Kurt Angle Being Investigated For Steroid's

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
source: PWInsider

SportsIllustrated.com has added a detailed story today concerning the recent allegation of steroid/HGH sales at Florida's Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center. Last week the story broke when a number of professional athletes were listed as customers. In today’s article Sports Illustrated lists TNA star Kurt Angle to the list of people being investigated. They write:

"Kurt Angle, a 1996 Olympic gold-medal-winning freestyle wrestler and now a star professional wrestler, received two prescriptions for trenbolone and one for nandrolone between October 2004 and February '05. (Angle did not return messages left with his spokesman.)"

Both of these drugs are steroids and were filled during the time he was in WWE.
Well I could be wrong but wasnt that around the time his neck was broken? It could possibly be from the rehab for his neck to help him rebuild muscle in his neck.

But then again its proffesional wrestling and he was in the WWE at that point and if you do honestly think that there alot of wrestlers on the juice espically in the WWE than you are sadly mistaken!
How is this even a surprise? Wrestlers need "juice" to maintain through all the physical abuse they go through. It's not even news to me and what are they going to do to him if they find out he used them? All I can see them doing is having him testify in court and snitch on someone.
How is this even a surprise? Wrestlers need "juice" to maintain through all the physical abuse they go through. It's not even news to me and what are they going to do to him if they find out he used them? All I can see them doing is having him testify in court and snitch on someone.

not all wrestlers juice..if they did you would have wrestlers out with injuries left and right...juicing while already on physical abuse would only add to the physical abuse making it more likely for them to tear a ligament etc....snitch on who? there is no one to snitch on but himself..he was the one who chose to take them..the same way he chose to take painkillers like they were pieces of candy...
.snitch on who? there is no one to snitch on but himself..he was the one who chose to take them..the same way he chose to take painkillers like they were pieces of candy...

Uhhh did you not read the article?? Cause by what you post it seems like you havent you just wanted to attack Angle with pain killer comment. If you arent going to take the time to read the subject matter than please dont bother to post.

To hopefully inform you..Read this again...well not again obviously from your stand point...but please read this before you post in here again
SportsIllustrated.com has added a detailed story today concerning the recent allegation of steroid/HGH sales at Florida's Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center. Last week the story broke when a number of professional athletes were listed as customers.

They will probably try to get Angle to "snitch" on the company that supposedly sold him the sterioids
I will lose a lose a lot of respect for angle, if this rumour turns out to be true.

I don't have a lot of time for steroid users, if they deserve to be in a wrestling organisation, they should be pure athletes.
I will lose a lose a lot of respect for angle, if this rumour turns out to be true.

I don't have a lot of time for steroid users, if they deserve to be in a wrestling organisation, they should be pure athletes.

Well im pretty sure you will have no respect or not a lot of time for over 50% of professional wrestlers.

But like I said before...Around the time they are claiming is when his neck was messed up so we will have to wait and find out.
I would say atleast 50% of the wwe roster is on steroids. I believe even Shawn Michaels admitted that he was on them at one point, and you can tell. Look at him in the mid 90's and look at him now. Look at HHH during the first DX phase and look at him now, a lot bigger. When Masters got suspended he came back and was noticibly smaller, now he's back to being huge. STEROIDS.
Uhhh did you not read the article?? Cause by what you post it seems like you havent you just wanted to attack Angle with pain killer comment. If you arent going to take the time to read the subject matter than please dont bother to post.

To hopefully inform you..Read this again...well not again obviously from your stand point...but please read this before you post in here again

They will probably try to get Angle to "snitch" on the company that supposedly sold him the sterioids

uhhhhh i replyed to the comment from one of the posters saying SOMEONE...which is why i referred to as WHO and not a COMPANYYYY which is a group of individuals..i didnt only want to attack angle with the pain killer comment but it is TRUE so im not attacking im stating FACT..and ill bother to post because my comment was relevant to the subject at hand..i have read what you wrote and i have posted once again...
I don't believe that Triple H was actually on steroids. He is known to be very fond of bodybuilding (read Making the Game), and after his quad tear in May 2001, he did a lot of heavy bodybuilding to come back looking good. I may seem naive but I really think Triple H is a legit athlete.

You can definitely tell that Hogan was on steroids for a long time, I believe he went from 240~ pounds in AWA to 320 when he was in his WWE prime. There was also the trial in 1992 against him. Vince McMahon is probably on steroids as well, since I don't see how a 60 year old guy that works non-stop on his company even has time to work out on weekends. Maybe he does a little, but obviously not enough to keep him in that shape.

I don't see why Kurt Angle took steroids... Probably true due to his history with pills, but its completely stupid. Angle doesn't need to look good with his muscles to be credible and do what he does best every night. I get the painkiller thing, but steroids ? Also seems quite odd that this would only come up now, maybe we can put up a conspiracy theory showing that he is being framed by WWE so TNA will go down lol :blink: (ok I'll shut up).
Come on, are people actually surprised by this? There's been reports of him being on the juice for years now. I'm just surprised that a respectable sport magazine like SI would "stoop" to the level of professional wrestling, as they always seem to ignore it like it doesn't exist. Screw Sports Illustrated.

Angle needs to get off the stuff man. He's a great athlete without it, because you know he wasn't on steroids in the Olympics and he did pretty damn good there didn't he?
If he did oh well I still have respect for what Angle did when he was an amatuer as you get tested when your an amatuer. The thing is that Angle prolly like mose needs the help i meanwhen you read his book he did some real workouts to be in shape. I mean painkillers ya i mean the beating these guys take really. I mean he prolly took'em to make his figure better i mean the steriod up big mucle guy is the current trend intoday Wrestling well in McMahon eyes
If Kurt got pinched for drugs, he'd sell out Vince in a heart beat. And then he'd push the fact that Samoa Joe doesn't do drugs and that TNA is the best wrestling ever.
Ok this is coming from a die hard baseball fan so here i go. Steroids in baseball basketball or footlball are all big no no's. These sports are based on a person skills and steroids gives a player an unfair advantage. Yes wrestling is a skill, but really its more of a trade. In wrestling steroids may only help a person with their politics(wwe like bigger me), remain a beast in size, or rehab an injury which would be alright since a Dx would actually prescripe them. If a wrestler takes steroids honestly let them. Its not like we can really say "They shouldn't take them b/c they influence young children" they are already a bad influence. Steroids without a medical need only ensures the sterotype that all wrestlers die young will remain true, and the wrestlers will have smaller balls and acne while doing so.

Ok this is coming from a die hard baseball fan so here i go. Steroids in baseball basketball or footlball are all big no no's. These sports are based on a person skills and steroids gives a player an unfair advantage. Yes wrestling is a skill, but really its more of a trade. In wrestling steroids may only help a person with their politics(wwe like bigger me), remain a beast in size, or rehab an injury which would be alright since a Dx would actually prescripe them. If a wrestler takes steroids honestly let them. Its not like we can really say "They shouldn't take them b/c they influence young children" they are already a bad influence. Steroids without a medical need only ensures the sterotype that all wrestlers die young will remain true, and the wrestlers will have smaller balls and acne while doing so.


...Do you like wrestling? Cause it doesn't sound like you do. Steroids are no problem really if you look at it in the industry of wrestling, yes its wrong morally because you may be breaking the law (the only law that shouldn't be followed is cannabis being illegal) hurting your body, influencing other people to do the same, and in many cases it leads to an early death. Look at guys like British Bulldog, Bam Bam, Public Enemy, etc all died because of their hearts, which were so messed up from the all the 'roids.

IMO, the bottom line is that although wrestling is a sport, the finishes to matches are always predetermined, therefore ruling out any sort of "unfair advantage", as there is no actual competition between the wrestlers. What you'll typically see in a wrestling match is two wrestlers performing a series of spots and countering blows to build up to a logical conclusion in the match. That's what makes a great match, the ability to build upon each move, making each move better than the one before it and building it to it's peak. So yeah, the guys are messin' themselves up with the roids, but it doesn't truly matter because some of our favorite wrestlers were on roids. Angle has been for a while, and I have ridiculious respect for that guy. In my book its almost like a business decision, and they're grown men who can take those risks if they choose so.
Here is a follow up on the story posted earlier about Kurt Angle being linked to steroids in a sting focused on the Palm Beach Rejuvenation Center. Angle was one of many star athletes named in the sting as clients of the center.

Dave Meltzer reports that Angle failed a steroid test for nandralone (decadurabolin) prior to being released by WWE last year. At the time, WWE suspended Angle for 30 days and he and WWE later had a falling out, opening the door for him to go to TNA. Nandralone is one of the drugs that the report claims Angle got through the center between October 2004 and February 2005.

If Angle was using the drugs, it may not have been illegal since he had a prescription for them. The only legal reason to prescribe steroids is for medical reasons and most athletes (and wrestlers) could get prescriptions for steroids, claiming they use them to rehabilitate injuries. Of course, WWE allows its wrestlers to use steroids for medical reasons, something other sports organizations and worldwide competitions (ie the Olympics) don't allow.

Kurt Angle is also being mentioned in the Associated Press story that will likely appear in many newspapers and other media outlets throughout the week. TNA or WWE are not mentioned in the stories as the article mainly plays up the fact that he won an Olympic Gold Medal.
One, why would i be here if i didn't like wrestling. 2nd and i'm sorry if maybe my rambling confused any of you. All i was saying in a nutshell is steroids in wrestling has been as common as peanutt butter to jelly. Freaking out about it now(just like in baseball) is just annoying. Do I like to see wrestlers that i grew up with die. F%$# no, but am I going to waste my time getting mad about a subject that I reallly have no controll over, no. Wwe and Tna have the power and if they decide to use it more power to them. News flash for ya IT WON'T HAPPEN, so just get used to it..........I Have

Doesn't matter.. it only makes the sport better.. they don't bash atheletes for taking anti depressants which is a drug also. If it's about confidence and determination like sports ppl say that should be outlawed too. This is pro wrestling.. who cares if he takes steroids even if it isn't for injuries? It's not a physical competition to give him a edge, it's entertainment!!!
Kurt Angle posted the following on his official website concerning his name being mentioned in the on-going steroid investigation in Florida:

The following is a statement from Kurt Angle regarding the recent Sports Illustrated media reports about the use by athletes of performance enhancing drugs obtained through the internet:

I did not improperly receive prescriptions. It is well documented that in my career I have broken vertebrae in my neck on five occasions and each time the course of treatment was under the care and supervision of my Doctors. Any attempt to link me to the athletes in the current news accounts who may have improperly sought performance-enhancing drugs is without foundation.
Personally, I think he was on the juice for a handful of these last five or so years. His muscle definition and size were astounding for a guy who supposedly had a shredded neck and was addicted to painkillers. Look at his physique in 2003. Ripped. More muscle (especially on the upper body...namely the chest). He's obviously off of them now as his upper body has gone back down to normal levels. I'm just surprised (and elated) that his speed didn't disappear when he went off the juice, like what happens to a lot of athletes.
It help's that he used to be a legitimate athlete. I think Angle can put his mind to anything if he want's to. It's a shame that he felt he needed 'roid's. I'm sure he would have succeded otherwise. I think it's more of a shame that he's (possibly) chosen to take them than most. To go from being a legitimate amateur wrestler to one of those wacky pro wrestler's must be a shock to the system.
As I say it is a massive shame, but you never know what lengths you have to go through when you have a broken neck.

I find that people try everything they can in these situations, then just realise they need a 'boost'.
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