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Legends of Wrestlemania special


Not Championship Material
I love the Legends of Wrestling roundtable discussions that have been added to the WWE Network. That being said, Legends of Wrestlemania was a horrible mockery of that format. Instead of 5 guys having honest discussions about the business, we get 5 guys trying to protect the kayfabe and have a discussion about the history of wrestlemania.

My question is Wouldn't this have been better as a post show so they didn't have to protect the card that is built or should they have done it during postWM week or just scrap it altogether?
I like the Legends of Wrestling shows too, and I thought it was going to be like that, but with if having a different name of Legends of Wrestlemania instead of "Wrestling". So I didn't really know what to expect with it.

But with that said, I liked it. They didn't cover anything that we didn't already know, but it as just a nice extra touch. I do hope they make some new Legends of Wrestling shows though, maybe with guys like Ultimate Warrior, Jake Roberts, Hall, Hogan, and others. Not sure but I think the last ones were made 3 years ago?
I am man enough to admit the whole Flair/HBK segment drew up a tear or 2.

There was a line at the end where the big announcer voice summed it all up;

"Ric Flair will never be just a man, he will always be The Man."
I was pretty disappointed because I thought it was going to be a classic Roundtable like Legends of Wrestling... But really it was just a bunch of recycled bullshit and Flair being his own biggest fan. I felt really bad for Foley having to sit through that shit, and if I had been him I probably would have bowed out halfway through it. They were constantly shitting on his ideas, and almost triple-teaming him.

Flair's "Your career was abnormal. There's nothing normal about rolling around in barbed wire and thumbtacks. Then you jumped off a 30 foot cage into a table. You overstayed your welcome, pal" comment was super spiteful, or at least that's how it came off..

JBL was basically repeating everything Flair said, it reminded me of the Alliance vs. WWE storyline where Heel Austin was repeating everything Vince said as he tried to rally the troops.
I hate to say it but having Ric Flair involved with just about anything anymore is gonna result in an awkward, annoying Ric Flair is better than anyone and everyone segment. Anymore all Ric does is shit on anyone that's not him, HBK, or Triple H, and it's pretty sickening. I still believe that Ric Flair was the greatest in-ring worker of the modern era, but him and Shawn and Triple H aren't the only good wrestlers to ever live.

While I enjoyed the Legends of Wrestlemania for what it was it paled in comparison to the original Legends of Wrestling roundtables. When I first heard that Michael Cole was hosting and the Ric Flair and JBL were gonna be a part of it, I knew it wasn't going to be near as good or nothing like the old roundtables which more honest and shoot-like. With Michael Cole at the helm, I knew this was gonna be a Vince-filled agenda type show with Ric only wanting to talk about himself. I would've liked to have seen Stone Cold, Mick Foley, and Jerry Lawler, or heck anyone else other than Flair.

And when Ric said that Mick overstayed his welcome that was one of the most insulting and hypocritical things I've ever heard on a wrestling program, or just anything in general. At least Foley only had about 3-4 more matches after he turned 40, and actually all of them were great matches (the Edge Wrestlemania match, the ECW 6 man tag team match, and the hardcore match with Flair at the 2006 Summerslam). Flair was still trying to wrestle at 60-65 years old. If anyone overstayed their welcome, it's Ric Flair.
Guys, you were all worked. Didnt it occur to anyone that the round table is scripted ? Do you really think, any of you really think, that a 'roundtable' hosted BY WWE on THEIR OWN NETWORK would be adlibbed, would be spontaneous, this is the same company that hire Hollywood script writers to write the promos wrestlers deliver on taped SmackDown, let alone live Raw's!

As for Flair, the last time he did anything like this he did speak honestly, about his career, comparisons between TNA & WWE, and his son's death. The media in attendance loved it, he was a mega hit with thought provoking and sometimes brutally honest answers. WWE however didnt like it because they wanted him to promote a video game, not engage in a career spanning Q&A. Forget the fact that most media in attendance found the whole scripted video game promotion useless & boring and were enthralled getting a chance to pick Flair's brain for awhile. WWE wanted scripted robots following patented scripts, one of the reasons more thought provoking individuals like Austin (who is a major Flair mark and immediately had him on his podcast afterwards) and Paul Heyman do such things rarely and usually say next to nothing when they do. With that in mind given how upset WWE was (despite the fact they got largely positive media out of it with articles being written about Flair's interview that did mention the video game) do you really think anyone here was unscripted ? Was this event even shown live or was it taped ??

It was clear when as the event went on Foley was in part playing the underdoi being bullied by Flair & JBL, at least a bit. And guess what, people are actually talking and debating this thing, buzzing about some retired guys talking about stuff that happened two decades ago in some instances.

There are very few real & genuine moments in wrestling, Flair has had a few like his Sept 98 return to Nitro or his Retirement on Raw, I think the Farewell segment HBK did was genuine, and I think most if not all of Brett Hart's return to Raw was genuine. Seriously though, there isnt much genuine or off script in a tightly run scripted entertainment program like WWE.

Foley worked every one of you and so did Flair & WWE is happy because fans are buzzing about a completely non newsworthy program featuring no active performers.
If you want to know about how scripted WWE is just look at the opening segment of W-Mainia 30 as Steve Austin, who just two years ago declined a invite to appear at the show because he wouldn't "play second fiddle" to Rock (who was wrestling Cena) not only shared a segment with him but actually kissed Hulk Hogan's butt after years of making fun of him and expressing his dislike for him over their time in WCW. Austin agreed to "follow the script" and be Hogan's buddy for one segment so WWE could have a family friendly "awww shucks" moment on their show.

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