Lauren from TNA (Quest Personals)


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Well I happened to be watching Enemy of the State tonight on TV and twice during the commercials, they advertised Quest Personals, one of those call in chit-chat things with local singles etc etc

Well lone and behold the girl on the commercial, promoting this is newly married, Lauren Brooke Thompson, backstage Interviewer from TNA.

This proves that the girls on the commercials, are definatly not the girls you would talk to on the phone lol

I just thought id pass that a long, and see if anybody else already knew this or not. Ive got proof for it to, I found this on youtube, take a look
Didn't know this, but hey, she took an acting job. Everyone on every commercial is a paid actor/actress. I think its a fair assesment to say that most of the people who call those lines probably don't look like models. I'm sure there is a "10" on there from time to time, but you don't advertise reality, you advertise perception, and it is far more profitable to see an ad that makes you percieve you'll be talking to Lauren Brooke Thompson types, than Awesome Kong types. I'm just sayin.
You know, I think I've seen that commercial before...and never made the connection. Lauren is a fox, and I wouldn't mind chatting it up with her, even though it's all impossible now that she's married....TNA should dress her up in stuff like that.

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