lashley deserves a title

  • Thread starter Undertakerfan99
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lashley deserves a title, that guy is awesome he is built like a rock, he can move good, he is everything you can ask for in a wrestler, i believe he is definately the future of the wwe, what do you think?
Well, he did get a title. Remember, he used to be the US Champion. You have to understand, Lashley is still new to the WWE, and I don't think he needs to be getting major titles right now.

Flames Out
lashey just lost in a triple threat match to Mrrrrrrrr. KENNEDY (I still havent seen him pull off an actual wrestling move). But nonetheless, it would be great to see lashley challenge Batista at WM 23 for the WHC. I doubt WWE would do it though
No he doesnt deserve a title and no he isnt awsome. How do u think he is awsome? He might be worse then batsita actually.
There's plenty of people in WWE who deserve a title but wwho will never get one. Lashley will get another shot at a title sooner than later, I predict he'll have the U.S. title again by December.
henrywang693 said:
lashey just lost in a triple threat match to Mrrrrrrrr. KENNEDY (I still havent seen him pull off an actual wrestling move). But nonetheless, it would be great to see lashley challenge Batista at WM 23 for the WHC. I doubt WWE would do it though
You must not watch his matches. He does wrestling moves, suplex, belly-to-belly, stalling suplex, press slam. . . .
I can't believe some of you guys, just because he's a big strong guy you tar him with the same brush as Batista. He's a good technical wrestler who can put on some good matches, he's a former U.S. army wrestling champion!
The guy was just US Champion. He doesn't need another title so quickly. He is not up to going after the World Title yet.
Lashley should stay in the US title hunt right now, and he's a good wrestler IMO, way better then Batista.
The reason Lashley doesnt have a title is because they probably think he's better then the U.S. Div.... But not good enough for the World Title yet.... But I think we're gonna see a fued between him and Mr. Kennedy...
I think he'll be a future world title holder, but pushing him into any title run now, except for the US Title, would be a bad idea.
Flames Out
i like lashley he needs to work on his mic skills and the person who said he sucks hes 100x better then orton
what does orton do beat up 70 year old legends with his crappy rko
He does deserve and title and i dont think orton is as bad as you think he is...Yeah lashley can wrestle good and i wouldnt mind seeing a feud with kennedy but what will happen to finlay?I think there going to have a 3 way feud anjd i dont think kennedy should of take the us title from kennedy because lashley and finlay was in a nice feud they should of wait for the feud with finlay and lashley to finish...
xjbiskit said:
i like lashley he needs to work on his mic skills and the person who said he sucks hes 100x better then orton
what does orton do beat up 70 year old legends with his crappy rko
about time somebody agreed with me about orton.
Blah.... Isnt this topic about Lashley....

What I think there trying to do is get Lashley valued as a top star... And then push him for the World Title... He just needs to be established as Top Superstar before he gets a World Title run... And as for the U.S. Title... He may go for that and fued with Kennedy...
The only fault that I can find in Lashley is that he has horrible, grotesque mic skills. I've seen him as heel in OVW and he's just as bad.

Flames Out
Lashly needs to stay where's he's at for now. He can fight for the US title, he doesn't need to win it. The problem with pushing young guys is that if you push a young guy for the world title, once the feud is over where does he go? fight for the crusierweight title, or us title. NO! you can't push a guy so quickly, no matter how good or great he is. You need to build a guy with time. Mr. Perfect, Davey Boy Smith, Rick Rude, Owen Hart, Jeff Jarett, Piper were guys who MAY have all or at least most of them deserved a World Title run and win, but none got it. I am not saying hold a guy down like Chris Benoit and wait 10 years before giving them a well deserved World Title (like WCW did to him) but let a guy pay his dues and stay in the midcard status before you push him up. Noone knows If Christian would have stayed in the WWE if he would have been in a WWE Title, or Heavyweight Title run but we'll never know. At the same time TNA threw him up there way too quickly. Randy Orton had no business getting the title when he did, neither did Batista. Brett Hart and Shawn Michaels are PERFECT examples of how it should be done.
I agree. I want them to stop putting titles on such young guys too. Both Cena and Batista got a world title just three years after being in the WWE. Bobbly Lashley is perfect competing for the US title.

Flames Out
Eternal Dragon said:
I agree. I want them to stop putting tites on such young guys too. Both Cena and Batista got a world title just three years after being in the WWE. Bobbly Lashley is perfect competing for the US title.

Flames Out
ya, i see what you mean, that makes sense, i agree.
Lashley does have really horrible mic skills from the stuff I've seen. Also, Orton maybe shouldn't have got the title when he did but for someone to insinuate that he has hardly anything apart from his "crappy" RKO is just rubbish. He has great mic skills and he's had lots of great matches, in his prime he will be Raw's top heel, I bet my house on that. He will be the new Rock.
if any title i would say the us championship, because lashley may have the moves, but he doesn't have the character yet.
he needs to develop at the US title level, even at the IC title level if he ever went to RAW. He needs to be pushed but not by making everyone else at that midcard level look bad. It be nice to have both the IC and US belt mean what they used too. I think the IC title is begining to regain it's prestige. It was probably 2 things that ruined the IC belt. 1. Austin throwing it in the river and Chyna defeating Jarrett for it. (Vince has been on the record as saying that was one of his biggest mistakes, having Jarrett job to Chyna. Anyway, the US title on Kennedy is fine and he can feud with Lashly . Lashly has a couple of guys he could feud with but he shouldn't be pushed to the top until a few years pass. Many wrestlers deserve it and don't get it. Lashly doesn't deserve it yet, and I hope Vince doesn't drop the ball here.

It’s being said that recently Bobby Lashley has asked WWE management to move him over to ECW. Lashley and current Smackdown head writer Michael Hayes have not been getting along and have been involved in several backstage arguments in recent weeks. Lashley loved working with Paul Heyman in OVW so that is why he has requested to be moved to ECW.

What do you guys think about this move? Do you think that he will get a nice push if he goes to ECW? Or is he better off staying on Smackdown.

I personally dont think its a good idea but if Paul Heyman will vouch for himi then we can see him becoming champ pretty soon.

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