Kozlov/Ezekiel Discussion

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Earlier today, I managed to watch this past week's edition of ECW. I watched Ezekiel Jackson's match against a jobber, who's name, I believe to have been Mike Williams, if I'm not mistaken. Well, anyway, Ezekiel Jackson managed to defeat the young jobber in a matter of seconds. After the match, while Jackson was celebrating his win, the ''Moscow Mauler'' Vladimir Kozlov's music hit and Kozlov stormed down to the ring. Upon entering the ring, the two behemoths, Jackson and Kozlov had quite a long and intense staredown, before Kozlov decided to attacking the jobber and leave the ring without saying a word.

So, I want you know... do you think WWE would be making a good decision if they had a Vladimir Kozlov/Ezekiel Jackson fued? I'm sure the crowd would have loved it, since you could hear a pretty big pop when Vladimir Kozlov's music hit. It seems that Vladimir Kozlov will be competing for the ECW Championship after Night of Champions, so if this fued doesn't happen, that'll likely be the reason, unless WWE allow Jackson in the ECW Championship scene.

So, should WWE have just ran with a short Kozlov/ Jackson fued? Why or why not?
WWE should have. Other than the Christian/Dreamer feud for the ECW title, there isn't a feud going on in the brand. Jackson/Kozlov would have been fun to watch for a few weeks before naming Kozlov number one contender for the title.
Well, TBH, the only thing worse than two pure big men going at it in the ring is two GREEN big men going at it in the ring. It's the reason we always wind up with Kane, Khali, and Big Show in the same feuds.

I'd have been interested in it. Kozlov needs a big dog in his yard to challenge him. For a guy who has lost one major match in memory (to Michaels for the right to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania), Kozlov has little heat. He could use a "guy his own size" to pick on. Would lend him some credibility at least.
You guys are acting as though there isn't going to be a feud. They just had their first "confrontation" last week. They most likely are going to be involved in a feud of some sorts. It might not be with each other however. I could see them joining forces to maybe take out Dreamer and the other faces on ECW. I'd much rather just have them feud with each other though. Zeke isn't necessarily a full blown heel so a feud between the two would work. I'm a big Zeke fan and I think a feud with Kozlov would be good for him.
You guys are acting as though there isn't going to be a feud. They just had their first "confrontation" last week. They most likely are going to be involved in a feud of some sorts. It might not be with each other however. I could see them joining forces to maybe take out Dreamer and the other faces on ECW. I'd much rather just have them feud with each other though. Zeke isn't necessarily a full blown heel so a feud between the two would work. I'm a big Zeke fan and I think a feud with Kozlov would be good for him.


WWE is just teasing a feud or pairing between the two to get excitement up, which judging by this thread failed miserably. But i'm a fan Kozlov and warming up to 'Zeke so I look forward to it.
would love to see a fued between the two big men. but ya it might not happen sinse koslov is gonig to the title scene. ecw does need some feuds. they have good matches each week but theres never any story behind them
We have not had a GOOD big man fued in a while. Im not talking about Kane and Khali, thats just stupid. These up and coming guys could start a real nice fued for ECW, especially since Kozlov is already over big with fans, this could also be a nice push for Jackson. Either way if Kozlov ends up fueding for the title, it looks like Jackson may get some kind of solid push, or at least beat up jobbers for a month or so and get release like everyone else who isnt wrestling every week, sooner or later he will be released if he does not start up something now.
ECW really needs a second title rather be it a television or european or even hardcore title. Raw & Smackdown have multiple championship and it seems logical to throw a hardcore title on ecw with 24/7 rules just to make things interesting. It's ECW and yeah the roster is slighty sub-par but goldust and a lot of guys will not hold the ecw title so yeah I think throw in a hardcore belt and we are good. Then you can have your vlad jackson ecw title match and throw a hardcore belt on christian to keep him away from picture. That way it makes sense that all the other matches are fighting for something rather then just having same main event matches with undercard fighting same battles everyweek. Also with a hardcore title people like Atlas can stay around for a week to win the belt somehow haha. Just seems like it would spice things up.

[I can't make threads but a ECW hardcore title thread would be in order]
I assumed they'd become a tag team, with the basis that they both just try to 1-up each other in terms of how dominant they can be. It seemed to set that up from what I saw. It'd probably be good for the tag division, even though they really don't need more heel teams.
They've had two meetings. Its way too soon to pull the trigger, especially when they're going the route of having the squash matches be EXTREMELY fast....thankfully. This means there's a total of 5 minutes a week dedicated towards building up this feud, and it obviously will work considering how people already want to see it. Will it result in a good match? I highly doubt it, as Kozlov is terrible and Ezekiel isn't really some seasoned veteran, though he definitely is much more entertaining and has more potential in my mind than Vlad.

As for those saying to team them up, I really hope not. We have Jericho and Big Show, Legacy, the Hart Dynasty...why have another heel tag team? The only face tag team is Cryme Tyme, so if anything, we need a new face tag team for the WWE.

I'm hoping what comes out of this is that the two have a decent match where Ezekiel goes over and they just fire Kozlov.
after watching ecw these past few weeks, it popped into my head when koslov came down during ezikel jacksons match and he came down at the end of koslovs match this week that they should form a tag team out of respect.
I have a feeling that if wwe went that route they would be looked at legitimatly but only if booked right.
What I would do is have them pair up and just be total badasses, where they just destroy their opponents in the ring. Make them be undefeated as a tag team and even give them a name. The one i came up with was Heavy Artilery and have them come out to Ezikels theme song. Once they win the tag titles i would have them steam roll though every tag team including dx if they came back and maybe even the brothers of destruction.
This way I feel it would make the tag belts have some value and importance if they held them for almost a year.
I for one would be stoked if it happened, but I would love to know how the rest of you feel about this idea if it was to come full circle.
ya good idea but will never happen. it could be so easy for the wwe to make a good tagteam division but vince is a fucking idiot. tagteam = dead
It would be kind of cool to team them up but Vince doesn't care much about the tag team division anymore. It will never be like it was ten or even twenty years ago and I don't see any reason it will improve. They do need one more face team so it is possible.
the tag team division is almost dead. barley breathing but still dying. y2j and edge were supposed to help it gain some of its glory but edge came down wit an injury and he wus replaced wit a boring oaf that hasnt won a high stake match in years. sure they can bring edge back and make him face an then team him up with christian to make a face team.....hey wait i got the perfect face team lol. they cudd maybe start a christian - jerico fued, and like big show and y2j handicapin christian an then edge makes the save and we have a legit fued over the titles. thts preety good. c kids nonsense rambles can turn into good ideas. as for the kozlov jackson thing nice idea but dont c it happening. cudda fueded wit the dynasty tho.:)
I think they should have built Jackson up more to see what kind of a character he is before creating a jackson/koslov feud. I do understand though that maybe they are doing this feud now because there is nothing else at the moment for koslov to do while keeping him out of the title picture.

Unfortunately, once this match finally happens, it is not anything more than another match between 2 big guys. And there isn't a good way to end the feud cleanly between them without giving a major blow to any momentum to the loser. So I suppose that once we do see a match and if there is a clean win, then we'll know which of the two the creative team has more stock in.
Honestly ask yourself, if they made a tag team, how long would you care?

The feud they have right is good for the both of them, and for some reason the crowd seems to be over as hell just at the thought of it. Personally I like their encounters and I want the show downs to continue. Right now it's one of the only things either of them can do. The makes of a tag team between the two would make no difference in the WWE, regardless of how dead or how alive the tag team division is. Who knows, afterwards Kozlov may finally get the ECW title he's been close to.
When Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov finally go one on one, and have a perhaps best of 3 situation, who will get the rub out of it. Will it be Zeke pushed or the Moscow Mauler who gets the push from it.

In my humble opinion it will be Big Zeke because he is the American, and every time they have their one up's-men ship, the crowd chants "USA." So I think that when they inevitably lock horns Zeke will get the push. Probably a face turn and the ECW Title?

What are you're thoughts?
I have a feeling they're going to be forming a team rather than feuding. They haven't touched eachother yet and seem to have a mutual respect for eachother. Plus, WWE seems to be big on both so I can't see one of them losing the feud.
I say Big Zeke. Vladmir Kozlov is up there in age, and the WWE is looking to make new stars in this period. And as stated above, Ezekial is representing the US in this feud, and usually in those types of battles, we win. So I say Ezekial gets the rub.
I would rather see Big Zeke get the push here. Not just due to the fact that he is an American, but because Koslov got pushed to the WHC Title picture, but couldnt get any reaction from the crowd, and ended up being sent to ECW. Big Zeke is younger, and hasnt had the opportunity to get the big push so I think Ezekiel will be getting the rub.
I see Zeke coming out on top because 1.He is American and 2.He has character...although I see them going against in a "ECW isn't big enough for two big guys" so the loser would be fired.
I just want to see Zeke in an actual fucking match. I have no idea how he is when it comes to in ring performance. We get it, he is a bad ass, now let him wrestle somebody who has a shot to be on the damn show next week. Zeke has to get the rub if this indeed turns into a feud and not an alliance of some sort. Kozlov has had his chance and failed miserably. Let Zeke get a shot.
I can only see Zeke winning becaus at this point, he is an unproven guy. Kozlov has dismantled Triple H, Jeff Hardy and basically everybody else on Smack Down. Beating Ezekial wouldn't help him at all, but Zeke would get a rub from beating a man who was pushed as unbeatable for quite some time.
This is getting ridiculous now, how long is this 'fued' going to go on? It's been what 5 weeks of them coming out, facing jobbers and then the other guy coming out and doing his finishing move on him after the bell. Can we at least have something different happen? It was interesting but they need to move it forward and do something. Perhaps have them create a tag team or at least have them wrestle each other because it's growing old.
Your complaining because of the slow build to this feud? Damn don't you realise they are teasing us, So we will want the match?

It's been a good steady "fued" of one upsmanship. Eventually they will have a psyical altercation, But for the time being this is good. I'd like to see them go into a triple threat match, And not touch each other during the bout, Then go into a tag team together, Not a long term tag, Just one week to build some tension between the beasts.

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