Lesnar... an opportunity for Orton?

I'm having a blast reading all these people who are so quick to write Orton off. This past year Orton's career path has mirrored that of Cena's. The only difference being that Cena has had The Rock to deal with and there was no one close to that for Orton.

Orton has been a huge part of the WWE for the past 5 years and one of only a very few guys on the roster that can get cheered just by showing up. He has been and will continue to be way over. Just like over on Raw with Punk, Smackdown had to build a new face superstar and that's why Sheamus has the strap and Orton won't be near him till the time is right. In the meantime Orton took a quick build with Kane and turned it into a pretty good match at Mania with a great end spot.

Orton is fine and when the time comes will be back in the main event picture. Even Triple H spent time below the main event during the DX days with Shawn starting back in 2006. You can't have a guy at the top forever. It took a real long time but WWE finally figured out that applied to Cena as well.

Orton will be back.
I registered an account just to say that I can't believe how stupid the majority of the people in this thread sound.

Orton going AWOL has been known for YEARS. Seriously! The WWE does not give a fuck about that.

Also, he was not suspended for any wellness violation. Earlier this year he had a legit back injury, and if that isn't true, the WWE would have had to make mention of any drug suspension like they do everybody else.

You gotta be kidding me, WZ forums. You gotta be.
Um if you are going to break down my post you may want to figure out how to break up it up & use quote tags then genius, all you did was prove mental midget, Orton has just had arguably the best year of his career, & has put over & helped legitimize Henry, Rhodes, Christian, & Barrett. He & Christian had easily the feud of the year. I'm sure if you would take 5 mins. to remove your head from your ass you might be able to get a clearer look at the brilliance of Orton's in ring ability, he is hands down one of 3 or 4 full time guys in the WWE that you can always rely on to have consistently stellar matches. He's going nowhere & his career is stronger than ever.

Said like a man who knows what he's talking about, I would rep you for this post had I not already repped you for another in this thread already.

Oh noes! Please don't rep me! My life revolves around this site. PLEASE DON'T!!! Anyway, as I said. You gotta show me kiddo. Talk is cheap. You just continue your incestuous babbling backed by nothing. You just mad. Rep my nuts and this post while your at it. :lmao:
Here's what I think. A Randy vs Brock feud would be great BUT not a Wrestlemania bout. This could be at any of the other big 4 PPVs with Summerslam being my top choice. Something I don't know if anyone has pointed out yet is that the reason Orton isn't pushed in the main event like usually isn't just the latest drug incident or him being used to put others over but lately its been all the media attention that he's gotten for being originally cast in the Marine 3. We all know how important the armed forces are to the WWE and with them being pissed about Orton being in that movie I honestly feel he's in for a nice lil run in the upper mid card at least until things cool off with the Marines.
Orton isn't going anywhere!!!!! He will always be in or around the title picture even if he is fueding with someone without the title. As far as Orton facing Lesnar that may happen down the line but not anytime to soon. First we have to see what WWE is gonna do with Lesnar is he gonna just destroy people again on his way to a title shot or are we going to see a different animal all together this time around. I dont think Lesnar would agree to comeback only to get his ass handed to him by Cena and or Orton I just dont see that. Look at the POP Lesnar got when he returned the fans LOVE Lesnar as much as any Superstar currently in the WWE and possibly more. The WWE and Vince are smart they are gonna ride Lesnar's popularity just like the UFC did and rake in that money. So if that means having Lesnar squash guys like Cena and even Orton it will happen.
Oh noes! Please don't rep me! My life revolves around this site. PLEASE DON'T!!! Anyway, as I said. You gotta show me kiddo. Talk is cheap. You just continue your incestuous babbling backed by nothing. You just mad. Rep my nuts and this post while your at it. :lmao:

He was talking to me, hence why he quoted my post where I listed everything Orton has done in the space of twelve months, because my post was so good, justin wanted to give me rep, that thing you get when you make a good post, something you probably never have.

And seeing as you know so much, by not respond to my post where I listed off everything Orton has done in a year. You going to prove any of that wrong? You going to go back in time and review the critical acclaimed matches Orton has had with Christian throughout the summer? Cause yeah, basically between justin and myself, we've made you look like an idiot. I would give you some red rep, but I don't want to waste the three seconds of my life it would take to do it.
You think WWE would bring in Lesnar, to put Orton over? Why do you think WWE has buried Orton? Do you think it an accident that his career has been put on hold? WWE is a HUGE supporter of the Military. Orton is a deserter, period. I'm not saying WWE didn't know about it, but I'm saying the majority of the fans didn't know about it. Now that it has come to light...look for his career to dwindle down even more. WWE wouldn't put Orton over Kane at WrestleMania. They CERTAINLY aren't going to spend the money on Lesnar to bring him in to job out to Orton. You can forget that. Factor in his drug policy violations...if you were Vince, would you invest any more time and money in to Orton? Not me. Orton's career is history. Bank on it. They may keep him around so that he doesn't go to TNA, but as far as major story lines and title runs...I don't think so, personally. I used to LOVE Orton, but when I found out he was a deserter...that did it for me. Just like he went AWOL, his career is now AWOL. Karma's a real bitch.

I highly doubt they are punishing Orton for deserting now considering they have used this as a story line before when he had that brutal feud with Cactus Jack back in the Evolution days when things were heating up in Iraq. I can understand your feeling on subject though because its a pretty cowardly thing to do but
they have mentioned it quite a few times publicly so its certain that thats not why he has been held back. Drugs? Maybe. But even thats a little hard to believe considering Orton has had a LOT of problems before not only with drugs but also fights and trashing other superstars and divas to the media, etc. and they have never done shit about it really so why start now? They always chalked it up to "immaturity". To me, Orton has gotten a little stale since becoming a face because he is less dangerous and the contorting and convulsing he does during is matches are ridiculous. As far as a Lesnar feud, I wouldnt mind it so much but I think Brock needs something a little higher profile than a program with Orton who isn't as high a commodity as before at least to me. I know others say he is the #2 guy but I dont feel that way. Brock needs a program with either Punk or Cena as much as it pains me to say the latter. I just dont like him as a face as much because when he was a heel he had that unpredictability and also he had the capability to do the most horrible vile shit to people and it was expected. Now he is a watered down version of that character who just talks a big game.
I just think they will get as much out of Lesnar's time as they can and going against Orton doesn't seem as flashy. But then again why just have Lesnar beat down Cena just to say he took out the top guy when The Rock JUST did it?

Hopefully this is working into something bigger than that because if I have to sit through another year of Cena talking shit to the Titantron I'll lose interest fast

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