Kozlov's streak ends?


I'm better than you!
Move this if it belongs in Smackdown, cheers.

So next week Kozlov battles HBK for the right to challenge the Undertaker at Mania. I'm hoping and pretty sure that HBK wins, i think most of us want this but WWE's recent "surprises" have been really random and for some reason am worried they may actually have Kozlov win, i guess they could do this and somehow get HBK in the match instead.

What I'm getting at is:

Do you think Kozlov will lose his streak next week and we'll have HBK v Undertaker at Mania.

Do you think Kozlov will win and we'll have Kozlov v Undertaker at Mania.

Do you think Kozlov will win and WWE later finds a way to put HBK in his place so that we'll have a HBK v Undertaker match at Mania and Kozlov still get's to keep his undefeated streak.

HBK will obviously face Taker at Mania. I don't know if they'll have him go over next week though, I could easily see another typical lame WWE DQ thrown in there to keep it going another week since they lack shit creatively. It's got to come to an end sooner or later, so they should just do it and start pushing the HBK/Taker angle now. HBK needs a rebound anyway after that yawn of a JBL storyline.
I dunno, I quite enjoyed the JBL/HBK feud.

I had a thought that 'Taker might somehow "choose" HBK. Say at some point in the match the lights go out, the lightning strikes, etc. And Taker makes it clear that Kozlov is not worthy. This distraction leads to Sweet Chin Music, Kozlov's first defeat, Kozlov vs Taker next week on SD!, and, FINALLY, HBK vs Taker @ WMXXV. Can't wait.
I dunno, I quite enjoyed the JBL/HBK feud.

I had a thought that 'Taker might somehow "choose" HBK. Say at some point in the match the lights go out, the lightning strikes, etc. And Taker makes it clear that Kozlov is not worthy. This distraction leads to Sweet Chin Music, Kozlov's first defeat, Kozlov vs Taker next week on SD!, and, FINALLY, HBK vs Taker @ WMXXV. Can't wait.

Awesome idea. I'd really like that and it would set up a good build to Mania for HBK and Taker.

And it would be a reasonable end to the 'who faces Taker' angle and would be a good way for Kozlov to lose, and would be great to see Kozlov take on Taker the next week, great idea.
I do not know. This could be a teaser. Make us crave it and have it be both of their retirement matches at WM26. Kozlov vs. taker at WM25 wouldn't be terrible but not the match we all want.
Awesome idea. I'd really like that and it would set up a good build to Mania for HBK and Taker.

And it would be a reasonable end to the 'who faces Taker' angle and would be a good way for Kozlov to lose, and would be great to see Kozlov take on Taker the next week, great idea.

Yeah hopefully it would. I think HBK is the right guy to end Kozlov's streak too.
not that id want to but i could see a series hbk kozlov matchs ending in countouts and dqs then i triple threat match at mania where hbk wins taker never gets pinned and kozlov keeps his singles streak sounds shitty but how else will kozlov be effective at mania
I think this is a win-win either way.

Kozlov Wins: Kozlov faces Undertaker in a Streak v. Streak match which honestly they could put Kozlov over to give him a massive push. HBK then faces Jericho. Yes we have seen this a bunch, but he can stand up for the legends.

HBK Wins: HBK beats the undefeated Kozlov to get the chance to end The Undertaker's winning streak. They'll then push that over and over the rest of the Road to Wrestlemania. Kozlov then can do a Raw v. Smackdown match for Brand Supremacy, against who you ask? I don't know. I don't care. I'm gonna go on a beer run during his match at Mania.

Either way, I go to school in Boston so I have a ticket to Raw next week. Awesome.
not that id want to but i could see a series hbk kozlov matchs ending in countouts and dqs then i triple threat match at mania where hbk wins taker never gets pinned and kozlov keeps his singles streak sounds shitty but how else will kozlov be effective at mania

Kozlov will get a throwaway appearance in a Battle Royal. HBK/Taker is what will draw.

For a minute there I wondered how HBK could win, Taker could not get pinned and Kozlov could keep his streak, but I get it now. It is 6.23am in the UK and I ain't slept yet. Ah WZ.
HBK will win next week and Kozlov will end up in the Money in the Bank ladder match at Mania somehow.. End of discussion.

disagree. I mean I'm not saying it's not possible, but I just can't see the VERY limited worker Kozlov in the MITB match. There's no way he could pull anything off in there - surely? Thoughts?
My guess is HBK wins by DQ after JBL attacks him. Because of that, we have Taker/HBK at WMXXV - and in the mean time, we see matches where Taker and HBK team up against JBL and Kozlov. This allows a JBL/Undertaker match to happen too.

Undertaker has already pinned Kozlov, so he's already technically been defeated as he was pinned in the Elimination Chamber after Taker hit the Last Ride on him. Kozlov sucked anyway and now he has no more undefeated streak, so he's become even more useless than what he was before when he was just an overrated mess of a character lol.
Well if he doesn't win next week, which im sure he won't.. What other plans would they have for him at Mania? They had Finley in the MITB, they usually have atleast 1 or 2 big guys in that match, the rest high flyers to make it entertaining.. I just don't see where else they would go with him for Mania other then MITB match. Jeff already gonna fight Matt, HHH vs Orton, HBK vs Taker, Cena vs Edge, Only other match Kozlov could be in is against Kane, Big Show, or Great Kahli, but any of those would just be straight up boring, especially for a Wrestlemania match, there trying to make this the best Mania ever, and i don't see Kozlov in a one on one match with anyone on a card as big as Mania, he just doesn't have too much hype right now, but who knows...
There still billing Kozlov as undefeated "in singles competition".

Hopefully HBK will win coz I cant stand Kozlov and I dont want to see him wasted on the Undertaker at Wrestlemania when theres a perfectly great opponent in HBK..... I've never seen HBK v Taker (other than the end of the Royal Rumble when they were the only ones left) so i'm looking forward to it :)

So I see Kozlov losing on Raw but in a DQ so he is still technically undefeated in singles competition or some rubbish like that. There probably saving him to get pinned for the first time by Cena!
There still billing Kozlov as undefeated "in singles competition".

Hopefully HBK will win coz I cant stand Kozlov and I dont want to see him wasted on the Undertaker at Wrestlemania when theres a perfectly great opponent in HBK..... I've never seen HBK v Taker (other than the end of the Royal Rumble when they were the only ones left) so i'm looking forward to it :)

So I see Kozlov losing on Raw but in a DQ so he is still technically undefeated in singles competition or some rubbish like that. There probably saving him to get pinned for the first time by Cena!

Yeah and I don't get it he clearly lost at NWO didn't he? I mean he got pinned doesn't that count as loosing? I just don't like how they are saying he is undefeated but he clealy is defeated.

Anyways onto topic. You are a really smart man ( what ever your name is because I cant be bother going up and checking what it is, no offence). Koslov wont win here but he wont loose either. I see him loosing by dq when he cant pin HBK so he gets a chair or something. HBK and Taker is just what he have been predicting the past year and if Vince changes it to Koslov vs Taker which makes no sense at all, just because he all guessed it was HBK vs Taker at Mania then I will kill him. Why the hell would Koslov and Taker even go at WrestleMania anyways when they have nothing between them? Where as HBK and Taker have been building the feud up for a couple of years now.

Seriously all of use are witnessing this. If Koslov wins next week and then goes on to beat Taker at WrestleMania I will never watch wrestling ever again. Ok.
I think Shawn Michales should beat Koslov next week because it'll make HBK look strong because he beat the 'undefeated' Koslov going into his match with Undertaker at wrestlemania. The only way Koslov will win next week is if JBL interferes to help Koslov then they'll possibly will do a triple threat to determine who faces Undertaker
There still billing Kozlov as undefeated "in singles competition".

This is what really scares me, the fact that they kept saying that all last night on RAW, how he's undefeated. It scares me in the fact that it seems, to me, like they are setting up a "Streak vs Streak" match for Wrestlemania. Where Koslov's streak goes up against Taker's streak.

I really hope this isn't the case, as it would be a major mistake on the WWE's part, everybody wants to see HBK/Taker and to me that would be a huge step toward me actually purchasing the PPV.

On the other side of the token, something I thought about, if they have HBK pin Kozlov then they can bill it as HBK already ending one streak. They can build up the match by saying that he's already stopped a superstars streak, and now he's on his way to stopping another.

Now that I think about it, that sounds more logical.
Kozlov can easily be left of a WrestleMania card, HBK can't. So he'll be getting pinned next week, or WWE will have a rather pointless triple threat.

Hopefully WWE will stop billing Kozlov as undefeated then. He's lost at every PPV he's been on, he was even pinned on one. His little streak is almost as worthless as he is.
It's pretty pointless keeping the streak up just for the sake of it. Kozlov hasn't really done anything to distinguish himself from any of the other midcarders in the WWE. His streak is already pretty meaningless since he has lost so frequently, and not really impressed at all in the matches he has comepted in. HBK will get a small rub off this, and then someone like MVP will the rub of been the next person to beat him, then he will just be sent to improve his skills. If he does make it onto the mania card they will probably shove Kozlov in MITB or something to do a few spots, then get taken out by one of the high flyers in it.
I really hope Kozlov is NOT involved at WM. There are so many athletes that would make MITB a great match. I don't hate technical mat wrestling, but I'd rather see someone fly off a ladder than be put in a sleeper hold on the grandest stage of them all. I don't think Kozlov would add anything to the MITB, and, to top it off, he'd still probably win it, then take the title off someone much more deserving.

As for his streak, it is useless. He lost in the Triple Threat at Survivor Series, he didn't get through Beat the Clock on Smackdown against Matt Hardy, he was PINNED by Undertaker in Elimination Chamber... just because he hasn't lost a one-on-one singles match, does NOT mean he has a meaningful "Goldberg"-like streak. He just plain doesn't.
Kozlov is going to lose. They wouldn't hype a match as big as HBK v. Undertaker, if they weren't going to make it happen. It'll be the match of the night, and will probably be mentioned in the same breath as other great WrestleMania matches.

Kozlov will definitely be at WrestleMania, but I'm thinking it'll be in the brand supremacy match. It's typically a battle between two monsters, so a match with Kane would be just right for him. If he's not in that match, he'll probably land a spot in the MiTB match, but I don't see him winning over the potential guys that could be in it.
I think Shawn Michales should beat Koslov next week because it'll make HBK look strong because he beat the 'undefeated' Koslov going into his match with Undertaker at wrestlemania. The only way Koslov will win next week is if JBL interferes to help Koslov then they'll possibly will do a triple threat to determine who faces Undertaker

I think this is actually a good point. Not that HBK needs credibility but it gives it an extra boost for him to say he just defeated the "undefeated"(in singles competition) Kozlov. I can't see Taker/Kozlov at Mania. That would be bad. Once HBK gets the slot they'll start rehashing their long history together like the first hell in a cell. The Rumble match where Takers terrible back body drop almost ruined Shawns career and the Rumble match itself last year. Shawn could even go that route how Taker almost ended his career and Shawn is gonna end his streak. I doubt Shawn wins though. It would be a great match to watch hopefully. I'm sure it will be a show stealer even both at their age now.
My guess is they'll figure out a way to draw it out, I don't see Shawn pinning Kozlov but anyone with a right mind would be upset at Kozlov/Taker at Mania. My guess is Monday will see some shady ending that draws it out another week, Maybe HBK loses only to request or somehow earn another chance to fight Kozlov (or someone else) to face Undertaker. i really hope they dont put Kozlov in a big match at WM, for the 25 anniversary it would be truly patheitc!

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