Let Your Voice Be Heard: RVD for Team USA!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
If you want the gold medal in the ladder event, Rob Van Dam is your ticket. Look at his ladder match record:

RVD def. Jeff Hardy (SummerSlam 2001)
RVD def. Eddie Guerrero (Raw, May 2002)
RVD def. Jeff Hardy (Raw, July 2002)
RVD def. Christian (Raw, September 2003)
RVD def. Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Finlay, Bobby Lashley, and Ric Flair (Wrestlemania 22)
Sabu def. RVD (ECW, August 2006)
RVD def. Big Show (ECW, October 2006)

That's a pretty hot record, with his only loss coming after a run-in by Big Show.

Who else are you going to pick? Michaels has lost his fair share of ladder matches (vs. Triple H, Jericho, Razor Ramon). Jeff has lost two ladder matches against RVD alone, not to mention defeats against ladder match rookie The Undertaker, random high-flying tag team #783 of Londrick, Edge and Christian @ WM2000, and of course his failure to get it done in the third MITB match.

Don't think Van Dam is up to snuff with the rest of the line-up? Doesn't matter! Team USA is likely to have such a strong line-up that a guy like Van Dam being included to get you an guys easy medal won't weaken the team AT ALL. Van Dam can ride high in team events with guys like Hogan, Cena, Michaels, and Angle leading the way to victory.

Patriotism? No problem! Van Dam stood up for the Red, White, and Blue in a 2003 flag match against Sylvain Grenier.

Since the Bar Room is where a lot these sorts of competitions are won and lost, I'm making an early plea for you to head to WZolympics section and let IC25 know you want to see Rob Van Dam on Team USA!
I'm with you all the way. How many ladder matches Jeff has won? One against Carlito and we all know how bad that was and another to win the title against Edge and then lost it a minute later to Punk.

Shawn Michaels- Please, I don't want to be inaccurate but wasn't his last ladder match win in the 90's

Rob Van Dam has been consistently great at ladder matches whooping Hardy's ass all over the place and defeating Eddie Guerrero and winning MITB.

*Waits for somebody to talk about Edge*
I think the better question is why you included John Cena in your post.
I'm with you all the way. How many ladder matches Jeff has won? One against Carlito and we all know how bad that was and another to win the title against Edge and then lost it a minute later to Punk.

For the record, you're being completely unfair. Wasn't that loss to Punk because of a MITB cash-in?
Lol, yeah because ONLY the WWE holds ladder matches. Nope, Punk didn't even know what a ladder was before Vinnie Mac showed him one!
Benoit/Jericho/Malenko/Angle/Joe/Ken fucking Shamrock would be better.
How fucking hard is it for people to figure out the difference between the United States and Canada?

You said Cena's STF was the stuff gold medals are made of. Didn't say anything about Team USA, just talking about submissions.
You said Cena's STF was the stuff gold medals are made of. Didn't say anything about Team USA, just talking about submissions.
Ah. Pardon me.

Cena's made Benoit to tap with ease. Same with Jericho. I know who I'd vote for there. And I've written off the rest of the people you mentioned as *****es. Yes, even Joe.

So... go Cena!

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