Ladies and Gentlemen, Your New Miss America!

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
A dirty, Arab terrorist!

Actually, she's Indian American, but like fuck all anyone on twitter knew that. So Miss America happened last night; sadly Vince McMahon wasn't backstage this year, scoping for talent in the divas division. Had he been, he would have found Nina Duvulari, winner of this year's pageant. Beauty pageants already bring out the worst in people; the pettiness, the objectification of women, the collection of another poor soul by resident hell spawn Donald Trump.

But this year, we got the added bonus of so, so much racism.


And shockingly, it gets worse..

Sure, this is just some twidiots on the Internet, but notice how well they seem to mix Indians and radical Muslims? They didn't even bother to cross check ethnicity for ethnicity. Now, if you're brown (but not too brown), you probably make bombs in your turbans.

There's two questions to this

1. Are you more offended by the stupidity, or the racism?

2. Is this a little indicative that white america still has problems accepting minority advancement in areas white america feels entitled to?
I still think at times America is the most racist country in the world.

It's not surprising most of these comments come from Whites because they always tend to be the ones who kick up a stink about stuff like this

If she's born in America doesn't that make her American. I'm fairly sure that any person born on American soil is classed as an American no matter what their heritage.

Americans come in all all colours. Black, White, Oriental, Middle Eastern, Latino, Native American

Heck a lot of White Americans tend to forget that a lot of America used to belong to Mexico (ironically the parts where there are a large hispanic demographic) Black slaves did most of the work that allowed them to trade and that a lot of Chinese workers helped build the railways that connected the country and they kicked the Native Americans to the curb and pushed them into reservations.

I remember watching an episode of Entourage and some guy was being slightly racist to Lloyd (oriental guy) and as Lloyd pointed out 'I'm an American with Chinese heritage' It pretty much sums up the point of if she was born in the country she's American.

Just because she isn't blonde with big tits doesn't mean she shouldn't have won.
I actually live in a town with a very racist background. The two high schools I went to were about 99% white and at one of the schools there was a black girl that lasted about two days before switching schools because people were so mean to her. I wasn't raised to be like that towards people and it bothers me when people are.

I think these people making the statements are complete idiots. I don't see what her race should have to do with anything She was born in America. She's an American. That's all there really is to it.
I'm calling hypocrisy on the above two posts first and foremost. Is it not racist or prejudiced to remark without proving any statistics or facts that the majority of racist comments come from white people without any support? Quite frankly, if there's a preaching of everyone being equal, and then going on to say one particular denomination of color is more prone to be (insert term with negative connotation) than the rest of the population WITHOUT any proof I think there could be found trouble with those statements.

I have friends who are of mixed colors and heritage and believe me I know African American's who are racist towards whites and oriental, white friends who are racist about everyone, and Latino friends who are racist to everyone. My point is everyone can be racist and it's not one particular race being the most prejudiced.

The ONLY justifiable claim to your statement is the fact that you could mention how the majority of the United States is indeed white, and going on the theory that everyone is inherently racist, you could make the comment that because it's a majority of the population the white people in America are the most racist simply because there's indeed more of us.

The above statement however is NOT the same as:

It's not surprising most of these comments come from Whites because they always tend to be the ones who kick up a stink about stuff like this

Without any evidence one could deem this racist to whites or at the very least prejudiced towards a bias or predetermined opinion of a group of people.

The two high schools I went to were about 99% white and at one of the schools there was a black girl that lasted about two days before switching schools because people were so mean to her.

This quotation whilst based on a factual moment is in no way an entire support for Aelx's argument. One case of racism does not classify an entire denomination of people to be racist. Likewise I wouldn't call the African American person who called me a "burnt white cracker" yesterday a representative of the entire African American population. (And I have sunburn for anyone who was wondering on the topic.)

As for Miss America, I totally agree people are really stupid about it. Me and my roommates were talking about this and we cam up with two scenarios in which we created a case where we find it acceptable and one where we would have a legitimate problem.

The First being what happened last night. An American, born in America, who went to the University of Michigan, who has been in America for 24 years, who happen to be of Indian descent. THIS IS ACCEPTABLE!

The Scenario we disagreed with was: An Indian person with an actual Indian citizenship, spending time in American possibly for education, who was born in Delhi, who lived in Delhi 20 out of the 24 years of her life, who is actually NOT an American.

There's a big difference between the two scenarios but the end result is that if you ae AMERICAN you can be MISS AMERICA.
I'm calling hypocrisy on the above two posts first and foremost. Is it not racist or prejudiced to remark without proving any statistics or facts that the majority of racist comments come from white people without any support? Quite frankly, if there's a preaching of everyone being equal, and then going on to say one particular denomination of color is more prone to be (insert term with negative connotation) than the rest of the population WITHOUT any proof I think there could be found trouble with those statements.

Without any evidence one could deem this racist to whites or at the very least prejudiced towards a bias or predetermined opinion of a group of people.

This quotation whilst based on a factual moment is in no way an entire support for Aelx's argument. One case of racism does not classify an entire denomination of people to be racist. Likewise I wouldn't call the African American person who called me a "burnt white cracker" yesterday a representative of the entire African American population. (And I have sunburn for anyone who was wondering on the topic.)/QUOTE]

I never said all Whites were racist I was merely saying how most of the comments were made by Whites. I scrolled through several of the tweets and they happened to made by Whites. That and when something happens with someone of a different minority, Whites always tend to be the ones that kick up a stink (case in point the whole is Barack Obama American thing)

I'm not saying other races aren't racists (they can be). I'm just saying that when someone of a different ethnicity other than white does something or achieves something on a national or global scale nine times out of ten, whites are generally the ones who say something prejudiced about it.
I'm calling hypocrisy on the above two posts first and foremost. Is it not racist or prejudiced to remark without proving any statistics or facts that the majority of racist comments come from white people without any support? Quite frankly, if there's a preaching of everyone being equal, and then going on to say one particular denomination of color is more prone to be (insert term with negative connotation) than the rest of the population WITHOUT any proof I think there could be found trouble with those statements.

I have friends who are of mixed colors and heritage and believe me I know African American's who are racist towards whites and oriental, white friends who are racist about everyone, and Latino friends who are racist to everyone. My point is everyone can be racist and it's not one particular race being the most prejudiced.

The ONLY justifiable claim to your statement is the fact that you could mention how the majority of the United States is indeed white, and going on the theory that everyone is inherently racist, you could make the comment that because it's a majority of the population the white people in America are the most racist simply because there's indeed more of us.

The above statement however is NOT the same as:

Without any evidence one could deem this racist to whites or at the very least prejudiced towards a bias or predetermined opinion of a group of people.

This quotation whilst based on a factual moment is in no way an entire support for Aelx's argument. One case of racism does not classify an entire denomination of people to be racist. Likewise I wouldn't call the African American person who called me a "burnt white cracker" yesterday a representative of the entire African American population. (And I have sunburn for anyone who was wondering on the topic.)


Ok, I'll bite. Let's go to this site that also covered this.

The wonderful thing about Twitter is, though it's fairly anonymous, people still have avatars. Avatars which are usually their faces.

Do me a favor; count the white faces for me.

Also, note the overwhelming selection of Miss Kansas.Blue eyes and blond

Think that's coincidental, homes?
Stupidity and racism co-exist as one hateful entity, so as far as your first question goes, It's just plain ignorance to go on a worldwide public place where everyone can read what you post like Twitter, and spew the most asinine thing they can come up with.

Though to be fair to the brainwashed bigots that pointed out cleverly that our Miss America "ain't white", you can't completely blame them. Oh I want to personally, but you can't, because for years they were taught by media sources that the people that ran those planes into the World Trade Center were brown-skinned Muslims, therefore all brown-skinned Muslims were the enemy. Same reason why a lot of old white people do not trust anyone who looks remotely Asian, no matter if they were born here and their lineage goes back to generations living in America.

And as far as your second question goes, I believe so, but on a much more major scale than decades ago. Remember the backlash on public sites when an African American woman won Miss America years ago? The racism was still there, and outspoken. The difference with racism then and racism now is people used to keep it to themselves for the most part (unless they were in the Klan), but now because of the invention of the internet, you can look up real racism online and be greeted by tons of shit.

Racism exists as long as close-mindedness exists. It's why Obama got shit before he even did anything with his presidential term, and it's why Miss America is getting called Un-American.
Quite frankly, if there's a preaching of everyone being equal, and then going on to say one particular denomination of color is more prone to be (insert term with negative connotation) than the rest of the population WITHOUT any proof I think there could be found trouble with those statements.
Slash-LN noted that his school was that way, due to overwhelming majority being white. Again, personal experience is proof to a person's belief. Further, he went on to say:

Slash-LN: I think these people making the statements are complete idiots. I don't see what her race should have to do with anything She was born in America. She's an American. That's all there really is to it.
What, Macios, pray tell, is hypocritical about that? He's saying that people judging her on the basis of her skin are "complete idiots." And he's right. This isn't to crown "Miss Blond Haired, Blue Eyed America", it's to crown Miss America. Period.

It just seems you're back to being contrary just to be contrary, even if none of the facts back up your argument.

I have friends who are of mixed colors and heritage and believe me I know African American's who are racist towards whites and oriental, white friends who are racist about everyone, and Latino friends who are racist to everyone. My point is everyone can be racist and it's not one particular race being the most prejudiced.
That's your personal experience. No one is discounting it. They're simply sharing their own personal experiences. Honestly, you're the one being hypocritical by essentially saying, "This is my experience, so yours must be wrong."

The ONLY justifiable claim to your statement is the fact that you could mention how the majority of the United States is indeed white, and going on the theory that everyone is inherently racist, you could make the comment that because it's a majority of the population the white people in America are the most racist simply because there's indeed more of us.
That would be the logic Slash-LN used, would it not be? 99% of his school was white, and they were racist towards the black students.

I'm not sure where Alex's opinion comes from, to be honest, as he lives in England. Unless he's visited here multiple times, I don't see how he can say we're the most racist country in the world. Still, that doesn't make him a hypocrite. A hypocrite is someone who says they believe one thing, but their actions show they believe something contrary to what they say. Where do you get the hypocrite stuff from?

This quotation whilst based on a factual moment is in no way an entire support for Aelx's argument.
But this wasn't Alex who said it, it was Slash-LN. And again, he was stating personal experience. He went to a school that was 99% white. Fact. White kids at his school ran a black girl off. Fact.

One case of racism does not classify an entire denomination of people to be racist.
He didn't say that it did. He said it was prevalent in his town. Instead of being hell-bent on calling someone a hypocrite because they shared from personal experience, actually read their entire post. Because he then went on to say:

I think these people making the statements are complete idiots. I don't see what her race should have to do with anything She was born in America. She's an American. That's all there really is to it.
He didn't say: "These white people making these statements", he said "these people". He then went on to say race had nothing to do with it. That includes white people, Macios.

Once again, you're not reading what's being written, or you're being contrary just to stir things up, as you've done in the past.

Likewise I wouldn't call the African American person who called me a "burnt white cracker" yesterday a representative of the entire African American population. (And I have sunburn for anyone who was wondering on the topic.)
I didn't read anywhere where people said that these whites, or any group of whites, are representative of the entire population. Slash-LN pointed out his experience at his school. Not your school, not my former schools, his alone. Zeus showed that most of the people making these particular comments are white. Alex, well, he gave an opinion with no basis behind it, I'll give you that. But in your case, what exactly are you trying to say or prove?

I'm not saying other races aren't racists (they can be). I'm just saying that when someone of a different ethnicity other than white does something or achieves something on a national or global scale nine times out of ten, whites are generally the ones who say something prejudiced about it.
I hate this 9/10 crap, because you're providing an opinion, not stating a fact. Earlier, you said:

I still think at times America is the most racist country in the world.
It must be nice to sit in England and make judgments about a country you don't even live in. Have you ever even visited here? I'm not saying you're wrong, btw, I'm just saying that whether wrong or right, you're wrong, I honestly don't know. Simply put, it would be nice to have examples or empirical data that backs this up.

It would be no different then I saying "People from England have the world's worst teeth." Have I heard that before? Sure, as a joke. Do I have anything that shows it to be true? Nope!

Neither do you when you say America is the most racist country in the world.

The First being what happened last night. An American, born in America, who went to the University of Michigan, who has been in America for 24 years, who happen to be of Indian descent. THIS IS ACCEPTABLE!
Again, Macios, READ. That's what EVERYONE in this thread is SAYING.

The Scenario we disagreed with was: An Indian person with an actual Indian citizenship, spending time in American possibly for education, who was born in Delhi, who lived in Delhi 20 out of the 24 years of her life, who is actually NOT an American.
Well, yeah, the law says she wouldn't be eligible. Is there a point there somewhere?

There's a big difference between the two scenarios but the end result is that if you ae AMERICAN you can be MISS AMERICA.
Just the same as sharing one's own personal experience with racism doesn't make them a hypocrite, nor racist themselves. Perhaps Alex is, depending on his skin color, but you lumped Slash-LN's post right in there with him, and you're not close to being accurate in grasping what he's saying.
I think racism is universal, and not restricted to any one race or country/region. When somebody of a minority ethnicity succeed in an area they don't usually fare well in, jealousy and insults tend to occur.

The idea that white or white america is more racist is absurd. America gets a bad rep for racism because of how loud the message of the racists can get due to a more relaxed media and how the population feel about free speech. I'm sure there are just as many derogatory remarks about Whites among Asian or Arab twitter users. They just don't get blown out of proportion because it doesn't go in line with the media's selling of the story.
Slash-LN noted that his school was that way, due to overwhelming majority being white. Again, personal experience is proof to a person's belief.

LSN, I'm going to give this a response just cause I feel like a lot of what I said has been used out of context.

First and foremost, I want to point out whose post came first. It was Alex's. HE was the one who made the comment about it being majorly white, and this was followed by a post talking about how white people bullied black people in one personal experience. In y personal opinion this would be an affirmation of Alex's point which is why I said both were being hypocritical.

What, Macios, pray tell, is hypocritical about that?

Nothing is hypocritical about giving one specific example of white people showing racism. Hell you say it later in your post I used my own personal experience later anyways. I WAS NOT calling Slash-LN a hypocrite for using an example I was calling them out for agreeing with Alex's original point.

Now I know you'll say he never directly agrees however at the same time where then does the point about white people bullying a black person come into the Miss America discussion? By mentioning his personal experience after Alex's post it's evident it was in agreement.

He's saying that people judging her on the basis of her skin are "complete idiots." And he's right. This isn't to crown "Miss Blond Haired, Blue Eyed America", it's to crown Miss America. Period.

And I agree with him, I write basically the same thing. But answer me this, why is there a necessity for mentioning the personal experience when it has nothing to do with the Miss America scenario? It doesn't fit and that's what I was calling out. Alex's opinion and the agreement I'm calling hypocritical. I was judging Alex's opinion as supported by Slash-LN.

It just seems you're back to being contrary just to be contrary, even if none of the facts back up your argument.

I'm being contrary that someone preaching equality and fairness needs to mention and try and support a whimsical opinion that Alex proposed. I'm not being contrary to be contrary I'm being contrary to call out the fact that the point that Alex made isn't accurate.

That's your personal experience. No one is discounting it. They're simply sharing their own personal experiences. Honestly, you're the one being hypocritical by essentially saying, "This is my experience, so yours must be wrong."

This quote is probably the only reason that really made me want to reply. First and foremost what "personal experience" does Alex show in his post? None.... He states an "opinion" which I disagreed with, which was supported by Slash-LN through his personal experience. I then proceeded to use my personal experience to say that it's hypocritical when preaching to call a specific denomination "the majority of racists" without any proof. I used my experience to show another perspective. I don't think that's ever been shunned upon on Wrestlezone. My opinion in no way is greater than anyone else's. However when someone's opinion backs and opinion which I think is not verifiable and based in personal opinion which subjugates a denomination in which I'm apart of, of course I'm going to try and defend it with a new perspective.

That would be the logic Slash-LN used, would it not be? 99% of his school was white, and they were racist towards the black students.
Once again, I'm sure it happened. I appreciate people sharing their opinion. But LSN if you honestly tell me the inclusion of this experience was SOLELY based on Miss America and nothing Alex said than I think you've lost it. That one account is entirely extraneous to the Miss America topic. The purposeful conclusion of using a white person being racist right after a post saying white people are racist can then be deduced as support for the previous post ESPECIALLY when the entire point of the response should be talking about Miss America should it not?

I'm not sure where Alex's opinion comes from, to be honest, as he lives in England. Unless he's visited here multiple times, I don't see how he can say we're the most racist country in the world. Still, that doesn't make him a hypocrite. A hypocrite is someone who says they believe one thing, but their actions show they believe something contrary to what they say. Where do you get the hypocrite stuff from?

I'm going to walk you through on how I made my hypocrisy claim to clear it up.[/B]

1) Alex supports that nobody should be racist towards Miss America and we should accept her

Just so we're clear on what racism means.
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

2) He says
it's not surprising most of these comments come from Whites because they always tend to be the ones who kick up a stink about stuff like this

3) We can't have racism but then we go on an subjugate Whites, which if I'm not mistaken falls directly in the definition of racism.

But this wasn't Alex who said it, it was Slash-LN. And again, he was stating personal experience. He went to a school that was 99% white. Fact. White kids at his school ran a black girl off. Fact.

LSN, IT WAS ALEX who said it. It was Alex who made the statement about white people and Slash-SN came AFTER Alex's, which is where I think you've gone awry on your entire argument. I was commenting on Alex's post as supported by SN. I NEVER say SN's opinion isn't valid.

He didn't say that it did. He said it was prevalent in his town. Instead of being hell-bent on calling someone a hypocrite because they shared from personal experience, actually read their entire post. Because he then went on to say:

LSN I don't think you read my entire post, or at least didn't read it in order. Until I mention his quotation I don't reference his post AT ALL. I spend the most time harping on what Alex said. You have everything out of order if I'm being frank.

He didn't say: "These white people making these statements", he said "these people". He then went on to say race had nothing to do with it. That includes white people, Macios.

Wrong person LSN. Once again I spent the majority of time talking about Alex's post and threw Slash in because his experience was there solely to support Alex's.

Once again, you're not reading what's being written, or you're being contrary just to stir things up, as you've done in the past.
Once again I'm not the one who is defending someone who I wasn't spending the majority of time talking about. It just seems you just had a long day in the office and didn't read my post clearly.

And you know as well as I do I've been working hard to change how people view me on here. If I wasn't I wouldn't have even bothered giving you a response back.

I didn't read anywhere where people said that these whites, or any group of whites, are representative of the entire population.

Alex referred to the particular domination as "Whites." Now sure syntax wise there's no implication it is everybody but by using "Whites" as a noun he's referring to a group of people which in turn is racist.

Slash-LN pointed out his experience at his school. Not your school, not my former schools, his alone. Zeus showed that most of the people making these particular comments are white. Alex, well, he gave an opinion with no basis behind it, I'll give you that. But in your case, what exactly are you trying to say or prove?

Nothing on Zeus he was the only one trying to give FACTS, but Alex the second post in here refers to the white population as Whites and then makes a stereotype about them directly after. By throwing in color there's a hint of racism in it. He later goes on to say racism is bad. AFTER this Slash uses his personal experience to give some sort of validation to this statement and reiterates racism is bad. I was calling Alex hypocritical for setting the entire thing up, and added Slash in AFTER explaining that is was about Alex which you haven't seemed to comprehend or read properly.

I hate this 9/10 crap, because you're providing an opinion, not stating a fact. Earlier, you said:

It must be nice to sit in England and make judgments about a country you don't even live in. Have you ever even visited here? I'm not saying you're wrong, btw, I'm just saying that you're wrong, I honestly don't know. Simply put, it would be nice to have examples or empirical data that backs this up.

It would be no different then I saying "People from England have the world's worst teeth." Have I heard that before? Sure, as a joke. Do I have anything that shows it to be true? Nope!

Neither do you when you say America is the most racist country in the world.
Has nothing to do with me skipping over.

Again, Macios, READ. That's what EVERYONE in this thread is SAYING.

LSN, you know I admire you as a poster and debating you is something I don't like to do but in this case I honesty feel you're the wrong one here and I respect you enough to try and prove it to you as it can only help me as a poster.

However, you're basis for the majority of your argument is defending Slash which in my post was only a minor feature. I was pointing out Alex's opinion and saying why that was wrong. My guess is you read the thread out of order and therefore formulated your post in a way where you though Slash came first and then Alex but it was NOT that way.

Just the same as sharing one's own personal experience with racism doesn't make them a hypocrite, nor racist themselves. Perhaps Alex is, depending on his skin color, but you lumped Slash-LN's post right in there with him, and you're not close to being accurate in grasping what he's saying.

Once again, in sequential order Alex's post--->Slash LN's post---->my post.

Alex said what I thought was hypocritical, Slash LN mentioned the personal experience which HAD no basis expect for trying to validate what Alex says. Everything else Slash said I agree with. However I honestly think you read the posts out of order or something.
I definitely didn't mean to imply there isn't racism amongst other races. My whole point was that racism definitely exists on a wide scale and it shouldn't. On top of that it bothers me that I went to school where it was so bad that when someone from another race came into the school they were run out. They weren't given a chance.

His first question was asking if we were more offended by the stupidity or the racism. I was giving my story on dealing with racism where I live and went to school and how it bothered me then the same way it bother's me now. Even pointing out that I wasn't raised that way which shows I don't think all white people are racists.

I've been lucky enough not to have had to experience racism towards me from anyone so I don't really have any stories to share about that. If I did I definitely would share those too.

Sorry if my post came off as misleading.
I still think at times America is the most racist country in the world.

Yeah, it's pretty easy to think that when you view. After all, living here in the states, most of the racist banter you hear comes from Americans.

However, if it came down to which country was probably the most racist, it's difficult to really say. After all, every culture has racism as part of its history with its own various terms & slurs. The Chinese, for instance have words like:

Yáng Guǐzi - Translates into "Western Devil", a slur towards Westerners in general.
Guǐlǎo - Translates to "White Ghost", a slur towards Whites.
Ang mo- Translates into "Red Hair" or "Red Fur" as a derogatory slur towards people with red hair.
Fan Guai - No real translation, but is a slur referring to any foreigners.
Xiǎo Rìběn - Translates to "Little Japanese" as a means of referring to Japan & it's people as small, runty, and weak.
Rìběn guǐzi - Another slur aimed against Japanese as a means of saying their obedient or submissive.
Hei guǐ - Translates into "Black Devil", a slur towards all Africans or blacks in general.
Ah Cha - Doesn't translate into a specific word, but is geared towards India that came about due to many of Indian descent working in various low level, low paying jobs in Hong Kong. It was expanded to indicate a lack of intelligence, education and initiative.

These are only some of them. They might not exactly sound all that offensive, some might even seem nonsensical, but I'm sure many cultures would say the same about various racial slurs we use. So, for many people, it's probably easy to view yourself as living in the most racist country in the world.

As for the actual subject, meh, it's just more of the same old same old really. It's horrible that people made the comments that they have but, in some ways, it's hard for me to really get all that upset over this controversy. After all, it's a friggin' beauty pageant. In a society that seems to be all about being as politically correct as possible, beauty pageants seem extremely old fashioned and out of date. After you hear all the various preaching about tolerance, respect for differences, to look on the inside rather than what's outside, etc. it seems that women competing in contests revolving around physical beauty sends a heavily mixed message. Yeah, I know that people say it's not all about watching them in bikinis and all that but, c'mon, let's be honest, it's bullshit; nobody gives a shit about watching them wear some evening gown or listening to some inane question segment. I mean...shit, what the frig does Miss California know about the crisis in Syria and how to solve it? She's got like 20 seconds to answer a question that Obama & Congress have been at each other's throats over for months.
I'm not sure where Alex's opinion comes from, to be honest, as he lives in England. Unless he's visited here multiple times, I don't see how he can say we're the most racist country in the world. Still, that doesn't make him a hypocrite. A hypocrite is someone who says they believe one thing, but their actions show they believe something contrary to what they say. Where do you get the hypocrite stuff from

I didn't mean to cause offence or anything. Alastor kind of summed up where I was coming from

The idea that white or white america is more racist is absurd. America gets a bad rep for racism because of how loud the message of the racists can get due to a more relaxed media and how the population feel about free speech. I'm sure there are just as many derogatory remarks about Whites among Asian or Arab twitter users. They just don't get blown out of proportion because it doesn't go in line with the media's selling of the story.

I guess this is why I said my comment. There seems to be a lot of racist comments that are publicised which probably lent itself to my comment.

I know you get racism everywhere. I mean you get a fair bit of racism over in England as well. Heck when the soldier was decapitated a few months back there was quite a lot of racism being thrown about because the perpetrators were Black and Muslim.

Didn't mean to cause offence or anything.
Racism definately still exists and it's definately shown in this. You'll notice it a lot more in "Murica". You know, where people who want to say who you can marry, that you should put a Christian god in school, and want to tell women what to do with their reproductive rights fly flags that say "don't tread on me". You know, where the confederate flag is flow but "no I'm not racist. You know, where people have 12 toes because their dad, brother, cousin, and grandpa are the same person. Where they want to "take our country back" whatever the hell that means.

The closest thing I've seen to a study of this was a twitter heat map of the United States based on the number of racial, sexist, and homophobic slurs. Basically if you overlapped it with a map of this country in 1862, it'd have the same boundaries. Or if you overlapped it with he presidential electorate map. Or a map of the states with the highest obesity rate. Or the highest poverty rate. Or the highest crime rate. Or the worst education ratings.

Basically the south and these "muricans" make us look really REALLY bad. If you're from the south, I don't mean to offend you. Many of you are nice and charming. But statistically, you're kind of fucking the rest of us over.

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