kpgreece's Trilogy of WWE

Presented by WWE and special guest host, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin


3-on-3 Tag Team match
The Authority (Big Show, "Mr. Money In The Bank" Sheamus & King Barrett) vs The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper, Eric Rowan & Braun Strowman)
The Wyatt Family wins via pinfall

30-Man Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal III
Kalisto wins by last eliminating Kane

*Main Card*

Singles match for the WWE MexAmerican Championship
"The Mexican Hero" Alberto Del Rio(C) (w/ Zeb Colter) vs "The American Dragon" Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan wins via a small package pinfall

Singles match
Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho
Dean Ambrose wins via "The Walls of Jericho" submission

8-Man Ladder match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
Kevin Owens(C) vs Sami Zayn vs Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler vs Ryback vs Rusev vs Neville vs The Miz
Kevin Owens wins after retrieving the belt

Fatal-4-Way Tag Team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship
The Usos(C) vs The New Day vs The Dudley Boyz vs The Ascension
The New Day wins via pinfall

No Holds Barred match
Triple H vs Bray Wyatt
Triple H wins via pinfall after tons of interference

*Hall of Fame segment*
Sting makes his entrance while he's being introduced as the leader of the class of 2016

Singles match
"The Icon" Sting vs "The Viper" Randy Orton
Sting wins via pinfall

Triple Threat match for the WWE Divas Championship
Paige(C) vs Charlotte vs Sasha Banks
Sasha Banks wins via pinfall

Singles match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Roman Reigns(C) vs Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman)
Roman Reigns wins via pinfall

*WWE announces that the all-time attendance record is now broken, as the event is a complete sell-out, with 105,000 people in capacity*

Singles match w/ "Stone Cold" Steve Austin as the special guest referee
The Undertaker vs John Cena
Undertaker wins via pinfall

After the match Cena bows down to The Deadman, shakes his hand and leaves the ring. Undertaker poses while the scoreboard writes 23-1. Lights go out. A crow is heard. Sting appears in the ring. Epic staredown in front of 105,000 people. Lights go out again and both men disappear.

~The End~

Build-up to the event will be presented now...
*ATTENTION*: The 8-Man Ladder match will now be a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship.

It'd be cool to see a TLC match at Wrestlemania. Also being a ladder match is like recycling the MITB concept, so the change had to be made!!
Presenting the build-up: Alberto Del Rio vs Daniel Bryan

On the first RAW of the year Daniel Bryan makes his grant return to the WWE once again! He announces that he's gonna enter the Royal Rumble and that he will be champion again. Fans go crazy.

At the Rumble, Bryan is kicking serious ass. He also eliminates Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio leaves to the backstage furious. However, 10 minutes later, he comes back out holding the WWE MexAmerican Championship belt. He storms into the ring and hits Bryan in the face. This completely destroys Bryan's momentun and causes his elimination from a heel.

The following night on RAW, Bryan challenges Del Rio to a match for the title at Fast Lane. Del Rio gladly accepts and says that he will make Bryan tap in 3 minutes.

During the build-up, Del Rio admits that the reason he came back was because he lost all of his fortune back in Mexico and that he needed the money. He's not rich anymore.. He says he knows that he said some harsh things about Daniel, but at Sunday, may the best man win.

At Fast Lane, Del Rio beats Bryan after a cheap poke in the eyes and retains the title.

The following night, Bryan says he won't quit. He enters a Fatal-4-Way #1 Contender's match and wins. He reveals that Del Rio is lying. He's not broke or poor. He's still rich. He reveals that he learnt that Del Rio made all of his wealth out of illegal slaves. He can't let this pass. He questions Zeb Colter and says that Zeb has been deceived. Del Rio comes out and the two brawl. Bryan declares that he will beat Del Rio, no matter what and take back the WWE United States Championship to where it belongs.

Next week Del Rio cuts the following promo:
"At Hell in a Cell, I made my big return to the WWE, for you people, and I beat John Cena and became the WWE United States Champion. But all you did was boo me. Then, I wanted to make peace between two countries that should have no differences, by renaming the title into MexAmerican Championship, but again, you booed me. Then, that peasant, Daniel Bryan returns and all of you go crazy! Why? I have everything he has. In-ring ability? Si! Charisma? Si! Beaty? Si! Oh wait, he's ugly as fuck.. I am the Mexican Hero, you should be cheering me! Not booing me!"

The build-up continues.
While Bryan considers Colter to be on his side, Colter betrays him. He says that Del Rio is paying well and that he has a family to support. He then orders Del Rio's bodyguards to beat down Bryan.

The weeks pass by with those two cutting hateful promos for each other. This turns nasty when Del Rio procceeds to beat down Bryan wearing a golden ring, which busts open Daniel. Del Rio says that Bryan thinks he's some hero. "I met a hero once. His name was Rey Mysterio and he ended up being my b*tch!" -Alberto Del Rio.

Wrestlemania comes. Bryan finally beats Alberto Del Rio and becomes the NEW WWE United States Champion.
Presenting the build-up: Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho

Fast Lane. The main event: Roman Reigns defends The WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Dean Ambrose in a 3 Stages of Hell match. The match that will end this rivalry.
1st fall: Normal wrestling match
2nd fall: Falls Count Anywhere match
3rd fall: Steel Cage match
Ambrose wins the first fall. During the second fall, the fight rages on backstage. Ambrose has the upper hand. A man in a ski mask appears and beats down Ambrose with a wrench. Reigns makes the pin. The tables have turned as Ambrose in bleeding all over the place. The steel cage match is on. Reigns picks up the pieces. He's going to Wrestlemania as World Champion.

The following night Ambrose is a special guest on Y2J's highlight reel. Jericho promises that he will help Ambrose find who did this. The duo begins their search. On Smackdown it's revealed that Jericho has found the wrench and the mask in Tyler Breeze's bag. Ambrose goes berserk on Breeze.

Monday night is on. Ambrose vs Breeze. Ambrose wastes no time and beats Breeze up with a chair. Breeze screams "It was a set up! It was a set up!" 2 masked men appear holding wrenches. They beat down Ambrose. Jericho comes to the rescue. Ambrose turns his back on Jericho and then boom, Jericho nails him with a wrench. A wrench that still has blood on it. Dean Ambrose's blood. Jericho and the two men (revealed as the Mercury & Noble) beat down Ambrose. Ambrose is carried out on a stretcher.

Next week Y2J says that Ambrose is out for good. He says that Triple H offered him to return, only if he were to do two things:
a) ensure that Reigns walks into Wrestlemania as the World Champ
b) take out Ambrose
The reason he accepted was because Dean Ambrose is a self-egotistical SOB. He saw that when he teamed up with him at NoC. He thinks that he runs this place. He says that's about time a true legend, the best in the world at what he does, beats some sense into Dean.

Next week Jericho is attacked by a masked man with a wrencth. It's DEAN AMBROSE! "Payback's a bitch". It's on for Wrestlemania.

The following weeks Jericho gets retribution by continuously attacking Dean Ambrose's injured back (by the wrench) and putting him in the Walls of Jericho.

Wrestlemania comes and Dean Ambrose beats Jericho by using the same move Jericho would use to make Ambrose suffer, the "Walls of Jericho".
Presenting the buid-up: The 8-Man Tables, Ladders & Chairs match

At Fast Lane, it's Kevin Owens defending the Intercontinental Championship against Ryback and Neville in a triple threat match. After an amazing match, both Neville and Ryback pin Owens at the same time. Which result to a no-winner, no-contest match. Mainwhile, Ziggler and Cesaro battle it out in a #1 contender's match, with Cesaro grabbing a big victory over the former World Champion.

On RAW next night, Ziggler beats Cesaro in a rematch and declares himself the true #1 contender. Both Ryback and Neville enter the ring to interrupt Ziggler, claiming that he's not the #1 contender, but they are. Cesaro says that all of them can shut the hell up, becasue he's the official #1 contender and he will beat them all if he has to in order to grab the title. Owens is out and a huge brawl enrupts.
And BOOM! Sami Zayn's music hits. He's back. He hasn't forgotten what Owens did to him down at NXT. He's back for vengeance. He storms in the ring and cleans house, then he picks up the Intercontinental Championship belt and gives Owens a look in the eyes.

On Smackdown, we get multiple matches between those guys. Owens says that the Authority better adress the situation come Monday or he will have to send 5 other guys at the hospital.

On RAW Rusev makes his return and goes after Ziggler. He takes out Ziggler and also attack Cesaro, who was having a match with him. He declares that he's back to be champion again.
Owens is seen leaving Triple H's office furious.
Other matches between them occur. It's chaotic.

On Smackdown, out comes Stephanie and says that she will not tolerate with a second chaotic angle taking place in her company (see more on that later).
The next match is Zayn vs The Miz. Miz picks up the win after an interference by Kevin Owens. Owens starts beating down Sami and is about to put him on the shelf again. However the Miz, hits him from behind with a chair.
"You're the Champion, huh? You're the Intercontinental Champion? What a JOKE! I'm the guy that main-evented Wrestlemania 27! I'm The Money Maker! I'm ten times the champ you are, Owens!" -The Miz
Miz goes on assaulting both Owens and Zayn, when Neville, Ryback, Ziggler, Rusev and Cesaro all storm down the ring and a big brawl enrupts.
Stephanie comes out and yells at them.
"STOP!. It's gonna be an 8-Man Package match at Wrestlemania for the Intercontinental Championship!" as Smackdown ends.

On RAW again we get some matches between the contenders. It is announced that it's gonna be Owens vs Cesaro in a ladder match on Smackdown, since Cesaro deserves an one-on-one match with Owens before Wrestlemania, since he was the first official #1 contender.

Aftern an amazing match, Owens picks up the victory and out comes Zayn with a chair. Again all hell break loose, especially after Rusev brings out the tables and powerbombs Neville through them.
Owens escpaes at the ramp. Everyone is lying on the ring. Ziggler picks up the mic.
"I see ladders, I see chairs, I see tables. It's hell out here. I have a proposal for all of you. How about this: At Wrestlemania, it's gonna be Tables, Ladders & Chairs! It doesn't get any bigger than that."
Out comes Stephanie. She says that it's her job to protect her athletes. She will not allo-
Owens takes the mic from her. "Yeah, let's do it!"

The next couple weeks we see the build up, with also a MizTV segment between the contenders. Also various comedy skits like Neville peeing in Owens' drink, or Ziggler stealing Rusev's pants, shit like that.

We also see a lot of people being put through tables.

Wrestlemania comes. Owens defeats the challengers and proves to be a true Intercontinental Champion.

Reason behind the TLC match, is that we have never seen a 4+ participants TLC match and we have never seen a TLC match for the IC title. It would be a nice change from the usual Ladder match, which also reminds us of Money In The Bank.
Presenting the build-up: Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar

It's Survivor Series. The final is on: Roman Reigns vs Dean Ambrose for the vacant WWE World Heavyweight Championship. During the match the Authority tries to help Roman win, but Roman refuses them. After the back-n-forth match, Dean Ambrose (to everyone's shock) grabs the victory. He's the NEW World Champion of the WWE!

Next night on RAW, Reigns says that he should like to get a rematch. Ambrose comes out and hugs Reigns, while holding the WWE Championship. He says that he and Reigns are brothers and he would have no problem giving him a rematch at TLC. The Authority tries to give Ambrose hell, but Reigns is always there to protect him.

TLC comes. In an amazing match the unthinkable happens: While Dean is climbing the ladder, Sheamus & Barrett come out of nowhere and take down the ladder, making Dean fall through 3 tables, knocking him unconscious. Everyone thinks that Sheamus is about to cash in. However, they help Reigns get up and climb the ladder to become the champion. Post-match Reigns celebrates with The New Authority: Reigns, Triple H, Sheamus, Barrett, Big Show, Noble and Mercury.

On RAW we see a celebration.
"What I did last night, goes beyond my morals. At first I was disgusted by the idea of being handed something by The Authority. However, I didn't do it for me. It was for my family and my legacy. Dean, I know you're listening. What happened last night between you and me was strictly business. You and I are still brothers and to prove you that I will give you a rematch on the first RAW of the year" - Roman Reigns
Ambrose storms out there and raises hell.

First RAW of the year. During the final moments of the match (where Ambrose has the upper hand), Reigns slaps the referee. However Ambrose connects with his finisher and pins Reigns. 1,2,3 New Champ! Then HHH comes out and says to cut the music. The title never changed hands, because the match should have ended and Reigns should have lost via DQ, after the slap. Then he "fires" the ref for not doing his job correctly.
Meanwhile, the Beast is back! Paul Heyman announces that for the first time in 13 years, Brock Lesnar enters the Royal Rumble. Paul goes on to say that this is the second time Lesnar enters the Rumble. The first time he entered, he easily won.

Before the Rumble, Reigns says that he’s not the bad guy. He’s just a survivor. He never wanted to bring this up, but the real bad guy is Ambrose. While Reigns was cleaning house against the Authority at Survivor Series, Ambrose found a chance to beat him and become champion. Since Ambrose can grab his chances, why can’t he either? He has a family to feed.

Royal Rumble time. Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns in a No DQs match. Reigns wins, while Lesnar wins the Rumble by last eliminating John Cena.

On the RAW after the Rumble. We get a staredown between Reigns and Lesnar, nothing more, because Dean attacks Reigns from behind. He says that he wants a "Last chance" match and then turns to Brock and says "You're looking at the man that you're gonna face at Wrestlemania", drops the mic and leaves.

“You’re the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever seen. You used our brotherhood as a mean to get a rematch at TLC. Then you say that you did this for your family. Oh c’mon! This is not for your family, this is for you! You’ve become what you hated. You’re no family man. You turned on your “brother”! You’ll just crush everyone that gets on your way, whether he’s your blood or not!” –Dean Ambrose on RAW the following week.

At Fast Lane, Ambrose wins the first fall, but loses the other two, due to Y2J's interference (explained in the Y2J vs Ambrose match).

Main build
Reigns opens RAW and says that he and Ambrose had a hell of a match last night and that he congratulates Dean for his courage. Paul and Lesnar interrupt him. Paul says the past is the past, what matters is the present and the present is Broooock Leeeesnar. Reigns says that he’s not afraid of Lesnar as he thinks he’s just a big fat brainless moron. Lesnar smirks and they leave.
On the main event we have the first ever Brock Lesnar match on RAW, Lesnar vs somebody. The match ends quickly as Sheamus, Barrett and Reigns attack the Beast. Lesnar of course gets the upper hand and then chases Barrett to the ramp. As Lesnar stops and turns around he gets a huge spear by Reigns (remember the Reigns on Big Show spear before Fast Lane?). Reigns stands on top and raises the WWE title belt in the air.

The main points of the build-up are going to be:
  • Big brawls between the two men.
  • Reigns says that he almost beat Lesnar last year. This time is will happen for sure. Heyman says that last year Brock underestimated Reigns. It won’t happen again, as he’s not the man that repeats the same mistakes.
  • Reigns seems confident when he shouldn’t.
  • Rock could make an appearance. He would state that he has faced Brock. He had the same confidence Reigns has now. That cost him the WWE Championship. Reigns says he’s not going to lose, because he’s simply better than The Rock. Before Reigns leaves, the Rock says: "The world family has a strong meaning Roman. This is not for your family. This is for you. Don't drag them down to the pit with you or it will come back to hunt you like a bitch"
  • Reigns has to beat Heyman up at some point.
  • Also, every time Lesnar’s on RAW, Reigns will be his bitch. Lesnar will destroy everyone, Sheamus, Barrett most of the time, and JJ security and Reigns, every time he shows up.
  • Heyman says that Reigns became a monster in order to defeat another monster and at Wrestlemania we get a battle between two monsters, two beasts that will tear each other apart for a piece of meat (metaphorically meaning the WWE Championship).

Also, something for later...Sometime during the build-up, Undertaker asks Lesnar to join the resistance. Lesnar says that he’s going to beat Reigns and anyone else who stands in his way, not because to help them, but because he wants to be the Champ. (More on to what I mean later on).

Wrestlemania is here. Reigns beats Lesnar clean. After the match Lesnar F-5s Reigns and leaves the ring as he's raising his hands at the ramp.
Presenting the build-up: Sting vs Randy Orton

2 weeks before Fast Lane, WWE announces that Sting will be the major entrant of the 2016 Hall of Fame class. Sting makes a surprise appearence on RAW, thanking the fans and says that it's maybe time to hang his boots.

At Fast Lane, Randy Orton makes his return. He says that he's back and he's going for the big leagues. He says that he has a problem with a certain someone who thinks that he's a god walking amongst humans, when he's just an ant walking amongst titans. He says that he's here to show to the world and to him, that what playing in the big leagues really feels like.
Everyone would think that he's talking about Bray Wyatt, who at the time will be carrying the most important angle in the WWE (more on to that), but in reality he's talking about Sting

Next week on RAW Randy conforts Sting face-to-face. He asks Sting if he's ready for a wild ride and then he RKOs Sting. Everybody is shocked by that sudden heel turn.

The follwing week Orton says that Triple H has gone soft and he simply made Sting a HOFamer for publicity. He says Sting does not the deserve to be in the WWE Hall of Fame, since he's one of the biggest sell-outs to ever step foot on this company. He states that Sting simply came out of his cave becasue he wanted one final spotlight. "What makes Sting a HOFamer? He's better suited for a WCW museum. He lost the war back then, he lost to Triple H, he lost to Seth Rollins. Me, on the other hand, I'm a 12-time World Champion and the youngest champion in history! My accomplishments far-outweights his, so why am I not in the Hall of Fame? He's a relic, and a relic's place is the shelf."

The following weeks Orton may even challenge Sting to put his career on the line, Sting would accept, making this a Career-threatening match!!

Sting will prove his doubters wrong.

"The last couple of years I had to step over for the new generation to take the lead. But I refuse to step over for ressurected old-timers. I was the WWE Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion! I was the king of the mountain.. I want my throne back!"

At Wrestlemania, Sting wins, enters the Hall of Fame and keeps his career, while Orton is left in shame.
I have nothing to say for the Divas and the Tag Team Championship match.. For the Divas is Wrestling 101, Paige goes at Wrestlemania as the hated heel, Charlotte as the tweener-balancer and Sasha Banks as the big babyface that's gonna get its Wrestlemania moment.
No need to make it personal. I'd give that match a similar build like the Benoit vs HBK vs HHH match had from Wrestlemania 20.

As far as the Tag titles, the Usos are going to win the championship maybe at TLC, then they'll feud with The New Day, while The Dudley Boyz will be feuding with The Ascension.
New Day wins because they deserve it.
Presenting the build-up: Civil War

At Survivor Series, The Brothers of Destruction lose to the Wyatts. From there Bray Wyatt only continues to grow in power.

The following events will be presented in chronological order.

Timeline: TLC to Royal Rumble
"Chaos will fall upon those who aren't righteous" -Bray Wyatt on RAW.

After Cena's return (between TLC and Royal Rumble), we get on RAW John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio for the WWE United States Championship. Of course Cena after his return will go after the championship he lost, demanding a rematch against Del Rio.

After joining the Authority, Sheamus & Barrett declare themselves the new duo of destruction.

During the Cena vs Del Rio match, the Wyatt family storms the ring and take out both men.
They also attack various members of the Authority, including Sheamus & Barrett.

On the next RAW, Triple H makes Bray Wyatt vs John Cena in a lumberjack match. Of course the lumberjacks are a trap for Bray Wyatt. Cena never knew that. He is not the type of guy who would lead his opponent in a trap. The lumberjacks storm the ring attacking Bray Wyatt. The Wyatt family is out battling the lumberjacks. Cena yells at Triple H who is ringside: "Stop! Stop! Tell them to stop! This was not what we agreed on."
Of course the lumberjacks with the Authority far outnumber the Wyatts. LIGHTS GO OUT! Undertaker and Kane appear out of nowhere and help the Wyatts clear the ring! Triple H stares at the Deadman while he's shaking from fear. RAW ends with The Authority on top of the ramp, Undertaker, Kane & The Wyatt Family in the ring and Cena at the beginning of the ramp standing in the middle of Undertaker and Triple H.

Royal Rumble
On the card we also have Undertaker & Kane vs Sheamus & Barrett. The Bros of Des pick up the victory. Then we get two different backstage segments. In the first, Kane tells Cena "pick a side, let Bray win the Rumble and watch Triple H burn". On the second Triple H says Cena "Bray must not win the Rumble. He's a sadist. Do you trust him? Do you want chaos rulling this ring? No morals, nothing".

During the Rumble match Cena makes his choice: he eliminates Bray Wyatt. He reaches till the final two, where he's eliminated by Brock Lesnar.

Timeline: Royal Rumble to Fast Lane
"Last night I made a choice. Not one I wanted, but one I had to make. Undertaker, I don't know your motives or your goals, but what you're doing and the way you are doing it, are wrong. I go by morals: Hustle, Loyalty, Respect. You can't just throw the company into a chaos and then pick up the pieces. We fight for a different code. I will fight for what I believe in." -John Cena on the RAW after Royal Rumble.

The two sides of the war are:
WWE's Justice
Triple H
John Cena
King Barrett
JJ Security
Big Show
Chris Jericho

WWE's hope
The Undertaker
Bray Wyatt
Braun Strowman
Luke Harper
Eric Rowan
Dean Ambrose

*Jericho and Ambrose enter after Fast Lane
Bray Wyatt vs John Cena is made official for Fast Lane along with Braun Strowman vs Big Show.

Undertaker send a message on the titanron on RAW next week. He says that he's been a locker room leader for years. He always fought against what he believes was wrong. Everyone that has tried to end the mad king's reign have failed. But he won't. He will end Triple H's reign of terror.

Fast Lane
Cena goes into Fast Lane with a determined look in his eyes. He and Bray battle it out at Fast Lane with both the Authority and the Wyatts at ringside.

During the match, Undertaker appears and stares Cena. He then chokeslams Cena and delivers a Tombstone Piledriver, which allows Bray to get the win.

At the end of the event, we see Cena sitting backstage, drowned in his thoughts. Triple H enters the room and says: "You know what you have to do".
Presenting the build-up: Undertaker vs John Cena

RAW after Fast Lane. John Cena comes out.
"Wrestlemania. 105,000 people. You and me Deadman, one-on-one. What do you say?" -Cena.
Undertaker accepts Cena challenge, while the two stare at the Wrestlemania logo.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin appears on RAW for the first time in 5 years and announces that he's the special guest host for Wrestlemania 32 in his homestate, Texas.

Things that go down during the build-up:
  • John Cena mentions that The Undertaker was one of the first to welcome Cena in the WWE back in 2002. Cena also happened to face the Undertaker, while as a rookie he wanted to make a name for himself. All of that of course took place 13 years ago.
  • Both men are presented as locker room leaders backstage for the WWE at different periods of time.
  • Cena believes that Undertaker has sided with a very dangerous man. He believes that the only thing Bray wants is to have the power Triple H has now, a power which could be devastating in Bray Wyatt's hands. He also thinks that the ways The Undertaker act are brutal and violent.
  • Undertaker believes that Cena made the wrong choice as he sided with an egotistical sob that will do everything for the sake of money and power.
  • Undertaker reveals that the reason he sided with Bray Wyatt was becasue he saw hunger in Bray's eyes after Bray defeated him and Kane at Survivor Series. So he decided that in order to clean the WWE from the illness knows as "The Authority", unnecessary means had to be taken.
  • It also has to be stated that this is a fight of two men with different morals, opinions and lifestyles.
  • Austin wants to be the special guest referee for "the most important match in WWE history". Both competitors agree.
  • It has to be stated that Cena has faced 12 of the Undertaker's Wrestlemania opponents in the past and has beaten them all, which quite frankly makes Cena the biggest challenge Undertaker's ever faced at Wrestlemania.
  • Michael Cole would state that a second loss at 'Mania, might result in a retirement for the Deadman. (Just to fire up speculation)
  • Cena evens the score with Taker by giving him an AA at the final RAW before Wrestlemania.
  • Undertaker delivers that line: "I want you to remember Cena, in all the years to come, that the one man you could never defeat, was me!"

At Wrestlemania Undertaker receives like 3-4 AA's, however Taker manages to pull off the victory after a Last Ride and a Tombstone Piledriver. Post match Sting appears to give everyone that awesome ending.
I'm loving these storylines. However, with Taker and Cena I think it should be a little more personal between the two of them instead of based off of Wyatt/Triple H's feud. As for Orton vs. Sting. I would up the enty and make it loser must retire or just winner get's the HOF spot. But I'll give you credit these are some creative storylines and I would love to see them all happen. Do you mind if I made a similar thread with my matches and built??
I'm loving these storylines. However, with Taker and Cena I think it should be a little more personal between the two of them instead of based off of Wyatt/Triple H's feud. As for Orton vs. Sting. I would up the enty and make it loser must retire or just winner get's the HOF spot. But I'll give you credit these are some creative storylines and I would love to see them all happen. Do you mind if I made a similar thread with my matches and built??

I will explain the reasons & story behind every match at a later post, including Cena vs Taker. Yeah, I too believe that it could be more personal, however I wanted both men as faces which means that I didn't want them crossing the lines.

As for Sting vs Orton, I think a loser retires is a good scenario, but given the fact that I want Sting to win at Wrestlemania before facing The Undertaker, I can't have him Orton retire. A winner gets the HOF sound way too predictable as there's no way Orton was going to get the Hall of Fame, but it makes sense as a storyline.

Yeah go ahead, there's no problem by me if you start a different thread building up your own storylines for Mania. Creativity should always be welcomed. :D

EDIT: I forgot to thank you for your comments. So thanks a lot.
Presenting the build-up: Triple H vs Bray Wyatt
Also the 3-on-3 Pre-Show Tag Team match.

RAW after Fast Lane. Triple H makes his way down to the ring along with The Authority, as "All hail the King" plays. Triple H says that he won't tolerate with anarchy and chaos in the company that HE runs. He's gonna put an end to this fiasco himself and announces that he and Bray Wyatt will settle the score once and for all at Wrestlemania. Bray comes out along with the Wyatt Family.
"The Mad King's reign shall set, in order for the One who'll show the light, to rise. That's the prophecy that the high heaven entrusted me with. So here it is, the end for the King's reign has come. I am the rising sun of hope!" he says. Bray asks Triple H if he's ready to lose everything he has and Triple H says it's a risk he's willing to take, for the sake of this company.
Matches between Justice and Hope members take place.

On RAW next week, Bray shows clips of Triple H's rise to power. We see him running over Austin in 1999, marrying Stephanie later that year, walking out of Wrestlemania 2000 as the man, betraying his best friend Shawn in 2002. We see Evolution, him betraying Orton and Batista, then Flair later that year, then breaking Big Show's arm in 2006 which of course all of these result in various Championship victories. We also see him turing on Bryan. Bray says that Triple H is hungry for power and his career is based on lies and betrayal. He's here to end his mad reign and free the WWE from his terror.
Then on the rest of the night and on Smackdown that week, we see the Wyatts repeating the same attacks Triple H did all those years ago, with the targets now being members of The Authority. The only difference is that they don't make them fatal as HHH did and only do it to strike fear in their enemies.
Also on that night's Smackdown (which btw is Stephanie's last appearence if you remember from the TLC build-up, we see her in a dark room with her mouth shut and all we hear is Bray's sinister laugh, to end the show.

It's Monday Night RAW, Triple H is in the ring, angry, furious, worried for what happened in his wife. He cuts a cry-baby promo, he promises to bring back Steph. Vince comes out, big pop for the chairman's return. He accuses Triple H for the condition the company's in. He accuses him for Steph being kidnapped. He accuses him for everyting.
"You had a cancer developing right in front your eyes, but you were too busy counting your paychecks and picking your Champions!" -Vince McMahon
Bray appears on the titantron revealing that Steph is fine. "Do you feal the fear now?" he asks to Triple H. "Actions have consequences". Triple H says that he agrees, the same thing goes for Bray. Bray says that Triple H better not harm any member of his the Wyatt Family, tonight or else Stephanie will suffer.
However, despite Bray's threats and Vince's worries, puts the Wyatt Family members through hell by booking gauntlet matches and handicap matches and allowing beatdowns to happen.
At the end of the show, we see Vince along with Harper in his office. Vince says: "Tell him I'll do it. Triple H has to stop. For the sake of my daughter."

Next week a shocking revelation take place. Vince McMahon has stepped down from the chairman position. Bray Wyatt is the new chairman! Mainwhile Stephanie McMahon is seen back with her father.
"You are just an old, out of touch fool! He played you! He was never going to hurt Steph because then his followers would see him as a "bad" guy! He tricked you you bastard and now he's running this place and I am the only one who can turn things around! You just buried your own company!" -Triple H
"I won't bargain with MY daughter's life!"
For the next couple weeks the show is run by the Wyatts. The wrestlers get to decide in what match to participate, while the members of Justice are hunted down. We get shots from WWE HQ being trashed, while everywhere else there's chaos. In this free world, only the strong survive. Sheamus is stripped from the MITB briefcase, which goes to Bray Wyatt. The Wyatts have become the order. Big win for Hope forces, however the final nain to the coffin of the WWE isn't yet placed as Bray and Taker must both beat their oponnents at 'Mania, in order for the company to trully be free.
Bray reveals that he won't fire Triple H, but instead he's gonna throw him to the pit. The Authority have now lost everything.
Of course, both the Justice members and the Hope followers get small victories from their operations. That's war. The sides trade victories until the decisive battle.

On the RAW before Wrestlemania, Stone Cold Steve Autin announces that both sides are going to confront each other. Of course the segment ends in a big brawls with all members (excluding Cena vs Taker).

Wrestlemania time! It's Bray vs Triple H. Bray is down. Rollins' music hits! Biggest pop in history. 105,000 people cheering Rollins' return to help Bray win the match! Triple H is distracted. Bray hits Sister Abigail and goes for the pin. 1,2, ROLLINS PULLS THE REF OUT OF THE RING! Then enters the ring and helps Triple H win! Winner: Triple H!

Austin's role: Austin is just a guest host. The feud does not affect him and he does not pick a side.
Roman and Lesnar's roles: Roman Reigns is the corporate champ but he's not targeted. Why? Becasue Roman is just a brach. The core is Triple H. If he goes down, everyone goes down. Reigns isn't involved because battling with Lesnar is already too much. Being in the frontline of a war, too? No thanks, says Roman.
I will explain the reasons & story behind every match at a later post, including Cena vs Taker. Yeah, I too believe that it could be more personal, however I wanted both men as faces which means that I didn't want them crossing the lines.

As for Sting vs Orton, I think a loser retires is a good scenario, but given the fact that I want Sting to win at Wrestlemania before facing The Undertaker, I can't have him Orton retire. A winner gets the HOF sound way too predictable as there's no way Orton was going to get the Hall of Fame, but it makes sense as a storyline.

Yeah go ahead, there's no problem by me if you start a different thread building up your own storylines for Mania. Creativity should always be welcomed. :D

EDIT: I forgot to thank you for your comments. So thanks a lot.

NP and Thank you for your creativity
Thoughts and explanations for each feud

Daniel Bryan vs Alberto Del Rio for the WWE United States Championship
The reason behind this feud is the astonishing match these two technical wrestlers can have, a match that could even steal the show. The story is based on the HBK vs Eddie Guerrero match that never happened at Wrestlemania 22. I read that during this feud, the dark past of both wrestlers were to be addressed, their "demons". Eddie would then call out HBK and the fans and ask why a man like Shawn Michaels is cheered when he is not. Of course Daniel Bryan vs Del Rio is not that pesonal, but will still address both of them as "heros", Del Rio the fake one and Daniel the real one. It could also tell a good return story for Bryan.

8-Man TLC match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
Simple reason: all of these guys had to be in the main card of Wrestlemania. Why the TLC? Because we never had such a multi-man TLC match and becasue the usual multi-man Ladder match has been overdone and it reminds me of the Money In The Bank PPV. My three top candidates to grab the victory here are Cesaro, Owens and Zayn. However I believe that Owens will be the bigger star of the three in the future, so I give him that victory to prove his dominance.

Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho
Night of Champion gave me the idea and the truth is I wanted to see that match ever since Shield's debut. Of course Jericho has to be the heel and think it could even be quite refreshing, since the last time Y2J played a heel was back in 2012. We all know that Jericho reaches a different level when he's a heel, a level that can elevate Dean Ambrose to new heights.

Triple H vs Bray Wyatt
Actually this match occurred bacause originally I had nothing to do with them. However this interesting idea occured to me, by having these two great heels collide in a war type scenario, a scenario where for once the fans will have to choose who to cheer for. Bray is revolutionary while Triple H is the authority. Life has taught me that in a war, no side is 100% right. Everyone has their own goals. It also establish Bray as a force that should be feared. He actually manipulates Undertaker to join him, while Triple H manipulates Cena. The reason Undertaker sides with Bray is becasue he respects him after Survivor Series. Bray then take advantage of Taker's vision of a "clean" WWE in order to establish his own order and achieve his own goals.

Bray's prophecy: The Mad King's reign shall set, in order for the One who'll show the light, to rise. What does it mean?
Bray thinks that he's the ONE and that Triple H is the mad king. The fasn believe that, too. However, Bray's not the one, he's the MAD KING. Think about it. He became chairman, he had complete control, he did way outrageous things during his reign (even took the MITB briefcase). He was the mad king. Then who's the one? Seth freakin' Rollins. Rollins came at Wrestlemania and ended Bray's reign. He's the one to show us the light becasue he's the one who will also end Triple H's reign in the future. But he will do it right.

Of course all of that won't be revealed yet, not untl Rollins' full return in the ring in June-July, which will lead to a big Summerslam event.

Sting vs Orton, if Sting loses he retires
After the report that Ronda & The Rock wan't be at 'Mania, I wanted a big time match. Batista doesn't work for me. I also wanted Sting to have a victory at 'Mania before facing the Undertaker. So it occurred to me, Sting vs Orton. Orton doesn't lose anyrthing by laying down for Sting. Not as much a young talent would. How do you book this? Turn Orton heel and call Sting out on his loss(es).

Reigns vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Brock has been built up since 'Mania 30 in order to lose to the next bog thing at a some point at Wrestlemania. Reigns is the next big thing. But not as a face. Turn him heel. I think he's gonna kill it. Then the fans will accept him, because they'll see his real work and the things he can do as a heel. Lesnar's a big babyface. So it's a big heel vs babyface match. Also, it makes a good storyline to have the match that never ended at Wrestlemania 31 to continue at the next Wrestlemania, with the roles reversed. Reigns is the heel champ now will Lesnar is the babyface challenger. Lesnar of course loses in order to put over the young talent. I also include The Rock in the build-up. Nothing much. Just an appearence. In my original plans, with Rollins and The Rock, I had Rock vs Reigns in my card, so I just planted the seeds for a future match that I'd like to see.

John Cena vs The Undertaker
This is the biggest match of all time. But how do you book this big face vs face match without the cliche "You're a legend, I want to face you at Wrestlemania"?
I was re-reading The Dark Returns when it occured to me. I think that you now get the point. Cena is Superman, a righteous man with his own ideals. Undertaker is Batman, an old man that wants to finally clean the "world". Triple H is the US goverment while Bray Wyatt is the Russian Federation, or better yet, he the nuke/Joker. Bray Wyatt is the trigger of these events just like the nuke/Joker were the cause the two heros fought each other. Each man stood up for his ideals and beliefs. In reality both men want the same thing. However the excecution differs. Undertaker will use any means necessary, while Cena wants to do it the "righteous" way.
So they collide.
If this was Taker's last match, the Cena should definately without a doubt get the victory, but it's not. Taker wins, in order to (for me at least) re-find the mystic he lost after the Streak broke and to prove that he's still in the big leagues. After the match Sting appears in the most epic Wrestlemania moment to challenge Undertaker.
Sting vs Undertaker sells more at Wrestlemania 33 than what it did at Wrestlemania 32, becasue now both men have had big victories and are not considered just "granpas". And the fact that the men they defeated are Orton and Cena, also makes the match even bigger.
Had a change of heart suddenly. Cesaro gets the vitory at Wrestlemania and becomes the NEW Intercontinental Champion, after beating Owens, Ziggler, Rusev, Miz, Neville, Ryback & Zayn in the 8-Man TLC match.

More to come soon, as I feel like having a creative break-out.
Quick Wrestlemania recap:
#) The Wyatts def. Sheamus, Barrett & Big Show
#) Kalisto won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal
1) Daniel Bryan def. Alberto Del Rio(c) (US title)
2) Ambrose def. Y2J
3) Cesaro def. Owens(c), Zayn, Ziggler, Rusev, Ryback, Miz & Neville (TLC-IC title)
4) Sting def. Orton
5) Sasha def. Charlotte(c) & Paige (Divas title)
6) New Day def. Usos(c), Ascension & Duddleys (Tag Team)
7) Reigns(c) def. Lesnar (WWE title)
8) Undertaker def. Cena

Read the Wrestlemania 32 build-up thread here:

I decided to continue my Wrestlemania 32 story and take a step further beyond, this time making a 5-month build-up until Summerslam.

It's ~RAW after Wrestlemania~, the most crazy time of the year!!

BREAKING NEWS: On the evening before RAW, it was announced by and on Twitter that Daniel Bryan will issue an open challenge tonight on RAW, for the WWE United States Championship, as his retirement match!
Tune in to find out more.

RAW starts!
Pyro! Pyro! Pyro!

Segment #1
The Game plays out loud. Triple H comes out to confort the smarky crowd after Wrestlemania, for the first time ever. Loud boos. He says that last night, the Authority won. The Authority always wins. They shoved the prophecies and the mysteries right up Bray's ass. He puts over his two golden boys, Rollins and Reigns. He then calls out the WWE Champion, Roman Reigns.
Roman comes out holding the WWE Championship. He says that last night The Authority proved their dominance. He puts over Brock Lesnar. He says he and broke tore each other apart, but in the end, there was only one beast standing, and that was he. He says that a new era is about to begin in the WWE. Believe that.
Lesnar and Heyman come out and they confront Reigns. Heyman says "Congrats, my client wants a rematch". Reigns says that he never walks away from a challenge, but Lesnar had his chance and he blew it. It's time to step back in the line. Paul Heyman says: "An opportunity has presented itself here mr. Reigns. The chance to do what no man has ever done before in his life, BEAT THE BEAST TWICE IN ROW."

2-on3 Handicap match plus Daniel Bryan's retirement match.

Match #1 - Cesaro(c) vs Sami Zayn - Intercontinetal Championship
Great athletic match-up to kick-off RAW. Cesaro picks up the hard fought victory. Post match, Owens comes out and attacks Cesaro. He beats him down, until Sami Zayn gets in the ring and makes the save.

Backstage #1
Neville is seen a Sting-face-paint. When asked about this, he says that he grew up watching Sting wrestle, and tonight he wrestles as a tribute to Sting's HOF induction.

Match #2 - Randy Orton vs Neville
Orton is furious about last night and his emotions can be seen, especially after he witnesses Neville's Sting-like face-paint. Due to that distraction, Neville picks up a big victory over the Viper.

Backstage #2
Reigns and Sheamus. They discuss about their match tonight and Reigns asks Sheamus if he's a man of trust. Sheamus says yeah, definately. Reigns asks Sheamus if he's gonna be there with his briefcase, when the time comes, to give the belt back to Roman. Sheamus thinks about it, but says yes.

Match #3 - Rusev vs Dolph Ziggler
Normal wrestling match. Ziggler wins after a Zig Zag. Commentary says that Ziggler is a very dangerous opponent and that this victory puts him on the path of becoming US or IC Champion once more.

Backstage #3
Interview with Kalisto for on winning the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. Del Rio interrupts and says: "Battle royals are not for mosquitos, but for giants, watch how tonight your Mexican Hero will storm out in the ring and defeat Daniel Bryan".
Dean Ambrose walks by: "I never thought I'd team up with that lunatic freak"

Segment #3
Bray Wyatt is out. He says that nothing is over yet.

Match #4 - Roman Reigns, Jericho & Sheamus vs Ambrose & Bray
The Authority booked this handicap match. During the match Ambrose says to Reigns that it should be the two of them against all the others, not against each other. Reigns shoves with a punch. Brock's music hits. The duo picks up the victory due to the distraction. Bray and Ambrose go to celebrate together, but then remember that they're not the two of the bestest friends. Brock storms in the ring, takes out the Authority and Y2J. Reigns finds the opportunity to sneak attack. Lesnar destroys him. Heyman picks up the mic: "WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER SAMOAN?".

Match #5 - Divas match

Segment #4
Cena is out and puts over The Undertaker. He says that last night those two made history together at Wrestlemania in front off 105,00 fans. Cena thanks the fans and says that he will leave for a shot period of time, in order to fix his shoulder.

Match #6 - Duddleys & The Usos vs New Day & The Ascension
The faces win.

Segment #5
Daniel Bryan is out to make his retirement speech. He says that tonight he's giving the opportunity to someone to make a name for himself, or he's going to retire as the US Champion.

Match #7 - Daniel Bryan(c) vs ??? - United States Championship


AJ Styles make his debut in the WWE. Daniel Bryan vs AJ Styles in Bryan's last match for the United States Championship kicks off! After a back and forth, half an hour match, AJ Styles picks up the big victory, to become the NEW United States Champion!
Styles the celebrates and shakes Bryan's hand and hugs him.

RAW ends with Bryan in the ring, while the whole rocker room is out to applaud him.

Thank You Bryan!​

Build-up to Extreme Rules will begin shortly. This will be only RAW that gets a full story, because it's a special RAW and it's fun booking it. The rest will be PPV-to-PPV build-ups like the Wrestlemania one. No Tag Team storylines or Divas storylines will be used, only on special occasions.
~Extreme Rules 2016~



Singles match
Dolph Ziggler vs Ryback

*Main Card*

Steel Cage match for the Intercontinental Championship
Cesaro(c) (w/ Sami Zayn) vs Kevin Owens

Fatal-4-Way Tornado Tag Team Tables Elimination match for the Tag Team Championship
New Day(c) vs The Duddley Boys vs The Usos vs The Lucha Dragons

Irish Pub Brawl
Sheamus (w/ Big Show, King Barrett & Rusev) vs Bray Wyatt (w/ Eric Rowan, Luke Harper & Braun Strowman)

Submission match for the United States Championship
AJ Styles(c) vs Alberto Del Rio

Falls Count Anywhere match for the Divas Championship
Divas match

"I Quit" Loser Leaves Town match
Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho

Last Man Standing match for the WWE Championship
Roman Reigns(c) vs Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman)

Roman Reigns(c) vs Brock Lesnar

Roman Reigns comes out the following week after the attack and says that the Beast Incarnate should man up and swallow his loss at Wrestlemania. However, since he's not man enough to do so, he will accept his challenge at make him swallow it by force. Later on that night, Roman is confronted by Paul Heyman, who informs Reigns that two things have never been done to Brock Lesnar in any sport or any competition he entered. a) Noone has ever defeated Brock Lesnar twice in a row and b) Noone has ever knocked out the Beast for 10 seconds. He says that come Extreme Rules, Roman will have to do them both if he wants to walk out of that event as the WWE Champion, because he will face Brock Lesnar in a Last Man Standing match.

Next week Roman informs the Authority that he wants none of them to interfere in that match. He says that he has to win this fight alone in order to prove that he's a real champion. Anything else will just makes Lesnar keep coming back for more. Triple H admires Reigns' passion and respect his decision. He then takes a cheap shot at Rollins, who kept winning due to interferences.

On RAW before Extreme Rules, a big brawl erupts between the two competitors. Both men stand tall as they are seperated by various crew members.
That same night Paul Heyman hypes the match, saying that these two competitors are warriors with insane durability and will take a career-end result for one of the two to win.

AJ Styles(c) vs Alberto Del Rio

AJ Styles debuted and defeated Daniel Bryan to become the NEW United States Champion. Talk about making a statement. Styles 1-0.

Next week he comes out to treat his fans. He says that he came to the WWE to be the best, because he has already been the best everywhere else in the world. He is quickly interrupted by Alberto Del Rio the former US Champion. Del Rio of course says that he's entitled to a rematch. He says that the "best" can apply themselves to any given situation and then challenges Styles to a submission match at Extreme Rules. Styles says when he's the best, he means it. In-ring, out-ring, mat wrestling, high flying, locks, submission, pinfalls, armbars, ladders, chairs. He's the best and he will prove it. He accepts Del Rio's challenge. The two shake hands. Del Rio goes for a low blow, but Styles counters and throws Del Rio out of the ring.

Next week it's AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho, non-title match. After an amazing match, Styles wins. 2-0.
Post-match Y2J puts Styles in the Walls of Jericho. Del Rio comes out and yells at Styles that he's going to make him tap and suffer, like he's suffering now. Ambrose comes and makes the save. It's Styles & Ambrose vs Y2J & Del Rio on Smackdown. The faces win via DQ, after both Y2J and Del Rio refuse to release their submission holds. Styles 3-0.

RAW before Extreme Rules. Styles interrupts the Highlight Reel with special guest Alberto Del Rio beats the hell out of Del Rio. Del Rio says that Styles can hit all he wants. It won't make a difference since it's a Submission match and Styles still hasn't shown any signs of doing submission moves. Styles then puts Del Rio in the Styles lock (Muta lock).
After all hell has broken loose and while Y2J is still in the ring, we cut to the locker room, where Ambrose breaks up plenty of Y2J's stuff and then procceeds to burn his flashy jacket with the lights.

On Smackdown, we get Styles vs Jericho 2.0. First Del Rio tries to make a distraction but fails and later Ambrose is out and takes out Del Rio, which distracts Y2J in order for Styles to pick up the win via a small package. Styles 4-0.

It's Extreme Rules time.

Dean Ambrose vs Chris Jericho

The build-up to this match, just like the match at Wrestlemania, is based on the mic wars between those two amazing talkers.

The main points heading into that match should be:
  1. WWE not being big enough for both of them.
  2. Jericho is a sell-out and should go back touring with Fozzy.
  3. Ambrose puts his career also on the line, because he says that if he can't beat Jericho again, he will never be able to be a World Champion and he settles for no in-betweens. It's everything or nothing.
  4. Ambrose promises that he will be a World Champ again.
  5. Jericho says that he will kick Ambrose out of the company, because that's where trash deserve to be.
  6. Jericho makes this personal and says Ambrose went crazy because he suffered severe brain damage when he was little because his dad used to beat him up a lot.
  7. Ambrose promises to revive Hardcore wrestling at Extreme Rules and draw an exit line for Y2J with Jericho's blood.

Bray Wyatt vs Sheamus

Bray continues his rampage over the Authority. When HHH refuses him a rematch, Bray takes the fight to the minions, Sheamus, Barrett and Big Show. During that time, Sheamus finds help in his close friend Rusev. Big brawls and plenty of matches come out of this 4-on-4 feud.

Sheamus, being an Irish-born fighter and Bray, being a sadistic animal, decide to to square off in an "Irish Pub Brawl", a brawl in a bar, at Extreme Rules. They will also be accomanied by their respective allies.

Bray says that Wrestlemania was just the beginning. It was an important sacrifice in order to open the gates of Hell. Soon, the eternal night will fall and it will reach the Heavens.
Kevin Owens vs Cesaro(c)

On RAW after Wrestlemania, we see Owens attacking both men after their match.

On Smackdown, Stephanie informs Owens that he needs to find a tag team partner to compete tonight against Zayn & Cesaro. Owens says he does not need one. So it's Owens vs Zayn & Cesaro, 2-on-1 handicap match. The duo wins the match after Zayn pins Owens. After the match Owens asks Steph to book their rematch in a steel cage match, as he doesn't trust Zayn's motives.

On RAW it's announced that Owens will face Cesaro in a rematch for the Intercontinental Championship, inside a steel cage at Extreme Rules.

On Smackdown, there's a small fallout between Zayn and Cesaro, as Zayn also wants the IC Championship. The real question now is: Who does Zayn sides with come Extreme Rules?

On RAW we get Owens vs Ryback and Cesaro vs Rusev, as Zayn sitting on commentary scouts both talents. He comes face-to-face with Cesaro pointing at his belt, while Owens attacks them again from behind.

On RAW before Extreme Rules, it's Owens vs Cesaro, non-title match, with Zayn as the special guest referee. Zayn quick counts Owens, as Cesaro picks up the victory. It's very clear now, that come Sunday, Zayn has picked his side.

Summerslam Buildup this year....

Mania Title Matches
Reigns defeats HHH
Styles defeats Kalisto for the U.S. Title
Ambrose retains vs. Jericho
New Day retains

Reigns heel turn as Champion. (Becomes the corporate champion)

Summerslam Card
Reigns (C) vs. John Cena
Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle
Styles (US Champ) vs. Kevin Owens
Samoa Joe & Rusev (Tag Champs) vs. Ambrose/Rollins - (Rollins returns as a face)
Sasha Banks vs. Bailey (Diva's Title)
Bray Wyatt (I-C Champ) vs. Finn Balor

Love the idea of Joe forming a team with Rusev. They could become the most dominant tag team the WWE has seen in awhile. Rollins returning as a face after the Reigns swerve would be perfect and he and Rollins could do a DX type angle punking Reigns all the time. HHH creates the Roman Empire with 3 or 4 guys under Reigns (Rusev, Joe, & Sheamus). Wyatt needs a title, Reigns could cost Ambrose his match vs. Wyatt at a PPV prior to Summerslam.

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