Ladies & Gentlemen, My Name is Paul Heyman

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
Just got done watching the latest release from WWE on Paul Heyman and it's as expected, very good, very interesting and a great insight not only into the life of Paul Heyman but wrestling in-general. Some really cool interesting facts and unseen footage in there, plus for me the most interesting new tidbit of info from it is... (don't read if you plan on watching later)

Shane McMahon was going to buy ECW in 2000 because he was a big fan of the promotion and it would have helped groom him for the day he'd get Vince's job. In 2006 he was the proponent behind the relaunch and when it didn't go as planned, he too "had enough", an insinuation albeit from Heyman that it like Paul was a reason Shane would eventually leave.

Definite watch for anyone really and only $4/£4 on Google Play.
Just got done watching the latest release from WWE on Paul Heyman and it's as expected, very good, very interesting and a great insight not only into the life of Paul Heyman but wrestling in-general. Some really cool interesting facts and unseen footage in there, plus for me the most interesting new tidbit of info from it is... (don't read if you plan on watching later)

His client, Brock Lesnar, conquered the Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania.

Definite watch for anyone really and only $4/£4 on Google Play.

Nice tip. I might watch.
I've been looking forward to this one all year. I don't always agree with everything Heyman has to say about the wrestling business, but he's always fun to listen to.
Just got finished watching the main documentary... loved it. Just great stuff. Heyman is so damn entertaining and fascinating.

My favorite part though was the Smackdown segment. They're so right when they hype up just how good SD! was when he and Steph were the head writers.

Stephanie buries Paul throughout a lot of the documentary, but those two had to had made a hell of a dynamic together to put out the show they did when they were running Smackdown. It's a shame neither could realize that and understand the differences between the two were a good thing and balanced each other out.

Anyway, whether you're a Paul Heyman fan or not... any pro wrestling fan should seek this out. It's just a great behind the scenes look into one of the most notorious and interesting people ever associated with pro wrestling.
The SD stuff was great. Really loved how Edge buried the current writing staff.

It's a damn shame that it took a Paul Heyman DVD to put over how great JR was/is.
I bought this last night, good stuff! I loved the story he told about Harley Race driving on disc 2

I HATED Stephanie in this DVD she took every demeaning shot she could at him while smiling.. You could tell she doesn't like him very much.

To be fair though, Heyman has admittedly rubbed a lot of people wrong in the past. (Lawler being one.. how many jaws did he break on purpose?!? This is like the third story I've heard of him breaking someone's jaw on purpose WTF?!?!?)

Loved it and got some new info too.

A must watch although I have only seen the main documentary so far.
Does it seem pretty honest like the Punk one was?
I'm pretty curious about the documentary part and if it's like you guys are all saying then it's a definite pick up for me.
Watching it right now, up to Heyman on Smackdown. This is pretty great so far.

Stephanie is such a Stepford Smiler in this.
Heyman loves him some Lesnar apparently. I loved his plan for Smackdown, elevate the talent, without taking away the box office of Lesnar and Taker. Smackdown kicked so much ass when Heymab was in charge. Infinitely better than HHH and friends over on Raw.
Heyman loves him some Lesnar apparently. I loved his plan for Smackdown, elevate the talent, without taking away the box office of Lesnar and Taker. Smackdown kicked so much ass when Heymab was in charge. Infinitely better than HHH and friends over on Raw.

He made the mid-card mean something, while Raw was built entirely around Evolution and their horseshit. All the IC/Tag feuds were irrelevant and generic (except when Orton had the IC belt and feuded with Foley).

Couldn't have been the more opposite on SD back then. Both the US and Tag Titles on that show were featured predominantly and were used as a way to help catapult guys into the main event.

Now look at today's mid-card. Shit is beyond pathetic. And WWE has countless hours of television time to work with. Baffles my mind.
Heyman was going to buy Strikeforce?

This is the most interesting thing I saw. I really wanna know what his plans were.

Coulda had something special if he still had the same innovative thought process he had with ECW.

Second most interesting thing was Shane and ECW. It would have been a little harmless competition and I hope by some long shot, Shane scoops TNA (by himself, no WWE involvement) if it goes under.

Also wonder what would have happened if Shane's original plans for ECW in 2006 happened.

Very informative and interesting doc.
Heyman loves him some Lesnar apparently. I loved his plan for Smackdown, elevate the talent, without taking away the box office of Lesnar and Taker. Smackdown kicked so much ass when Heymab was in charge. Infinitely better than HHH and friends over on Raw.

Definitely. Good documentary, I liked the mix of tone throughout.
The only thing that annoyed me was having Bray Wyatt interviewed for it.
The only thing that annoyed me was having Bray Wyatt interviewed for it.

Yeah as someone who thinks its neat when wrestlers stick to their gimmicks, I didn't like this, or him smiling in the green ranger pic. Or when dudes who arr rivals on screen take pics in the bar or a social gathering and put it on social media.
I'm currently watching it. I still got about 40 minutes left. I'm kinda upset at all the ridiculous omissions. They are glancing over everything without going into specifics. I had never heard that Paul got suspended in WCW, but he just casually says "Well I was suspended" without ever saying what happened. He then mentions that he can't say anything about the WCW lawsuit that happened years later, even though Bill Watts' anti-semitism is common knowledge.

I don't think I learned any new piece of information up until now. All I see is a bunch of holes. It's not really a fantastic watch for hardcore wrestling fans. Casual fans might learn some new stuff, but even they will notice all the holes in the stories.

EDIT: 20 minutes more have passed and wow, WWE has glossed over all of Paul's Smackdown and ECW career without talking about any of the big moments that fans know about online. Stephanie keeps talking about how they "butted heads" without any examples. She says she suspended Paul without explaining why. December to Dismember is NEVER mentioned, and that's a crime of its own. I'm clearly very disappointed with this documentary.
Because that stuff's covered on the ECW documentary.
Because that stuff's covered on the ECW documentary.
No, it's not. I'm talking about D2D 2006, when Paul got fired. They glossed over it completely. They also didn't mention anything about Paul Heyman listening in on the Raw conference call. And Stephanie likes to gloat about how she fired him, but they never mentioned Stephanie offering him to run the developmental system in 2007 and him turning it down. The documentary is full of holes.
No, it's not. I'm talking about D2D 2006, when Paul got fired. They glossed over it completely. They also didn't mention anything about Paul Heyman listening in on the Raw conference call. And Stephanie likes to gloat about how she fired him, but they never mentioned Stephanie offering him to run the developmental system in 2007 and him turning it down. The documentary is full of holes.

That's in the DVD (see bold) its on disc 1. Heyman owned up to it.. but didn't really explain in detail why he did it.

They mention him running OVW, but never mention him turning it down.
No, it's not. I'm talking about D2D 2006, when Paul got fired. They glossed over it completely. They also didn't mention anything about Paul Heyman listening in on the Raw conference call. And Stephanie likes to gloat about how she fired him, but they never mentioned Stephanie offering him to run the developmental system in 2007 and him turning it down. The documentary is full of holes.

The DVD has a ton of extras where he talks about a ton of stuff. It's a documentary with a time limit, they can't talk about every single detail of Heyman's life. I personally don't want to know what his favorite brand of cereal is or whether he prefers Chocolate Pop Tarts or Strawberry Pop Tarts. On the extras he covers Mass Transit, Sabu, signing former ECW guys to WWE, why he liked CM Punk, whether he considered opening up another wrestling promotion when he left WWE, his personal life, a ton of shit. The documentary tells Heyman's story, the extras tell the rest.
He also said there was 14 hours worth of him being interviewed. So there's a lot covered not on there.

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