Kurt Angle: Is he really worth it?

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I can do whatever I want
There have been hundreds of reports since Angle signed with TNA, that he pretty much wanted to run the show. It almost appeared than he wanted to become the HHH of the company.

Over the years many people have spoken out about Angle's ego and attitude problems and alot of fans have complained of over saturation of Angle on the product.

And now with the recent release of Dutch Mantell and the whole controversy over Jarett/Angle, Angle seems to be even more in the "HHH" position.

So I ask is Angle really worth all this? Should Dixie and the rest of TNA countinue to cater to he's every needs. Is Angle really a big enough commodity that they should countinue to allow him to be the face of TNA, and have most of the mainevent storylines revolve around him.

Some will say yes 100%. Angle is a great wrestler, and a great overall entertainer with a storied past. Some will say TNA needs Angle at the top to make TNA seem bigger than they are.

Others will say Angle is like a "Cancer" in TNA. Always looking out for himself, always out to promote himself, and as long as Angle is at the top, TNA's future is grim.

Is Angle really worth it? And if not him, can you honestly say who would be a realistic choice to repleace him at the top?
I'd argue yes.

He's the one person who gives the company mainstream credibility as a great all round wrestler on the mic and mat, and someone with a respected history who is still in his prime, unlike the respected but ageing WCW castoffs and Mick Foley, or the prime, but still largely anonymous TNA originals and X-Division wrestlers. Without Angle, is TNA really any different than ROH in mainstream public perception?

Sure he's trying for influence, but why not? Clearly creative are terrible and one guy's even broke up your marriage! In that positon, if you thought (as a guy with previous experience as one of the top guys at the top company) that you genuinely could improve the business as I think he believes he can, would you not go for a power play?

He works twice as hard as anyone else and is one of their top promotional draws as well as one of their biggest talents. Not revolving the company around him would make as much sense as a Cena heel turn business wise.

If you were the most talented man in your company and responsible for most of its profits, would you stand by watching the guys at the top give you terrible material to work with, runt he business into the ground and steal your wife, or would you not attempt a coup and try to sort it out yourself?

Everybody would.
YES!!! Kurt Angle is worth every second of exposure that he is getting. He deserves to be the face of TNA. He is a better wrestler, a better entertainer, and well, just an overall better talent than HHH could ever hope to be. Kurt Angle doesn't have to be married to the boss' daughter to be the face of a company. And we all know that the ONLY reason that HHH has had so many title reigns is because he pretty much has creative control over who holds the title and for how long said person holds the title. Kurt Angle got to where he is today by being the best at what he does. Hell even when he was in the WWE he was at the top. Kurt got fed up with the schedule, the toll that it was taking on his body, and I believe that he also left b/c of HHH's refusal to take the spotlight off of himself and the refusal to put the younger talent over. In my opinion, Kurt Angle would be where he is today regardless of his position in TNA. Yes, he is the focal point of most of TNA's telecasts, but that's the way it needs to be for TNA to be successful. TNA needs Kurt Angle more than Kurt Angle needs TNA...bottom line! So to answer you're question........

YES!!!! Kurt Angle is worth it.....more so than anyone else in wrestling today! I just hope he comes back to the WWE b/c I honestly don't watch TNA much and I can't wait to see Angle in some fresh feuds. Angle needs to come back and feud with Jack Swagger...it would be AMAZING!!
The short answer is yes.

The long answer? Hell yes.

Kurt Angle, from the get-go, was one of the top in ring talents to ever enter the business. His list of classic matches, in WWE and in TNA, is a mile long. He has the concept of in ring competition down to perfection, and ranks alongside Bret Hart as a true master of the technical style. In TNA, he has brought his talents to create some of the most brilliant matches TNA has - vs Samoa Joe, vs AJ Styles, vs Jeff Jarrett, vs Christian Cage, vs Sting, and with many, many others. I mean, honestly, he brought Mick Foley to a good match, which, considering Mick's current state of health, is a big achievement. More or less, any time you see Angle's name on a card, you can guarantee that that particular match is good, and will be worth seeing. This translates, essentially, into this fact: if you see he's wrestling on TV, watch - if you see he's wrestling on PPV, buy.

The more incredible thing about Angle, however, is how masterful he's become on the mic. He's developed into one of the true all-time greats in terms of promos, which has made him one of the most useful and versatile talents in the game today. Not only will he give you a technical classic, he'll make you care about it. Whether you want to see him get his ass kicked or see him kick some ass, he can get you going either way as good as any other man in the business.

So, yes, essentially Kurt Angle is worth it - he's more than worth it. He's worth all the money TNA can offer him. He's worth being given creative control. He's worth it all, because for as long as he can still wrestle, he is the man that can give TNA a rock solid foundation and keep it afloat.
So you guys think Angle is worth all the hassle he puts TNA through? Let me just throw this out, what happens when Angle can't wrestle anymore? What would happen right now if Angle threw a hissy fit and quit TNA over something stupid? Where would TNA go? It would be a big blow seeing how much time and effort they are putting in TNA.

You don't mind Angle hogging up the mainevent spot, because he's "good"? I am an Angle fan, and agree he should be the face of TNA, but if him being in the company is making everyone miserable, and if he's controlling alot of the backstage going on's you really think it's ok?

Are you guys the same guys who bash TNA for it's current direction and lack of "original TNA"? Because I would think that one of the reasons for the lack of originality and the current state of TNA might have to do with Angle, and his need to be in control? So your saying he's worth having the current TNA product slip closer and closer to a "WWE" light product? Or am I being too hard on Angle?
kurt angle is worth having on tna cause he is one of the best in the buisness, but on the other hand if he gets the power will he become the companies version of triple h or hogan. in my opinion he should only be in volved in his feuds/storylines and no one elses.
I love Kurt Angle as a performer but if they give him the keys to TNA it will be a huge mistake. Everyone who says Kurt is worth giving full creative control to are probably the same people who said giving Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and those other big names creative control in WCW and we all know how that ended up. The Finger Poke of Death, Jeff Jarrett laying down because Hogan refused to lose a match. It was horrible. No wrestler is worth giving creative control to especially wrestlers with ego problems. Which Kurt is said to have. I say let him go if he wants that much control.
I think you're being too hard.

The fact is that he is the number one draw in the company not because he's keeping anyone down, but simply because there's nobody else there with the same amount of public awareness of appreciation as him. If they took the spotlight off Angle then their ratings would drop and their buy-rates would fall. Simple as that.

By looking at the ratings you can see that there's a lot of people who watch Raw who don't even tune into Smackdown, so with that in mind, how is TNA going to attract those fans? With someone nobody's ever heard of, or with possibly one of the greatest talents working today who also brings mainstream fans and publicity and legitimacy to TNA outside of just wrestling fans, due to his legitimate Olympic achievements?

If he's making people miserable (which I've heard no evidence of) they should understand that one of them main reasons they even have a job is because Angle keeps the company afloat, and if one of your bosses stole your wife, don't you think you'd have a bad attitude a work too?
So you guys think Angle is worth all the hassle he puts TNA through?

Well, he's only in the top 5 greatest wrestlers in the country. He can't possibly be worth it.

Let me just throw this out, what happens when Angle can't wrestle anymore?

Erm, isn't this a statement true of every main eventer in history? Every main event talent has to pass out and fade away, that doesn't mean you don't push the hell out of them while they're healthy. Actually, that's the definition of what you do - push the hell out of them while they can carry you, and then put them out to pasture.
What would happen right now if Angle threw a hissy fit and quit TNA over something stupid?

Then TNA will have benefited from making Kurt Angle the cornerstone of their organization for as long as they did, and will move on. Again, you don't hold guys back in the anticipation of their leaving, you push the hell out of them while you can.

Where would TNA go? It would be a big blow seeing how much time and effort they are putting in TNA.

Who exactly do you propose carry TNA like Angle can?
You don't mind Angle hogging up the mainevent spot, because he's "good"?

Uh, yes? This is a difficult concept, is it? I want the best wrestler possible in the main event...and Angle is the best possible wrestler in TNA. Simple.
I am an Angle fan, and agree he should be the face of TNA, but if him being in the company is making everyone miserable, and if he's controlling alot of the backstage going on's you really think it's ok?

Any different from what Hogan, Michaels, Hart, or Austin have done?
Are you guys the same guys who bash TNA for it's current direction and lack of "original TNA"?

Because I would think that one of the reasons for the lack of originality and the current state of TNA might have to do with Angle, and his need to be in control?

Yeah, it's not like TNA's ratings are improving or anything.

So your saying he's worth having the current TNA product slip closer and closer to a "WWE" light product? Or am I being too hard on Angle?

The point is that Angle is the greatest wrestler TNA has, is still in relatively good health, and to not keep him at the top of their organization for as long as he is under contract with them would be a ridiculous move.
100% No.
Hes not worth it, and heres why.
He wants total control because he is the biggest name to come down from WWE. He think that he deserves everything on that show because he was once the Big Kahoona of WWE.
And in all fairness, yes he was, but is that worth him taking total control of TNA? No.
I will admit, I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to TNA, I dont watch it, I care for it, but from what ive seen and heard, I think putting all this effort into a guy who (In My Opinion) will eventually just leave and come back to WWE, is stupid.
One thing you need to look at in relation to Hulk Hogan having creative control vs Angle is this...

Hulk Hogan was always booked as a superhero, and he threw tantrums whenever he didn't get to squash people or was made to look weak or lose to people he felt beneath him.

Angle has made a career out of looking extremely naive, foolish, insecure and arrogant (even as a face) and has never (to my knowledge) refused to lose to anybody. He is obviously extremely comfortable at playing the idiot and I don't see anything in his past behaviour that would suggest vanity booking - quite the reverse in fact.
Good point Harthan. First off, I'm not trying to say Angle isn't worth it, I'm just trying to play devils advocate.

Angle is the obvious choice to "carry" the company since nobody(except maybe Sting, but he's too old now)has the drawing power to bring fans in. Angle has accomplished so much in the WWE, and in the wrestling sport all together it makes sence.

I'm just alittle concern that TNA/Dixie/Creative are going to give Angle to much power. Like it's been mention before Hogan/Nash/Jarett ect were all given creative control in WCW(all were huge stars...I mean it's Hulk Hogan), and they all ended up creatively driving WCW in a pit. While maybe Angle won't do that, he's "ego" and "attitude problems" say other wise.

As for Jarett, yes I would be pissed if my boss was screwin my ex. Maybe Angle had the right to make a big fuss(all just rumors), but what happens if next it's Angle making a big scene about Styles missing a spot? Or that Jay Lethal looked at him funny? If TNA gives Angle too much power I could see him being like HHH, Batista, ect and getting people fired because of personal reasons, ect.
But again, look at his history. In the WWE did he ever get anyone fired? No. Did he ever undermine anyone? No. Did he refuse to drop or job to anyone? No. He had the power to easily do all three.

Did he ask for creative control? No. Because he didn't need to. It was the top show. TNA is struggling and he's probably the one person there who has the most experience at the most sucessful level, and therefore the ability, to improve it. The WCW people (Russo inlcuded) have most of their experience as floating on a sinking ship.

At WWE he was a a bigger draw than Bastita ever is or was, yet didn't pull any of his crap despite undoubtedly having the same opportunities to. I only see his power play at TNA being a combination of...

a) Creative sucking badly
b) Corporate stealing his wife
c) A genuine passion and desire to see the company improve

A power play (in his mind) solves all three issues.

And as I said before, he's one of the last people I'd ever expect to vanity book as his entire career as a face and heel has been as a slightly moronic character. The only thing he's never been booked as is weak, and that's more to do with the fact that it wouldn't sustain belief as he legitimately an Olympic champion in an industry full of glorified bodybuilders.

it's unfair to pre-judge him based on teh crimes of Hogan, et al.
I don't think Angle has put TNA through a "hassle" as you speak since Angle has been the saving grace of the company. If anything of all the rumors if they are true, Jarret has been the one holding back people. If Jarret was taken out of power I don't see Angle leaving TNA anytime soon. Whether he wrestles or not he is a valuable commodity and always puts over young talent. I think Angle winning the championship against Foley was the first match I've seen Angle win in months. Angle isn't hogging the main event spotlight, he has barely been in it. I'm not one of the guys who bash TNA for it not being original or whatever that means, I've been a fan for years and the show keeps getting better week after week. It seems pretty biased to blame Angle for the state of TNA when the man isn't even in charge yet. Who said TNA was in a bad state? It's only been around 7 years. I don't TNA is a WWE "light" product either if anything it would be called WWE extreme.
Also people don't realise he earns a lot less in TNA than he did or could again earn in WWE.

If Angle was motivated purely by selfish motives, he could easily jump ship and WWE would have him back in a heatbeat, and probably with a 'creative control' sweetner too, on a LOT more cash and a negotied reduced schedule like the Undertaker and Michaels.

He's emotionally invested in the company and genuinely wants what's best for it. If he just wanted self-glorification and power, then WWE with it's mainstream exposure and millions more fans is clearly the place he would be, not busting his ass on a C show and being backstabbed by one of his bosses as thanks.
100% No.
Hes not worth it, and heres why.
He wants total control because he is the biggest name to come down from WWE. He think that he deserves everything on that show because he was once the Big Kahoona of WWE.
And in all fairness, yes he was, but is that worth him taking total control of TNA? No.
I will admit, I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to TNA, I dont watch it, I care for it, but from what ive seen and heard, I think putting all this effort into a guy who (In My Opinion) will eventually just leave and come back to WWE, is stupid.

:lol: How the hell can you have an opinion about a show you don't even watch? How do you or anyone else know that Angle has "attitude problems" or wants complete control of the show? If he does want control of the books is it a bad thing? if he doesn't get it I don't think it officially means he'll come back to WWE. If he does come back who cares, I'll still watch both products either way.
not worth it, the reason i say that is because no one wrestler should be your only thing to go to i think aj styles should get his push to the world title i loved tna when it started but when they went "wcw" (hireing all former wwe guys) i turned it off i like the tna originals and i think they should focus more on joe and aj not all thesse has beens
not worth it, the reason i say that is because no one wrestler should be your only thing to go to i think aj styles should get his push to the world title i loved tna when it started but when they went "wcw" (hireing all former wwe guys) i turned it off i like the tna originals and i think they should focus more on joe and aj not all thesse has beens
not worth it, the reason i say that is because no one wrestler should be your only thing to go to i think aj styles should get his push to the world title i loved tna when it started but when they went "wcw" (hireing all former wwe guys) i turned it off i like the tna originals and i think they should focus more on joe and aj not all thesse has beens

Ahh I understand where your coming from. But when Styles/Joe were the headliners were the ratings as good? I honestly don't think if all the "rejects" (Angle/Sting/Booker/Nash ect)were to leave and Joe, Styles, Abyss, Daniels, ect were the "mainevent" that the ratings would be so high. I think TNA needs to have established guys on, but I do agree they could better incorporate the "originals".

Also for WCW hiring "rejects" and that's why WCW when down the drain, I don't agree. Hogan, Nash, Hall, Luger, Flair, ect were all former WWE guys, and they made WCW as big as it was during it's peak. Now you can argue that they arent "rejects" since they weren't fired ect...but guys Angle & Booker T, Christian Tazz are all seen as rejects yet they left on their own will too.

But honestly do you really believe it's Angles fault, styles isn;t in the mainevent? Or "rejects" in general?
To be honest I don't care if Angle is the biggest asshole in the world and likes to beat prostitutes if he can put on a great product. I don't believe Angle does that and from what I have heard about him he is a very respectable human being. Now I will give one scenario I would accept about Angle having booking power. That is simple, make him the last guy on the creative rung. Then as he gains experience with booking, once he has proven that his ideas will make the product better you promote him a rung, give him even more say in the product, eventually make him Vince Russo's successor as head booker if he does well enough. If he ends up not doing very well in booking you can keep him as the last rung, he will still have some booking power, and you still have the biggest star in the business carrying your boat. That is a compramise I could live with, and that would befit the company as a whole.
He is completely worth it. Why wouldn't they give such a creative and smart man control of the creative department? He'd definitely put on a hell of a lot better show than Jarrett.

A couple of simple reasons being... one is smart as I already said, he knows what is good for business and he knows what needs to be done. If he gets creative control of course he'll keep himself as the main player on the show, he draws money, so it's not that it owuld be selfish, but good business. He knows what draws, he'll give TNA the direction it needs.

Another reason is I don't know what some of you are readin, but he is more popular among the majority of the wrestlers than Jarrett. Reports are that there are only a few people right now who are loyal and are on Jarrett's side, the rest back Angle, they know he is good for business and they know he'll do what's best for TNA, not himself.

So yes I would say Kurt Angle is very worth it.
To answer shortly yes he's worth it. The guy has been one of the best in the business over the past decade. Though I don't care for TNA overall Angle is the one guy in that company that I can legitimately say can come into wwe and contend right away. He is one of the best technical wrestlers to ever step in the ring. He can go with anyone, and have a good match. He has had classic matches with a long listed of guys. Triple h, The Rock, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Edge, Chris Jericho, and many more. The guy has done everything he needs to do to get what he's getting in TNA...
Kurt Angle is definitely worth it for either TNA or WWE, whatever promotion has him signed should feel proud. I just feel since they have booked him almost as the center of TNA, he has gone on a power trip and I don't think Dixie knows what to do in the current situation.

He is worth keeping, but I wouldn't give him the creative control. Yet.
How the hell can you have an opinion about a show you don't even watch? How do you or anyone else know that Angle has "attitude problems" or wants complete control of the show? If he does want control of the books is it a bad thing? if he doesn't get it I don't think it officially means he'll come back to WWE. If he does come back who cares, I'll still watch both products either way.

How can I have an opinion about TNA? Simple, I read blogs, see PPV results, listen to other guys discuss TNA and have read the updates and opinions of other people that do watch TNA, therefore I made my own asumption on the product. It might not be right but its my opinion, deal with it.

And your right I dont know he has an attitude, but neither does anyone else who blogs on this website and they all seem to think that so dont single me out for saying it.

And I didnt say that hes 100% gonna jump ship back to WWE, I said "IN MY OPINION" and I dont go around saying that other peoples opinions are wrong, I might disagree but everyones opinion is different, and you should respect, you can disagree with it.

As well, it Would be bad if he did get the Creative Book, how is this any different then Triple H? What because he hasnt been stuffed in your face as long as Triple H has? Thats dumb. Everyone dislikes Triple H because hes always Champ, or because hes always in some way in the Main Event and has been for the last 10 years, so who's to say that if Kurt Angle gets full power that wont happen? In 10years when Angles still in TNA, if hes in TNA, and has full creative power your telling me you guys wont hate him just as much as you do Triple H because hes the Creative Guy? Bull Shit.
Honestly though, The only former WWE guys in the main event are simply Mick Foley, and Kurt Angle. Booker and Steiner make a very good Tag Team, Nash from what I heard has been doing a good job tutoring some of the younger guys in the ways of the business (Don't know why he won't do it full time), Eric Murdock/Jethro Holliday is a glorified jobber, Victoria/Tarra is still a great performer and in a feud with Awesome Kong right now. If I forgot a couple please feel free to correct me, I'm doing this off the top of my head.

That is seven performers out of almost sixty guys and that doesn't count Taz who is a manager, and Elija Burke that has yet to debut but has signed.

I see Nash more as a WCW guy anyway. Yea he got his gimmick in the WWE but he really didn't become big time until his return to WCW in 1996.

So to calculate this. TNA has a total of 9 former WWE performers under contract out of nearly sixty roster spots which is under 16% of the roster. We have two guys in the Main Event picture, and since Foley is now Legends Champion that takes him out of the main event picture making only 11% of those WWE guys in the main event. So you can't say WWE guys are taking over the main event because well, the numbers say it all.

Damn near the entire undercard are guys that were never in WWE Then with Russo in charge of creative at the moment he has always liked pushing young talent as we have seen the last two weeks with Matt Morgan, and AJ Styles fighting for a spot in the main event at the next pay-per view, the British Invasion winning the IWGP belts, and Eric Young getting leadership of a faction. With Russo in charge I expect this youth movement to continue. You can't push all of them at once but giving them all a chance at some point will only be good.

Now with Kurt in the mix with creative I wouldn't mind because being in the ring with those younger guys he can probably give valuable insight into who should get pushed. Being THE MAN I wouldn't do but being on the creative team as a voice that helps move the younger guys to being able to compete with himself I could see.
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