kpgreece's Trilogy of WWE

AJ Styles vs Randy Orton​

I decided that what happened at Fastlane with Styles and Wyatt was stupid and really doesn't suit an Orton vs Styles feud.
Bray Wyatt wins that match with Orton's help and becomes the ***NEW United States Champion!!!***

Before RAW starts, the Wyatt Family take out AJ Styles.
RAW begins. Bray Wyatt reveals that he doesn't care about championships, he's here to cause mayhem and terror. So he hands the belt over to Randy Orton! Here's your new US Champion! Balor interrupts them and that's when the bloodbath happens. He says that the Wyatts have made enough people suffer.
In the following show, Orton tells the crowd that AJ Styles has been the US champion for 328 days and for 328 days this championship was devauated, because "some sore loser from the indys held it". He says that Styles isn't phenomenal. He's a chump. Styles then challenges Orton at Wrestlemania. Orton declines and says that Wrestlemania is not a stage for someone like Styles.

So AJ Styles is back in the line and now he has to win a #1 conteder's match to challenge for the championship. So he faces off against Zayn, Del Rio and Ziggler in a fatal-4-way match. Orton is at ringside. Styles pulls off the victory and then Orton crawls in the ring and RKOs Styles.
Styles now wants Orton badly. But in order to get to Orton, Styles must face Harper and Rowan in a 2-on-1 Handicap match. Styles wins, due to help from the DC, however once again after the match, Orton RKOs Styles once again.

The following week, it's AJ Styles again in a match. And once again, after the match, even though Styles almost got the upper hand on Styles, Orton lays out Styles with an RKO. However this time, Orton takes this one step further and beats up Styles, hitting him with a monitor multiple times in the head. Orton still believes that Styles is not a true wrestler and should never have come to the WWE, which is Randy Orton's place.
On Smackdown, Styles is there once again. He's a fighting champion-wrestler and he won't back down because Orton beat him up. Styles goes after Orton, but Orton takes advantage of the fact that Styles is injured and RKOs him once again.

The following week, again Styles is all beaten up, but once again he won't back down from Randy Orton. Orton kinda admires that to Styles, but he beats him up once again. This time Styles should really learn when to stay down and Orton sets up the punt. And as Orton goes for the punt, Styles' wife jumps the barricade and Orton hits her instead! Shocking. Styles is hugging his passed out wife as doctors come down to check.
On Smackdown Orton says that he's not responsible for what happened on RAW, because fans should never get involved with a wrestler's bussiness. If there's anyone who is to blame, then it's that "dumb bitch who jumped the barricade".

On RAW, Styles returns. This is a different AJ Styles. A more dark one. Orton is in the ring. He has no protection because the Wyatts have problems with the DC. Styles goes after Orton, the two of them brawl. This time Styles beats the hell out of Orton and throws him over the rop rop. Huge pop by the crowd. Styles picks up the mic and says that at Wrestlemania he's coming to destroy Randy Orton.
On Smackdown Orton says that Styles is a chump and that he's a dangerous man and shouldn't be wrestling here, so that's why he's taking precautions.

The next week, the week before Wrestlemania, Randy Orton is in the ring with security guards. Orton challenges Styles to come out here and get his hands on these security men in order to get to him, if he dares. Then he will watch laughing as AJ Styles will watch Wrestlemania 33 from a jail! AJ Styles comes out and heads for the ring. Orton is standing in the ring with security guards in front of him. AJ Styles, instead of entering the ring, he climbs up to the top corner of the ring and jumps over the security onto Randy Orton! Styles takes down Orton and security tries to restrain him. Styles does not fight back the security but this distraction leads to Orton giving an RKO to Styles.
On Smackdown, we're informed that AJ Styles never struck any of the security, so AJ Styles will be at Wrestlemania and he will challenge Orton for the United States Championship!


One of the best all around the world for the past 10 years vs one of the best of the WWE for the past 10 years.
There can only be one winner.
Samoa Joe vs John Cena

So, on RAW after Wrestlemania, RAW opens with Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns staring down. Out comes Samoa Joe. Joe talks about how last night he defeated John Cena, the company's #1 guy and now he's going for the WWE WH Championship and gets to Dean Ambrose's face. He challenges Dean to a match tonight and says that's gonna make Dean cry and beg and then he will meet Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania and the two of them, the two best Samoan wrestlers on the planets, will tear down the house. Dean replys by saying two things: a) he didn't beat the #1 guy, he's the #1 guy since he's the world champion and b) he accepts his challenge. And John Cena cuts them off. Cena says that last night Joe used an innocet woman to beat him and says that he wants a rematch! Joe just ignores Cena, he doesn't even look at him and leaves. So at the main event, it's Ambrose vs Joe (w/ Ziggler) [the two of them are a thing now] for the world title. Ambrose wins that match. More to what happens post match on a future post.
At Smackdown, Cena still wants a rematch with Samoa Joe, but Joe says to Cena: "You don't deserve to go one-on-one with Samoa Joe at Wrestlemania". Cena questions what kind of man Joe is, after using the heart of an innocent woman to beat him. Joe smirks and says that he doesn't care about morals, he's just a submission machine that only cares about getting the job done. Cena says, "Well get this done, Jack" and punches Joe to the face and the two of them start brawling. The brawls goes all over the place, but ends after Ziggler hits Cena with a superkick and Joe puts him in the clutch.

It's RAW time. Joe is in the ring cutting a promo. He issues a challenge to any former World Champion in the back to come out and face him at Wrestlemania. Daniel Bryan's music hits! The GM is back! Bryan says that Joe already has an opponent for Wrestlemania and that man is: John Cena! Bryan also adds that since Joe says that he's a submission machine it's going to be a Submission match at Wrestlemania! And he also goes on to add, that to avoid any stupid crap, Dolph Ziggler will be banned from ringside. Samoa Joe is pissed off backstage. He says that this their masterplan, Cena and Bryan's in order to sabotaze his career. Samoa Joe then goes to Daniel Bryan's office and tries to attack him once again! However Cena comes at him and the two brawl all over the backstage area. Ziggler goes to help Joe, however Daniel Bryan comes at Ziggler from behind with a steel chair and then Cena AAs Joe onto a table.
On Smackdown, Joe says that he's been screwed by the general manager and that he shouldn't facing Cena at Wrestlemania, because he has already beaten Cena. He was screwed at Summerslam when Cena had to butt in, he was screwed at Survivor Series by the referee and now he's screwed by Daniel Bryan. He says that if things do not change, he will walk out on World Wrestling Entertainment, because here, they only cater to their home boys (pipebomb). Cena cuts him off, he talks about respect and says Joe has to earn his place in the company. He puts Joe past accomplishments over though. He says that Joe does not realize that this is his greatest match yet for Joe in the WWE, a match that can summent Joe's legacy for years to come, if he makes Cena tap. If Cena makes Joe tap though, then Joe becomes just another guy on the roster.

On RAW, Joe reveals that he's bringing in an outside enforcer to this match and a special guest referee, because he doesn't trust the motives of Daniel Bryan and he doesn't trust the knowledge of the refs of the WWE. He says that if Daniel Bryan does not approve of this, Samoa Joe will, one of the hottest signings of the past years, will quit the company and that will also leave Cena, one of the biggest money makers the comapny has, to compete at the pre-show, in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. The special guest referee will be Dolph Ziggler and the outside enforcer will be a guy he's faced before and is a great wrestler, Jack Swagger. John Cena comes out to adress them followed by Daniel Bryan. Bryan says, no way that's gonna happen and delivers a running knee to Samoa Joe! Then Cena takes out Ziggler and Swagger, throws Joe out of the ring, AA to Swagger, Ziggler crawls out of the ring, the crowd is hyped! Daniel Bryan says that the fine referees of the WWE will do their job, as they always have and that there will be an outside enforcer besides the ring and that will be Daniel Bryan himself! Samoa Joe turns his back and walks out..
On Smackdown, Swagger and Ziggler attack John Cena and a tag team match is made as Zayn will team up with Cena to take on those two.

Next week on RAW, it's Cena vs Jack Swagger in a submission match. Cena wins of course bia tapout. Cena says that he wants to make Joe pay for what he did to Brie at Fastlane and he won't just let him walk away as some kind of victor. So he's willing to put something on the line for Samoa Joe. Anything Joe wants, in order for a fair match to happen, with Daniel Bryan's rules. Cena says that he's even willing to put his career on the line.
On SD, Joe appears on the titantron. He cuts a promo on Cena and says that he doesn't care about Cena's stupid career and the fact that Cena thinks that he's even bigger than the WWE simply disgusts him, that's why he will be coming to Wrestlemania, not just to beat Cena. He's going to break Cena and make him cry and beg and then he's going to kick his ass out of the WWE. Joe says that he wants the following: If he wins the match, he will face the WWE World Heavyweight Champion at Wrestlemania that night, right after the triple threat match. And in order for Joe to even compete in the match, Joe wants a pay raise and some other privillages.
Backstage, Cena is discussing with Bryan. Bryan says that he can't do all that, Cena begs him to do it. Finally, Bryan accepts.

On RAW, it's Cena vs Ziggler once again. Cena beats Ziggler but after the match, Joe appears from the crowd and attacks John Cena, targeting his neck and upper back and then he targets Cena's legs. As Michael Cole says, Joe is targeting Cena's neck in order for Cena to feel more pain when the clutch is locked in and Cena's legs because he wants Cena to have weak legs, in order for Joe to take down Cena and lock in the clutch on the mat, more easily.
On Smackdown, it's Cena vs Ziggler, submission match this time, which means no dqs. Swagger and Joe appear and again the same thing happens as RAW, Joe is after the neck and Swagger after Cena's anckles.

The week before Wrestlemania, Joe has a match. Before the match Joe said that Cena got what he wished for and judging by the way Cena's been beaten up, Cena will have to retire after Wrestlemania. Cena should be honored to wrestle in his final match against Samoa Joe. Joe wins his match against Zayn via submission. After the match, Cena appears, Cena takes out Ziggler, takes out Swagger. Joe leaves the ring and goes after Cena and the two start brawling. Joe goes after the injured spots of Cena. Cena tries to fight back, but with no luck, as Joe uses his weight to take him down. Joe then brutally smashes Cena's head on the ramp many times, before referees and Bryan come in to seperate him from Cena. Joe picks up Ziggler and Swagger and leaves.
On Smackdown, Joe cuts a promo about how he's going to brake Cena again at Wrestlemania. Bryan confronts him. He says that he's been in the ring with Cena and has beaten Cena, clean and says that Joe hasn't got the heart to beat Cena. Joe says that he had enough heart when he sent Bryan to the hospital and gets in Bryan's face. Bryan says "do something stupid and everything that was offered to you for Wrestlemania is off the table. I'll send back for a permanent stay at NXT and if you dare to walk out again, I will have your entire fortune and you will be left with nothing". The two of stare at each other and Bryan leaves as the better man.

Sting vs The Undertaker

The Undertaker is announced for the Hall of Fame class of 2017


A time comes, when every soul, shall take it's last ride and rest in peace...
Phenom vs Icon
The Undertaker vs Sting
The Deadman's 25th Wrestlemania is where the road ends...
One last match, one last night, one last ride
As two Hall of Famers square off in the grandest stage of them all
Ambrose(c) vs Rollins vs Reigns

On the first RAW after Fastlane, it's Joe vs Ambrose(c) for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the main event, with Reigns at ringside. Ambrose wins the match and retains. Another strong victory for the fighting champion Dean Ambrose. After the match, Joe and Ziggler attack Ambrose from behind. Reigns then also enters the beatdown. The have Dean down and beat him up. Reigns wants them to do a Shield-alike powerbomb. John Cena's muci hits! Cena storms to the ring to help Ambrose, but it's still 3-on-2. Cena gets the upper hand at first, but the heels overturn the tables. And then.. Second Coming hits!! The crowd goes crazy!!! The Alpha Jesus, The Architect is back!! Seth Rollins!! Seth storms to the ring and goes immediately after Reigns!! Cena and Ambrose take out Joe and Ziggler! It's craziness. Cena leaves the ring and battles the heels on the outside while Reigns is laying down in the ring on the inside. Rollins and Ambrose stare at each other and then look at the Wrestlemania sign.
SD: On Smackdown, Rollins cuts a promo. Rollins says that the man who tried to end his career, was Roman Reigns! It was a man who was wearing a full body suit and a mask, and it was dark, but what Rollins could see, was that that guy, on purpose, had his sleeves up. That's when he saw, Roman's tattoo before getting knocked out. Roman denies everything and calls Rollins a crazy-ass. Rollins doesn't believe Roman and punches him and the two start brawl. It's personal for Seth Rollins. Roman has made his life a living hell ever since October and now this? Rollins had enough. However, since the Royal Rumble winner is back and Reigns became an interim #1 contender, who goes to Wrestlemania? Rollis challenges Roman to a match for RAW. The winner goes on to Wrestlemania. Roman accepts.

RAW: It's Roman vs Rollins. Rollins brings in his A game, but loses. Rollins' hand was under the ropes though (This can be used in the Joe vs referees storyline). The returning Daniel Bryan comes out. Bryan says that the result is official and Reigns should be the man who faces Dean Ambrose at Wrestlemania. However, Seth Rollins was the Royal Rumble winner and was denied his Wrestlemania moment. That's why at Wrestlemania, it's going to be a triple threat match: Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose! Ambrose comes out as the champion with his belt and the trio stare at each other.
SD: It's Rollins & Ambrose vs Reigns & Sheamus. Rollins is obsessed with Reigns. The faces win, but after the match Rollins goes after Reigns. Dean tries to restrain him. This leads to Roman seizing the moment and spears both into oblivion.

RAW: It's tag team action yet again. However this time Ambrose won;t be so kind and turns on Rollins during the match, which leads to Ambrose taking the victory. After the match, Roman and Sheamus want to be jackasses and try to injure Rollins. Ambrose gets back to the ring, in order to avoid that. The faces clear house, but afterwards Rollins for the backstabbing hit on Ambrose, but then changes his mind.
SD: It's announced that the main event is Ambrose vs Roman Reigns. The match is a no-contest. Rollins helps Ambrose get rid of Reigns and this time, it's Ambrose who "almost" attacks Rollins.

RAW: Rollins is too focused on Reigns. Dean Ambrose says that he is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and at Wrestlemania it's them vs him actually, not Rollins vs Reigns ft. Dean Ambrose. Another tag is announced for Smackdown, but this time it's Rollins & Ambrose vs The New Day w/ Reigns as the special guest referee, and also, for next week, a 3-on-3 match with the Shield taking on the New Day! Shield reunion.
SD: Reigns doesn't do anything and actually calls the match down the middle. After the match, Ambrose hits Rollins with the title belt from behind and then a Dirty Deeds on the belt! Reigns is watching. Ambrose screams at Rollins that he's the champion, not him and not Reigns! Then Ambrose lifts the belt on Reign's face. Ambrose leaves having sent a message.

RAW: It's Shlield's return. The crowd is all hyped. Shield wins the match, showing dominance like the old days. However, after the match, Rollins with a steel chair lays them both out! It's shades of the break-up of the Shield! Rollins stands on top of them. It's the same site, all over again. Rollins says to Dean, that he will always have his attention.
SD: Ambrose says to Rollins that he will never ever forget what Rollins did 3 years ago. Ambrose and Rollins get in a brawl. Reigns doesn't really care, he will let them burn. Rollins and Ambrose brawl all over the place, with Ambrose calling Rollins a traitor. Rollins says that he's not the same man anymore. Reigns spears the both again and tells them to shut up, because what happened in the past doesn't matter. What matters is the future, and the future's name, is Roman Reigns, defending WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

RAW before Wrestlemania: Rollins vs Ambrose. Ends in no-contest. An all out brawl between the all the three men enrupts afterwards. It's everyone for themselves at Wrestlemania. All hell breaks loose. Reigns spears Ambrose, then Rollins takes out Reigns and hits a Curb Stomp, then beats up Reigns. Ambrose re-enters the ring with a steel chair and destroys both of them. It's Ambrose, the champion, heading strong into Wrestlemania 33.
SD: It's a special interview with all 3 men. All of them have sweared that they won't fight during this, or Daniel Bryan will strip them of their right to fight for the title at Wrestlemania. Lot's of things are being discussed. Rollins turing on the Shield 3 years back, his reasons, Roman joining the Authority, what his family means to him, Dean being the only one not to sell out. Dean says that he's a man of honour. However Rollins disagrees and says that HHH never thought Dean was good enough to be the #1 guy. If the Authority can in knockng, Dean would be the first to jump ship. It's just that they never really wanted him. Then he recalls the days when the Shield were Triple H's puppets. Dean's past is also discussed. They talk about the match this Sunday. Things get veeery heated between the three. Michael Cole says that these 3 men are the very best in this industry, but this is more than just a competition. This is very personal between those 3. The segment ends with a staredown between them, as Dean wears his belt with pride. What's going to happen this Sunday, between those 3 men, who started as a group and now, they find themselves all 3 of them, headling Wrestlemania..

Rock vs Triple H

On RAW after Fastlane, Triple H and Stephanie hold a board meeting in the ring. Triple H talks about how Vince McMahon and how he's out of touch. He says that he's running things now and threatens the board members. He threatens to fire them and threatens their families.
Here comes the moneyyyyyy
Shane O'Mac is back! Huge uproar from the crowd. Shane gets in the ring and gets into Triple H's face. Shane says that he brings a message from the hospital his father is in. He punches HHH in the face and starts beating him up. He throws Triple H out of the ring and says that this is still his father's company. He then says that due to last night's events, at Wrestlemania The Rock has layed out a challenge. Him and Triple H, one-on-one. The Rock will be on RAW, next week.

Next week on RAW the Rock appears. The Rock says that he was tired of Triple H thinking that he's some kind of god. HHH enters. Rock and Triple H segment. HHH talks about Vince and the McMahon family. Triple H sends out some heels to beat up Rocky, however Shane appears and helps him. However Stephanie, who has been vocal about HHH attacking her father appears and hits Shane with a steel chair and then hits The Rock as well! Triple H picks up the bones and pedigrees The Rock.

Next week, the chairman returns! Vince says that the McMahon family is standing united against the tyrrant that is Triple H. Triple H says that this company cannot hold both men, so he lays out the challenge: The loser at Wrestlemania, will leave the WWE, for good. Vince accepts. Vince says that there is one more condition on the match... *Glass Shatters!!*. Austin is back on RAW! Austin heads to the ring, says "hi, I'm the special guest referee" and stuns Triple H! He drinks a beer with Vince and then stuns Vince as well and leaves!

Next week, Triple H brings out Shawn Michaels. Triple H says that HBK will accompany him to the ring at Wrestlemania.
Shane comes out to address them, however HBK superkicks him. Triple H and HBK beat Shane up bloody. Vince comes out and asks Triple H to stop. Vince tries to interfere but HBK holds him. Vince looks as Triple H pedigrees Shane right throught the announcer's table.

Next week, Vince calls out Triple H. Vince says that he's not waiting until Wrestlemania and he brawls with Triple H. Vince gets the upper hand and HHH looks shocked.

The week before Wrestlemania. It's the contract signing. Triple H, Rock, Austin and Vince are in the ring. The match will be a Pinfalls and Submissions only match. Classic segment here. Austin says that he's on noone's side. HHH gets into Austin's face however The Rock attacks him. He and Austin throw HHH out of the ring. Rock and Austin are now standing face to face in the ring. HBK appears and he and HHH attack both men. A brawl enrupts and once again Austin and Rock stand tall as the winners. Afterwards Austin seems like he's going to stun the Rock, but doesn't. He stuns Vince and then The Rock also, delivers a People's Elbow on Vince!

~Wrestlemania 33: Results~

#) Neville won the Cruiserweight Wrestlemania Cup [5-Man Pack Open match]

1) Sin Cara def. Rey Mysterio(c) and Kalisto [Triple Threat match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship]
*NEW Champion!*
Sin Cara wins by pinning Kalisto.

2) Bray Wyatt (w/ The Wyatt Family) def. Finn Balor (w/ The Demon Club) [Singles match]

#) Pre-match segment. Chris Jericho comes out to introduce his fellow Canadian Kevin Owens. Paul Heyman introduces Brock Lesnar.

3) Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) def. Kevin Owens (w/ Y2J) [Singles match]
This was changed into a singles normal match. Lesnar pins Owens after a long hard fought battle. After the match Lesnar shows respect to Owens.

4) Divas match for the WWE Divas Championship
*NEW Champion!*

5) AJ Styles def. Randy Orton(c) [Singles match for the WWE United States Championship]
*NEW Champion!*
AJ Styles wins via submission.

#) Hall Of Fame segment
Daniel Bryan, Undertaker. Undertaker makes his entrance for the his match here.

6) The Undertaker def. Sting [Career vs Career match]
Sting's career is over.

7) Samoa Joe def. John Cena [Submission match w/ Daniel Bryan as the special guest referee; If Joe wins, he gets a WWE title match]
Cena passed out. Cena bled during the match.

#) Post-match interview with Samoa Joe. Joe says that he's going to face the WWE Champion.. tomorrow night on RAW.

8) The Brass Ring def. The New Day(c), The Usos and The League of Nations [Fatal-4-Way match for the WWE Tag Team Championship]
*NEW Champions!!*

9) Triple H (w/ HBK & Stephanie McMahon) def. The Rock (w/ Vince & Shane McMahon) [Pinfalls and Submissions Only match w/ "Stone Cold" Steve Austin as the special guest referee; Loser leaves the WWE - Vince or Triple H]
Post-match Austin stuns Triple H, while The Rock Rock Bottoms HBK. Austin, Rock, Shane and Vince drink a beer together. Austin, Rock and Shane leave the ring and leave Vince alone, while the crowd is chanting "Thank you Vince!". Vince bows down to the crowd and exits the ring...

#) Pre-match segment. Bray Wyatt is presenting Braun Strowman, the giant. Bray says that there is nobody on the roster that can slam or eliminate Strowman in the Andre the Giant Battle Royal.

10) Sami Zayn won by last eliminating Braun Strowman [Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal IV]
Zayn and Strowman are the final two. Cesaro's music hits. Cesaro gets in the ring, followed by Tyson Kidd and slams Strowman! The Family tries to interfere, but the Demon Club appears and cleans house. Zayn picks up Strowman with difficulty and throws him over the top rope to win.

11) Seth Rollins def. Dean Ambrose(c) and Roman Reigns [Triple Threat match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship]
*NEW Champion!!*
Post-match Rollins celebrates as the new WWE World Heavywweight Champion.


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