Legacy Don't Have Any Attitude


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've been thinking of it since the legacy has been formed.Legacy has a gimmick of wrestlers that are 2nd or 3rd generation.But other than that Rhodes and Dibiase have no personality who always do whatever Orton tells them to do.People always talk about something is lacking in Legacy it's this they're just slaves of Orton.For example Ted Dibiase should be kind of a cocky heel who sees himself above everyone and so calls himself priceless.For Cody I think he should be someone who thinks that his father's and all of the other veteran's time has finished.He should be kinda man who disgraces his father and the other's from his father's generation.Yeah it's this simple and put them in some feud for US and tag team title.I think right now that's all lacking in Legacy they just seem to be someone who calls themselves future but wrestle and wear trunks from 70's and do whatever Orton says without judging.
I agree they seem to be mindless drones following the every command of Orton. That's not what makes a stable successful. In Evolution, Orton was getting credible time in the mid-card scene look what happened from there. I mean in every stable guys went after their own titles instead of just keeping the leader from holding or gaining his (unless you were a bag boy like the Disciple was for Hogan) even Chavo and Hawkins & Ryder won the ECW and Tag Titles respectively while they were a part of La Familia. In order to for them to be taken seriously, they have to get more face time on their own independent from Orton like that promo they had with Jericho this past Raw. You can still do all of that while helping Orton win.
Legacy is only lacking because they weren't built worth shit. They form and immediately get sent in to job to Old Man Flair. They couldn't even beat Shane-O-Mac, a dude who wrestles a match every 2 or 3 years. No one thought they could ever win, and so everyone didn't care once Trips starting getting triple teamed by Legacy. Trips would just fight out of it anyway. I don't think there was a single instance during which Legacy actually left a man on his face in the middle of the ring. Cena, maybe.

..And when your push is shit, your character can't grow past the "We're Orton's henchmen" point. Them being drones of Orton was fine for the first 3 months or so. But you start to wonder if there's anything to them but "I'm going to stand behind Orton and look really, really angry. Boy should you be glad I'm holding myself back!"

They're trying to recover from this shit though. They gave Dibiase a push from that awesome match with Orton. Hopefully they give Legacy a legit reign as tag champs, one where they completely stomp competition. After that they can rejoin Orton and start being a feud that actually works.
Did you not watch their backstage promo with Jericho on Raw? They ran into him as he was leaving and talked shit about both Jericho and Jericho's dad, a former NHL player. They don't really show their personality when they are around Orton, but when they are around opponents they have that "I'm better than you" attitude. They just haven't had a feud of their own yet to really show this cockiness.
Did you not watch their backstage promo with Jericho on Raw? They ran into him as he was leaving and talked shit about both Jericho and Jericho's dad, a former NHL player. They don't really show their personality when they are around Orton, but when they are around opponents they have that "I'm better than you" attitude. They just haven't had a feud of their own yet to really show this cockiness.

I think that's spot on right there. The problem is, when they are with Orton they are just that....nothing more and nothing less. However, on the rare occasion when Dibiase and Rhodes are permitted to branch out they appear quite capable of holding their own. Again, as has been mentioned they haven't really been allowed to enter into a feud of their own yet, even with this Jericho thing they have had very little opportunity to interact with him. So the problem is that Legacy is still very much centred around Orton but hopefully that will change if Dibiase and Rhodes are successful in their so called program with Jericho.
I hope Jericho beats them single-handedly, it's weird, after watching all that shit that Jericho was pulling it was still him I am rooting for over Legacy, either they are fantastic heels or I just reckon Jericho is better. I think it's because I reckon Jericho is better, at least people care enough to hate him. Also, despite the way he goes about there is still a large amount of likeability around Chris Jericho.

Legacy arent bad, but they are not good, in Evolution Orton looked like he'd succeed one day, Batista looked genuinely intimidating, Flair looked old. The lackeys had purpose in Evolution, in Legacy they are just there. None of this is Orton's fault, he's done a lot for these two, it's up to them to continue it and so far it dont look good.

-EDIT- THATS legacy's problem, they are just generic -EDIT-
They're main event jobbers,plain and simple.They get their asses kicked by Trips,try to beat up others 3 on 1,Cody jobs,Dibiase shows signs of potential(especially in that match with Orton),and that's it.
Legacy was going to be big.

When Rhodes turned on Holly last year to stick with Dibiase, they were supposed to be the best team in the WWE.

Then they lost their tag belts to Cena and Batista, and even though they won them back shortly after, it stopped their momentum.

Then came a forgetful ppv match against Cryme Tyme, they lose their titles to Punk and Kingston, and here we are now, with them as two mindless jellyfishes serving King Randy.

Although Dibiase will be world champion later on, I don't know about Cody. Sucks to be him.
I actually see the Legacy as the most believable stable because they realize that Orton is the star and they are unable to do certain things that he can on their own.

DiBiase is starting to come into his own with questioning Orton every now and then but eventually being influenced otherwise. He will eventually turn and take into his own and Cody will get another partner in Joe Henning.
hmm lets start with razorback teen ager again !! OMG can anyone take over you listen to others calling Legacy drones what the hell was EVOLUTION when HHH did his commands to attack everyone while HHH head the belt so flabby flair and Batista and Orton were not drones ehhhh really? Batista and Orton were drones to everything HHH stated and always carried his work for him!
Thats exactly what Orton is doing with Legacy dud they will win the titles this sunday its been said officially LEGACY is one of the best teams compared to Carlito and primo!!
And the promo was funny when Chris Jericho had a beef /altercation backstage with Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr perhaps CJ will end up joining his pal Edge in the hospital room lol that was hilarious but I see Randy Orton being CJ's partner and then giving the RKO on CJ and instructing Rhodes and Dibiase Jr to pin him there are your new champions !!!! HOw old are you Razorback or is it Nickelback?
hmm lets start with razorback teen ager again !! OMG can anyone take over you listen to others calling Legacy drones what the hell was EVOLUTION when HHH did his commands to attack everyone while HHH head the belt so flabby flair and Batista and Orton were not drones ehhhh really? Batista and Orton were drones to everything HHH stated and always carried his work for him!
Thats exactly what Orton is doing with Legacy dud they will win the titles this sunday its been said officially LEGACY is one of the best teams compared to Carlito and primo!!

I do agree with you when you stated that Orton and Batista were cronies for HHH, but at least they held gold while they did it. Orton was Intercontinental Champion, Batista held the tag titles, and when it was all said and done Evolution groomed two legit world champions.

With Legacy now a days, Rhodes and Dibiase can't even manage to win tag gold, let alone singles gold, correction, one of them will win gold in the future, but they can't right now in the present.
I do agree with you when you stated that Orton and Batista were cronies for HHH, but at least they held gold while they did it. Orton was Intercontinental Champion, Batista held the tag titles, and when it was all said and done Evolution groomed two legit world champions.

With Legacy now a days, Rhodes and Dibiase can't even manage to win tag gold, let alone singles gold, correction, one of them will win gold in the future, but they can't right now in the present.

With t he help of Randy Orton it can be done!!
Legacy is only lacking because they weren't built worth shit. They form and immediately get sent in to job to Old Man Flair They couldn't even beat Shane-O-Mac, a dude who wrestles a match every 2 or 3 years. No one thought they could ever win, and so everyone didn't care once Trips starting getting triple teamed by Legacy Trips would just fight out of it anyway. I don't think there was a single instance during which Legacy actually left a man on his face in the middle of the ring Cena, maybe.
I see you are missing periods and punctuations I forgot where the sentences start and begin here!!! Hey I guess picking on you is like much better when you picked on me !

Again Nickelback hmm lets start with razorback teen ager again !! OMG can anyone take over ?you listen to others calling Legacy drones what the hell was EVOLUTION when HHH did his commands to attack everyone while HHH head the belt so flabby flair and Batista and Orton were not drones ehhhh really? Batista and Orton were drones to everything HHH stated and always carried his work for him! You always bring in negativity feedback about every tag team that sucks or every wrestler that sucks
Legacy is a carbon copy of Evolution!!!
Thats exactly what Orton is doing with Legacy duh they will win the titles this sunday its been said officially LEGACY is one of the best teams compared to Carlito and primo and Cryme Dyme !!
And the promo was funny when Chris Jericho had a beef /altercation backstage with Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr perhaps CJ will end up joining his pal Edge in the hospital room lol that was hilarious but I see Randy Orton being CJ's partner and then giving the RKO on CJ and instructing Rhodes and Dibiase Jr to pin him there are your new champions on sunday ppv!!!! HOw old are you Nickelback?

..And when your push is shit, your character can't grow past the "We're Orton's henchmen" point Them being drones of Orton was fine for the first 3 months or so But you start to wonder if there's anything to them but "I'm going to stand behind Orton and look really, really angry. Boy should you be glad I'm holding myself back!" What was Evolution again let's see they were HHH's henchmen and drones ??? No periods again on your paragraphs or are they commas?

They're trying to recover from this shit though They gave Dibiase a push from that awesome match with Orton Hopefully they give Legacy a legit reign as tag champs, one where they completely stomp competition. After that they can rejoin Orton and start being a feud that actually works.
It was a push like they did with Evolution testing each other's strength and skills and so on to see if they are unbeatable but Dibiase Jr has it and so does Cody Rhodes towin the tag titles when originally they were supposed to beat Carlito and Primo before they stuck in the oldies like Edge didn t have a title already??? Or Chris Jerkiko whining and complaining when he just lost his IC Title to Rey Mysterio Jr that same ppv! Add periods and commas where you leave a gap!!
My problem with Legacy is that they are lackeys for Randy Orton, Legacy is basically “Team Orton.” It is trying to be what Team Angle was, but something Team Angle did, was get Hass & Benjamin over to an extent, yet, all people see Rhodes & Dibiase as is jobbers to Orton latest rival. Everyone thought this would be Evolution or Horsemen, but once they didn't add an enforcer type wrestler, the group became Orton “putty patrol”

To fix the problem they need to do two things, one get an enforcer to be Randy's fall guy, as Rhodes and & Dibiase don't have that enforcer look. Two, put Rhodes & Dibiase away from Orton in storylines, have them feud with a team or guy by themselves and cut their own promo.

This is what WWE did with Orton as he broke away & had his own feuds as a member of Evolution and the group looked like a team instead of just being the fall guys of Hunter. They need a feud of their own.] or just break awy from Orton as he is not making them stars, he is hurting their star credit.

Hell Hardcore Holly got rhodes over better. Ted & him trying to found a partner got him over more than what Orton is doing. Remember when they were starting a second generation stable on their own, they got over better & now they suck. Bring back Manu & Priceless.
i've been sayin it for a while now...legacy is a joke. more specifically rhodes and dibiase. i have never felt that cody would get very far in wwe and im right. all he has done has been ortons lackey. although i think cody and ted could be a great team though, they need to leave orton and stop jobbing to HHH and Cena every week. dibiase seems to me as the one who should get farther in the wwe. but i believe rhodes and dibiase need to leave orton. i was impressed with there promo with jericho this past week so hopefully they can look more as a competitor and less of a joke.

I dont see them winning this sunday but that shouldnt stop them from feuding for tag team gold. they will definatley be tag team champs in the near future. they just need to not be ortons lackey but they should still help orton win matches occasionally as this would get them over as good heels and not as jokes.
i thought legacy was going to be unstoppable

orton had just slapped & punted vince, & 6 days later he won the rumble (i cant remember the last heel superstar who ever won the rumble, cena doesnt count lol)

& then what happens the next nite, shane comes out & beats up on legacy

i just knew then & there that WWE were going to fuck this one up

and once orton lost to HHH at mania, they officially had
It's Orton fault, he was the one who told the WWE to get rid of Manu who could have been their muscle. Also Orton is not interested in making new stars and only wants to make himself look over. For all the talk about Triple H holding guys down, he gets his groups over as he knows if his group is over, he is more over & Orton can't seem to get.

Maybe its a passion thing, maybe Triple H is so cocky that he thinks he can get anything over & Orton doesn't think so as Edge was the one who made Rated RKO great. Orton is not meant to be leader, he is meant to be a follower & Legacy is proving this to be true. I mean we are now months into this gimmick and its has no chance of turning around. Yeah they can hold all the gold, but what has they really done to be really over like Evolution.

Great stables have a great leader that is willing to get the angle over and Orton doesn't seem to care. I mean it was better when Ted was coming up with Priceless and now they are worthless.
I think it's obvious now that the Legacy stable is purely about Orton, not getting over other stars. It's used as a tool to help get him over, and it's worked. Without his lackeys he certainly wouldn't seem as intimidating and half of the fueds he's been in recently wouldn't work. Unlike Evolution Legacy certainly isn't a tool for building stars for the future, as Orton is still getting there himself. If they started focusing storylines around Rhodes and DiBiase it would take some of the limelight off Orton, which is exactly what the WWE don't want. Sadly I feel that if Rhodes and DiBiase ever want to get over they'll need to go their seperate ways from Orton, but even then it'll be hard as they'll always be known as Orton's lackeys.
Did you not watch their backstage promo with Jericho on Raw? They ran into him as he was leaving and talked shit about both Jericho and Jericho's dad, a former NHL player. They don't really show their personality when they are around Orton, but when they are around opponents they have that "I'm better than you" attitude. They just haven't had a feud of their own yet to really show this cockiness.

You hit the nail on the head. Rhodes and DiBiase have attitude and plenty of it as you pointed out with their segment with Jericho. DiBiase has also had a few spots with Orton where he has been able to showcase some of his skills. Slowly but surely Rhodes and DiBiase are being given the opportunity to do some things without Randy Orton.

I'm not sure what it is that people don't get. Legacy is not necessarily about Rhodes and DiBiase- it's about Orton. Orton is the man right now and Rhodes and DiBiase are the accents for the centerpiece. I think Rhodes and DiBiase play their role well and they are gaining irreplaceable amounts of experience in the main event scene because of their affiliation with Orton. They both will have their time in the spotlight, especially if the looming breakup of Legacy is booked well.
I think it would of made a world's difference if Triple H wasn't in the main event scene. When they beating on Cena or whoever that isn't HHH, it kinda looks viable. Batista actually helped more to give credibility to Legacy in his 3 months than the 6+ months of Triple H.
When we see Dibiase/Rhodes vs HHH in a handicap match, it feels like HHH is the favorite to win. How messed up is that.
I think even if they are just Orton's lackeys, it would of maybe helped more if Orton was feuding with someone other than HHH and more in likes of a face Big Show or an up and comer like MVP.
And it would of helped the faces get over more as well.
Imagine MVP almost beating Orton only for Legacy to interfere. And then getting a actual beat down cause you know Triple H would just kill them all after the match is called off for a interference. MVP would get cheers for being soooo close to the WWE championship, and Legacy would get heat for actually doing something meaningful.

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