Lawler Making Mayoral Run; Raw's Next Color Guy


The Crossface had a t-shirt.
Jerry "The King" Lawler, color commentator on Raw for as long as I can remember, has officially declared his candidacy for the mayoral office of Memphis, Tennessee. What does this mean for the broadcast table on Raw? My guess: Matt Striker will move to the color spot next to Cole and tease him mercilessly (to our delight, I'm sure). The brainiest guy in the WWE (academically speaking) is exactly the kind of guy that Raw could use, although Striker seems to weigh his words carefully and seems to lose the flow of the action, as evidenced by a lot of silent spots during matches (partially Josh Matthews fault, too). What do y'all think? Striker? Someone else? Perhaps Dusty Rhodes in FCW? Goldust? I know, it'll never happen, but that'll get ME to tune in every Monday, that's for sure.

Also, do you think Lawler could make a good mayor? Someone from outside the system seems to work from time to time, a wrench in the proverbial political corruption machine. Do you feel the same? I'd also like to hear someone from Memphis and hear what they think.
Well, we'll find out how seriously Lawler is taking his candidacy if he goes off TV. Something tells me that this won't transpire, and instead, he will use Raw to plug his candidacy.

This is nothing but fodder for his opponents who will say that Lawler doesn't have his priorities in order. They'll say that he is traveling around the country doing scripted wrestling shows ... instead of dedicating all his time to seeking the office of Mayor.

I doubt Lawler is leaving Raw, and I seriously doubt he will become Mayor.
Well, If my memory serves me correct, he did pretty well in the polls ten years ago. I'd love it if he did become mayor. Or should I say, King of Memphis? haha, but, I'd like to see Striker come to the main table, and I believe he and cole can make a good team. I believe that Lawler came in third place in the election ten years ago. But, the people of Memphis want a fresh change, who knows, nobody though Jesse Ventura would become a mayor, let alone a governor. Jerry has a chance I think. He maybe take some time off from wrestling, to work on his campaign. Kiss some hands, and shake some babies. (Other way around?) and if he does end up losing this election, end up in the swivel chair right next to Michael Cole again. If he does win, Matt Striker jsut got a big promotion.
I am from Memphis, TN and can tell you that Lawler would make a far better Mayor than the one we have now. Willie Herenton (The Current Mayor), who is also referred to as "King Willie" in Memphis (ironic, right?) is the most corrupt politician to ever grace Memphis. He and his cronies have run rough shot over this city for far too long.

The first and only FaceBook Group "Jerry 'The King' Lawler for Mayor" was created yesterday. It features news blurbs, videos, and other media that shows how serious Lawler is about running for Mayor.

In 1999, he recieved around 12% of the vote (15 people ran for the position of Memphis Mayor).
Creepy 30 guests are viewing this thread. But anyways I think that if lawler leaves and I think he will since he was in the buisness forever and apperently hes more then financially set for the rest of his life, well according to some inteview I read like a year or two ago. I can see him leaving which will force WWE to hire a new comentator, hopefully micheal hayes, to fill the vaciency. I liked his comentator work from the additude period and I think he would do a better job on raw then stryker or grimson or mathews (has anyone seen ecw in the last year). I think if wwe is smart they would hire someone from the outside with experience, posibly a past wwe comentator since cole isn't great and teaming him with someone worse will bring down the product. I could see them moving stryker to smackdown and ross to raw again but thats just wishfull thinking since I liked ross better on raw.
What would be fantastic, is if Bobby "the Brain" Heenan, he is arguably one of the best announcers of all time. He could pick on Michael, and maybe be a manager for someone not too good on the mic. Eh?
First, the Lawler family is loved in local Republican circles. The problem is the city of Memphis is very Democratic. Lawler will be running against at least one Ford. The only thing in his favor is that there may be 10 Democrats running and he may be the only Republican candidate.

The first person that comes to mind to replace the Jerry the King is Dusty Rhodes. His positives are his connection with the audience and that he can talk the ears off a rabbit. The negatives are that it will take him away from FCW where he provides commentary and is involved in booking, training, etc.

I liked the idea of Golddust (Dustin Rhodes) but I am affraid that most people would not recognize him out of character.
Stryker is good because he is good on the mic, he has been a wrestler so he can be in storylines, and he will fill all the time that Cole does not.

A unique option could be Eve. She did backstage interviews on Smackdown. A female commentator could be seen by the WWE as a way to expand their audience. The WWE is still a business.
Aren't there campaign laws over running for political office about TV times? I remember when Schwarzennegger (spelling horrible on that, by the way) ran for Governor of California TV stations couldn't run any Terminator or Predator movies for the length of the campaign. I don't know how Mephis has it's laws set up, but if they're equivalent, then Lawler will have no choice but to go off TV or face a huge fine. If they aren't equivalent, then ignore that entire paragraph.

As far as his replacement, it's not like they have much of a pair of shoes to fill. Lawler sits there and calls the Divas hot, and says "I don't like that because I'm old school." Dusty Rhodes can do that, and I think he could be loads better at it. Striker is just as legal of a choice, though I don't know who ECW would replace him with.
I kinda chuckled when I heard about this. Then again, I don't have the slightest clue how things are in Memphis, nor do I know how Lawler is as person or how he would be as a politician. Either way, I am more than ready for the King to be done on Raw. He sucks so hard as a face, he has been reduced to being another generic announcer. Matt Stryker would be great on Raw.
First of all, no one ever said Goldust had to be out of character. Just imagine how that would go down with the audience. It'd be like Harry Kalas and Richie Ashburn all over again (they were the only reason to listen to the Phillies for a while, as they sucked throughout the 90's). Even if the product Vince put out sucked, it would still be entertaining. The way the story is told can make all the difference.

Brian Propp (the color guy for the Flyers) ran for State Assembly in New Jersey while broadcasting games for the Flyers. He also never mentioned the campaign on the air, so maybe if Lawler could do that, he could still do color commentary on Raw. Then again, Propp was always near Jersey since the team would have to come back to Philly at some point, so unless Raw runs exclusively out of the south atlantic, maybe Lawler will have to give up the ghost.

Everyone backed Obama's message of change, so why wouldn't Memphis back an outsider like Lawler to shake up the Democratic corruption factories that seem to have popped up in a lot of cities, including my own?
Everyone backed Obama's message of change, so why wouldn't Memphis back an outsider like Lawler to shake up the Democratic corruption factories that seem to have popped up in a lot of cities, including my own?

Jerry is from Memphis, so he wouldn't really be a outsider. However I get what your saying about it at the same time. If I'm right you mean since he has been all over the world pretty much he knows how things are run in other towns and he can bring that back to Memphis. While that sounds awesome on paper it can also be used against him. Unless he quits and everyone forgets about how many times he use to talk about how he loved puppies it can really be used against him. Not only that, but hes also been married and divorced two times something that can also be used against him. So if you ask me Jerry at the moment seems to have no chance in hell, but I wish him luck in his running.

Anyway back on subject about him being replaced. Eve may not have been such a bad idea especially since WWE is targeting women viewers. Striker however seems to be the most logical choice since he does seem to be the smoothest and able to flow better out of all of the color commentators in my opinion next to Jerry of course. No matter what though it will definitely be interesting to see how this plays out over the coming weeks.

P.S am I the only one that WWE hasn't acknowledge hes running on the website so far? Just thought that was interesting.
Everyone backed Obama's message of change, so why wouldn't Memphis back an outsider like Lawler to shake up the Democratic corruption factories that seem to have popped up in a lot of cities, including my own?

I know Memphis. The dead have voted there for decades. Bribes have been made to politians from other cities in the mayors office. Memphis may be the most politically corupt city in the US. A dog can win office as long as it runs as a Democrat. Jerry will run but powers at be will expect him to provide more of the same. Even if he wins, he will either be uneffective or will have to give up his ethics to get stuff done. So if Lawler wins he will most likely still loose.

Cody Rhodes America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
A dog can win office as long as it runs as a Democrat.

I think that's actually happened before around where I live. Anyway lets just hope a dog doesn't run against Jerry because then Cole could make fun of him and I don't think any of us want Cole trying to be funny.
Democrats always have been good at getting out the deceased vote. And Cappie, when I said outsider, I meant someone outside of City Hall, as opposed to a political insider. And you may be the only one who cared about's not announcing The King's candidacy, much less notice.
What would be fantastic, is if Bobby "the Brain" Heenan, he is arguably one of the best announcers of all time. He could pick on Michael, and maybe be a manager for someone not too good on the mic. Eh?

Eh? No.

Apparently you aren't aware of how bad Heenan's health is. You have to really listen to the man closely to understand him. Plus, he just had another surgery, so will probably sound even worse than he did before.

Heenan is physically in no shape to commentate, much less manage, like you suggested. He has made it adamantly clear that he was done with managing back in 1991. And he stayed true to that, minus an occasional appearance at ringside for WWE and one appearance for WCW when he "coached" Flair and Arn Anderson against Steve McMichael and Kevin Green.

Heenan is absolutely done with wrestling, as much as it pains me to say that.

Aren't there campaign laws over running for political office about TV times? I remember when Schwarzennegger (spelling horrible on that, by the way) ran for Governor of California TV stations couldn't run any Terminator or Predator movies for the length of the campaign. I don't know how Mephis has it's laws set up, but if they're equivalent, then Lawler will have no choice but to go off TV or face a huge fine. If they aren't equivalent, then ignore that entire paragraph.

Interesting question. Not being from Tennessee, I am unfamiliar with what Memphis' laws are regarding that.

As far as his replacement, it's not like they have much of a pair of shoes to fill. Lawler sits there and calls the Divas hot, and says "I don't like that because I'm old school." Dusty Rhodes can do that, and I think he could be loads better at it. Striker is just as legal of a choice, though I don't know who ECW would replace him with.

What good will it do to replace one boring commentator with another? Lawler today acts the way Vince wants him to act-- stale and boring. Vince is only going to replace Lawler with another stale and boring commentator, because that is what Vince wants his commentators to be.
i think Striker has done well and it may be time to move him to Raw.
they could move JR to Raw to Color, but that'd be bad i think.
the question is who would replace Striker on ECW.
how about that Abraham Washington guy?
He's a talker.
ECW should have a guy they can develop into a color guy, not an established guy or a joke guy. Let's team him with Josh Mathews and see what can happen. I'm not saying it'll be great. I'm saying it's worth trying out.
I'm suprised no one has said this already, but Santino Marrela (sp?). He could joke on Cole with hillarious jokes. I mean afterall the man hasnt been on RAW in a while, never really has a wrestling match and if he does he gets squashed. So I think he be great as the commentator on RAW. If not him, then how about Dibiase Sr. The man proved on Monday that he cuts better promos then half the roster and his laugh is priceless.(no pun intended) haha
I could care less if Lawler wins the Mayor race, because I am not from around there, and it doesn't affect me at all. If he does leave RAW, then I would like to see them replace him with Matt Stryker. He does a good job on ECW, and deserves a promotion. and the person I would put next to Josh Matthews on ECW is...........Jim Ross. Let him do both SD and ECW, we do not need separate commentary teams, they tape the shows at the same time, so just have JR do 1 hour with Matthews, and 2 with Grisham.

However, in a PERFECT world, I would do just 1 move. I would replace Lawler with.........JOHN BRADSHAW LAYFIELD. He was the best thing to happen to the SD Broadcast booth (until JR went there). He was fresh, he was good, he was funny. I do not know if he would be willing to fly to whatever town RAW is hosted and fly back the next night, but I would love to see him do it.
Let me just say that Matt Striker is a better fit on a more wrestling-oriented show like Smackdown. He sets the mood perfectly for what that show is today. But I don't think he is a good fit for what Raw is today ... which is supposed to be the more edgy (well, by today's lame standards) show mixed with some fun.

I agree that JBL would be the best fit. However, that is doubtful that he will return.

If I had to pick someone from today, I would probably pick Santino Marella. The only problem is that Vince doesn't want flashy commentators that are characters. He wants boring commentators that don't stand out in any way. That is what makes this even more difficult.

Michael Hayes would probably be another one who is too much of a character for Vince's liking behind the mic.

Damn you, Vince. You and your commentary vision absolutely sucks.

Hell, I don't know. If they had to put someone together that meets Vince's current criteria in what he wants today's commentators to be ... perhaps the team of Michael Cole and Jim Ross would work best for Raw. That would continue to give the show the "important feel" with both of their ace commentators on.

Smackdown would be Todd Grisham and Matt Striker.

ECW could be Josh Matthews and anyone else they can find, since they don't really give a damn about that show anyway.
However, in a PERFECT world, I would do just 1 move. I would replace Lawler with.........JOHN BRADSHAW LAYFIELD. He was the best thing to happen to the SD Broadcast booth (until JR went there). He was fresh, he was good, he was funny. I do not know if he would be willing to fly to whatever town RAW is hosted and fly back the next night, but I would love to see him do it.

I completly agree with you, JBL would be perfect. When him and Cole worked together on Smackdown it was definitely more memorable. He was able to stick to being a heel, while making it entertaining. While I don't really like Cole I have to say him and Cole definitely worked very well together. Besides JBL has stated before that he didn't burn any bridges when he left the WWE so that definitely would be a option for Vince to check into.
However I really don't see him coming back, as he has said he want's to move along and do other things. For instance he stated in a video interview that he plans on investing a lot of time in his Viper Fighting League. I'm sure that Vince can find some way to bring him back if he really wanted and I definitely hope he does bring him back.
I was never into politics, never will be so no comment on The King becoming mayor or what ever.

Umm yeah if this does effect the RAW color commentators I'd have JR and Striker come over. JR speaks the truth and is awesome, and Striker has his funny moments! The two would make a VERY good announce team!
Raw - Cole and Striker
Smackdown - JR and Grish seem to work out alright, but I personally would experiment with a 3-person set with Eve Torres color commentating women's matches (similar to broadcasts in other women's sports.)
ECW - Matthews (ugh) and Helms, if they aren't gonna do anything else with him.

I guarantee WWE has to have tried to contact JBL, or will try in the future.
Again, I live in Memphis TN and know how things are...believe me, Lawler would be 100 times better than what we have now.....As for the laws about being able to run and be on tv...Memphis has nothing in place to keep this from happening. ... On a local radio station interview yesterday Lawler was asked would he quit WWE....he responded "Not before the election is over, that would be stupid" can find that entire interview and many others on the Official Facebook Group at:
I know he wouldn't quit WWE, but he could leave temporarily to focus on the election and debates and all that (I don't think a dog would win a debate, Dem or Repub). What worries me is that Lawler would not be as effective as we might think. Politics really is a game, sometimes a game that can only be played by an insider. Guys with good intentions can get run over real quick. This article is about Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter, who ran his entire campaign on being the anti-John Street (previous mayor, corruption charges so bad his office was bugged by the CIA to gauge it).

It's worth reading, and I think Lawler oughta read it too if Memphis is as corrupt as I hear.
Obviously I would have no interest in Lawler running for any political position in an area that doesn't affect me, but the more interesting thing to me is about filling the position.

Naturally, if Raw needs a color commentator, they need to go with Striker. I'm not as big of a fan of him as some people are, but he does the job pretty well and he could most likely do a decent job on a 2 hour show. Who do they put on ECW to fill in Striker's position? Well, it needs to be someone who can stay there, as opposed to just switching people back and forth like they were doing with JBL, Coach, Taz, Foley, etc. There are a few ideas that could happen, some really shitty, some no particular order:

1) Abraham Washington. I hate the guy, and not in a "he's such a good heel I want to see him defeated" way. I hate him in an "I think this guy is not entertaining at all and I wish they'd stop wasting my time with his stupid segments and give me a match instead". His talk show idea isn't working out, and they haven't shown us anything ring-wise for him, so if they want to try to get him over with his mic skills (ugh) and save some time on the show for other angles, why not put him there?

2) I can't think of any offhand, but why not try out a woman that has the talent for it? Switch things up and give it a shot. Couldn't hurt unless they hired someone just for the sake of hiring a woman and she was terrible at it, but that's only a little worse than getting a guy who is terrible, not a drastic difference. I can't recall WWE ever having a female commentator. Of course, it can't be anybody that's currently wrestling for them, as all of them are just atrocious when you give them a mic.

3) An oldie. Someone whom we know is good on the mic and would be a fresh voice to hear. Now, people are going apeshit over DiBiase right now, which is understandable as the guy's great, but I think everyone is blowing it out of proportion when they say they should bring him back 24/7 and whatnot. And don't get me started on Flair lol. It'd be great if we could have someone like Savage, because even though his commentary was weird as all hell, it was entertaining in that "wtf?" kind of way lol. They probably would consider moving Dusty to ECW but I'd rather them not.

Tough choices.

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