Legitimate Wrestler Fights

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
(Credit: The Armpit & Dailywrestling.com)

Shawn Michaels & Davey Boy Smith & X-Pac vs. Some Thugs from a Bar in Syracuse, 1996

We all know this one. As the story goes, Shawn got a little too flirty with a female who was dating one of the military thugs at the bar. Once outside, the thugs jumped Michaels and beat him silly. Big ol’ Bulldog and small (but feisty) X-Pac jumped out of the car to help out Shawn until the thugs ran away. A battered and bruised Michaels appeared on Raw shortly thereafter and the announcers acknowledged the legit beating. WINNER: Thugs, and all Canadian fans who hate Shawn.

Shawn Michaels vs. Ron & Don Harris, 1996

I think this happened right before the Syracuse incident. The Harris twins were on their way out of the WWF, and decided to shake a little fear into HBK in the locker room before they left. If they really wanted to scare Shawn, they should’ve threatened him with tapes of their matches in WCW in ’99. WINNER: WWF fans, who didn’t have to watch the Harris twins wrestle anymore. And the Canadians again.

Eddy Guerrero vs. Road Warrior Hawk, 199?

Heard about this one while listening to “Wrestling Observer Live.” Dave and Bryan were discussing the Hawk-Savage incident and brought up this fight. I suspect it happened in Japan. Meltzer said, “How could anybody beat up Eddy Guerrero? He’s like the nicest guy.” WINNER: Hawk, but he came off as such an arrogant bully.

Randy Savage vs. Road Warrior Hawk

Backstage at a New Japan show back in 1996, words were exchanged between the two men (not sure about what) but it ended up with a fight where Hawk hit Savage with a right hook and knocked him out. Heat obviously still existed between the two because they had another confrontation three years later in the United States backstage at a Kid Rock concert at the Sun Dome in Tampa, Fl. Hawk saw Savage coming in his direction so he put his hand out (probably just out of respect) but Savage immediately threw a sucker punch that staggered Hawk. Hawk's wife was then attacked by Savage's then girlfriend Stephanie Bellars (Gorgeous George) and another female leaving her badly beaten. Hawk claimed that he would take legal action against the two women for attacking his wife but not against Savage since fights amongst wrestlers are usually kept away from the law. However, no action was ever taken. WINNER: Whoever got to see this Jerry Springer-like free-for-all lucked out big-time. (thanks to Rob Harvey and TPPW.net)

Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels, 1997

Tension had been brewing between these 2 for months. They had a shouting match in the locker room and Michaels just had to yell out, “What are you gonna do about it?” Bret punched him, they rolled on the floor, and Bret left with a clump of Shawn’s hair in his hand. WINNER: Shawn Michaels, for laying the foundation for the upcoming double-cross plot.

Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon in Montreal, 1997

What did Vince expect? After the infamous double-cross at Survivor Series, Vince approached Bret and got a handful of knuckles. A groggy Vince is seen walking out of the room in the movie, “Wrestling with Shadows.” WINNERS: A&E, some documentary filmmakers, Bret Hart, and bookers who plan to use this finish for centuries to come.

Nasty Boys vs. Ken Shamrock

This was quite a few years ago, before Shamrock was a UFC star. They really roughed him up in a 2-on-1 hotel room brawl. I heard Ken was thrown right through the hotel room window! Rumor has it that a few years ago when Shamrock was in the WWF, Rock and Shamrock were walking through an airport. One of the Nasty's was walking around and Shamrock spotted him. Story has it that Shamrock immediately went into the "zone" and Rock had to really calm him down, before all Hell broke loose. WINNERS: Nasty Boys, although it wasn’t a fair fight. (thanks to Matt Mazany) UPDATE: Mike Mooneyham of the Charleston Post and Courier interviewed Ken Shamrock for his latest column. He recalls a funny story regarding The Nasty Boys (Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs) many years ago in Charlotte where he claims they blindsided him at a hotel following a night club argument. "I was sitting with a friend and his fiance, and one of the Nasty Boys reached over and made an inappropriate gesture. They did it again. My friend was getting upset, but he was a small guy and what was he going to do? They disappeared, but I didn't let it lie because I thought that was just totally punkish of them. I knew where they were staying, so I went after them at their hotel. I had a few choice words and told them they had a lot of nerve. Rumor has it that I got clubbed from behind with a steel phone, and then they put the boots to me." That was the last he saw of them until a chance airport meeting while working for the WWF years later: "You talk about the biggest wimps you have ever seen... Knobbs ran when he saw me. The other one (Saggs) thought he'd be funny and walked up next to me at the counter. I was with Billy Gunn, and everyone knew the story because they bragged about how they beat me up. I looked at Saggs and said, 'You know what? I'm going to kill you.' He looked at me and said, 'Chill out, man, that was a long time ago.' I said, for you it was, but it feels like it just happened and I haven't forgotten about it." Shamrock says that Gunn pulled him away but he eventually caught up with Saggs: "I jumped up, pulled him around and told him I was going to knock him out right there. He turned his shoulders away from me, and said, 'If you hit me, it's a felony offense.' At that point and time all the anger left my body. He was totally sickening. But all the boys saw it. All the bragging about how he whipped my ass once... It was kind of satisfying at that point. I think I got the last laugh." (this came straight from Mike Aldren's W365 newsletter, thanks to Josh White)

Kevin Nash vs. Roddy Piper, 1997

On the very same night that Michaels and Hart were fighting backstage at Raw, Piper and Nash were doing some of the same at Nitro. After a match that ended up being a complete mess between Scott Hall & Nash against Piper & Ric Flair, Nash stormed backstage, booted Piper's dressing room door open and leveled Piper with a punch to the head before the pair were pulled apart by various backstage personnel. Nash went unpunished (which became the theme for WCW later) and nothing further came of the fight. WINNER: Nash, but he picked on someone half his size. (thanks to Rob Harvey and TPPW.net)

Buff Bagwell vs. Ernest Miller

Bagwell's parody leading up to Road Wild of Miller didn't go down too well. Right before the live PPV match, Miller approached him about it. Bagwell slapped him. Miller immediately responded with two punches, and Bagwell fell, cutting his elbow badly. Bagwell backed off before more damage could be done, and the match went ahead as planned. Bagwell won, and neither man was disciplined. WINNER: Miller. How many times you think he has bragged about this one? (thanks to HB2KBuzzsaw)

Kevin Nash & Scott Hall vs. a Bunch of Stupid, Drunk Kids, Spring Break Nitro, 1997

Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Syxx (Sean Waltman) were guests on stage as a part of MTV's annual spring break coverage. The three were there to punish losers of a talent contest I think and to build up the annual Panama City Nitro that Monday. Anyway a drunk guy in the crowd was causing trouble and threw something at the stage. The NWO guys asked security to get a grip on the rowdy crowd, but were blown off. When the guy threw something else the NWO guys astonished their MTV hosts by leaping off the stage, grabbing the guy themselves, and turning him over to security. They then threatened to walk out if security didn't get the crowd under better control. MTV usually shows the footage annually as a "wildest ever moment" while building up spring break coverage. (thanks to Tamalie, wrestlingclassics.com, & the Meatball)

William Regal vs. Bill Goldberg, 1998

Regal had the moment with Goldberg where he did a little unscheduled mat wrestling. I think the only reason why this is considered, is because Goldberg didn't know what was going on. Regal could lead a dead man through a believable sequence, and I believe that is what he was trying to do. But Goldberg flopped around, and ended up looking like an idiot. I remember watching this live on Nitro, and didn't know about it, but it sure looked like something was wrong. (thanks to Chris & codytheimpaler.com)

Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, 1998

Austin, McMahon, Undertaker and Michaels were in a meeting with other officials planning the WWE's strategy going forward. Apparently, leading up to WMXIV, the idea was for HBK to drop the strap to Austin, which HBK initially rejected. At this point Undertaker began to tape his fists methodically. The Deadman told HBK that it was advisable that he, HBK, change his mind about doing the job by the time that he, Undertaker, finished taping his fists or he will MAKE HBK change his mind the hard way. WINNER: WWE and WWE fans because Austin went on to become one of the biggest stars in wrestling history during the Attitude era. (thanks to Geoffrey Joseph)

JBL vs. Steve Blackman, 1999

WWF was in between shows at the local airport, and the wrestlers were waiting by the baggage collection bay and Bradshaw decided to dick about trying to push Blackman onto the moving luggage belt. Blackman turned around unflustered and planted a crescent kick flush on Bradshaw's jaw, knocking him clean out, picked up his bag and walked on. Both shook hands when it was done. UPDATE: a reader saw an interview with the Blue Meanie which says Bradshaw was pissing Blackman off, calling him allsorts of stuff. Blackman just turned around and hit him in the face and body a dozen times then went to finish him off with a kick but got his foot caught in a luggage bag. This gave the guys watching a chance to separate the two. Bradshaw apologized straight after. If only other legit tough guys would do the same to Mr Layfield. (thanks to Steven, Chris, and John)

The only one I've never heard of is Eddie and Hawk. Does anyone know of any other's beside's Batista/Booker.

I rmemeber Angle and Eddie had one a few year's ago. I think Angle just restrained him by putting him in a chin lock.

And the same year I heard Eddie & Charlie Haas got in an altercation. Dont know if it was a fight though.

Chavo Guerrero started a fight with Big Show. Apparently he was speaking out because Big Show got pushed because of his size, and he's a lazy bastard. And he was pissed that all the hard working cruiserweight's are buried. I think Big Show just threw him across a room.
one that i didnt see on your list was i believe Arn Anderson vs. Sid Vicious, in the late 80s/early 90s...i dont remember the details, but somebody got stabbed
Arn Sid in a knife fight, that is pricelsee. Jake as always, what a kick ass thread. I was completly unaware of the Undertaker HBK thing. Shawn has the stroke, but the Taker had survived the Kliq bullshit before, and he asserted himself as the franchise in that meeting.

Could the Edge/Hardy match at summerslam 05 be considered a somewhat fight, since they were allowed to go stiff on each other in that match?
Sid and Brian Pillman.

In 1991 Brian Pillman who was in WCW and Sid who was in the WWF were in the same town and met at a bar for a couple of drinks. The two ending up getting into a minor fight though iwith Pillman coming out the winner. Sid left the bar and returned later on with a squeegee (window cleaning tool) as a weapon. The whole bar laughed their asses off at Sid as did wrestling fans when they heard of it.
(Credit: The Armpit & Dailywrestling.com)

Shawn Michaels & Davey Boy Smith & X-Pac vs. Some Thugs from a Bar in Syracuse, 1996

We all know this one. As the story goes, Shawn got a little too flirty with a female who was dating one of the military thugs at the bar. Once outside, the thugs jumped Michaels and beat him silly. Big ol’ Bulldog and small (but feisty) X-Pac jumped out of the car to help out Shawn until the thugs ran away. A battered and bruised Michaels appeared on Raw shortly thereafter and the announcers acknowledged the legit beating. WINNER: Thugs, and all Canadian fans who hate Shawn.

The "Thugs" were actually a group of U.S. Marines, and, rumor has it, that they HBK started the whole thing by not only messing with one of their ladies but by being a total ass the the guys then slapping one of them. The Marines then proceeded to do what Marines do best, beat the hell of out things. And FYI no Marine would ever "run away."
Batista vs. Booker T at that promo shoot. I dont remember the full story but i'm pretty sure Booker T kicked Batista's ass.
There was also the incident in 2003 I believe between Chris Jericho and Goldberg in which Jericho wrestled Goldberg to the ground and beat him.

According to Bret Hart's website Jericho asked Goldberg if they could talk in private, presumably over some past heat between the two (which has been documented over the years). Goldberg got pissed and started choking Chris Jericho. Jericho then wrestled Goldberg down to the floor and put him in a front face-lock, which is one of the most devastating moves a real wrestler could use on someone.

I didn't just get this from Bret's website as I do remember reading about this fight years ago on the net. And I believe even read somewhere Jericho addressing the situation on an interview somewhere, although supposedly there is no longer heat between the two and their differences have been settled.

And I also read about an incident back in the early 60's where Buddy Rogers was cornered in the dressing room by Dr. Bill Miller and another wrestler from that time and they ended up breaking his hand or wrist or something like that when Buddy tried to escape and got his hand shut in the door.

And wasn't there an incident between Curt Hennig and Brock Lesnar back in 2002 on the "Plane Ride From Hell," which resulted in Curt being fired?

That's all I can think of for now that hasn't been mentioned.

The "Thugs" were actually a group of U.S. Marines, and, rumor has it, that they HBK started the whole thing by not only messing with one of their ladies but by being a total ass the the guys then slapping one of them. The Marines then proceeded to do what Marines do best, beat the hell of out things. And FYI no Marine would ever "run away."

Actually that rumor is completely wrong. Shawn was drunk so he went into the car, and on the way there, he got his ass beat by so-called ''Marines''. By The Way, on that other HBK rumor, Both Shawn and 'Taker have denied that it has ever happened.
What about the rumor of Andre beating up the four guys in a bar and flipping over their car? I think that that was on his A&E biography.

Goldberg and Triple H's confrontation at the toy fair. Nothing much came of it though.

Forgot all about Big Dave Dudd getting his ass handed to him last year by Mick Foley.

lets see, Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan anyone? Benoit is great, lets steal my bookers wife, and see if i can get a push then, haha. Long Live Chris Benoit.
Uh oh watch out for big bad marine man Emrii. Anybody will run away in a fight if they don't think they can win, including marines, the dumb sons of bitches that they are.

What about JBL and Blue Meanie back at ECW ONS? I remember reading about that one and watching the footage, and damn Meanie got the shit beat out of him when they all brawled in the ring. If you watch JBL doesn't even pretend to go after anyone else, he just walks straight up to Blue Meanie and knocks him out. Dude was real bloody afterwards. Of course WWE went with JBL over Meanie.

Also, not sure if this counts, but what about the infamous Bruiser Brody incident where he was stabbed to death backstage at a show in Puerto Rico? Truly a sad moment in wrestling history.
What about the rumor of Andre beating up the four guys in a bar and flipping over their car? I think that that was on his A&E biography.

Goldberg and Triple H's confrontation at the toy fair. Nothing much came of it though.

Forgot all about Big Dave Dudd getting his ass handed to him last year by Mick Foley.

lets see, Chris Benoit vs. Kevin Sullivan anyone? Benoit is great, lets steal my bookers wife, and see if i can get a push then, haha. Long Live Chris Benoit.

Could you elaboarate further on the Mick Foley situation from last year? I don't recall hearing about that.

And good call on Benoit/Kevin Sullivan. I completely forgot about that one.

has undertaker or kane ever gotten into an actual fight(not with each other)?

To the best of my knowledge, I don't think either one of them has ever been in a fight with another wrestler. I don't think anyone has been stupid enough to try to cross either one of them (especially Taker).

As far as incidents with the Undertaker goes, the only situations I can recall hearing about were the rumors of Taker threatening HBK into jobbing to Austin, which both have denied to this day, and the situation a while back where Matt Hardy got into it with Taker.

If I remember right Taker wasn't real happy with the way Matt performed in a Battle Royal or something and Taker got into it with him backstage over it. Or something like that. I don't remember the details too well. I just know they got into it verbally. But didn't actually fight of course.

If someone could elaborate further into that situation with Taker/Matt Hardy that would splendid.

Oh man I just remembered the Benoit and Sullivan thing, god that was so surreal and weird! lol, okay let's book a storyline where this guy steals my wife. Okay, now this guy really has stolen my wife in real life, so let's continue the feud anyways! This ought to be fun!

rofl. Well hey, atleast they fought over someone worthwhile, Woman. I didn't even realize she was Benoit's wife until I did some research. Lucky man, I always found her to be ridiculiously attractive when she used to accompany Sandman to the ring in his ECW days.
I'm sorry, it was Big Dave Dudd gettin his ass handed to him by Booker T in the locker room. Something about Dave Dudd saying that Booker was no good, and Booker T pretty much had enough of Big Dave Dudd bashing WCW, and he laid his ass out in the locker room.

XFear nailed the Benoit Sullivan Angle. Truly awesome. Benoit steels the angry Garden Gnomes wife, which was supposed to be an angle. Art imitating life, or Life imatating Art, you decide.

No one on gods green earth will touch the Undertaker backstage. Howard Stern has had a couple Taker stories on. One were Jenna Jameson said he was the one person that she was afraid of. I guess he went into a strip club were she was, and she was his bitch for the evening, and no one complained. I think its actually in her book too.

And of course Angle has said the story of him kinda making fun of wrestling in a match with taker, some sort of line with "What's with all the Circus crap" when taker was coaching him in a match. The next thing you know, Taker goes stiff on him and lays Angle out. Needless to say, Angle and Taker have gotten along just fine since then.

Honestly, why they hell would anyone screw with the Undertaker?
If it were me,I'd do the job for whoever Taker told me to.
in response to dd22wwefan1 about taker and matt hardy, i think it was when randy orton won at survivor series for smackdown against raw 2 years ago, all the smackdown stars came out to celebrate then taker came back went into the ring and cleaned house, hardy was supposed to get chokeslamed but bailed out of the ring straight away. This pissed off taker.
What about the Orndorff/Vader fight back in WcW. Which happened right before the first Nitro which got Vader booted out of WcW and Luger replaced Vader on Hogans team against DoD in Wargames.
Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page, 2001

This was due to Kimberly Page finding an illegal substance in a locker room, then telling management that it belonged to Tammy Sytch (Sunny). Management confronted Tammy and she flat out denied it and offered to take a piss test. She passed. Scott Steiner found out and chased Kimberly out of the building and she never appeared on TV again. DDP tried starting something at the next taping where Scott shooted on TV, and that is what lead to the fight where DDP got his ass handed to him. (thanks to Dazraven) WINNER: Steiner.

Curt Hennig vs. Brock Lesnar, 2002

On the "Plane flight from Hell" from the 2002 European tour, Curt was loaded up on booze and challenged Brock to take him down. Brock, new to the industry, didn't know what to make of it. Heyman reportedly told him if he doesn't do anything about it now, he'll never live it down. So Brock did take his ass down, and nearly burst a hole through the plane in the process. Hennig lost his job over his behavior on this flight. WINNER: Lesnar.

Rene Dupree vs. Bob Holly, 2004

During a house show hardcore tag match Holly gave some stiff shots to Dupree with a chair and ended up in confrontation. Dupree got a parking ticket using Holly's rental car in a different state and then made Holly fly out to deal with it. Holly, ass that he is, took it out on Dupree in the ring. Dupree bolted out of the ring and there was more that took place backstage. Holly was fined, but should've been fired. Thanks to Dupree's lack of popularity, Holly got the sentiment and kept his job.
Great thread!

I remember the Sid/Arn story quite well.

I don't think specific reasons for the fight ever really came out, other than the wrestlers were in England and were tired from all the travel. They got into a scuffle that was broken up, but they got into it again and Sid had scissors the second time.

Anderson had something like 20 plus stab wounds.

I remember watching a wrestling show where there was a huge cut out of scissors, one blade read Sid, the other, Arn. Good stuff.
(Credit: The Armpit & Dailywrestling.com)
Shawn Michaels & Davey Boy Smith & X-Pac vs. Some Thugs from a Bar in Syracuse, 1996

We all know this one. As the story goes, Shawn got a little too flirty with a female who was dating one of the military thugs at the bar. Once outside, the thugs jumped Michaels and beat him silly. Big ol’ Bulldog and small (but feisty) X-Pac jumped out of the car to help out Shawn until the thugs ran away. A battered and bruised Michaels appeared on Raw shortly thereafter and the announcers acknowledged the legit beating. WINNER: Thugs, and all Canadian fans who hate Shawn.

Actually, Jake, I have two wrestling books by other wrestling journalists that described the account of the situation differently. Basically, they summarized that the military boys beat the piss out of Shawn and there were enough of them to hold back Waltman and Smith entirely until they were done with Shawn. At first I thought this might be bunk, but then I just realized that Shawn was MAJORLY f**ked up on Raw afterwards. They didn't get stopped during the middle of it. They dropped a raspberry on his grill that was fully furnished and they had all the time in the world to do it. I also recall that there were like eight of them, too. Regardless of how tough you might be, those kind of numbers suck...especially when you have the 1-2-3 Kid on your side.
Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels, 1997

Tension had been brewing between these 2 for months. They had a shouting match in the locker room and Michaels just had to yell out, “What are you gonna do about it?” Bret punched him, they rolled on the floor, and Bret left with a clump of Shawn’s hair in his hand. WINNER: Shawn Michaels, for laying the foundation for the upcoming double-cross plot.
Coming straight from a former job worker in the WWF in the nineties (a friend of mine) he stated that the scuffle was over Michaels informing Julie Hart that ol' Bretski was boffing Sunny. Now, at first, I called bull$hit on this little tidbit until I stumbled across a news snippet on WZ a year or so back in which a very inebriated Sunny made a scene at a wrestling convention and had to be escorted away from Hart's table. While she was being taken away by security, she happened to blurt out "I was the best p**sy you ever had!" I also remembered seeing a small segment on Hart's documentary where he talked about Sunny and was pretty adamant that they were "just friends" but that she was very flirtatious. My amigo also informed me that the rib after the event was that everyone kept calling Shawn "Boykind" because of the hair liberation.

Regardless of what happened, I do think that it was something more than just a basic case of rivalry syndrome that developed between these two. I mean, why else would Shawn and Bret HATE each other so much?
Scott Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page, 2001

"This was due to Kimberly Page finding an illegal substance in a locker room, then telling management that it belonged to Tammy Sytch (Sunny). Management confronted Tammy and she flat out denied it and offered to take a piss test. She passed. Scott Steiner found out and chased Kimberly out of the building and she never appeared on TV again. DDP tried starting something at the next taping where Scott shooted on TV, and that is what lead to the fight where DDP got his ass handed to him. (thanks to Dazraven) WINNER: Steiner."

This is also talked about in "Death of WCW"
noone has mentioned the Kurt Angle-Daniel Puder incident. Puder was an MMA competitor then tried out in the Tough Enough Contest and Angle was there to deliver a prize to the winner of a Squat Thrust competition and some guy won it. the prize was to have a match with Angle for his Gold Medal and the guy lost. then he asked if anyone else wanted to do it and Puder raised his hand and Angle managed to get a takedown on him and then Puder went against the booking and put him in a very painful hammerlock variation. the officials broke it up but if they didnt then Angle probably would have tapped on national TV....Winner: Daniel Puder for almost getting Angle to tap to a legitimate hold

I also read somewhere that Taker stiffed a punch to Angle in their No Way Out match cause he hadnt heard of a band that Taker really likes. i think the reason is bull but Taker did stiff him.

I think in one of the episodes of Raw after Lita betrayed him, Matt Hardy came out and hit edge a couple of times. He got fired and the next day he took pictures of his hands which were bruised and a couple of bruises on his face so it seems Edge hit him back.
I don't know how many of you realize this, but during the HHH/Booker Feud 2 or so years ago, Booker stiffed Trips quite a bit in their matches. Of course, with HHH's creative freedom, what with being a McMahon-in-law, he came very close to the line of calling Book a n******, and reports from several sites said Booker took exceotion and stiffed HHH, who responded in kind.
there was a verbal fued between road warrior animal and ahmed johnson.
animal said ahmed stole a set of lod spikes when he was rollin around withthem back in the day. ahmed said hawk gave them to him as a gift, but he gave it to a wrestling museum after hawk passed away.

i would think theres alot of fights/arguments that go on in the dressing room, i remember hearing of raymond rougeau(the mounties old tag partner) beating up somebody, and raymond looked like the nicest person you could meet :S

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