.' Then her and the girls clogging the aisles behind her all laughed and then she turned and leads them off the bus. I didn't know she was friends with them."

I drank the last of my water as Matt listened to my story.

"I found my dad in the parking lot. He drove back to our house and summer was over, even though there were two weeks until school started back up. I wish I could say I got on the bus a boy and then got off that bus a man more cynical, hardened, and mature and shit, but that’s not true. The truth is I got on the bus a boy, and I never got off the bus. I still haven’t. To this day I'm still just a little boy riding a bus, scared to death of being left alone again. I can't lose you Matt, we have to beat Cerberus, and I will do everything in my power to do so, because I know if I lose it will just prove to you that I was never strong enough to support you."

I stood up.

"So at Lethal Lottery, lets delivery kick assery and make sure that its Game Over for Cerberus. I don't want to lose you too."
The top of the mountain. Its a metaphor everyone uses. Whether its to identify you reaching the pinnacle of your life, your career, your biggest moment, it always signifies a monumental goal. Its such a beaten cliche of life. Reaching your goals. Climbing the mountain. Is it really worth to reach the top? Is it really such a notch in your proverbial belt? What happens after you're on the top? Do you get back down? Then what the hell was the point of this climb? To prove to the world what I can do? Wonderful. Now what? There's no one here.

Matt and Mikey continue their training at the Himalayas to become a better team. They've been put through rigorous physical and mental tests designed to teach them teamwork, endurance and understanding of one another. But the time is coming and the moment of truth is closing in. At Lethal Lottery, Matt and Mikey must show that "Live Mas" is not a silly buzzword. They have to prove they are indeed capable of defeating the greatest tag team in WZCW.... No, in all of wrestling history. In Matt's mind, this is a bigger match than his matches with Showtime or The Beard or Ty Burna. Winning this match doesn't just mean he becomes a Tag Team Champion for the first time. It means he becomes the second man in history to hold every title in WZCW. As well as making his partner Mikey the first 3 time Tag Team Champion. A lot rides on this match. Losing could mean falling even more off the rails of momentum. But Matt can't let the stress of failure creep up on him like it did 2 years ago.

Gyatso: I'm quite proud of the progress you two have made. But do not get cocky, my students. The worst is yet to come. This final task I have for you puts you in far greater risk than any exercise I have previously given you. I hope you two are ready for it.

Yup! Is it more wolves to beat up?

Matt: Yeah. We'll clobber any pups down.

Gyatso: Very well. For this, you will both climb up a mountain. You must find each other and come back down together. You will each start from different points. I will let you two talk for a moment, but keep in mind which mountain you'll climb is yet to be known. I'll be back.

Matt and Mikey look at each other. And then turn to the various mountains surrounding them. Most of which are covered in snow from the altitude. They look nervous as it sets in just how truly dangerous this can be.

Matt, are you sure about this? We don't have to push ourselves to such extremes, you know?

Matt: I know. But at this point, I don't want to leave this unfinished. But what do you think?

Mikey: I'll follow along. Personally, I think we're more than ready. But..... If you think we need to. Whatever you say.

Matt: I want to be as prepared as possible for Cerberus.

Mikey: If you say to do it, then lets do it. This is teamwork and whether you said yes or no, I am not turning the other way to do it on my own.

Matt: OK then. Whe-

Gyatso: I'm back. You two must retrieve a flag in the mountain of my choosing. Now, are you ready?

Both men look at each other which a short, serious glance. It's a very brief stare. But the memories between the two flash. The Eurasian title match that brought them together at All Or Nothing 2013. The amazing, unexpected finale of Lethal Lottery last year. The dramatic battles they had against The Beard and The Elite. Hell In A Cell. All of this leads up to this climb. And they agree to it. They nod to Gyatso. And are off.


Matt is taken separate from Mikey to the mountain. He looks to it. Awestruck by it. He's never seen such a natural landmark. The strong winds. The low temperature. The former 2 time World Champion. Conquerer of Lethal Lottery and Hell In A Cell, is intimidated. Shaken to his core by the force of nature standing before him. He must make this climb and find his partner. All this. And he still has a match to get to. 2 if you count the Lethal Lottery. It seems like a very unneeded risk. But Matt is..... Or was.... Determined.

Matt: What have I gotten us into?

Matt begins his harsh climb up the mountain, as the field goes from lush green to harsher and harsher terrain. The temperature drops slowly and Matt loses his breath more and more as he regrets his silly choice bit by bit. The hours pass and Matt's steps become slower and shorter. With less and less emphasis to move forward.

Matt: I did this. All to beat Cerberus. I'm going up this stupid mountain. Alone. With nothing on me. Just to prove I'm ready. Why was I so impulsive? Why did I make this dumb decision? Am I that desperate to win the match? To beat Flex and Ramp? Arrghh!! DAMMIT! Why the hell did I do this? Am I really that afraid of not even being on the Kingdom Come card like 2013?! This is stupid! I'm a World Champion. And my partner has also had championship. We should be fine. I shouldn't have to climb a mountain to prove what I already know. Am the best. We're the best. Live Mas is the best!

Matt turns around to head down but finds a problem. It's a long way down. And far harder to manage than climbing up. Matt takes steps slowly and carefully, but the conditions begin to push him around. He can barely move properly as things just get worse.

Time passes as Matt just has to wait for things to settle down now. It's too windy. Forced to sit and contemplate his predicament inside a small cave.

Matt: Dammit. Why did I do this? Flex and Ramparte don't even get to my knees in ability and experience. I didn't do this for my match against Showtime. It........... It's because of Mikey. Yeah. That's why. Its because he always fucks up when it counts. Because he always ends up dropping the ball for me. I don't forget it. He lost to Ty when he was supposed to win. Dammit, Revolution was supposed to be our PPV. And he screwed it up. Because of that, it was Flex and Ramparte who headlined it. He lost to Constantine too. And Hell In A Cell. Dammit. That's why I'm up here freezing my ass. Because I don't really trust him. I always pretend I do. But I don't. That's why.

The winds slow down and Matt see's the chance to start walking down. But suddenly, a big drop of snow falls over him. Knocking him over. He's so exhausted, he can't even get up. Laying on the floor, defeated.

Matt: Maybe I don't deserve to even try anymore. I've done everything I can for myself. But now my own selfish desires make me want more. Dammit, I'm so scared of being left off Kingdom Come, I dragged my best friend up a mountain. I'm so desperate I cursed his wrestling skills. I doubted Mikey. If anyone holds this team up, its me. He told me he'd follow me. And I didn't make the sensible choice.

Matt gets back up and sees the sunlight square in his face. He covers up and sees the bottom clearly now. He begins to make his trek downward. But how will he find Mikey?

Matt: Dammit. How far up has Mikey gone? If I scream to call him, I might start an avalanche or something. And where could that flag even be?

I give up. I'm calling Gyatso to get out of this mess. I can't risk Mikey's well being for this. Or my own. The World Tag Team titles are worth a lot. But my friendship.

Matt makes his way down and sees the camp where he was sent out of. He marches through but low and behold.

Mikey: MATT!!

Matt turns, ecstatic as he realizes who the voice belongs to. His partner. His tag team partner. The man he'll become Tag Team Champions with. His best friend. Mikey Stormrage.

Matt: Mikey! How the hell did you get all the way over here? And...... Is that the flag we're supposed to get? H--HOW THE HELL?!

Mikey: You dunderhead, I saw you and everything. It was in that cave you were in. It goes across the mountain. I kept going in, next thing I know, I have this and hear you blaming me for a bunch of stuff. YOU DICK!

Matt: You heard all of that?

Mikey: Yeah. I did. Why the hell couldn't you just say it, man? You don't trust me.

Matt: I'm sorry, Mikey. I don't trust you. And I realize now it's not because of whatever you do. It's what I do. And it's to act on my own. I only have been thinking of myself this entire time. And how I could make sure we would win.

Mikey: Hey, dude. Relax. No sweat. I know you're the hard work type of guy. But I'm the calm, go with the flow type. I'll follow you 'till I can't anymore. And last I checked, I'm still behind you, no?

Matt: Right. So are we gonna kick some Cerberus butt?

Mikey: Yup. We're gonna beat them bad. We're gonna Deliver Kickassery all over them.

Matt: You know, you told me that camp story. With the girl. It reminds me of something. As a kid. I remember how all the other kids in school mocked me. Because they had the latest videogame console. While I had nothing. They would go out and hang out. But because of my responsibilities to my home, I was left behind. The latest trends, I could never keep up with them. They had mp3 players, I had CD's. They had phones. I didn't. Poverty was always rubbed on my face. My lack of privilege. My lack of any true opportunities. It seemed whenever I made any advancement in my life, it was always steps behind anyone else. It created the angry beast who lashes out. It made me resentful. That I never get the opportunities others do.

Over 2 years ago, I failed to win the Eurasian Championship. It was the most devastating loss in my life. It seemed like I was never given a solid chance to win. Then I was injured. When I came back, all sorts of guys were allowed to return at Lethal Lottery. I wasn't. Kingdom Come came a couple of months later. And I wasn't on it. I was on the pre-show. Since then, the idea of being left out again tortures my mind, Mikey. I got to headline last year and not having any gold in my hand brings back that memory. That I can easily be tossed aside. Mikey, that's why I dragged you through all this training. Because of my insecurities. Built on a life of poverty and anger. I don't want to fall into the darkness again, Mikey. You pulled me out by your hand. And I'm too scared to let go.

Mikey: Then pull yourself up, partner. Because we have matches to win.

Matt: Right. I can't let my fears get the better of me again.

Mikey:Now lets get the hell out of here. I'm freezing.

The boys make their way down together, an unexpected success. They're guided back to the temple where Gyatso congratulates them in their training.

Gyatso: You two came in here seeking to further your abilities. And truth be told, there was nothing to develop here on a physical level. But your bond, while always strong, lacked any kind of true fortitude. You barely faced adversity among yourselves and I still feel you need more of that. But for now, I know you can both feel what the other one wants. You can fight in sync and you can think in sync. Just know that there will come a day when the bond, while not to be broken, may be put through a harsher test than going up a mountain. I pray you expand on your advances here. Now go. And Live Mas.


The duo sets off for their epic encounter. In mere days, they face Flex Mussel and Ramparte. The duo known as Cerberus. The night of Lethal Lottery. Both Matt and Mikey do have a high chance to get in and make it a two-for of dominance in the match. But at the moment, the World Tag Team titles take precedent. At least for Matt. But he had just learned to trust his partner. And he wasn't gonna forget that lesson right away.

Matt: Uh, Mikey.

Mikey: Yeah?

Matt: So.... Lethal Lottery.

Mikey: What about it?

Matt: What match are you more concerned with?

Mikey: Ours.

Matt: And the actual Lottery?

Mikey:I winged it last year and was the second to last eliminated.

Matt: What about this year?

Mikey: Hopefully the actual winner. Why?

Matt: Well..... Ugh. You know. I won it last year. So what the fuck, I'll help you.

Mikey: Help me?

Matt: Yeah. I'd love to be the first to win it twice. But we'll be Tag Champs. I'll be Grand Slam Champion. I think that's enough on my end.

Mikey: Don't patronize me, bro.

Matt: What?

Mikey: We're a team, yeah. But Lethal Lottery isn't a tag team match.

Matt: But last year-

Mikey: Yeah, last year we helped each other out and you won. I didn't help you as if I owed it to you. You don't owe me any help. You go out there and do what you want just like how I did what I wanted. I wanna win. Bad. But I don't want it gift wrapped.

Matt: Fine.

Mikey: Our first priority should be Flex and Ramp anyway. Because they're no slouches. And I don't like to hear them say they're the best tag team out there. Especially when I'm a part of the true greatest one.

Matt: Strikeforce did do more.

Mikey: I meant Live Mas, bro.


Mikey: You game?

Matt: I'm game.

Mikey: Then lets Deliver Kickassery.
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