Lashley heel turn coming?


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On they have an article where they ask both cena and lashley about their match against each other coming up, and the responses lashley is giving seems to me as if the wwe is about to turn lashley heel. Lashley bashes Cena all in that interview.

theres the link to the article. My question is do you really think they are trying to turn lashley into a heel by bashing the almighty cena? If so, do you think it will rise lashley's popularity with the IWC and do you think we will be able to see more of lashley's amature wrestling skills since he talks about it in the interview, thus a bigger moveset from lashley?
I guess they could it was funny they asked how the predict the great american bash will go and cena said our match is going to make the great american bash. All lashley said is im going to beat him up. that sounds like a heel is a coming for lashley
we all could saw that at RAW, when Cena started to counsel Lashley abouth "anger management", i mean, i just cant take that moment out of my head: "Lashley, all you want to do is fight wit everyone..." UN-fucking-BELIEVABLE... But maybe im wrong, and RAW is not about fighting and wrestling, but to create the greatest comedy ever: "Mr Camel Toe...", " All I see is a White dumb guy in a doo rag..." "I am not afraid of you anymore!!..."

I hope Lashley turns heel, and break fucking Cena in thousand pieces.

I think it would be easier for Lashley being heel, since he wouldnt need to talk too much, even he could get a manager or something.(Paul H???)
They did a mock Lashley heel turn a few weeks ago, just for the live crowd. He turned on Cena after the show or a dark match. Apparently it got a monster ovation. I dont know if that's because of peoples dislike for Cena though. Personally I think he looks like too much of a baby to be taken seriously as a heel. I always enjoyed Cena as a heel so i'd prefer him to turn. And I also love it when World Champs turn, I find it more intresting.
I think a lashley heel turn will b a brilliant idea, out of the three powerhouse main eventers (lashley, cena n big dave dudd) they are all face's. If lashley were a heel as Aerandir said, he would not have to say as much so it would not expose his biggest flaw, his mike skills. Give him someone for his corner, he will be a force to be reckoned with!
A Lashley heel turn is what is needed for his character though he does have that babyface look to stay face. But a heel turn could do wonders for him as he can really get over as a dominate unstopable force that takes everyone out. Though will WWE do this I dunno but they could if Cena will be the main man still. But like most it will cover his lack of mic skills if he was heel as he just beat people up and do little talking as he would have his actions do his talking for him.
A good way to turn Lashley heel is for him to snap at the GAB as he can't get Cena down for the 3 count (because he's Superman!!), he grabs a steel chair and then just destroy him, hits the referee, destroys everything in sight. Just like Bret Hart at Survivor Series after his match with HBK.
A few of you just said that Lashley would make a good heal, because he's a monster, he rarely talkes, and he just wants to beat people up.

The Great Kahli.


Mark Henry.

Point Made. Lets keep Lashley face, and turn Cena heal. A Cena heal turn would be sweet. true, he would lose a bit of Merchandice, but putting the title on a credible main eventer that the crowd likes (Lashley or HHH) would make up for it, IMO.
lashley heel turn idea is jenious idea having lashley as a heel would be great he populatirety would go up ihe would be 1 of my favorte superstar he is just ok now but him as a heeel would be great maybe wwe will do this hopefully it could increase lashley skills and populatiry
No way is Bobby Lashley going to turn heel at the GAB. No way!!

I see a rare face versus face match here, with neither guy turning heel, at least not at this point.

And I think Bobby Lashley is going to actually win the title this weekend at the bash. The unstoppable superman Cena is finally going to drop the title, and he's going to lose clean.

Isn't Cena supposed to be making a movie in the near future? I thought I read that somewhere. That would free up his schedule (losing the belt I mean) and give Lashley a shot. And a face Lashley can then feud against heel Kennedy, for starters.

All just keeping the belt warm for the King of Kings anyway, so it's academic anyway.
I would love to see Lashley do anything with his character at this point. Turn heel! Why not? Maybe he wont be so boring to watch... He isnt pulling off being a face... make him a heel... bring back the Nation of Domination!!
If they do infact turn lashley heel i think that would be a good move for his character i mean like everyone states he is not a believable face right now he cant talk plus with a heel turn he could add more move to his set and be a little more believable. Now a manager would be a great move for him and speaking of the Nation of Domination how about having Farrooq or Ron Simmins wharever they are calling him Become his manager/mouthpiece
I think they are just trying to create something similar to what TNA is doing with Angle and Samoa Joe right now, and that is all, but A Lashley heel turn would be good for his character, however his promo skills are still way to shitty, so they would have to get him a manger, and we haven't seen Estrada around for awhile, so why not him, though to be truthful, I'd rather see Cena turn heel, nobody likes him anyways, and when he was a heel in the mid-card on SD! I thought he played the role pretty well,I wouldn't mind seeing Cena turn heel, he's already gets booed to death anyway
Bad decision in my opinion. Lashley has all the makings of an absolute bull. He could be the Batista of his brand, he has the fan base too. When he was on ECW every week, he came out and was cheered and applauded like crazy. Turning him into a heel could be bad, considering he is a ratings catcher, and because I personally want to see him as WWE Champion, and if he is a heel, it might make fans turn away. Thats my two cents worth, though.
I think there is a chance he can still make it as a face - not much whilst John Freaking Cena refuses to accept that he has nothing, NOTHING, going for him as a face. I think to be honest the best thing that could happen now is Cena being totally outclassed by Lashley, and has to result to braining the guy with a chair to win. Heel turn on Cena, Face Lashley. Best result all round.
From a purely visual perspective, Lashley doesn't strike me as a heel at all he doesn't have the look. Sure he's a monster in terms of size, but he looks rather plain and nice. Compare him to Lesnar, and while he had a babyface his tats and haircut made him look pretty bads$$.
I have to admit I like the idea of Cena as a heel. You can count me as a Cena fan I guess, entertainment wise in his interview he does a good job, matches are average but for the most part easy to follow.

My thoughts are he can talk well. As a heel you could let his sarcastic and demeaning comments ride and the fans will boo. No manager needed.

With Lashley staying as a face though, even then he wouldn't have to talk all that much cause the fans will be behind him each and every match.

My scenario, have Cena get fed up with the boos, and trying to fend off Lashley. Brain him with a chair a few times (ala Rock v. Mick) get the fans ticked off. Hell they are booing him already. Then have Lashley almost stalking Cena to get him back and have Cena form a nice little 3-4 person group to fend off Lashley. That way you get some spots up towards the main event for a few mid carders. Would it be a four horsemen type group? Sure -- But in all honesty when aren't they. Carlito, Umaga, Kennedy hell some newer talent you could add anyone.

Problem here for all the Cena haters out there -- If Cena would turn heel, there is a better shot that he holds the title even longer. I mean look at your champs, besides Cena who has held the belt for extended periods. Mostly heels cause the money is in the good guys trying to get it away from the bad guys.

Just my theory though. Take it for what it's worth.

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