Kurt Angle's Farewell Match


Dark Match Jobber
As announced on Raw last night, Kurt Angle will have his final match of his career at WM35. The speculation can now begin on who his final opponent will be. Could this be where Taker shows up ? Or maybe Cena ? What does everyone think ?
I think there's four possibilities. John Cena the most likely, then Undertaker, then Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles the least likely. If they wait until the day of WrestleMania to reveal his opponent, I think it will be Undertaker.

If it's anyone else, like Drew McIntyre or Baron Corbin, I'd br surprised and disappointed. If his opponent is Undertaker, Cena, or Styles, Angle should lose. If it's anyone else, Angle should win.
The only other name I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is Shane. They've got history, there may be interest in getting Angle back in a GM role, and Shane appears to be a heel again.

Although this is doubtful. Shane seems like he will be wrapped up with Miz. I would guess Cena is the guy. I would prefer AJ and I give that an ok chance but Cena is more likely. Here are some fake odds:

Cena 70%
AJ 5%
UT 15%
Shane 2%
McIntyre 2%
Lashley 1%
Corbin 2%
Joe 1%
Rock 1%
Anyone else 1%

So it will probably a handicapped match against Jeff Jarrett and Elias.
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It will probably be Cena. I think they will have again the fatal 4 way for the US belt with the same guys.
.I think you need to send him out with a win. Good feel good moment so why not have him open the main show by beating Baron Corbin? That was the feud that he spent most of the year with so let him go over to finish his career out. Have Corbin dominate toe bout and Angle gets the late reversal and wins with the ankle lock.
.I think you need to send him out with a win. Good feel good moment so why not have him open the main show by beating Baron Corbin? That was the feud that he spent most of the year with so let him go over to finish his career out. Have Corbin dominate toe bout and Angle gets the late reversal and wins with the ankle lock.

Corbin isn't worth putting in that spot. Angle's last match needs to be against a legendary veteran, not a rookie nobody. The only way a rookie would work is if Angle completely dominates them in a squash.
It will probably be Cena and Cena will lose clean. Articles were saying that Cena may be facing Joe for the US title but I think it will be the fatal 4 way for the US belt
How about a last minute legends tag match where several legends are there.

Kurt is standing there calling out his final challenger when the Big Show arrives and does his heel stuff and then Kane comes out and aligns with Big Show and they are about to beat down on Kurt until Cena makes the save and we have a tag match.

It won't be a classic but four big names from another era having a match at Mania would be a treat to many older fans.

Even substitute The Rock for John Cena if he is able to wrestle a quick match.
How about a last minute legends tag match where several legends are there.

Kurt is standing there calling out his final challenger when the Big Show arrives and does his heel stuff and then Kane comes out and aligns with Big Show and they are about to beat down on Kurt until Cena makes the save and we have a tag match.

It won't be a classic but four big names from another era having a match at Mania would be a treat to many older fans.

Even substitute The Rock for John Cena if he is able to wrestle a quick match.
Angle's farewell should be about him, not a bunch of random veterans. Could you imagine if Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels(Saudi show doesn't count) last matches were in random tags? Me either

The best option for Angle's last match has got to be Cena, the story is already written. I think a cool idea would be for Angle to do an open challenge and have Cena answer that challenge just like in his debut, the story comes full circle.
The only fitting ‘angle’ would be cena with angles last match being the same as cena’s first one. In the first match angle won with cena showing one hell of a fight so it’s only fitting that the shoe is on the other foot with a near win by angle only to be then beat by cena and the two embrace in the ring ala michaels/flair.
Angle's farewell should be about him, not a bunch of random veterans. Could you imagine if Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels(Saudi show doesn't count) last matches were in random tags? Me either

The best option for Angle's last match has got to be Cena, the story is already written. I think a cool idea would be for Angle to do an open challenge and have Cena answer that challenge just like in his debut, the story comes full circle.

I agree it should be about him to me the current singles wrestler value that Kurt has has fallen a lot due to the constant losing.

I'd like to see a happy ending where Kurt can win but who of any significant note can he really beat after being pinned by Dolph Ziggler.

John has also lost a lot recently but we know Super Cena will be back eventually.

If Kurt loses at Mania is he really passing on much credibility to his opponent? That's why I proposed a tag match where he can still get a win and send people home Happy.
There 3 possibilities first let me talk about who everyone mention Samoa Joe and aj styles they won’t because that tna I they don’t look at tna history. Won’t be big show but could be possibilities because of Kurt original gm run in the wheel chair. Could be Shane but he with the miz and they only at that one match at KOR. Triple H they had pretty good history but he with the “movie star.” Won’t be taker I just have a feeling but who knows. Only two guys that could be it is Brock similar background even though Kurt a better wrestler and also he in title match so he out. That leaves Cena who had Cena first WWE match a long time ago but y’all to young. Only make since he welcome cena in and cena welcoming him out the door. I love angle only reason why I watch and after mania I’m done watching but that only one that make logic sense but WWE isn’t logic
Well this is disappointing. On one hand Vince is giving Kurt this nice going away storyline, on the other you have Baron Corbin. I guess this is what happens when you spend so long working for the "competition".

Maybe it is just storyline leading to a bigger name or maybe Cena/UT is set for a surprise but this is incredibly disappointing as is.
With cena currently filming a movie in vancouver, it pretty much take that scenario off the table because even if he's able to free himself for a day to show up a mania, the peoples that are in charge won't let him do a actual match. So we might get a cameo from cena where he hit the AA on corbin after the match but has far as him replacing corbin, i don't see it happening.
For me i have ZERO intreast in this at all if anyone watched smackdown this week did you see how bad his angle slam was i love angle his a legend but he just sucks in the ring now another guy that stayed to long.
If this match has to happen and it does it should have been cena (i am not a cena fan) but it would have been great for the guy to send him of be the guy that got his first chance against him.
corbin just no i know thats whats happening now but god this is gonna be bad bad bad .
i would have been happy if it had been someone on the card that was doing well that could have done with the rub beating him at mania gable maybe would have been nice or just for story line if he had been ready i would have loved a jordan vs angle match and he retires his "dad"

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