Kurt Angle: Two Years On

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
It's pretty much the two year anniversary of Angle joining TNA, give or take a week. And I was just thinking... what the fuck has he done? Quite a lot actually.

Anyway, Angle in TNA has been... disappointing. When he first joined everybody thought he'd run in there and throw around cruiserweights like nobody's business. In WWE, he'd had his best matches with guys with athleticism, like Michaels and 'Taker. Surely when he and AJ Styles stepped into the ring it'd be a seven star classic and would bring about the end of time? It took about two years and, while good, it was... disappointing. Pretty much a microcosm for Kurt's TNA career so far really.

I forget the point of this thread. Anyway, how do you think Kurt's TNA career has gone so far?
Surely when he and AJ Styles stepped into the ring it'd be a seven star classic and would bring about the end of time? It took about two years and, while good, it was... disappointing. Pretty much a microcosm for Kurt's TNA career so far really.
I think this statement, and your entire post pretty much validates what I've been saying about Kurt Angle for a long time now.

Kurt Angle is entirely overrated by the Internet Wrestling Community. He's not that great of a worker, and like Sam said, his matches in TNA are proving it. Angle in TNA was a smark's wet dream. Joe, Styles, etc...we were going to witness the greatest matches of all time. And, like has been said, all of them have been disappointing. And I blame Kurt Angle for that.

Additionally, has Angle really made much difference in ratings? Hasn't appeared to. Has he had an effect on PPV buyrates, live show attendance, merchandising money? Well, I can't answer that. I don't know what other impact he's had. So, maybe he's had a positive influence on other aspects of TNA business. But, not ratings, and if you believe ratings trends are a good indication of business, then Angle hasn't done much.

Overall, the one point that needs to be taken from this. Kurt Angle just isn't that great.
Everything about TNA is disappointing. From almost everything Angle has done in the company, to how Booker was made into a mid carder before they'd even had him headline a PPV, to Christian's title run. Everything. I'm only pleasantly surprised on occasion because I have such low expectations of that company now.

There have been a couple of good Angle moments and matches. But not many. But since No Surrender 06 you'd be hard pressed to think up anything of quality in TNA. Not just things relating to Angle.
It's pretty much the two year anniversary of Angle joining TNA, give or take a week. And I was just thinking... what the fuck has he done? Quite a lot actually.

Anyway, Angle in TNA has been... disappointing. When he first joined everybody thought he'd run in there and throw around cruiserweights like nobody's business. In WWE, he'd had his best matches with guys with athleticism, like Michaels and 'Taker. Surely when he and AJ Styles stepped into the ring it'd be a seven star classic and would bring about the end of time? It took about two years and, while good, it was... disappointing. Pretty much a microcosm for Kurt's TNA career so far really.

I forget the point of this thread. Anyway, how do you think Kurt's TNA career has gone so far?

Kurt Angle's TNA career has been very good. Not excellent like it was in WWE, but very good.
I cannot see how anybody could say his TNA career was disappointing, as he hasnt participated in one poor match, and always gave an excellent performance. Every match Angle has had in TNA has been better than anything WWE has had to offer, this in the two years that Angle joined TNA, and this is simply due to the fact that Kurt Angle is a World Class wrestler, as opposed to the current WWE roster where there are no World Class wrestlers at all, and the majority of WWE's talent cannot really wrestle.
The last World Class wrestler WWE had was Chris Benoit, and unfortunately he is no longer with us. Since he departed this world WWE's roster has probably been worse than ever, with too many con man like Triple H, Batista, John Cena, The Great Khali, Santino, Carlito etc, dominating the rosters when in all honesty they cannot truly wrestle.
The highlight of Angle's TNA career would undoubtably be all of his matches against Somoa Joe, which were all excellent, and the first two matches that they had should definately be ranked in the Top 20 or Top 10 Greatest Professional Wrestling Matches of All Time.
Kurt Angle's TNA career has been very good. Not excellent like it was in WWE, but very good.
I cannot see how anybody could say his TNA career was disappointing, as he hasnt participated in one poor match, and always gave an excellent performance. Every match Angle has had in TNA has been better than anything WWE has had to offer, this in the two years that Angle joined TNA, and this is simply due to the fact that Kurt Angle is a World Class wrestler, as opposed to the current WWE roster where there are no World Class wrestlers at all, and the majority of WWE's talent cannot really wrestle.
The last World Class wrestler WWE had was Chris Benoit, and unfortunately he is no longer with us. Since he departed this world WWE's roster has probably been worse than ever, with too many con man like Triple H, Batista, John Cena, The Great Khali, Santino, Carlito etc, dominating the rosters when in all honesty they cannot truly wrestle.
The highlight of Angle's TNA career would undoubtably be all of his matches against Somoa Joe, which were all excellent, and the first two matches that they had should definately be ranked in the Top 20 or Top 10 Greatest Professional Wrestling Matches of All Time.

A majority of TNA's roster can't wrestle either, so? This isn't high school wrestling it's pro wrestling. Chris Jericho is not only a better wrestler but a helluva lot more entertaining than Angle is.
Kurt Angle has been a part of great matches to those online. To me, he was part of some hilarious segments in the Thanksgiving special, the show where Nash powerbombed him and he tried to get Nash back, the episode where he was in his thong was great - as he had hilarious segments backstage and the final segment where he took Joe out.

Kurt is a great performer, great on the mic, can be hilarious, can be serious. I think wrestling shouldn't take themselves too seriously like TNA has adapted to due to online reaction/influence... Kurt and Mick together can have some of the funniest segments of all time. Same with a lot of the young guys and veterans. TNA can be a super funny, entertaining show and draw new viewers, yet they want to take themselves too seriously and try to take the business seriously where nobody outside the bubble would.

Kurt Angle is entertaining in and out the ring. they need to let him continue to do that.
I was thinking of this while in the shower (naked mind you)

Kurt Angle could quite possibly be the biggest waste of talent in the history of wrestling. Really though. More than Jake the Snake, Scott Hall, Mr.Perfect, all those other fuck ups. HOW fucking amazing was Angle at the time he left WWE?? Had fans foaming at the mouth regardless of orientation. Watch the WM main event of 22 if you dont belive it. The crowd popped if he did so much as blink. The man was the stand alone best wrestler in the game at the time.

and now what??? He has done nothing. Some decent matches, yea. Hasnt raised the profile or bottom line of TNA. Damn that. as compared to what he COULDVE done in WWE up until this time??? He surely wouldnt be on ECW anymore by now. Id say he wouldve main evented at least one of the last two WMs. Not to mention, couldve had an epic showdown with Taker over the streak by now.

What is he doing?? Being involved in horrible storylines, and disappointing matches, in a failure, a pathetic excuse for a wrestling promotion.

Kurt Angle, the biggest waste of talent in the history of pro wrestling.
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