Lesnar as a Tweener?


Pre-Show Stalwart
After last night I'd say Lesnar seems at odds with the Authority. Because Lesnar doesn't seem to get much camera time for whatever reason, I don't see him holding the title past Mania for sure.

Lesnar has been a heel, but he can't feasibly play the underhanded heel. It simply doesn't make sense for a guy with his accomplishments and athletic ability to need underhanded tactics to win matches. Lately, he's been marketed as a monster heels that squashes his opponents, and rightfully so.

I don't see Lesnar being able to play the role of a face that well. Do you think they are sitting Lesnar up as tweener or just some kind of heel that's at odds with the Authority?
I think they are putting him as they guy who doesn't like anyone, who needed HHH to get the title shot but now that he has been champ for awhile, has no use for the Authority or anyone other than Heyman. I like it. I loved him squashing Kane and Show. It also seemed very in character for Heyman to be more cautious and try to work with Rollins/HHH while Lesnar was like screw this "Rollins get your weasely ass out here now!" I don't know if this is truly tweener booking I just think its logical common sense booking that people can follow.

Someone being booked to be as bad ass as Lesnar has been shouldn't need or have allies. I'm not the majority here but I like the champ being above all of the day to day stuff of who's in charge, who's fired who's not, etc.
I don't think he's a tweener by design, he just happens to fit into the mold right now because of who he's up against. He's not embracing fans as a character in any way, he's not trying to do something heroic or noble and he's still a mercenary. Seth Rollins just happened to make an enemy of him and, by proxy, so has The Authority since Rollins is their new golden boy.

Even if Lesnar isn't leaving WWE after WrestleMania, I still don't see him keeping the title. By the time of WrestleMania XXXI, Lesnar will have been WWE World Heavyweight Champion for 7.5 months and will have wrestled a total of three, possibly four matches if he wrestles at Fast Lane, during that entire time. No house shows, no matches on Raw or SD!, just very select ppvs. Heading into the post WrestleMania season and into the summer doldrums, WWE shouldn't be without the WWE World Champion until SummerSlam. If WWE is looking to give someone a big, career high moment by going over Lesnar whether it be for Reigns, Bryan or whomever, then WrestleMania is the place to do it.
I think they are putting him as they guy who doesn't like anyone, who needed HHH to get the title shot but now that he has been champ for awhile, has no use for the Authority or anyone other than Heyman. I like it. I loved him squashing Kane and Show. It also seemed very in character for Heyman to be more cautious and try to work with Rollins/HHH while Lesnar was like screw this "Rollins get your weasely ass out here now!" I don't know if this is truly tweener booking I just think its logical common sense booking that people can follow.

Someone being booked to be as bad ass as Lesnar has been shouldn't need or have allies. I'm not the majority here but I like the champ being above all of the day to day stuff of who's in charge, who's fired who's not, etc.

I like that! It makes a lot of sense. He's just loyal to the money and himself. If Brock resigns, that would be a good way to book him going forth. I'm fine with Brock being a tweener, I just don't want to see him shaking hands and smiling with kids like Cena and Sheamus. I rather see him just kick ass and show no loyalty to no one. It would be cool to see him just save the day from people ganging up on somebody then F5 the person he saved.
No way is Lesnar a Tweener,the crowd sometimes just happens to like him. 7.5 months ago,Lesnar destroyed Cena for the WWE WHC. Since that time,Lesnar has what wrestled 3 times or so? As far as everyone knows his contract is set to expire at WM or the night after.

I think Lesnar drops the title at WM setting up Bryan,Reigns or whoever as the new champion. I have always liked Lesnar as I tend to like Heels more so than faces
He attacked his opponent who had already curb-stomped him.

Show and Kane got in his way, so he attacked them too.

I don't see it as "tweener" as much as him attacking his opponent for Sunday.
He attacked his opponent who had already curb-stomped him.

Show and Kane got in his way, so he attacked them too.

I don't see it as "tweener" as much as him attacking his opponent for Sunday.

He's attacking heels, though -- the most hated heels on the show, to be sure, be it by design (Rollins) or simply because people are exhausted of their presence (Kane/Show). WWE had to know that Lesnar would get pops for beating on the authority, which makes me think this is calculated. Hell, give credit to WWE -- Rollins is such a strong heel that it forced the crowd to cheer Lesnar. That's a solid testament to Rollins' work over the past few months.

This situation reminds me of when Kane had first arrived in WWE. Remember when Undertaker was being assaulted by the entire locker room and Kane came out for the save? He got pops, naturally. Then, he turned on Undertaker, a sure-fire, well-loved face, and was booed. Lesnar is Kane in this situation, but the problem is the lack of a universally loved face like Undertaker to remind the entire crowd that Lesnar is still a heel. Why's he a heel? Oh, because he attacks John Cena? Well, that's certainly no longer a definite way to get a guy booed because anyone over 18 is going to (mostly) boo the guy. Hence, you have people cheering Lesnar not only because he's a bad-ass kicking John Cena's ass, but you also have exponentially increased the positive reaction by delivering Rollins to him.

In my humble opinion, this spells disaster for those of us who think Daniel Bryan is winning the Royal Rumble. This kind-of "turn" lends itself more to a Cena victory or a Rollins cash-in, making me think that Reigns will, in fact, go over. Reigns v. Rollins has more of a meaty story and Reigns v. Cena would be the "torch-passing" that WWE wants for Roman. Plus, did anyone notice how none of the Legends from last night chose Reigns as their pick? Suspicious...
I think Lesnar continuing to run rampant through the roster would be more marketable and then the natural push of Daniel Bryan into the main event kind of has classic underdog feel.

IF Lesnar continues down this tweener path than I don't see him going into Wrestlemania with the title.
Spoiler Alert: I'm pretty sure I've figured it out.
Not sure how it all pans out as far as who leaves with the strap but I'd be willing to bet next Monday Night on RAW there is a new Heyman Guy and Brock is the defacto leader of the Authority.

Lesnar wins the WWE title cleanly by pinning Cena after taking out Rollins in a good three way dance. Rollins immediately cashes in and just before pinning Brock after multiple Curb stomps HHH interferes on behalf of Lesnar! Everyone is shocked. Nobody more than Paul Heyman himself. Sting comes out and attacks HHH to get him out of the picture and at this point Lesnar and Rollins are both incapacitated. That's when Heyman makes his move, draping Rollins over his FORMER client for the win!!!!

lol that's honestly how I'd book it and I'm pretty positive is at least 80% correct
Lesnar will get cheered no matter what, whether he's destroying Cena or destroying Rollins, he is doing his own thing and doesn't look like the crowd have any issues with that.
Spoiler Alert: I'm pretty sure I've figured it out.
Not sure how it all pans out as far as who leaves with the strap but I'd be willing to bet next Monday Night on RAW there is a new Heyman Guy and Brock is the defacto leader of the Authority.

Lesnar wins the WWE title cleanly by pinning Cena after taking out Rollins in a good three way dance. Rollins immediately cashes in and just before pinning Brock after multiple Curb stomps HHH interferes on behalf of Lesnar! Everyone is shocked. Nobody more than Paul Heyman himself. Sting comes out and attacks HHH to get him out of the picture and at this point Lesnar and Rollins are both incapacitated. That's when Heyman makes his move, draping Rollins over his FORMER client for the win!!!!

lol that's honestly how I'd book it and I'm pretty positive is at least 80% correct

I pretty much agree with this or something along those lines.

This is very much shaping up for Heyman to breakaway from Lesnar at some point and join Rollins/The Authority.
I think right now, this Rumble feud is a case of 'The Good, the Bad and the Evil". When Rollins threatened Edge, it cemented him as an evil heel. Brock Lesnar's character is just kind of a smug asshole who happens to be really good at beating people up. The only time Brock has displayed any kind of true maliciousness was when he assaulted Big Show at the Rumble last year (and even that was allegedly because Show entered the match with an injury in real life). Crashing Hogan's party was a douche move, but it's unclear whether he would've hurt anyone or not.
Notice how quickly Brock Lesnar suddenly puts a possibility of a face turn on the minds of the same people that were quick to judge him and boo him for his limited appearances? That my friends is what today's talent lacks. Lesnar did not need Heyman last, Lesnar did not say a lot, but whatever little he did manage to say struck like a bullet. You don't need promos to send out a message, your body language speaks a lot when you get into the skin of the character you're given. That's what seperates the AE/RA fans from this era.
Brock is a legit bad ass. No reason for him to ever back down. He is a heel, just not like what we normally see. Can't really call him a tweener, since he doesn't care about the fans.
Brock is Brock. He is not a face, a heel, or a tweeter. He is Brock Lesnar, and he kicks everybody's ass. Very plain and simple.
He can certainly pull it off. As a heel, you hate him cause he's so good and pounds your face.

As a face, you tend to like him because he's so good he kicks the crap out of the heel you hate.

This is why I suggested that if he loses the belt at Rumble and "goes after" the Authority, they feed him Rusev...

He would then be a face and probably put an end to Rusev at WrestleMania.
What did I tell you folks Bobby Lashley turning face next week and already on wwe raw they are slowly turning Brock Lesner face too cause of Seth Rollins and MVP same scenario! Oh brotha! I ve been saying it for a few weeks now wwe copied TNA's Bobby Lashley at the same exact and precise moment same week after

Seriously many of the wwe marks on the wz forums have been telling me it won't happen and I don t know what I am talking about ? Really now I smelled it a mile away


Notice how quickly Brock Lesnar suddenly puts a possibility of a face turn on the minds of the same people that were quick to judge him and boo him for his limited appearances? Lesnar did not need Heyman last, Lesnar did not say a lot, but whatever little he did manage to say struck like a bullet. You don't need promos to send out a message, your body language speaks a lot when you get into the skin of the character you're given. Lesner will turn on Paul Heyman eventually and will be face

Same thing is also happening in TNA Bobby Lashley does not need MVP , Lashley did not say a lot but manage to let his actions do the talking! You don t need promos to send out a message , your body language speaks a lot when you get into the skin of character . Lashley will turn on MVP and beat him up
What did I tell you folks Bobby Lashley turning face next week and already on wwe raw they are slowly turning Brock Lesner face too cause of Seth Rollins and MVP same scenario! Oh brotha! I ve been saying it for a few weeks now wwe copied TNA's Bobby Lashley at the same exact and precise moment same week after

Seriously many of the wwe marks on the wz forums have been telling me it won't happen and I don t know what I am talking about ? Really now I smelled it a mile away


Notice how quickly Brock Lesnar suddenly puts a possibility of a face turn on the minds of the same people that were quick to judge him and boo him for his limited appearances? Lesnar did not need Heyman last, Lesnar did not say a lot, but whatever little he did manage to say struck like a bullet. You don't need promos to send out a message, your body language speaks a lot when you get into the skin of the character you're given. Lesner will turn on Paul Heyman eventually and will be face

Same thing is also happening in TNA Bobby Lashley does not need MVP , Lashley did not say a lot but manage to let his actions do the talking! You don t need promos to send out a message , your body language speaks a lot when you get into the skin of character . Lashley will turn on MVP and beat him up

I don't think one has anything to do with the other. The Lesnar turn on Rollins/Authority was in the making for a while... really since Rollins curb-stomped him the first time months and months ago... you didn't really think he did that for nothing and WWE or Lesnar was just going to forget about it did you?

As a matter of fact they referred to it on last night's RAW.
Lesnar is cool How on earth can anybody boo this guy! Haha...he is the anti hero in that he does what he wants and when he wants and nobody can stop him.

In terms of being a 'tweener' I agree. Rolllins is the heel, Cena is the babyface and Lesnar fits snuggly inbetween. He will beat up Cena and he will beat up Rollins/Authority.

Lesnar isn't going to lose that belt clean - somebody is going to screw him big time whether it be Triple H or even Paul Heyman.
Last night it hit me. Imagine this: Reigns wins the Royal Rumble by eliminating Bryan last. Fans naturally turn on him, Batista 2.0. But this is actually planned by creative. Then we get Brock vs Reigns at WM but not like we expect it and hate it, but Brock as a badass kinda face (he will get cheered to kick Reign's ass) and Reigns embracing the hate as a heel. Paul Heyman could either turn om Brock before Mania or AT Mania, thus giving the vicotry to Reigns.

I know this is a long shot but it makes sense imo. Maybe Vince and/or Trips figured out that Reigns isn't ready as a face cheesy cutting awful promos, but could work very well as a heel. It's a totally different story then.
I simply don't see Brock carrying the title into WM. I'm pretty sure Vince remembers the Brock/Goldberg mess and if he hasn't resigned I doubt he cares enough to put on a good show. I also don't see Brock as anything but a heel. Heyman calls him the "reigning, defending" yet he hasn't defended in, what 3-4 months. That is a heel move all the way.
I simply don't see Brock carrying the title into WM. I'm pretty sure Vince remembers the Brock/Goldberg mess and if he hasn't resigned I doubt he cares enough to put on a good show. I also don't see Brock as anything but a heel. Heyman calls him the "reigning, defending" yet he hasn't defended in, what 3-4 months. That is a heel move all the way.

No I don't see it either, something will happen at the Rumble. I think that the Authority to get back at Lesnar for what he did you them on Monday, by taking out most of them, and will try to screw him over.

I don't see Rollins siding with Heyman, that's too obvious, and Rollins doesn't need him. Rollins can generate heat on his own, he is a good talker. Don't need both of them talking at the same time. Besides I'm so over Paul Heyman.

It would be better for all of us if Lesnar dropped the strap, than the main event at Mania wouldn't be so damm predictable.
I don't see Brock being a tweener or even a face in this scenario. As someone said earlier, Brock is Brock. He's a part-timer who isn't around enough to take a side on anything. He's the gray space between the good and bad in the storyline.

If you absolutely have to peg him (like we, as humans, seem to have to do to everything), then I guess he's a heel because of how he's booked as a pissed-off beast who only fights for the glory and the payday, with a heel mouthpiece in Heyman. In today's wrestling world where some heels are getting more pop than white meat babyfaces (Mizdow, anyone?), you will have fans of Brock Lesnar, even though he's booked as a heel. They're fans of him as a UFC guy or just because they like him. Or, because they hate Cena, who is the only face in this scenario. Rollins is the true heel and Lesnar has no allegance to anyone. Cena and Lesnar have heat for their past, as do Cena and Rollins. Rollins has MITB and has Curb Stomped Lesnar twice now, which puts them at odds. It gives each competitor on-screen heat with each other and to make the title match more compelling.

Do I see Brock dropping the belt at the Rumble? Maybe. My theory is that either Cena or Lesnar wins the match by going over on the other (if Brock is indeed leaving, he should put Cena and Rollins over on the way out), with Rollins out of the finish. Then, Rollins attacks the winner from behind or with help from The Authority, cashes in and wins the title to set up Reigns/Rollins at Wrestlemania. Do the WWE brass have the guts to have those two main event Wrestlemania? Or, do they play it safe and have Lesnar go over to set up Reigns/Lesnar at Wrestlemania? We'll see. Unfortunately, I think they'll have Cena involved in some way, since he's the top guy in the company right now.
Lesnar has been a heel, but he can't feasibly play the underhanded heel. It simply doesn't make sense for a guy with his accomplishments and athletic ability to need underhanded tactics to win matches.

Good point, and it underscores how pro wrestling differs from "real life." Take Seth Rollins: in a wrestling sense, we're supposed to "hate" him because he wins (and loses) in unclean fashion; he accomplishes nothing without the help of people hired to see that he succeeds. Yet, in real life, I would think most fans "like" him.....which is to say, enjoy what he's doing because he's being what he's supposed to be.....a bad guy.

With Brock Lesnar, the formula is a bit more complicated because he's been around so little, yet it's essentially the same principle..... we "hate" him because he does the things bad guys do; breaks people's arms, engages in sneak attacks (the very first thing he did upon returning to WWE was F5 John Cena, who was coming to shake Brock's hand). Still, we "like" Brock because even while his tactics are brutal, he accomplishes what he needs to by performing deeds that are rough, but essentially fair and legal. He's the very definition of a professional wrestler.

In most circumstances, I would say it takes time to develop a 'tweener character, and it appears Brock doesn't have the time if he's truly leaving after WM31.

Yet, he may have instantly become one by virtue of his actions against Seth Rollins the other night, after which fans were cheering him. If he winds up getting simultaneously cheered and booed at his final two WWE events, I suppose we'd have to say he finished as a 'tweener.

I'm telling you.....only in pro wrestling can stuff like this happen.
They really cannot seem to get anyone really hated just being at odds with Cena,so they are more creating tension between Lesnar and Rollins to put Rollins over as a better heel,not so much to help Lesnar who is probably going back to UFC for one more run.

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