Lesnar vs. Coture - The Aftermath


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Well he did it. Lesnar has won the UFC World Heavyweight Championship. As all the experts said, he was younger, he was better, and he would win. Now what I want to know, is what does this mean for UFC? As far as I can tell, the main thing that Coture wanted to do was fight Fedor, but should he get the chance now because he got beat cleanly tonight? Also, who's next for Lesnar? It seems to me that the best thing to do for UFC would be to give Lesnar a few gimme matches as he's currently 2-1. While it's clear that he's the future, he needs a record for some credibility. So who do you think is next to face Lesnar or Coture?
Now I'm not gonna get all technical with picking their opponents, mostly because I'm not an MMA buff (yet ;)). But, I have to say this is a HUGE accomplishment for Lesnar. He proved a lot of naysaysers wrong tonight, even I had a little doubt in me. Of course, he didn't beat Couture in his prime, but he did beat him like many said he couldn't. I agree with the gimme fights to build up his record, but they still need to build his credibility as well.

I'm very happy for Lesnar, making the complete transition from pro wrestling to MMA. In fact, his MMA career is sort of mimicking his wrestling one.
Wow, I really thought Lesnar's inexperience would be the deciding factor in the match but I guess I was wrong. Lesnar just proved that he deserves the paycheck he get's and just proved that he isn't only in MMA because of the value of his name. I think Coture should get a rematch(if that is allowed in UFC)just to make sure that the win wasn;t a fluke(which I don't think it was). Lesnar is a very fit, athletic, competitor and I can see a bright future in the UFC for him.
Klunder, Lesnar is 3-1 now. He was 2-1 coming into the fight.

That said Couture did great, he almost took Brock down to the ground near the last 15 seconds of round 1, but he expended a lot of strength when doing that.

He got in a solid shot that made a mild cut over Lesnar's right eye, but from what I saw Lesnar more than held his own in the stand up though and had the advantage due to power despite getting in somewhat fewer shots. (before the final flurry of course)

Lesnar will probably fight Nogueira next assuming Mir is beaten.
Lesnar doesn't get tune-up fights...so that suggestion is stupid as this isn't the WWE or Pride. He's the champ now. He doesn't get booked to fight anyone except the top contenders now and any MMA fan worth their salt knows that Couture has been on the downward slope and had weaknesses that played into Brock's strengths. If the proposed fight against Nogueira comes to pass he'll be left in the cage for 25 minutes with a guy tailor-made to beat him. Rock hard chin? Check. Crisp rudimental standup? Check. Amazing ground game? Check. Relentless cardio? Check. Brock's learning curve is going to get exponentially steeper in the coming months. I won't toot his horn 100% unless he beats Nogueira. There are also four other prospects that aren't old like Couture and have the tools to put Lesnar down (Dos Santos, Werdum, Velasquez and Carwin). Congrats to Lesnar for the swimming rather than sinking, but now he's left in the deep end of the pool. THIS is where it gets exciting.
If Lesnar has to fight Nogueria next , He'll probably lose. I'm praying that Lesnar has a long run as UFC heavywieght champion. But if Nog beats Mir , Lesnar is screwed. I've come to respect Nogueria after watching The Ultimate fighter tv show. I think he'll walk right through Frank Mir. I'll just pretend that Lesnar will beat Nogueria if they fight. After that Lesnar would have a potential match up with Gabriel Gonzaga. That's not good for Lesnar either. Gabriel would likely knock Lesnar out. Overall , I'm overjoyed that Lesnar won a MMA title. (It makes Pro Wrestling look good) But i think he won the title too fast. He'll be destroyed by better rounded fighters.

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