Legends' role on this Monday's Raw


Occasional Pre-Show
I don't know about you guys but I'm really excited about the big name legends appearing on this Monday's raw. What kind of role do you see them playing? Here are two things that need to happen.

1 NWO segment- The NWO is the greatest wrestling stable in pro wrestling history so they need their own segment. I don't see these 3 having another match so it doesn't need to be a huge segment. I think the best thing would be the NWO to make fun of the new day. They could get the fans to laugh at the new day or something like that.

2 Shave Ric Flair's head- This could be something else the NWO could do. The NWO could call out Flair so Hogan could shake his hand in front of the live crowd but when Hogan sticks out his hand Nash and Hall could sucker punch Flair from behind. They could then call out Brutus Beefcake and shave Flair's head right in the ring LOL! If the NWO is going to make fun of the new day maybe Piper or somebody could shave Flair's head as long as it happens.
I'm not looking forward this and will be working anyway. I'm going to DVR the show and probably fast forward through their segments. Never was a fan of NWO and that's about the time I took an extended break from wrestling, that's how much I'm interested.

Was hoping since the is the go home RAW before the Rumble they would have taken this chance to really promote it. That's why I'm looking forward too.
So you want the NWO to basically kill off a new faction and humiliate a legend? Ummm...why? What purpose would that serve?

If anyone is going to humiliate Flair, it should be The Authority as they are actually the current top heel faction.....and they would have reason to do so as Flair turned on them and sided with the Shield last spring.

And the New Day doesn't need to be killed off already. They need a heel turn.
I'm not looking forward this and will be working anyway. I'm going to DVR the show and probably fast forward through their segments. Never was a fan of NWO and that's about the time I took an extended break from wrestling, that's how much I'm interested.

Was hoping since the is the go home RAW before the Rumble they would have taken this chance to really promote it. That's why I'm looking forward too.

So you're not a fan of the NWO? Your loss. Typically Mondays aren't a busy day at Burger King so I'm sure you could get off early so you could see the three men that laid the foundation for what you're watching today. I will tell you this.....if Roman Reigns had one ounce of he NWO's charisma he wouldn't be the total bore he is and forever will be.
So you're not a fan of the NWO? Your loss. Typically Mondays aren't a busy day at Burger King so I'm sure you could get off early so you could see the three men that laid the foundation for what you're watching today. I will tell you this.....if Roman Reigns had one ounce of he NWO's charisma he wouldn't be the total bore he is and forever will be.

Oh funny guy eh? So because I'm not a fan of the group you idolize that makes me a lesser human being. No I don't give a shit about the NWO, never did and won't start now. Just because something is put on my TV screen doesn't mean I have to like it, and I usually turn the channel when I don't.

When the Monday night wars were heating up I already had been watching wrestling for years and never really watched WCW. Sometimes real life takes over and is a little more important. As for laying the foundation, good for them, and I appreciate it, doesn't mean I watched them then or will now.
So you're not a fan of the NWO? Your loss. Typically Mondays aren't a busy day at Burger King so I'm sure you could get off early so you could see the three men that laid the foundation for what you're watching today. I will tell you this.....if Roman Reigns had one ounce of he NWO's charisma he wouldn't be the total bore he is and forever will be.

I was a fan of the NWO back in the day.....and I don't want to see them on Raw now. Why in the hell do I want to watch three guys who can barely move without tearing something limp around the ring as a shell of their former selves? For some nostalgia kick? I can get that by watching old episodes of Nitro. Seeing them now would just be sad ffs.
So you want the NWO to basically kill off a new faction and humiliate a legend? Ummm...why? What purpose would that serve?

If anyone is going to humiliate Flair, it should be The Authority as they are actually the current top heel faction.....and they would have reason to do so as Flair turned on them and sided with the Shield last spring.

And the New Day doesn't need to be killed off already. They need a heel turn.

I wouldn't call flair a legend. I met Bret Hart at a book signing one time and he told me flair was a routine man doing the same thing over and over every night. He told me flair was not a legend and I agreed with him. As for the new day who cares? They're a comedy stable and since the NWO is cool they can play off them well.
I have been thinking of ways on how to bring back Ziggler, Ryback and Roman. One way was with the NWO. The orignal 3 come out and do there thing. Only to have new members. The three that are fired envade WWE with NWO. Not sure if i like it or not but it could work if done right. Maybe add more members than just the 3 to give it more star power.
I think it would be cool if they had the nWo have a confrontation with The Authority. It is well known that Triple H is friends with Hall and Nash is was part of The Kliq. The Big Show is a former member of the nWo faction when it was at his peak.
I'm looking forward o this Monday on Raw and I'm glad they are having some of the the top stars of the 90s and The Monday Night Wars appear. It will probably be better than the "Old School" Raw we have these past few years where we see the same guys like Hacksaw, Slaughter and Piper yet again :banghead:
Hogan, Nash, Hall, Syxx PAC, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Shawn Michaels and Triple H will all be on RAW this week. This indicates that we'll get treated to the first ever NWO meets DX moment. This should be one for the ages as it is wrestling history! It doesn't matter that these guys are old and washed up. What matters is that our legends are being honoured and an old storyline gets to be brought full circle. What's really cool is there may be a few other things going on. Big Show (former NWO) will be there. Brock Lesnar and/or Heyman. Vince might walk out. Hogan will be there to tell us he's inducting fellow NWOite Savage to HOF at WM. He may even call out Stone Cold for one last match. Authority, NWO and DX (who knows Evolution and Horsemen might show up too). But they all have one thing in common. They abuse their power to get an unfair advantage over guys like Cena, Bryan etc. And that is the thing The Authority plans to do during the Rumble and heading into Wrestlemania.

No one seems to be seeing the buildup for STING to show up and confront the ring full of NWO-like heels. Just he did during his prime building up for WCWs Wrestlemania: Starcade 97. And wouldn't it be something if Taker showed up alongside Sting! One thing is for sure. With all the legends, Mondays Raw will have it's highest ratings since Bret Hart's 2010 WWE return! I can't freaking wait!!

One more thing. I noticed a poster here claim he was a 'big' fan of the NWO back in their day. But he doesn't want to see them appear on Raw? LOL that would be like being a real big fan of the Beatles but not wanting to ever see them reunite for a special occasion. These so -called wrestling fans who don't like the NWO. They remind me of Katy Perry fans who think Hendrix was overrated. I can't fathom any true wrestling fan disliking the NWO UNLESS they happened to be anti-WCW during or after the Monday night wars. NWO was not only the greatest faction of all time, it was responsible for the hands down greatest storyline in wrestling history. A lot of entrenched WWF-only fans (who refused to recognize WCW as superior programming) felt and still feel threatened by the revolutionary faction and it's alumni. Hogan and company stole WWF's audience and revolutionized the business with amazing TV (a concept today's smarks can't even fathom). The NWO represents to loyal WWE leaning fans what Hitler represented to those loyal to the Allied Powers in WW2. My point. Those acting indifferent of the NWO on here have been programmed to. Their loyalty is to the WWE brand and refuse to legitimize or celebrate the group , as programmed, because it wasn't a McMahon creation.
Hogan, Nash, Hall, Syxx PAC, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Shawn Michaels and Triple H will all be on RAW this week. This indicates that we'll get treated to the first ever NWO meets DX moment. This should be one for the ages as it is wrestling history! It doesn't matter that these guys are old and washed up. What matters is that our legends are being honoured and an old storyline gets to be brought full circle. What's really cool is there may be a few other things going on. Big Show (former NWO) will be there. Brock Lesnar and/or Heyman. Vince might walk out. Hogan will be there to tell us he's inducting fellow NWOite Savage to HOF at WM. He may even call out Stone Cold for one last match. Authority, NWO and DX (who knows Evolution and Horsemen might show up too). But they all have one thing in common. They abuse their power to get an unfair advantage over guys like Cena, Bryan etc. And that is the thing The Authority plans to do during the Rumble and heading into Wrestlemania.

No one seems to be seeing the buildup for STING to show up and confront the ring full of NWO-like heels. Just he did during his prime building up for WCWs Wrestlemania: Starcade 97. And wouldn't it be something if Taker showed up alongside Sting! One thing is for sure. With all the legends, Mondays Raw will have it's highest ratings since Bret Hart's 2010 WWE return! I can't freaking wait!!

One more thing. I noticed a poster here claim he was a 'big' fan of the NWO back in their day. But he doesn't want to see them appear on Raw? LOL that would be like being a real big fan of the Beatles but not wanting to ever see them reunite for a special occasion. These so -called wrestling fans who don't like the NWO. They remind me of Katy Perry fans who think Hendrix was overrated. I can't fathom any true wrestling fan disliking the NWO UNLESS they happened to be anti-WCW during or after the Monday night wars. NWO was not only the greatest faction of all time, it was responsible for the hands down greatest storyline in wrestling history. A lot of entrenched WWF-only fans (who refused to recognize WCW as superior programming) felt and still feel threatened by the revolutionary faction and it's alumni. Hogan and company stole WWF's audience and revolutionized the business with amazing TV (a concept today's smarks can't even fathom). The NWO represents to loyal WWE leaning fans what Hitler represented to those loyal to the Allied Powers in WW2. My point. Those acting indifferent of the NWO on here have been programmed to. Their loyalty is to the WWE brand and refuse to legitimize or celebrate the group , as programmed, because it wasn't a McMahon creation.

Sorry Pal, but as much as I'm a fan of the Beatles I'd pass on a reunion that happens when Paul McCartney can barely croak out the lyrics. Not how I want to remember McCartney or the Beatles.

I really don't need to see Sylvester Stallone play Rocky when he's coming down to the ring with a walker and an oxygen feed.

There's a difference between being a big fan and being a seriously stupid fan boi.
Hogan, Nash, Hall, Syxx PAC, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Shawn Michaels and Triple H will all be on RAW this week. This indicates the first ever NWO meets DX moment. This should be one for the ages as it is wrestling history! It doesn't matter that these guys are old and washed up. What matters is that our legends are being honoured and an old storyline gets to be brought full circle. What's really cool is there may be a few other things going on. Big Show (former NWO) will be there. Brock Lesnar and/or Heyman. Vince might walk out. Hogan will be there to tell us he's inducting fellow NWOite Savage to HOF at WM. He may even call out Stone Cold for one last match. Authority, NWO and DX (who knows Evolution and Horsemen might show up too). But they all have one thing in common. They abuse their power to get an unfair advantage over guys like Cena, Bryan etc. And that is the thing The Authority plans to do during the Rumble and heading into Wrestlemania.

No one seems to be seeing the buildup for STING to show up and confront the ring full of NWO-like heels. Just he did during his prime building up for WCWs Wrestlemania: Starcade 97. And wouldn't it be something if Taker showed up alongside Sting! One thing is for sure. With all the legends, Mondays Raw will have it's highest ratings since Bret Hart returned! I can't freaking wait!!

One more thing. I noticed a poster here claim he was a 'big' fan of the NWO back in their day. But he doesn't want to see them appear on Raw? LOL that would be like being a real big fan of the Beatles but not wanting to ever see them reunite for a special occasion. These so -called wrestling fans who don't like the NWO. They remind me of Katy Perry fans who think Hendrix was overrated. I can't fathom any true wrestling fan disliking the NWO UNLESS they happened to be anti-WCW during or after the Monday night wars. NWO was not only the greatest faction of all time, it was responsible for the hands down greatest storyline in wrestling history. A lot of entrenched WWF-only fans (who refused to recognize WCW as superior programming and the new major leagues) felt and still feel threatened by the revolutionary faction and it's alumni. Hogan and company stole WWF's audience and revolutionized the business with amazing TV (a concept today's smarks can't even fathom). The NWO represents to loyal WWE leaning fans what Hitler represented to those loyal to the Allied Powers in WW2. My point. Those acting indifferent of the NWO on here have been programmed to. Their loyalty is to the WWE brand and refuse to legitimize or celebrate the group , as programmed, because it wasn't a McMahon creation.
Yeah but Whosnext you took what I said completely out of context. First off most of us could give two shits about the Beatles performing with Lennon and Harrison dead. Second, I never stated I wanted them back on stage performing as two of four in 2015. What I said was a big Beatles fan enjoys seeing McCartney and Ringo at the Grammys, hanging out with the Foo Fighters or doing interviews about the 60s. History and legends are to be celebrated. Not to be ignored by a largely ageist society full of cell phone zombies with no interest in history nor respect for their elders. NWO is returning for a 15 minute non-wrestling segment and sharing that segment with many other legends. Gives us a 15 minute break of the usual, pointless monotony. Fantastic! Maybe not for a seriously stupid fan though...
Yeah but Whosnext you took what I said completely out of context. First off I could give two shits about the Beatles performing with Lennon and Harrison dead. Second, I never stated I wanted them back on stage performing as two of four in 2015. NWO is returning for a 15 minute non-wrestling segment and sharing that segment with many other legends. Gives us a 15 minute break of the regular monotony. Fantastic! Maybe not for a seriously stupid fan though...

Here's a better idea: Instead of wasting limited airtime on the geriatric show ("Say hello to the Old Guy, Chico") how about using that time to have, you know, like an actual wrestling match between two ACTIVE competitors who aren't collecting Social Security?
Well...wrestling is always at it's best when history is being considered. I remember in WCW guys like Dusty and JJ Dillon and Larry Z got put in storylines with the younger guys to give the feuds more meaning. Dillon, the former heel manager of the Horsemen, was now ironically a face commish trying to contain the new rule breaking stable: theNWO. The history and meaning added to the storyline whether Dillon was old or not. Hall repeatedly called Out Larry as the old man. Now Hall is the old man. Wrestling history adds to the present. Older fans looking for a nostalgia fix need to be catered to once a while as well. The segment will build up the Rumble and get casual viewers a little more interested in the current storyline.
Well...wrestling is always at it's best when history is being considered. I remember in WCW guys like Dusty and JJ Dillon and Larry Z got put in storylines with the younger guys to give the feuds more meaning. Dillon, the former heel manager of the Horsemen, was a face commish trying to contain the NWO. The history and meaning added to the storyline whether Dillon was old or not. Hall repeatedly called Out Larry as the old man. Now Hall is the old man. Wrestling history adds to the present. Older fans looking for a nostalgia fix need to be catered to once a while as well. The segment will build up the Rumble and get old viewers mildly interested in the current storyline.

JJ Dillon was typically on air as the WCW commissioner for like 90 seconds max in a given episode.

Zbyszko got in the ring against both Hall and Bischoff which produced the worst matches on the PPVs. Both matches added nothing to the PPVs but an opportunity to go take a dump and grab a beer without missing anything. Every time I rewatch Starrcade '97 I fast-forward through Zbysko vs Bischoff. It was worthless filler.

Neither of them had anything resembling a big angle built around them like is being talked about in this thread.

The truth is, if the WWE has to resort to bringing back three geriatrics who can't do anything in the ring anymore working a big angle to generate interest in a PPV then they're truly doomed and may as well sell to Disney now and spare us the slow whimper of lingering death.
Well I don't say alot on here but when I do I get to the point.

1) I'm looking foward to Monday.

2) bigstudd 77 was it you seriously said ric flair was not a legend? 16 time world champ is not considered a legend? How many people have more championships than him?

3) Whos next. Why are you such a wrestling fan or on here posting if we're truley doomed and we are just waiting for them to sell to Disney and "spare us the slow whimper of lingering death?" If wrestling and posting is as bad as you say then you really need to find something more productive to do with your time.
I have been thinking of ways on how to bring back Ziggler, Ryback and Roman. One way was with the NWO. The orignal 3 come out and do there thing. Only to have new members. The three that are fired envade WWE with NWO. Not sure if i like it or not but it could work if done right. Maybe add more members than just the 3 to give it more star power.

Really like this idea. If done right it could be an awesome way to kick off the road to Wrestlemania. It could also give the Fastlane PPV some much needed hype, having matches for Ryback, Ziggler, and Rowan getting their jobs back.

Im actually excited for this Raw. I love seeing "legends" return, but only for a quick apperance (Ex: Ron Simmons)or to help add to feuds. All that said, I dont have much excitement towards seeing the NWO. I just don't see how they can reunite without making it feel all about them. Dont get me wrong seeing them together is going to be great, but its going to feel like a let down if nothing happens.
I don't want another segment like last time were we had a bunch of Legends, and all we got was Cena and lesnar "fighting" for 5 seconds.
It's just a segment. 15 minutes of time that would otherwise be boring talking time for Triple H and Steph. Except this time they'll be joined by all his old friends and new ones in Authority. It'll essentially be all the best ever heel stables and then an appearance by Sting. Sting has 6 appearances he's being paid for. Why not waste one appearance alongside his legendary peers? His arch enemy NWO ones who elevated him to superstar status..This segment should set up Rumble match, hint at Sting showing up in it, sell Bryan, set up Cena turn and most importantly set in motion Sting vs Triple H at Mania
3) Whos next. Why are you such a wrestling fan or on here posting if we're truley doomed and we are just waiting for them to sell to Disney and "spare us the slow whimper of lingering death?" If wrestling and posting is as bad as you say then you really need to find something more productive to do with your time.

Try reading the complete sentence:

"The truth is, if the WWE has to resort to bringing back three geriatrics who can't do anything in the ring anymore working a big angle to generate interest in a PPV then they're truly doomed and may as well sell to Disney now and spare us the slow whimper of lingering death."

The whole point is that they DON'T need to bring in three washed up guys who haven't been relevant fifteen years in order to generate interest in a PPV. Lack of interest in a PPV speaks more to laziness on the part of Creative than it does to the impossibility getting that interest. Once the WWE reaches a point where the AARP Brigade is the only way to stir up interest THEN it's time to pack it in.

The WWE isn't at that point. Unless, of course, you're far more pessimistic than I am over the state of wrestling in general and of the WWE specifically.
Try reading the complete sentence:

"The truth is, if the WWE has to resort to bringing back three geriatrics who can't do anything in the ring anymore working a big angle to generate interest in a PPV then they're truly doomed and may as well sell to Disney now and spare us the slow whimper of lingering death."

The whole point is that they DON'T need to bring in three washed up guys who haven't been relevant fifteen years in order to generate interest in a PPV. Lack of interest in a PPV speaks more to laziness on the part of Creative than it does to the impossibility getting that interest. Once the WWE reaches a point where the AARP Brigade is the only way to stir up interest THEN it's time to pack it in.

The WWE isn't at that point. Unless, of course, you're far more pessimistic than I am over the state of wrestling in general and of the WWE specifically.

I have no problem with the legends coming back if it makes sense.

Not in some scripted "Legends Raw" where you're doing it as a gimmick cause the regular product is miserable.

If they returned in a surprise manner it could be cool. If they returned to legitimately be some part of an angle (not sure how as they don't fight, but there's probably a way) then fine.

But a scheduled thing to parade them in front of people just to boost ratings is pathetic. It's the creative/writing team waving a white flag, essentially.

"Hey everyone, we know our stories are bad, the product is watered down and shows are boring. We're not sure what we are doing right now or how to fix it... so, here's another week for us to try and figure it out while you root for guys from your past who were involved in compelling television."
Well Senior World Order is reuniting again yaaaaaaaaawn! We saw them last time when all 3 were quivering in their shoes when Brock Lesner The Beat made his presence known as we saw Scott Hall hiding behind Jimmy Hart and Kevin Nash shaking in his shoes and grandpa Hogan was shaking as well as Flabby Flair! Now we are seeing them again with the addition of HBK there is no mention of X crap Road dogg and Billy Gunn!
I personally don t like the fact that they are being inducted again for the 3rd time and I think DDP or Ricky Steamboat should have that opportunity to induct Randy Macho Man Savage to the HOF not Grandpa Hogan since he likes to hog the spotlight a lot
I know Brock Lesner will be there this Monday night Raw to give them the F5 to all of them since the seniors were granted time to leave the seniors home and extend curfew hours
I don't know about you guys but I'm really excited about the big name legends appearing on this Monday's raw. What kind of role do you see them playing? Here are two things that need to happen.

1 NWO segment- The NWO is the greatest wrestling stable in pro wrestling history so they need their own segment. I don't see these 3 having another match so it doesn't need to be a huge segment. I think the best thing would be the NWO to make fun of the new day. They could get the fans to laugh at the new day or something like that.

2 Shave Ric Flair's head- This could be something else the NWO could do. The NWO could call out Flair so Hogan could shake his hand in front of the live crowd but when Hogan sticks out his hand Nash and Hall could sucker punch Flair from behind. They could then call out Brutus Beefcake and shave Flair's head right in the ring LOL! If the NWO is going to make fun of the new day maybe Piper or somebody could shave Flair's head as long as it happens.

I'm excited. I can't recall the last time Hogan, Nash, Hall, HBK, Flair, HHH, all been on the same show. 2002?

I don't see why they'd pick on The New Day, doesn't make sense since they're both good guys. I can see nWo having a segment with The Authority.

I couldn't see them shaving Flair's head. Flair is an asset. They could pick on somebody like Miz and Mizdow

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