I was fascinated by Kurt Angle's comment because it added an extra layer to the discussion. I don't know of anybody who said anything similar to what Angle said. Do you? Also, you said it was easy for Angle to give his views post ex de facto. Sure, solutions are easier in hindsight. Does that mean analyses are purposeless? Speaking in hindsight doesn't make his comments any less insightful.
Perception is an interesting thing. Kurt Angle has a few skeletons in the closet: he's abused drugs, been arrested for DUI, and has said strange things on Twitter. Thus, some see him as a clown. But if Daniel Bryan or Cesaro were to offer the exact same words towards Punk that Angle did, I guarantee the ridicule would be non-existent. Angle's checkered moments do not detract from the vast wisdom he has acquired over the years.